Out of the Dungeon (8 page)

Read Out of the Dungeon Online

Authors: SM Johnson

Tags: #bdsm, #glbt erotica, #erotica gay, #above the dungeon, #sm johnson

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"The thing about a new girl," Suede said,
staring into Vanessa's eyes, "is that somehow it starts. And then
it continues. And then you belong to each other. This one belongs
to me."

Vanessa felt the rest of the room, including
the stage fright, drop away as she stared into Suede's eyes.
Whatever Suede asked her to do, Vanessa would do. Suede was
claiming her, in front of all these people, in this club, in this
community, where Suede commanded much respect. And yes, Vanessa
wanted to be claimed. Jeff's role in Roman's life intrigued her,
and Vanessa had even considered asking Roman to dominate her, to
see how she'd like it. Because something about Jeff's submission
struck a chord in her own heart, a little whisper that wanted to
experience that kind of trust and that kind of love.

And here she was. On Roman's stage. With

Suede unclipped the black leather paddle from
her belt. "I want you on your hands and knees," Suede said. "Ass to
the audience, weight on your elbows, ass in the air."

Vanessa dropped to the stage and got into
position, thinking about nothing, just listening to Suede's

"Spread your thighs wider. Drop your head.
Close your eyes."

The floor was hard beneath her elbows and
knees, and she wondered how long she could hold the position before
her shoulders got sore. She stopped wondering when the paddle
landed on her right ass cheek with a loud snap. Vanessa jerked
forward an inch, as if she could escape the sensation that bit
right through her jeans.

"Don't move. I'm not going to chase you
around the stage."

The paddle struck again, and Vanessa gasped.
She held her position, though, and didn't allow herself to attempt
to inch away. A few more strokes, and Suede seemed to find a
comfortable rhythm. She paddled Vanessa in time with the music, and
it somehow threw Vanessa right into the music, until she was aware
only of certain rhythms – the rhythm of the music, and the synced
rhythm of the paddle, both of which seemed to go on and on.

At some point Vanessa realized her ass was
really warm. And that her shirt was soaked with sweat. And her
hair. The pain of the paddle blows had become normal, and that was
insane, but then she got lost in the rhythms again, only now there
was an added rhythm pulsing between her thighs.

She wasn't aware of moaning, of straining to
move her buttocks backward to meet the paddle, but then the music
paused, and Vanessa could hear her own moaning breaths.

"Beautiful, beautiful girl," Suede said.
"What do you guys think?"

Shouts and whistles brought Vanessa back to
the awareness of the audience, and she felt her face turn as red as
her bottom probably was. But at least no one could actually see
either. Well. Except for Suede, who walked around Vanessa, then
squatted down and lifted Vanessa's chin.

"You're adorable. I'll be right back."

Suede disappeared back stage, then
reappeared, pushing a heavy-looking bench. A spanking bench,
Vanessa supposed. Suede pushed it to the very front of the

"Okay, let's give your arms a rest. Lean over

Again Vanessa obeyed. It wasn't hard. It
wasn't like Suede was asking anything difficult of her, just the
suspension of free will.

And then Suede's hands came around Vanessa
from behind, at the waist, and she was unbuttoning Vanessa's jeans,
then tugging them down so they bunched at the knees, exposing
Vanessa with only a tiny thong for coverage. Cool air flowed across
her warm skin, and she squeezed her eyes shut, incredibly
embarrassed for everyone to be seeing her like this. She
concentrated on the music, on Suede's hands smoothing across her

"Nice and pink," Suede said, and there was
assorted applause and noise, even a wolf whistle.

Vanessa then felt Suede lifting her shirt,
exposing her back, and the shirt came over her head, and Suede's
hands encouraged Vanessa to forfeit physical privacy by pulling her
arms out of the sleeves and letting the shirt go. Suede squatted in
front of Vanessa's head. "How are you doing, baby?"

Vanessa raised her head to meet Suede's eyes.

"I know. It's kind of exciting, isn't

Vanessa watched Suede's face and thought
about it. Was she truly frightened, or was it still stage fright?
There was that little kinky part of her that was fascinated by the
way Jeff was submissive to Roman. Some of Jeff's stories made her
long for that kind of attention from a strong, powerful
personality. And she knew one of the reasons she flirted with Suede
was because there was the possibility for exactly this dynamic –
Suede in control, Vanessa submitting to that control. Just because
it felt surreal, or because she was shy about having her body
exposed to public view, didn't mean she was scared in a bad

Suede, right now, was preening and strutting.
Vanessa had seen those things when Suede worked others over with
her flogger. And Vanessa wanted Suede to have that arrogant
excitement about her, wanted to be the center of Suede's attention.
She had it now. She couldn't waste the moment.

"Scary exciting," she whispered. I'm

"You're beautiful," Suede said. "And I'm
going to let them see."

She unclipped Vanessa's strapless bra and
tossed it aside. "Don't worry," she said. "They can't see much.
Yet. And by the time they can, you'll be having an orgasm and won't
give a shit what they see."

Vanessa felt her eyes go wide. "You think you
can take me that far?"

Suede's eyes glittered, and Vanessa realized
she'd just issued a challenge. "Oh yeah, baby, no doubt." Suede's
heels clicked against the stage as she walked around the spanking
bench. The music seemed to get louder when Suede was out of
Vanessa's sight. She dropped her head against her shoulder and
closed her eyes.

She heard Suede's voice in her ear, and
lifted her head to look over her shoulder. Suede was right there.
She was straddling Vanessa, rubbing her back, her legs pressed in
tight on either side of Vanessa's waist. "So lovely," Suede said.
"Smooth and perfect and white." She gave a soft, controlled laugh.
"We'll fix that, won't we, darling?"

