Orange Blossom Brides (21 page)

Read Orange Blossom Brides Online

Authors: Tara Randel

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Orange Blossom Brides
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before entering the women’s dressing room, which had a sitting/changing area, large mirrors and lockers. Facing a firing squad would probably be less painful, but she had to follow this event through to the end. That meant dealing with Marisa and the other models, knowing they all thought her guilty. Holding her head high, she opened the door and stepped inside. As soon as the ladies saw her, a silence fell over the room.

“We didn’t expect you here,” Marisa informed her as she sauntered toward Lilli, looking absolutely perfect in her designer wedding gown. “So I took the liberty of getting us ready for the rehearsal.”

“I appreciate that.” Lilli eyed the women in the room, radiating as much confidence as she could muster. “However, I’m still coordinator of this event, so I’ll take over now.”

Marisa shrugged and walked away.

Her easy capitulation made Lilli wary. For the hundredth time, she wondered why the police hadn’t hauled Marisa to the department. The ring could have fallen from her bag just as easily as Lilli’s. But try as she might, Lilli couldn’t come up with one reason for Marisa to take the ring. She had money, the fiancé of her dreams and an upcoming wedding. As much as Lilli would have loved Marisa to be the guilty party, it didn’t add up.

The rehearsal went off without any problems. Despite her perceived guilt, the ladies took instruction, but she noticed a few women whispering behind raised hands. Flashbacks to her wedding rehearsal pinched her heart, but Lilli ignored them. For the most part the women were more subdued than usual, but worked together despite the circumstances. She rolled her shoulders in relief when rehearsal ended.

Back in the dressing room, Lilli joined the women for final instructions. Then they changed and headed off in different directions before having to return later for the fashion show. Only a few more hours, then Lilli never had to see this place again. All she had to do was stay out of jail until then.

A knock sounded on the door, followed by, “Miss Barclay?”

Lilli opened the door to find a delivery man holding a large garment bag. “May I help you?”

“This is from your mother.” He handed her the bag and an envelope. She held it before her, a sneaking suspicion as to the content of the bag. Sighing, she found an empty wall hook, hung the bag and slowly unzipped it. Sure enough, inside she found her mother’s wedding gown. “Oh, Mom.”

Opening the envelope, she slipped out a note.

Lillian, it would do my heart good to see you wear my wedding dress. You may not be a model tonight, but you are my daughter, and I love you.

And Lilli loved her mom.

She zipped the bag closed as Marisa came breezing into the room, her cell phone pressed to her ear. Once she glimpsed Lilli, her smile faded and she ended the call. “I thought you’d left.”

“Just going over some last-minute details.”

“Oh, well, I’ll just be a moment. I need something from my locker.”

Her cell rang again. Marisa answered, her tone terse.

Not wanting to eavesdrop, Lilli crossed the room to leave. As she reached the door, she heard Marisa’s high-pitched voice. “Chandler, wait. I told you we’d discuss this later.”

Lilli looked over her shoulder to see Marisa staring at the phone in her hand. “He hung up.”

Debating on what to do, Lilli decided to see if she could help. She walked back into the room and stopped before Marisa.

“What do you want?” Marisa snapped, her eyes glimmering with tears. Hmm. Trouble in paradise?

Lilli shrugged. “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“Don’t I look okay?” She slammed her locker closed. “Please excuse me. I’m joining Chandler for lunch. We have wedding details to finalize.”

Lilli moved back as Marisa passed, noticing how shaky the normally put-together Marisa seemed. She must be having as bad a day as Lilli.

* * ** * *

again, this time making progress.

“You’re sure you saw Chandler Hayes in the hallway when you left your office?”

“Yes. At the time I didn’t think anything of it because Chandler is a member here. But last night, as I tried to remember anything useful, I recall running into Chandler and Tom many times in the past few weeks. Always in deep conversation. Normally the two wouldn’t have anything to talk about, but now I have to wonder, especially with Tom missing.”

Max pulled out his cell to call Bart.

“Get to the office. Pull up anything you can on Chandler Hayes.”

“Got it, boss.”

Max turned his attention back to Klaus. “Any place you can think of that Tom might hide out?”

