Otherlife Nightmares: The Selfless Hero Trilogy (32 page)

BOOK: Otherlife Nightmares: The Selfless Hero Trilogy
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Roughly twenty minutes later Runner found himself in a throne room. Again. He was getting tired of throne rooms. Getting tired of bowing and scraping.

Biting his tongue and biding his time, Runner knelt down in front of the king of the Barbarian peoples.

“Your Majesty, may I present Runner Norwood. Also named Breaker. Commander of the Sunless forces in the field and the man responsible for returning Princess Katarina,” announced a herald from the doors behind Runner.

Trying to catch a glimpse of things out of the corner of his eyes, he had the immediate impression of violence. There was no court here. No onlookers.

Guards. Only guards. The throne itself was crude and built for complete function without even a thought to form.

Runner remained kneeling, while behind him, Nadine was in a similar situation in mid curtsy. Then Runner realized the king had decided to set the stage by taking Runner down a peg.

Mentally, Runner snarled and wanted to carve the man apart. That or hit him with a charisma spell and tell him to attack his own guards.

Maybe I could te—

“Rise, Runner.”

Runner came to his feet and squared his shoulders. Katarina hadn’t left his side and flanked his right, Nadine on his left.

“I thank you for the return of our daughter, Runner,” said the king. There had been no formal announcement of the king’s name and no one had said it. Runner had to actually check the man’s nameplate.

King Markus Saden. He had the look of a tavern brawler more than a king. His level was only thirty, and to Runner that seemed on the low side considering King Vasilios had been overwhelmingly powerful.

He was overweight, past his prime, and had lanky greasy hair—all reinforced the image. Dark black eyes and brown hair decorated a plain face. Jowls and a second chin wobbled as he talked.

Sporting what one would consider three days’ worth of stubble and rumpled clothes he didn’t look the part of even minor nobility. Runner was forced to consider if this man found the bottom of alcohol bottles more frequently than his toes. Or a bath. Or a sober decision.

Doesn’t even use the royal we as Vasilios did.

Sitting beside him on a throne of equal size and stature was a large red haired woman. Dark black eyes watched him even as he inspected her. Queen Helen Saden.

She had a certain grace and beauty to her that Runner immediately recognized. She could only be Katarina’s mother. Oddly enough she had question marks for her level. Runner felt like he was missing something here.

Probably quest related…and something I can’t even work on since my time is limited.

Runner bowed his head deeply in respect to Queen Helen. The corners of her mouth quirked up a touch at Runner’s gesture.


Quest Updated

Partial Completion


“Escort Princess Katarina Home and Save her Kingdom”

Experience Reward: 10% of current level

Reputation: 50

Fame: 200

Money: 10 Platinum


Quest Updated


“Save the Kingdom II”

Experience Reward: 105% of current level

Reputation: 150

Fame: 800

Money: 30 Platinum


WARNING! Experience Reward is adjusted based on current level at turn in


The chime and the notification confirmed for him that he’d reached the end of the “escort” portion of the quest.

Save the kingdom next, no pressure.

“Yes, I thank you for bringing me back my betrothed. Come, Katarina, we should go away from here,” came a male voice from a side door.

Runner’s eyes whipped from the queen to the left to find the speaker. He hadn’t noticed the man and couldn’t prevent the frown that came over his face.

Lord Adalbert had the look of a melee class and happened to be level thirty. Looking like he was in his late twenties, he had the normal expected features of a Barbarian: long brown hair in a queue behind his back, dark black eyes, quite tall, and just a little more built than the standard Runner had come to expect of the race.

That and he was the most handsome man Runner had ever had the displeasure of meeting. Like some type of cross between a male model and a bodybuilder.

If he does a pec flex or flips his hair I’m going to puke.

“No,” Katarina said loudly.

“No?” the man parroted back stupidly.


Runner frowned and scratched at his chin thoughtfully. Glancing over his shoulder, he confirmed that all the other dignitaries they’d thought to bring had been kept out of the throne room.

Catching the eyes of Mr. Pretty, he coughed into his hand and smiled. His annoyance came to the fore quickly and clouded his thoughts. Internally, Runner knew that provoking the man wouldn’t help his cause.

But he suddenly didn’t care.

“Lord Analbeater, the lady said no. I’m not sure if she can rephrase it in a way that might make it more understandable. Ya know, since it’s a word that consists of two letters and has no other way to be interpreted.”

Where the room had been quiet before, it became dead silent now.

“You, sir, you’re the root of this. I challenge you to a duel. The winner claims the hand of Princess Katarina.”


A Quest has been generated

“A Matter of Honor”

Experience Reward: 5% of current level

Reputation: 15

Money: 0 Gold

Do you Accept?



WARNING! Experience Reward is adjusted based on current level at turn in

Chapter 13 - Bedroom Politics -

11:04 am Sovereign Earth time



“You’re a real idiot, Applebiter,” Runner hissed at the man. Mentally he declined the quest and crossed his arms.


Quest Declined


“Why would I even think of wagering that? Do you not realize her worth as an individual? Is she some sort of possession to you? Bargained off in some cheap affair of your own small stature?” Runner said, his voice rising as he went on.

“On top of that, Acidbottle, I don’t own her. She’s very much her own woman and can make her own choices. If I asked her to marry me, here and now, it would have no relevance to you or your pea-sized brain. She’s a strong, intelligent, and independent person who can do as she wills.”

“Yes,” Katarina said.

Runner looked over to Katarina and nodded his head at her affirmation of her attributes, then returned his gaze to the stunned Adalbert with a smile.

