Orange Blossom Brides (22 page)

Read Orange Blossom Brides Online

Authors: Tara Randel

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Orange Blossom Brides
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For as long as Lilli could remember she’d been envious of Marisa and the way she floated through life. The current events made her realize that was only an illusion. No one’s life was perfect.

“So much for family support,” Lilli muttered as she watched the group leave the room. She turned to Max. “How did you know?”

“I found Tom. It didn’t take much to get him to tell the truth and rat out his partner. We caught Chandler about to skip town. He also admitted trying to break into the historical society office. Convinced himself he might be able to steal one of the gowns and make some money. You?”

She handed the bag to Max. “Marisa acted strangely when she came in to get ready for the fashion show. Something was off, so I questioned her. Then you walked in.”

An awkward silence fell between them as pandemonium reigned in the room and most likely out in the club. But it seemed as if she and Max stood there alone. She couldn’t read him, didn’t know what to think.

“I should probably do damage control,” she said.

“Lilli, wait—”

Before he could say more, Celeste burst into the room. “Lilli. Have you heard?”

Lilli stared straight at Max as she spoke. “Yes. I have. The authorities have the thieves. Max gets to leave on his business trip with his reputation intact.”

Oblivious to the tension surrounding Lilli and Max, Celeste hurried over, a huge smile on her face. “I couldn’t have paid for better publicity.”

She took Lilli’s arm and dragged her away, leaving Max to tie up loose ends before he would catch a plane out of town and out of her life.


as they waited on the guests. Any minute now the committee members would take their positions and the fashion show would begin. The wedding gowns were ready, so the volunteer brides could change right before the show. They would wear their own dresses during the hors d’oeuvres hour, model the wedding gowns then change back before dinner. Clipboard in hand, Lilli met with each committee woman as she arrived, making sure they had everything they needed.

“So far, so good,” Jewel told her as she sidled up beside Lilli. “The drama about the jewelry has added some extra excitement tonight. You couldn’t have planned it better.”

“Gee, you think?”

Jewel laughed. “Yeah, getting blamed for something you didn’t do stinks, but it all turned out okay in the end.”

Maybe, but Lilli didn’t feel that way.

“I saw your mother. I’m glad she made it in time.”

“Me, too. She’s beside herself. Everything that’s happened today is better than she could have planned.”

“Where’s Max? I haven’t seen him since they took Marisa away.”

Lilli shrugged. “He’s needed at the police station.”

“He’s not going to be a groom?”

“Not now.” She didn’t want to talk about Max. Lilli wanted tonight to be over so she could go back to life without a troublesome man making her pulse pound and her heart less lonely.

“Who’s going to take his place?”


“Our boss?”

“Yes. I’ve had him on standby.”

Jewel blinked. “Wow. You do have everything under control.” Jewel’s face colored. “Oh, there’s Bart. He’s the one who found out about Chandler. Basically solved the case. Isn’t he wonderful?”

Jewel hugged Lilli before heading off to join Bart. At least they had their happy ending. And again she asked herself how she could let Max get so close to her heart when in the end he’d leave her.

Feeling more than a little melancholy, Lilli circled the event room, waving at the mayor and his wife who were chatting with other guests. After hearing so many oohs and aahs over the display designer gowns, Lilli knew they were a hit. With Tie the Knot officially under way, people mingled and found their tables. The soft strains of the harp mixed with excited voices. Bursts of laughter spoke volumes. It looked like tonight would be a success.

Pasting on her happy smile, Lilli passed from table to table, greeting guests. Her smile drooped when she stopped at Laverne Sanders’s table.

“My dear, how are you doing?” Laverne asked as she took Lilli’s hand in hers.

“I’ll be better when this night is over.” She glanced at the ladies at the table, recognizing a few, including Dorinda Hobart.

“We’re so glad you reserved a table. The girls and I are having a grand time. Why, Carolyn drove herself here tonight, thanks to Max.”

“We all owe him,” Carolyn, a blue-haired grandmother remarked.

Lilli frowned and glanced at Laverne.

“Max has helped each one of my friends,” Laverne explained. “After Carolyn’s husband passed, she was afraid to drive. Max gave her refresher lessons to stop her fear of getting behind the wheel. And there’s Terri.” Laverne nodded to a frail woman with lovely snow white hair pulled away from her face. “She broke her hip and couldn’t leave the house for many weeks. Max went over to play cards.”

“And don’t forget my gazebo,” added another woman with thick glasses.

“Margaret’s gazebo needed new steps so Max built them for her.”

“And you know he’s the handyman at my coffee shop,” Dorinda added.

Lilli looked at all the women spouting the virtues of Max when suddenly it dawned on her. These were the names on Max’s calendar. He hadn’t been out dating a bunch of women. He’d been helping his grandmother’s friends.

“My grandson is a good man. But then, I think you already know that.”

She did know. Always had. Max was a good man. That’s why she loved him.


Her mother stood at the main door, waving at her.

“Excuse me, ladies.”

She hurried across the room. Once she reached the door, Celeste grabbed hold of her arm.

“Time to change into my gown. With this bandage on my wrist, I need help.”

“Okay. I only have a few minutes. The models are lining up to start the fashion show.”

Celeste led Lilli into the changing room, chatting nonstop. “Your father came through for me.”

Lilli thought of Max leaving and her throat tightened.
Don’t think about him now.

“He joined me at the spa.” She took Lilli’s hand in hers. “We had many hours to talk and came to a major decision.

“When I came up with the wedding fashion show idea, I realized I had never gotten over your father. We made a mess of so many things, but I took a chance and called him. We agreed to meet at the spa to reconnect.” Celeste squeezed Lilli’s hand. “We haven’t exactly been the best example of a loving relationship, but we’re going to try again. I hope you aren’t too disappointed in us.”