Klaus paced his office. “I know his mother lives down by the water and he has a sister out in the Cypress Cove subdivision.”

“I already checked both places, as well as his condo.”

“I didn’t spend much time talking with him about personal matters, I’m afraid to say. He didn’t open up about his life.”

Max tamped down his disappointment. His gut screamed at him now, but if he couldn’t find Tom, he couldn’t prove anything.

“Is he athletic? Does he fish? Have a girlfriend?”

Klaus’s forehead wrinkled. “He did mention a young lady once when he left work early for a date. What was her name?” The older man closed his eyes. “I remember. Jenny. He mentioned she works at the Pointe Café.”

Max thumped Klaus on the back before heading to the door.

With this fresh lead, he ran out to the truck and headed to Main Street. Pulling into a parking lot, he jumped out and headed into the café, his mind clear even as adrenaline pumped through his veins. He asked for the manager, who pointed Jenny out to him. Then he had the manger call her out back so Max could speak to her.

When she joined him, his heart slammed against his ribs. Her eyes were red-rimmed and she wouldn’t look directly at him.

“You know why I’m here.”

That’s all it took. She started crying and told Max where to find Tom.

When he got back in the truck, his cell rang. It was Bart.

“Any news?”

“Boss, you are one lucky man for hiring me.”

“I haven’t hired you yet.”

“After the news I have, Blanche will be adding me to the payroll.”

“Spill it.”

“Mr. Hayes is one bad money manager. I found the man’s financials, and trust me when I say he doesn’t have two dimes to rub together. His clients aren’t going to like the fact that he’s run through their money, as well as his own.”

“Good job. Get it all together for the chief. You did good, Bart.”

“Like that was a surprise?”

Max chuckled. “Talk to you later.” He signed off and called the police chief with the update. “I’m headed to find Tom now.”

“Wait till my officers get there before you do anything.”

“Chief, this guy framed Lilli.”

“Max, until this is over, think with your head, not your heart.”

Max knew that, but all he cared about was proving Lilli’s innocence. “I’ll scope the place out and give your guys a report.”

“We’re right behind you.”

* * ** * *

would drag on, but with all the last-minute checks, the hours flew by. She stood in the event room, taking one final glance over the preparations. The room was more breathtaking than she’d originally envisioned.

She walked the perimeter with a critical eye. Tables set. Check. Loaner gowns safely delivered. Check. Silent auction table fully loaded. Check. Marisa had come through with the donations, even if Lilli had had her doubts. Flowers delivered. Check. Everything in place and ready to go. Tonight would be a success, and Lilli had everything to do with that. She should be proud, but instead, that old sense of loneliness crept over her.

An hour before the event, Lilli went back to the ladies’ dressing room to change into her formal attire for the night. She passed her mother’s wedding gown, still hanging in the same spot. As much as her mother’s request touched her heart, she just couldn’t wear it. She retrieved her black strapless dress with the bodice of black sequins and a full skirt in layers of chiffon. When she’d picked it out, she’d been imagining the expression on Max’s face when he saw her. Now, she didn’t want to think about anything.

She’d just finished the last touches on her makeup when Marisa and Sissy arrived, followed by a few of the other models. Lilli stayed out of their way. She had more important things to worry about than rumors and innuendo.

Packing up her makeup, she heard Marisa gasp. Lilli turned as Marisa fumbled with the locker door while trying to hold on to a cosmetics bag. Marisa glanced her way, her face pale, eyes wide as she hugged the bag to her waist.

“Are you okay?” Lilli asked as she crossed the room, afraid Marisa might be sick.

“I’m nervous about the fashion show.”

Marisa never appeared nervous, especially if she was guaranteed a spotlight. She looked down at her bag and with shaking fingers tried to zip it closed.

“Do you need some help?”

“No. I’m fine. I’ll be fine.”

“Okay.” Lilli went back to the mirror to collect her makeup. Concerned, she kept an eye on Marisa.

