Our Cosmic Ancestors (29 page)

Read Our Cosmic Ancestors Online

Authors: Maurice Chatelain

Tags: #Civilization; Ancient, #Social Science, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Prehistoric Peoples, #Interplanetary Voyages, #Fiction, #Anthropology, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #History; Ancient, #General, #Occult & Supernatural

BOOK: Our Cosmic Ancestors
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Personally, I am mostly interested in UFO landings, and especially in their landing patterns and in the tracks they leave on the ground. As you know, many UFO landings that have been reported in recent years have occurred in France, where the local gendarmes are instructed to go immediately onto the landing site to investigate and record everything. They determine the longitude and latitude, and make a drawing of the landing print, with exact measurements of angles and dimensions.

In 1954, for example, there was an invasion of flying saucers in France. There were 76 UFO landings in 25 days, from 24 September to 18 October of that year. As usual, the gendarmes recorded the time, longitude and latitude of each landing, as well as the shape
and dimensions of the print left on the ground, and the estimated weight of the object, according to the depth of the tracks and to the condition of the ground at the time of the landing.

The landing sites were investigated at that time by several famous French experts such as Aime Michel and Paul Misraki, who plotted the landing sites on a large map of France. This allowed them to discover that straight lines could be traced on the map between a certain number of landing sites, such as between Bayonne and Vichy for example, over an amazing distance of 483 kms or about 300 miles.

They also noticed that some of these lines were parallel and separated by an average distance of 63 kms. These were the first numerical data ever obtained from UFO observations, and the only logical conclusion that could be derived from them was that both distances were exact multiples of a length of 21 ems, the wave length of hydrogen, which can be found anywhere in the universe and therefore could represent an ideal measuring unit for astronauts from another world wanting to establish a contact with us.

A few years later, a French scientist named Jean Charles Fumoux had a bright idea. He took a very large map of France and started tracing triangles between the 76 landing sites, in order to see if some of them had any particular characteristics that would give him a clue to the landing pattern of these mysterious alien spacecraft. He was then surprised to discover
that many of the triangles were isosceles with two equal sides,
and decided to push the investigation a little further to find out what the percentage could be, and if it was always the same for any number of triangles.

Our friend Fumoux knew that, with a set of 76 points and according to a well-known formula, one can make 70,300 different triangles, which is an enormous number, but that did not discourage him because he already knew that he had discovered something really fantastic, which could be the first clue that he was looking for. It took him a few years to measure all the triangles, but he finally made it, and found that there were 1864 isosceles triangles or an approximate ratio of 264/7 or twelve times 22/7, and that ratio reminded him of something that he had seen some time before.
As a matter of fact, he had just read my original book which was published by Dell in 1979, where I indicated that our ancestors, who probably had a cosmic origin, were using a Pi factor of 22/7 for the construction of Stonehenge and for that of the Great Pyramid, for example. However, Fumoux could not understand why the percentage of isosceles triangles indicated by the UFO landing sites should be an inverse function of the Pi factor that was used a long time ago by our prehistoric ancestors.

He then wrote to me and asked me to check his calculations, which I found to be correct. I advised him to check all of his data once more and feed them to a computer, in order to see if the percentage would remain the same with any number of triangles, or if it was just a coincidence in that case. It took him some time to find a French computer scientist who would believe him and consider his theory seriously enough to agree to check it with his computer. He finally convinced Jean Francois Gille, a Director of Research at the CNRS or Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, who was convinced that the Fumoux theory was wrong, but accepted anyway to check it on his computer. It if could be proved wrong, it could be dismissed.

The computer showed that Fumoux was right and that Gille was wrong, which caused quite a shock to those who were watching the experiment. Gille was an honest scientist, however, and he sent me a telegram immediately, saying that the Fumoux theory was correct and that I would receive all of the details later.

He took the latitudes and longitudes of the 76 landing sites, transformed them into decimal coordinates and fed them to a computer in order to have the dimensions of all the triangles and find out how many of them were isosceles. He used several different combinations of points in order to prove that the results would be different, but on the contrary, the computer always gave him the same result.

