Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (4 page)

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The Big Whack did not adequately explain why such an impact did not increase the Earth’s orbital speed, so it was suggested that a second collision occurred by an object coming from the opposite direction and thus canceling out the increased spin celestial mechanics demanded by the first strike. Researchers theorized that the second orb striking the Earth must have been a giant—at least three times the size of Mars. This, of course, lends scientific support to the story of Nibiru’s large moon Kingu striking the watery world called Tiamat, as recounted in the ancient Sumerian tablets.

The Big Whack theory has been tentatively accepted by conventional science for the simple reason that it seems to be the least impossible explanation currently available, yet it still does not explain how our moon ended up exactly one four-hundredth the size of the sun and in an orbit exactly one four-hundredth the distance between the sun and Earth while traveling at just the correct orbital speed to maintain that distance.

As science writer William Roy Shelton wrote, “It is important to remember that something had to put the moon at or near its present circular pattern around the Earth. Just as an Apollo spacecraft circling the Earth every 90 minutes while 100 miles high has to have a velocity of roughly 18,000 miles per hour to stay in orbit, so something had to give the moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude. … The point—and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the moon—is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit. `Something’ had to put the moon at its altitude, on its course and at its speed. The question is: what was that ‘something’?”

If the precise and stationary orbit of the moon is seen as sheer coincidence, is it also coincidence that the moon is at just the right distance from Earth to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? While the diameter of the moon is a mere 2,160 miles against the sun’s gigantic 864,000 miles, it is nevertheless in just the proper position to block out all but the sun’s flaming corona when it moves between the sun and Earth. Asimov explains, “There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”


The idea of coincidence being involved in the configuration of the Earth, moon, and sun pales at the odds involved, but the concept of intelligent design raises more questions than answers. In July 1970, two Russian scientists offered a bizarre theory of the origin of the moon—but one that provided an answer to all the mysteries. Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov published an article in the Soviet journal
entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”

The Russians advanced the theory that the moon is not a completely natural world, but a planetoid that was hollowed out eons ago in the far reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to ours. Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the moon (the mascons?), spewing the molten refuse onto the surface (the maria?). Protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around Earth. This ship could be compared to the Death Star in the
Star Wars
films. “Many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new hypothesis,” they wrote. In fact, supporters of the spaceship-moon theory believe that the moon may be a hollowed-out asteroid once used to transport the space travelers mentioned in the ancient Sumerian tablets.

In fact, the spaceship-moon theory may come closer than any other in reconciling the contradictions inherent in the origin and amazing orbit of the moon. However, such a consideration is supposed to be outside the discussion of educated and rational people. The circular logic of conventional science regarding the origins of the moon runs something like this: We know that extraterrestrials don’t exist, but we do know that the moon exists and has been mentioned throughout human history. We humans did not create it nor place it in orbit around Earth, so it must have been done by extraterrestrials. But because we know they don’t exist, we will simply call it an anomaly and will not publicly say any more about it.


The evidence of life on Mars and speculation concerning a lunar spaceship has raised the question whether someone may still be residing on the moon. Such thinking stems from the numerous reports of activity and structures seen on the moon during the past decade. Actually, the accounts of lights seen moving about on the moon go back centuries.

On July 29, 1953,
New York Herald Tribune
science editor John J. O’Neill claimed to have seen a twelve-mile-long “bridge” straddling the Mare Crisium crater. A month later, the structure was confirmed by British astronomer H. P. Wilkens, who told the BBC, “It looks artificial. It’s almost incredible that such a thing could have been formed in the first instance, or if it was formed, could have lasted during the ages in which the moon has been in existence.” Sometime later this bridge was no longer observed.

Another most amazing structure is known as the Shard. Located in the Ukert area of the moon, which is at the point nearest Earth, the Shard was photographed by Orbiter 3 in preparation for the Apollo missions. This odd monument towers a mile and a half from the moon’s surface. Bruce Cornet, an independent geologist who has studied photos of the Shard at length, said, “No known natural process can explain such a structure.”

Perhaps even more amazing is a huge upright structure in the Sinus Medii region dubbed the Tower. Cornet said, “The Tower represents an enigma of the highest magnitude, because it rises more than five miles above the surface of the moon, and has been photographed from five different angles and two different altitudes. In all four photographs the same structure is visible and can be viewed from two different sides. The Tower exists in front of and to the left of the Shard in the Lunar Orbiter III-84M photograph. The top of the Tower has a very cubic geometry and appears to be composed of regular cubes joined together to form a very large cube with an estimated width of over one mile!”

In November 1966, Lunar Orbiter 2 took photos from twenty-nine miles above the Sea of Tranquility in the Moon’s northeastern quadrant, showing what appear to be several slender pyramids or obelisks similar to Central Park’s Cleopatra’s Needle, some as high as a fifteen-story building. Predictably, NASA denied that that Orbiter photos disclosed anything unusual on the moon, even as they released the pictures. Because there was no official confirmation, most news outlets did not cover the story. However, the
Washington Post
carried the story on the front page with the headline, “Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter.” In this article, staff writer Thomas O’Toole wrote that scientists had no idea what was casting the tall shadows but that the “largest shadow is just the sort that would be cast by something resembling the Washington Monument.”

Russian space engineer Alexander Abramov added to the mystery by stating, “The distribution of these lunar objects is similar to the plan of the Egyptian pyramids constructed by Pharaohs Cheops, Chephren and Menkaura at Gizeh, near Cairo. The centers of the spires in this lunar ‘abaka’ are arranged in precisely the same way as the apices of the three great pyramids.”