“And that’s that, Addledbeaver. Moving on,” Runner said contemptuously. Turning to the king, he bowed his head to the goggle-eyed royalty.

“Your Majesty, I must ask for the aid of your troops. I have been dispatched by your cousin, King Vasilios, to assist you. I have met the enemy commander in the field of battle and require your aid in the defense of your homeland. I beli—”

“You will not dismiss me like some commoner!” shouted Adalbert.

Runner closed his eyes and pressed his fingertips to his brow. The anger in him. The frustration. The hate. It all boiled up to the surface for a moment before he wrestled it down. Opening his eyes again, he dropped his hand to his side and smiled politely as he addressed Adalbert.

“Lord Assbutcher, I believe I’m done with you. Unless you have something relevant to add to the conversation, please leave this to the adults. You’ll only get underfoot. In fa—”

“Listen here, you bastard. I think you’re the cause of the princess’ sudden disobedience and I’ll not have you insulting me. You may run around and do as you please with that mangled human slut behind you but I’ll be damned if I let you touch the princess,” screamed Adalbert.

Runner took in a slow deep breath as he contemplated the best way to kill this man. Letting out a ragged breath, Runner tilted his head while regarding Adalbert.

“You’re a dead man, Adalbert. You wanted a duel? Done. I’m going to pull out your guts while you watch. Then I’m going to use them to play with you like a little marionette. I’ll have you dance on coals naked in front of everyone you know. When I’m bored with that, I’m going to strap you to the front of Boxy and use you as a battering ram on the enemy forces until you’re nothing more than a screaming sack of flesh.” Runner paused, taking slow steps towards Adalbert.

“Then, then I might let you die. And by die, I mean lowering you headfirst into a cauldron set over a fire. Then I’m going to slowly fill it with soup stock. A spoonful an hour sounds about right. We’ll see if you drown or get boiled alive first. And when you’re dead? I’m going fill the cauldron with vegetables and dice you up. Every bit of you. Then I might feed you to the stray dogs in the streets of Kastell. Or maybe prisoners given their last meals.” Runner continued his inexorable advance on the man. Adalbert had the face of a man who regretted his life.

“Verdict isn’t in yet on that. Dogs and murderers deserve better than to be fed shit. I’d pity the people who would have to clean up the diarrhea that I’m sure they’d have after eating you. Oh, my dear man, we’re going to have a very good time.”

Before he could close the final few meters to the man, Katarina appeared between them. Her shield flew out in an arc and clanged off of Adalbert’s head. Swinging in a wide heavy arc, her black sword cut through the air and passed through the man.

Not waiting for him to recover, Katarina took a step back and then thrust forward, her sword spitting the man through the stomach.

Adalbert fumbled for his own weapon under Katarina’s onslaught. Managing to get into a fighting stance with his weapon held before him, he started to utilize an ability.

Then Katarina’s blade passed through his neck and his head popped off with a splut. It hit the ground with a wet thunk and rolled a few meters before coming to a stop in front of Katarina.

Grunting, Katarina pulled back a booted foot and punted the head of Adalbert viciously. It sailed across the throne room to smack wetly into the far wall.

Sheathing her sword, she turned and looted the corpse before returning to Runner’s side. Facing Runner, she bowed her head once and met his gaze squarely. His rage at Adalbert boiled inside him, the outlet he’d planned to vent it upon being removed from his reach.

“I apologize, Runner. I have taken a fight that was rightfully yours. On the day we met I swore to be your sword and shield, and yours alone. You asked it of me, and so I shall be,” Katarina murmured.

As if it had been doused by a lake’s worth of water, his fiery emotions cooled instantly. Smiling, he reached out and placed his hand on Katarina’s shoulder.

“Thank you, Kitten. Remain my sword and shield. I need you.”

Her dark coal eyes simmered at his words and she stared into him. Finally a small smile took over her face and she nodded her head a fraction.

Turning from Katarina, he bowed his head to the king.

“My apologies, Your Majesty, I’m afraid we’ve dirtied your home. I apologize for the situation but your country is in danger. We must b—”


Quest Updated


“$#à ╩▌┌ ↕φ»─”

Experience Reward: ╢▀â% of current level

Reputation: ♪₧≈

Fame: √¿¬¬

Money: ²·÷í


“ARREST HIM! Dump him in a guest room. Can’t have a dignitary from a king in the dungeon. Put my daughter in her room and keep her there. Throw the rest out of the castle and see them gone,” bellowed the king.

Minutes later Runner found himself in a lovely room, under guard, and more or less a prisoner.

With a sigh Runner sat down on the bed. Giving his cell a cursory inspection, he found nothing that stood out as useful or relevant to his situation. Simple furniture, no decorations, no windows, one door, and a big bed.

Blowing a raspberry, Runner flopped backwards and stared up at the ceiling. His anger and frustration had gotten the better of him. Now he’d managed to make his job twice as hard. Maybe triple.

If not impossible.

Fortunately the end goal remained the same; he now needed a way to get the king back on his side.

Or remove the king.

His thoughts traveled in that direction briefly before settling on the queen. That might be the best way to move through this.

I wish I could talk to Srit.

Runner put his hands over his eyes and felt truly alone. He had not been completely alone in months. No matter where he went or what he did, there had always been someone with him.

Srit had been a companion he could call on at any time. Since she’d logged in to the game, she hadn’t responded to his attempts to contact her.

Part of him worried on that. Perhaps something had gone wrong. For all he knew she’d been trapped in limbo between the game server and the ship server.

Groaning, Runner concentrated on the work at hand. For now, he needed to figure out a way to get the Barbarian garrison into the fight. Preferably before his people were attacked again.

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