Marisa scanned the room before turning to open the locker. From her angle, Lilli noticed Marisa shoving a black bag into her tote. A funny feeling swirled in Lilli’s stomach. Marisa glanced her way, eyes wide and afraid as she blocked the door from Lilli’s view. Marisa never did anything on the sly, always wanting to be the center of attention. Lilli’s suspicions went on full alert.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” Lilli asked again, walking to Marisa’s locker.

“I told you. I’m fine.”

“Then why are you trying to hide that black bag?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Lilli moved into Marisa’s space and nudged her away from the locker.

“What are you doing?” Marisa screeched.

“Looking for something.” Lilli pulled out Marisa’s tote.

“Give me that.” Marisa grabbed the handle but Lilli held fast.

“Are you hiding something? A black jeweler’s bag, to be precise?”

“Don’t be absurd.” Marisa’s face grew even paler.

“I saw it,” Lilli told her. “Give it up.”

“It’s not mine,” Marisa whispered.

By this time, their scene had caught the attention of the other women in the room.

“Marisa, what’s going on?” Sissy asked.

“Nothing, Mother. Please, stay away.”

“Why, that’s silly. I know that—”

Marisa took one final pull and yanked the bag from Lilli, hugging it to her chest. Her wild expression searched the room for a way out, but too many women stood between her and the door.

“We’ll figure this out,” Lilli assured Marisa, her tone soft and assuring.

Tears glistened in Marisa’s eyes and began to trickle down her cheeks. “I don’t understand.”

A loud knock sounded on the door. Seconds later, Lilli glimpsed Max out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t stop to wonder why he’d shown up. Instead she concentrated on Marisa, who came close to losing it.

“Marisa, what’s going on?” her mother asked again.

“We know you have the bracelet,” Max told her as he made his way through the ladies. “Just hand it over and everything will be okay.”

“How can it be okay? I don’t know how it got here.”

“I do.” Max took a few steps toward Marisa. “It was Chandler. He hid it in your bag.”

Marisa looked confused. “Chandler? What has he got to do with this?”

“You had lunch with him today?”

“Yes.” Her gaze darted to her mother. “We talked about eloping. Leaving town after the benefit.”

“What?” Sissy placed her hand over her heart. “What are you saying?”

“Did you leave him alone with your bag anytime during lunch?”

Marisa blinked. “Yes. When I went to the ladies’ room.”

Max took another step closer. “Marisa, he had possession of the bracelet. He needed your bag to cover his theft.”

“But why? This doesn’t make sense.”

“He’s broke,” Max told her as gently as possible. “When Chandler discovered Tom was stealing from the club members, he convinced Tom to steal the jewelry in exchange for Chandler’s keeping his secret. Chandler planted the ring in Lilli’s bag to focus suspicion in the wrong direction. He needed you to get the bracelet out of town.”

More tears ran down her face, trailing mascara. As if losing her will, she slid down the locker into a heap on the floor, and the bag slipped from her hands. “” She turned helpless eyes to her mother. “Get Chandler in here. He’ll explain. This is all a mistake.”

“Not gonna happen,” Max said. “He’s having a discussion with the chief right about now.”

While Max took control of the situation, Lilli picked up the tote and removed the velvet bag. She turned it over, and sure enough, the bracelet tumbled into her palm, sparkling in the overhead light.

“Chandler?” Marisa asked again.

“Yes. I’m sorry.” Max nodded to a uniformed officer hovering nearby. “The chief needs to ask you some questions, but you won’t be arrested. Chandler admitted you knew nothing about his plan.”

The officers who arrived after Max helped Marisa up and took her by the arms, leading her from the room while she tried to hike up her gown so she wouldn’t trip. Her mother hovered nearby, a red splash of anger coloring her face.

“Help me, Mother.”

Sissy followed behind hissing, “You’ve ruined our family name. How could you?”

“It was Chandler. Not me.”

Apparently that didn’t matter to Sissy.

Soon, their voices faded as they left the room. Lilli’s heart went out to Marisa. They’d never be friends, but she couldn’t help feel the other woman’s pain. All this time Marisa had thought she had the perfect man, would have a perfect wedding. In the end, she’d have nothing but heartache. And by the looks of things, her mother didn’t offer much sympathy. At least in Lilli’s hour of humiliation, Celeste had been there, her daughter’s best interests at heart.

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