“Disappointed in you? I thought you both were disappointed in me.”

Celeste gasped. “How could you ever say that?”

Lilli opened her mouth to answer, but too many memories filled her mind. She didn’t know where to start.

“We love you, Lilli.” Celeste’s eyes glimmered. “As I said, we haven’t been the best role models, but we plan to change that. This time, we’re going to make marriage work.”

Here they were taking a second chance to build a relationship and Lilli hadn’t gotten a first chance with Max. Still, she was happy for her parents. Lilli hugged her mother. “Good for you.”

Celeste wiped her eyes and took her dress behind the privacy screen. “I’m glad you understand. I hated to put all the responsibility of the benefit on you, but I was desperate. And I knew you could do this.”

“Thanks for believing in me, Mom.”

Just then, Sissy Vandermere rushed inside, cheeks flushed. “I cannot believe my daughter did this to me.”

Celeste came out from the screen in her silver full-length Valentino, presenting her back to Lilli. “Please finish zipping me.” To Sissy, she said, “You can’t blame Marisa. She looked forward to her wedding.”

“Of course she did. She couldn’t afford to lose another fiancé.”

“But she didn’t know what Chandler had planned.”

“That makes it worse. How will she ever find another man to marry her now?”

Lilli figured Marisa had other things on her mind right now. Lilli’s heart went out to her. Now they both shared the experience of being publicly humiliated by a fiancé.

“She’ll survive,” Sissy said. “But she’s too embarrassed to show her face here tonight. And Chandler’s in jail. What a disaster.”

Celeste twirled to face Lilli, her eyes wide with panic. “We don’t have a finale couple.”

The thought had occurred to her before her mother stated the obvious.

“Mom, there’s no time to fix this.”

“Of course we can.” Celeste grinned, the look she got when she came up with an idea Lilli wouldn’t like. “I sent my wedding dress here.”

Lilli glanced at the garment bag still hanging across the room. “How convenient.”

“And Max Sanders is a volunteer groom. You two can pair up.”

“No offense, Mom, but I’m not pairing up with Max for anything.”

“Why not?”

“Many reasons. But number one? He’s not here.”

“Minor detail.” Celeste waved her hand. “I’ll call him and tell him to get over here.”

“Mom, he’s got too much on his plate right now. We’re fine without him.” She’d be fine without him.

“Do we have stand-ins?”

“Of course we do. I’ve taken care of everything.” Except when it came to Max.

Turning away from her mother, Lilli walked to the dressing room door to head back to the event room. She had enough models in the show and didn’t need a finale couple. It had been Marisa’s idea to begin with and since she wasn’t here, no one would know the difference.

She’d just made it to the door when Max stepped into her path, dressed in a tuxedo. She blinked twice, sure her eyes were playing tricks on her.

“Max? What are you doing here?”

“I gave you my word I’d be here tonight. That’s what Sanders men do, right? If I can’t keep my word with you, I have no business working for anyone else.”

“But what about after tonight?”

He touched her bare shoulder, his fingers lightly brushing her skin. She barely controlled a shudder of pleasure.

“When I came back to town, the only thing I wanted was to start my business and prove to the town I had changed. Never in a million years did I think I’d run into the girl I met on the beach all those years ago. I fell a little bit in love with you that night, but when I saw you again, got to know the beautiful woman you’ve grown up to be, I lost my heart again. I’m sorry it took so long for me to tell you. I want you to be first in my life, Lilli, not my business or my reputation. Neither one means anything without you by my side.”

“What about the new account? The traveling?”

“We can work our lives around this job. It won’t be forever. Maybe you can travel with me sometimes. And once I get a security protocol established at Rawlings, I can hire more people so I’ll be home. Sanders Security isn’t going away. So what do you say. Can we work this out? Together?”

The uncertainty in her heart melted at his declaration. She’d learned today that no relationship was perfect. But with Max, she wanted years to practice. Joy filled her as she looked into his eyes and saw the truth of his love reflected there. She smiled, reaching up to ease the frown from his brow. She wanted things to work out with this wonderful man. She wanted a future with Max. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he said, voice rough with emotion. “More than I ever thought possible.” His fingertips lightly trailed down her arm, leaving chills in its wake as he took her hand. “And I’ll spend the rest of our lives proving it.”

“I’ll take you up on that.” Overwhelmed with love, she leaned in close to him. Max, being an intuitive security consultant, realized her intent. He lowered his head, and their lips touched softly, full of promise.

As they reluctantly broke the kiss, Lilli noticed frantic movement out of the corner of her eye. Max, seeing her interest elsewhere, turned. Celeste cleared her throat and pointed to her watch, then Max.

“I see your mother is back in control.” He grinned at Lilli. “What’s she all worked up about?”

“We’re missing a finale couple.”

He held out his arm. “What do you say we walk down the runway together?”

“If you’re game, so am I. Just let me slip on a wedding gown.”

With Celeste’s help, Lilli changed into her mother’s dress. Once Celeste zipped Lilli in, they both stood before the mirror.

“Thank you for wearing my gown,” Celeste whispered.

“You’re welcome.”

“Go on. You have a groom waiting for you.”

Lilli joined Max and eased her hand into the crook of his elbow. Celeste beamed at them before entering the event room where the fashion show had already started.

He nodded toward the stage. Straightened his jacket. “We’re the last couple. I want to make you proud.”

She slipped her hand from his arm and stepped back, observing him.

A worried frown creased his brow. “Something wrong?”

After a few seconds she reached up to muss his hair and loosen his bow tie. “Much better.” She leaned up to give him a quick kiss then took his hand in hers as the doors opened. “Now we’re ready to walk down the aisle.”

* * * * *

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