There was an average of 1864 isosceles triangles, give or take a few. And 70,300 divided by 1864 gave Gille a ratio of 264/7 or twelve times 22/7, exactly the same as that which Fumoux had computed with his bare hands, a few nails, and a few hundred meters of string. Just to be sure, Gille then picked up 76 random points on the map, fed their geographic coordinates to the computer, in order to find out what the difference would be. He did that four times, with four different sets of 76 random points, and successively obtained 1613, 1621, 1631, and 1637 isosceles triangles, or about 250 less than with the actual UFO landing sites! Gille therefore concluded that, beyond any reasonable doubt, the UFO landing sites in France were not randomly distributed, but on the contrary,
seemed to have been carefully selected by our mysterious visitors.

In my opinion, they were selected in such a way as to form a very particular geometric pattern representing a mathematical message based on the Pi factor, the oldest calculation tool in the world, discovered by our prehistoric ancestors when they first decided to trace a circle on the ground. All we have to do now is to try to find out who these mysterious visitors are who came from a distant planet especially to leave their marks on the soil of France and in 76 different locations.

To announce their discovery, Jean Francois Gille and Jean Charles Fumoux called a press conference at the Cercle Republicain in Paris with Philippe Schneyder, a friend who had press connections. Most French newspapers attended the conference, including the conservative Le Monde and Le Figaro, and the more liberal Liberation and Le Parisien Libere. Moreover, Agence France Presse issued a communique which was transmitted all over the world on II December 79. So far, there has been no official reaction to the disclosure of the Fumoux theory; and French government officials are probably still wondering what they should do about it.

I have been puzzled for some time by the number 76. A multiple of 19, it was very seldom used by ancient astronomers and mathematicians, except for the standstill cycle of the Moon of 6802 days, the sidereal revolution period of Jupiter of 4332 days, or the Egyptian lunisolar cycle of 27,759 days which represented 76 solar years or 940 lunar months, and was used in the construction of the astronomical computer discovered in 1900 at the bottom of the Aegean Sea near Antikythera.

In a book published in Paris in 1975, the late French scientist Jean Sendy mentioned two units of time, the REGA and the HELEK, which were used by ancient Hebrews and mentioned several times in the Bible. There were 1080 Rega in one hour, which was three times the sacred number 360 and therefore not too strange, and 76 Helek in a Rega, which is much more surprising since the Hebrews never used that number for anything else. As an example, the Book of Enoch has an astronomical section based on the numbers 7,13, and 364, but the number 19 is never mentioned there. It seems very likely that the Hebrews learned about that number during their captivity in Egypt, in Nineveh, or in Babylon.

Jean Sendy had also discovered that our ancestors probably knew about the velocity of light, which they estimated at 296,400 kms per second; in that case, one Helek would be the exact time necessary for light waves to travel thirteen million meters, a very important number for our ancestors. Moreover, light waves would take exactly 30 Helek to travel from the Moon to the Earth, and 150 Rega from the Sun to the Earth. So as one can see, there might be another mystery to solve in the use of the sacred number 76 by our mysterious visitors from outer space.

Of course I do not expect every one to believe that my theory is correct, but the facts are here to prove it; and the geographic coordinates of the 76 landing sites will be mailed upon request to any serious scientist who has a computer and the technical ability to program it correctly. Gille, Fumoux, and myself are still working on that mysterious problem, in France and in California.

On 10 May 1967, a French farmer of Marliens, near Dijon in Burgundy discovered in his field a deep print left by a UFO whose landing had been observed the night before by several witnesses from that village. The farmer called the local gendarmes who arrived immediately from their nearby headquarters in Geniis, and started to measure the landing print. They noticed that the print had the shape of an irregular star with six points and that there were six holes in the center that could make another smaller star. Considering also each of these stars as an irregular hexagon, one could obtain a series of twelve irregular triangles whose 24 sides were all different and whose surfaces were also different.

I had seen the drawing of that print in a French UFO magazine and had noticed its strange shape, but without giving it any particular attention at that time. It was only recently that I had the idea of investigating all of these dimensions and to feed them into a computer with different coefficients, in order to find out if there could be any relation among them or with other astronomical, mathematical, or nuclear numbers.
1 was then surprised to discover that all of these dimensions were exact multiples of an inch of 25 millimeters which was used a long time ago by our Egyptian ancestors, and that they represented
indisputable mathematical ratios which certainly could not have happened by chance, but could very well represent a mathematical message that astronauts from another world might have tried to transmit to us.

