Out Of Bounds (Balls To The Walls) (9 page)

BOOK: Out Of Bounds (Balls To The Walls)
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I called out to her as soon as I reached the top of the stairs. She turned to me. She was in the bedroom folding my clothes and putting them neatly in a plastic bin. I walked in to join her. There was absolutely no need for me to hide my hand.

“Dad, what happened to your hand?”

She rushed over to me. “It’s nothing. There was some glass. I got cut.”

Sienna didn’t believe me. I could see that much in her bleak facial expression. “Dad, you’re still sad and that’s okay. I know you will feel better when you move out of here.
There are too many memories of that witch here. This place is the past.”

“You’re right this place is the past.” I faked a smile. “I have one hand so I can’t really help you.”

“I’m not doing all this by myself.” Sienna smarted off.

I was grabbing a few items from the closet
when I thought I heard the front door. It only took a few minutes before I could clearly hear Mason barreling through the front door downstairs. Great, I only have one hand. This Neanderthal is looking for a fight.

“JACK! JACK!” I heard Mason
calling out to me. Sienna had stopped packing. Her eyes grew big. She knew something was up. This asshole is scaring my daughter.

Mason was up the stairs in seconds. He charged right toward me and punched me
square in the face. My entire body landed on the bed. I didn’t try to defend myself. How could I with one goddamn hand? He had only gone in for one punch and he didn’t try to throw anymore.

“Are you
fucking crazy?” He was yelling like the mad man that he is. “You threatened my wife!”

“It was an accident!” I tried to clear my name. I felt like shit and I sort of wanted him to hit me again.
Scaring Kari was never part of my ultimate plan.

“Bullshit!” Mason charged my way. He was going to hit me while I was down
, not surprising.

“STOP! Don’t hit my dad!” I heard Sienna scream
from the closet entryway. Mason turned to look at her as if for the first time. I don’t think he noticed her before that. With all the commotion I had almost forgot she was in the room.

I took this opportunity to get up off the bed. Mason watched me cautiously. His eyes flitted between Sienna and me.

“Jack, you are irritating me dude, my patience with your bullshit has run out. Stay away from Kari! Get the fuck out of her house before I physically throw you out.” His nostrils were flared and I understood why. I scared Kari so bad I scared myself. I punched straight through her driver’s side window. Violence is not my go-to form of resolution. That is Mason. He’s the violent one. That’s not me. I didn’t want to upset or hurt Kari and I definitely didn’t want to hurt the baby.

“You asshole!
” Sienna barked. “We’re leaving this dump! Get the fuck out and leave my dad alone!” Sienna was shouting and Mason was halted in place by her words. He looked a little lost. He looked perplexed.

I saw a bit of the anger in his eyes subside. “Jack, stay, away, from Kari.” Mason calmly said as he backed out of the doorway. My daughter may have saved my ass. There was no way I could’ve defended myself with one hand.

I heard the front door slam and with the door came the realization that I really hate that guy. Sienna rushed to the bedroom window and watched as Mason drove off down the street.

econds later, Sienna burst into tears right before me. I didn’t know what to do. She ran into my arms and I hugged my frightened and hysterical daughter. This was a terrible thing for her to witness. Her tears were wetting the shirt on my chest and leaking threw to my bare skin.

“Dad please
, stop loving Kari. Please stop! She doesn’t love you anymore.”

Her words provoked me to tears. I was so embarrassed by my actions. I was so moved by the simplicity of her words. Clearly, Kari doesn’t love me anymore. She doesn’t love me anymore. Kari doesn’t love me anymore. Why am I the last one that realizes this? Why does it still hurt so bad
ly after all these months?





t took a few days but I finally moved all my things out of her place. I don’t know why I took all the pictures of us together. I don’t know why I wanted to be reminded of the time we shared together. I should have burned the pictures but instead I packed them up and took them with me. I don’t know why but I was having a hard time understanding myself and who I was as a man since the breakup.

Breakup seems so odd when we never actually broke up. Kari just disappeared and returned married to Mason. It doesn’t seem like reality. It seems like some cable scripted reality TV show. This kind of bullshit doesn’t happen to people like me.

I rented a cozy three bedroom condo a few towns closer to the city. I was on a six-month lease. I had planned on moving back to Bolingcreek once my baby was born.

It wasn’t my weekend to watch Caleb but I didn’t have any problem keeping my kids. Sienna was old enough to stay home alone and she refused to come over because her teenage life always took precedent over spending time with dear old dad.

Diana was going to Jamaica with her plastic surgeon so I had two-parent duty for the next five days. I wasn’t in the mood to see Diana but she was dropping Caleb off on her way to the airport.

I buzzed
her up and helped Caleb with his suitcase. Diana walked into my condo without an invitation. She was going form room to room looking around. Caleb had gone upstairs to his room leaving me alone with my ex-wife. I just stood at the front door in the foyer waiting for Diana to leave my condo.

“So Jack.”
She donned that catty smirk that I didn’t miss one bit.

“So Diana.”
I raised my chin. What was she up to?

“This place is nice, looks
very expensive.” Diana started playing with her long blonde hair.

I shrugged. What does it matter? “I guess.
It costs a pretty nickel.”

“So Sienna tells me you’re still hurting over the black girl.”


“Yeah her. She
also told me the little slut is pregnant.”

What? How does Sienna know that? I never told her. “Yeah Kari is pregnant but I never told Sienna.”

“She listens in on your cell phone conversations when you think she has her headphones on.”