If these structures are pyramids and if they do match the layout of the Egyptian pyramids, they might connect to the pyramid-shaped structures photographed by a Viking probe of Mars in 1976. Objects that appear to be pyramids, along with the controversial “face on Mars” were seen in photos taken of the Cydonia area. Some researchers have wondered if these monuments might represent some grand design.

“It is the eerie similarity between the pyramidal structures that have come to stand for ‘Egypt’ and those lying—empty and abandoned—at Cydonia, that almost scream of some ‘connection,’ ” wrote former NASA consultant Hoagland, who has advanced the theory of artificial structures on both Mars and the moon.

Hoagland suggested that perhaps the Apollo missions had an unstated agenda of seeking the truth of these anomalies. He and other suspicious-minded UFO researchers have publicly wondered if the destinations of some of the Apollo moon missions—such as the Sea of Tranquility for Apollo 11 and the Taurus-Littrow area for Apollo 17—were selected because of the high incidence of abnormal sightings in those locations. If they were, nobody in NASA officially is talking about it.

Private researcher and author George H. Leonard came to a startling conclusion regarding activity and structures on the moon. In 1977, after years of “haunting” NASA photo files, Leonard claimed to have found enough evidence to convince him that “the moon is occupied by an intelligent race or races which probably moved in from outside the solar system.” He added, “The moon is firmly in the possession of these occupants. Evidence of their presence is everywhere: on the surface, on the near side and the hidden side, in the craters, on the maria, and in the highlands. They are changing its face. Suspicion or recognition of that triggered the U.S. and Soviet moon programs—which may not really be so much a race as a desperate cooperation.”

Leonard in 1977 wrote
Somebody Else Is on the Moon
, in which he discussed more than two dozen NASA photos. While many of these photos were indistinct to the untrained eye and might have shown almost anything, some were indeed curious. Some seem to show “bridges” across lunar chasms similar to the one reported in the
New York Herald Tribune
, “stitching” with some sort of material connecting surface splits, domed-shaped objects in the center of lit craters, and lengthy “tracks” in the moon dust. “The professionals choose to ignore these signs. They do not fit into the orthodoxy,” wrote Leonard, adding that an unnamed NASA scientist confided to him that “discoveries” had been made but not announced to the public.

After studying hundreds of lunar photos, Leonard concluded that whoever is on the moon is doing at least two things: mining for minerals, or perhaps water and oxygen, and repairing damage to the moon’s surface. Leonard was not alone in his beliefs. Some researchers claim that moon photos show a series of transparent domes under which can be seen orderly lines indicating the possible ruins of cities or large stations. Ingo Swann, who helped develop the U.S. Army’s remote-viewing techniques, has stated that he psychically viewed humanlike figures working on the surface of the moon.Since man has made such a tremendous effort to send astronauts to the moon—thought by most to be a lifeless world—someone might have made a similar effort to send their astronauts to Earth. This could have taken place in man’s dim early history, leaving behind only tantalizing evidence leading to the present widespread belief in ancient astronauts.


It should be noted that past attempts to make a close-up study of both Mars and particularly Phobos have been disastrous. The unmanned Russian probe Phobos I was lost en route to Mars, reportedly due to a command communication failure. Phobos II disappeared in March 1989 as it approached orbit around Mars; communication was lost as the craft passed into the vicinity of Phobos. The Soviets suggested that it had spun out of control due to an erroneous ground command.

In mid-1991, six former U.S. Army remote viewers were commissioned by officials within the Russian space program to study the cause of Phobos II’s disappearance. Remote viewing is the term given to a controlled psychic ability that allows one to perceive persons, places, and things at a distance without the use of the normal five senses. Such techniques were studied by both academic and government scientists before the creation of a remote-viewing unit within the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) in the early 1970s.

On September 29, 1991, the remote viewers issued a final report, entitled “Enigma Penetration: Soviet Phobos II Space Craft Images Anomaly.” The report stated that a disc-shaped object rose from the Martian surface toward Phobos II while a second object moved into even closer proximity and scanned the probe with a penetrating particle beam device, which disrupted the communication and guidance equipment. The out-of-control Soviet craft was then struck by a “micrometeorite” that delivered the coup de grâce. The remote viewers said this may have been no accident, as it seems that all of the technology put into space from Earth is scrutinized closely by nonhumans. If it would reveal alien activities, then it is decommissioned. After being struck, Phobos II spiraled down, crashing onto the Martian surface.

Amazing as this account appears, there was supporting feedback from the Soviets themselves. It first came from Alexander Dunayev, chairman of the Soviet space organization responsible for the Phobos II project. Dunayev announced that the doomed probe had photographed the image of a small odd-shaped object between itself and Mars. He speculated that the object might have been “debris in the orbit of Phobos” or even jettisoned parts from the spacecraft. His tone was anything but certain.

More astounding feedback came in December 1991, when Soviet cosmonauts visited the United States. Retired Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut trainee Marina Popovich displayed to newsmen in San Francisco one of the last photographs received from the Phobos II. The photo showed the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching the spacecraft. Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25, 1989, in deep space near Phobos shortly before contact with the craft was lost. She said the object very well may have been an alien spacecraft.

The photographed object bore an uncanny resemblance to the object drawn in sketches by the remote viewers. If their account of the demise of Phobos II is correct, then serious attention must be given their statement that the same fate befell the Mars Observer.

The Mars Observer, launched by the United States, vanished on August 20, 1993, just as it was about to go into orbit around Mars. Both scientists and laymen had high hopes that the Mars Observer would transmit photographs back to Earth which might solve some of the Martian mysteries—such as the human “face on Mars” and the three symmetrical pyramids seen in NASA photographs.

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