By transforming the metric dimensions of the print into ancient inches of 25 mms, I obtained a series of 24 different numbers from 19 to 118 which it would be fastidious to enumerate here, but will be sent upon request to any qualified investigator interested. I noticed immediately that these numbers were all multiples of thirteen prime numbers from 7 to 79 whose ratios correspond to well-known mathematical factors such as Pi and Phi, as well as to usual trigonometric functions. Then I noticed that five of these prime numbers, when they were combined with the other numbers, could produce repetitions of figures such as those already mentioned. 1 finally noticed that these thirteen prime numbers were precisely those that were used by our ancestors to compute their astronomical cycles, such as 364 - 365 - 378 - 399 - 584 - 780 days, which were related to the Moon and the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter, or Venus and Mars, respectively.

When I computed the surface of the large hexagon, I found that it was equal to 15,792 ancient square inches or 9.870 square meters, which did not seem to have any particular meaning, at least until I discovered that this metric value was the square of the Pi factor. In other words, the surface of the large hexagon was equal to that of a square with sides of 3.1416 metres! Then when I computed the surface of the small hexagon, I was not too surprised to discover that it was equal to 2836 ancient square inches or 1.7725 square meters, which is exactly the square root of the Pi factor!

Of course it could be just a fantastic array of coincidences and again, I cannot expect everyone to believe it, but some will and that is good enough for me. Whether my assumptions are correct or not, these cases of UFO landings in France are really puzzling and should be investigated. Could it be that extraterrestrial astronauts are really landing on the surface of the Earth just to try to communicate with us by means of a very simple mathematical message that we could understand? I agree that it must be very difficult to believe for most
people, and especially for official scientists; but it could very well be true and we cannot afford to miss such a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with our cousins from outer space.

Many UFO observers are convinced that our extraterrestrial visitors, with their fantastic maneuvers in the sky, are trying to show us what we could do ourselves if we were not so stupid as to waste the limited natural resources of our planet for rocket propulsion, when there are at our disposal several unlimited sources of power, such as solar or electromagnetics, and the nuclear fusion of hydrogen whose supply is unlimited anywhere in the universe.

Solar energy is not very practical on the surface of the Earth, since it only works for a few hours during the day when it does not rain; but it is already used efficiently in space, where all our satellites and space vehicles are now powered with solar cells. Scale models of flying saucers have already been flying at fantastic speeds in magnetic fields in Toulouse, France. British scientists have finally realized the fusion of a hydrogen nucleus enclosed in an electromagnetic field, at a temperature of one million degrees centigrade, but only for a few seconds.

Other UFO observers believe that our extraterrestrial visitors want us to consider them as brothers and sisters and not as enemies trying to conquer our planet by force. As a matter of fact, there is so far no example of aggressive behavior f rom our visitors, either on the Earth, in our atmosphere, in outer space, or even on the Moon. They were often very close to our spacecraft, probably out of curiosity, and certainly scared our astronauts, but always managed to avoid them at the last second.

The most interesting part of the UFO mystery is not so much what they are or where they come from, but how they can manage to travel at fantastic velocities of twenty thousand miles an hour in our atmosphere, and suddenly turn at ninety degrees or fly in the opposite direction. There is no terrestrial spacecraft that could even try to reach that velocity or performing such incredible maneuvers without disintegrating on the spot. Therefore, there are only two possible explanations. Either flying saucers do not really exist and are just an optical illusion, or they are extraterrestrial and come from another world somewhere in outer space.
Along with several French scientists, such as Claude Poher for example, I think that the UFO propulsion system could very well be based on a combination of electric, magnetic, and gravitic forces, or in other words, on the Unified Field Theory, which could provide a fantastic amount of power out of a small mass of matter such as hydrogen, for example. That theory was first suggested by Albert Einstein in 1925, but it was based on experiments performed a few years before by another genius of physics named Townsend Brown, when he was still in high school!

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