“She does?”

“Yes, she does it to me all the time.”
Diana shrugged.

“I didn’t know that.”

“Don’t you think you’re a little old for a baby?”

“Diana not now. Not ever.” I was exhausted thinking and talking about my situation.

“I’m sorry honey. I knew you really loved her. She was beneath you. She’s not our kind of people. She is the fool.”

“That was almost a nice thing to say.”
I think. I’m not sure if Diana was being racist or not.

“You know I can be nice when I want to.”

“Yeah I know.”

I have something that will make you feel better.” She smiled. She rarely did that in my presence.

Diana turned around and stuck her ass out at me. She lifted her skirt and she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her ass was pushed out in my direction. She spread her legs and rested her hands on the table in the foyer.

“What are you doing?”

“Come on. One fuck for old times sake. You need to release to move on.”


“Come on Jack.
Spit on my asshole and fuck me in the ass.”

“Caleb is right upstairs.”

“He’s not coming down if you hurry the hell up.
Don’t think. Just fuck.”

I thought about what she was offering and I hadn’t even used my cock
for recreational purposes since Kari left me. I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. I let my slacks fall to the wood floor. I stepped forward. I took one of Diana’s ass cheeks in my hand and massaged it.

I watched Diana’s eyes light up as she
leered back at me. I held as much salvia in my mouth as I could and I spit it into the palm of my hand. I rubbed my wet hand over Diana’s asshole. That was more than enough to get my cock hard. I guarded my penis head to her asshole. I rubbed at her opening until I was wet enough to push half way in. I closed my eyes and bit at my bottom lip. I rocked my cock all the way inside and grimaced as Diana’s asshole barely gave me any room to move. I could cum at anytime but I was going to just enjoy her ass for a minute longer.

I could
envision Kari’s asshole and that’s exactly what I was doing. I was fantasizing I was fucking Kari in the ass. I missed Kari in so many ways. It didn’t take long for me to cum. It was over before it had even begun. I had so much built up inside me that I had to release it.

Diana went into the half bath connected to the foyer. I put my cock away and just stood like a freak. Diana emerged from the bathroom and kissed me on the cheek. She left my condo without a word. I guess I have become a charity fuck.

Sex with Diana meant next to nothing to me. I couldn’t even trick myself into thinking it was more than nothing.

Monday came to soon and I was sitting at my desk at work daydreaming. Spa
zzing out had become one of my pastimes.

There was a knock on my door and as soon as a looked up Robert was walking in. He closed my door behind him and took the seat across my desk in front of me.

“Bro, why the long face?”

“I fucked Diana.”

“I thought see was in the Bahamas?”

“She is in the Jamaica. It was right before she left.”


“She offered it. I took it. End of story.”


“I think she felt sorry for me.”

“Well you look like someone on suicide watch.” He joked.

I chuckled. “Right.”

“Don’t get pissed, I know you want this baby to be yours but I don’t. I wish this baby wasn’t yours. I will stand by you know matter what but I want my old bro back. Kari has moved on and I just want the same for you. As long as she’s in your life she’s going to fuck with you.”

“What are you trying to say? I’m know fun anymore?”

“You are still a fun dude.”


“How about I buy you a high end prostitute. That should cheer you up.”

“No way. I would never pay for sex.”

“You’re not paying. I’m paying.”

“Hell no, Rob no fucking way.”

“Hey look she can be black, one of those honey colored ones or she can be brown. It’s up to you.”

! I started thinking about it. If she was black, maybe. What is wrong with me? “No way, I can’t do that.”

“You can do whatever you want
to do. You are a handsome, successful, rich motherfucker. You can buy a good time. Why do you think we work so hard? Why deny yourself pleasure? I would love to buy you a very expensive black call girl. I would be offended if you didn’t spend my money.”

“I don’t know how to do that.”

“It’s easy, walk in the room, pull your cock out and fuck.”

“Rob, look.”

“No, you look. I know you’re thinking about it. It’s okay. You have kept my secrets and I will always keep yours.”

“I know that but this is not what I’m into.”

“We’re all into getting our cocks sucked. These whores cost thousands of dollars. I will email you a few pictures of only the black ones. I know what you like. If you see something you like tell me and I will handle everything.”

“Okay fine, whatever.” I honestly didn’t want to discuss it any further.

Rob smiled like he had a brand new business venture. Was my non-lovelife that fascinating? Rob jumped up from his chair with a brand-new task.










My stomach was a mess. I could barely hold any food down. The morning sickness was terrible this time around. Normal every day smells would make me nauseous. Chewing gum was gross especially the spearmint flavor. The scent, the taste, the visual would make me vomit. This was my torture for being a confused slut, a cock hoarder, and a tramp without the lady.

What made me think I could juggle two guys
at once? I just need to get through this pregnancy with my sanity. God will punish me for flip hopping between two men.

The sad thing is I wasn’t playing with Jack’s emotions. I did really care about Jack. I thought I could be relatively happy in a marriage with him. I was wrong about so many things. It was foolish of me to think I could ever rid myself of Mason especially when I didn’t want too.

I hadn’t spoken to Jack after he smashed my passenger window in. I wasn’t scared of him as much as I wanted the drama to stop. I
will keep my distance for a while. Although I’m stuck with the reality that Jack may be a part of my life for the next eighteen years. I have no idea how I’m going to manage that. I had to come to some kind of truce. Well we all have to come to some kind of truce. I can’t do this all by myself.

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