Then she stepped away, and Vanessa waited,
barely able to breathe, for what might come next.

It was a slap from the paddle, playful, on
Vanessa's exposed buttocks, and another slap. And then playful
stopped, and the next few hits were hard, making Vanessa yelp,
despite herself. Four more. Another. And Vanessa was squirming
under the blows.

Suede's hand slid between Vanessa's legs and
Vanessa knew that she was slick, almost dripping.

"Nice," Suede said. "Ah, wet girl, don't ever
try to tell me you hate this," and her chuckle rolled through the

And then Vanessa heard Suede walk away, and
she shuddered, alone in the center of the stage, ass up, sweat
running down her back. Just when she thought she might panic, Suede
was back, squatting near Van's head, and setting something down on
the stage. Suede held up a length of cloth, let Vanessa see it, and
then tied it around Vanessa's head, covering her eyes. And then she
placed what felt like a headband on Vanessa's head. It was the
oddest feeling, and Vanessa couldn't figure out what it was
supposed to be. Until Suede nailed her ass with the paddle

Vanessa squeaked and moaned, and she could
hear an amplification of her squeak and moan. It wasn't a headband.
It was a microphone.

She thought her mortification might be
complete, and told herself not to make any noise.

But she couldn't help herself. Her ass was so
tender all of a sudden that every blow with the paddle seemed like
it just had to be the last. Vanessa could hear herself begging,
"Please, oh, please…"

Suede touched Vanessa between the legs again,
slipped her fingers beneath the edge of the thong, found her clit,
and rolled it between her fingers. Vanessa forgot the pain of being
paddled, forgot the audience, and just let the wave of sensation
flow over her, panting and moaning.

"Do you like this?" Suede asked, and Vanessa
found herself answering, "Yes, oh God, yes."

Just when it felt like total overload, Suede
stopped. "I'm going to switch to the flogger now," she said, but
Vanessa could barely follow the words.

The tails flicked across her back, startled
her, and brought her out of her nearly orgasmic state. She was
almost angry about the change, but the flogger tails struck again,
then settled into the rhythm of the music, and Vanessa started
adjusting. She realized with horror that she was undulating her
hips, trying to find something to rub her clit against, but there
was only air, and she felt frustrated.

"Keep moving your hips. I like it. It's hot,"
Suede encouraged, and then encouraged Vanessa more by landing the
flogger there, right at the juncture of Vanessa's thighs, and it
was shocking, but it was good, and Vanessa's yell was uncontrolled
and spontaneous. "God!"

"Yes, my love?" Suede answered, and Vanessa
imagined a twitter from the audience, but she was too far removed
from them to care.

Vanessa didn't know how long Suede flogged
her, only that it seemed to go on for a long time before it
stopped. And then Suede was lifting her upper body from the bench,
and Vanessa came back to herself enough to realize she was very

Suede said, "Kneel up," and it took every
ounce of energy Vanessa had to obey.

"Kick off your jeans and shoes and come here,
darling," Suede said, her hands pulling and guiding, until Vanessa
was on the bench, laid out on her back, and it felt sublime to

Suede ran her hands along Vanessa's skin, and
Vanessa shuddered at the touch, and let out a loud moan when Suede
pinched her nipples.

Her sex felt wetter than ever, dripping, and
so hungry for sensation that when Suede's hands encouraged Vanessa
to spread her thighs open, Vanessa let her feet drop on either side
of the bench without protest.

Suede's fingers plunged into her, and Vanessa
almost screamed her relief, bucking on the bench, fists clenched,
eyes squeezed shut, her intense pleasure broadcast throughout the
club in surround sound. Suede kept fucking her with her fingers,
until Vanessa was nearly out of her mind, and then Suede pinched
Van's clit and said, "Come for me, baby," and Vanessa lost track of
time and place as she came beneath Suede's hands.

The orgasm seemed to roll over and through
her forever. She was panting and gasping, and she'd thrashed the
blindfold off. Vanessa opened her eyes to see Suede watching her,
one cocky eyebrow raised as she said, "So, was it good for

The audience laughed, and Vanessa became
aware of them again, and aware that she was naked, and that they
had watched it all.

She turned her head away, overwhelmed with a
need to hide.

And then Roman was there, helping her sit up,
wrapping a blanket around her, and lifting her into his arms, all
without a word. He cradle-carried her off the stage, past the bar,
and down the stairs to the dungeon. He brought her to the couch and
held her on his lap, magically producing a bottle of cold

The water felt perfect in her mouth and
sliding down her throat, but when it reached her stomach she
started shivering and couldn't stop.

Roman held her tighter then, letting his chin
rest on the top of her head, and rocking her a little. The lights
were low and the dungeon was quiet. Roman's body was warm and
solid. Safe. Vanessa closed her eyes and let herself drift

Maybe a few minutes passed, maybe as much as
an hour, when Vanessa became aware that Roman was crying. His chin
still rested on her head, and when she raised a hand to stroke his
cheek, she felt the wetness of tears.

"Sorry," he whispered.

"Nothing to be sorry for," she whispered
back, not wanting to disturb the peace they'd found in the dungeon.
"It's been a rough day."

More time passed. Vanessa wondered where
Suede was. Jeff had told Vanessa many times that aftercare could be
the best part of a heavy scene, how beloved he felt under Roman's
care when Jeff was coming down from prolonged intensity. Shouldn't
Suede be taking care of her now? The TLC was supposed to be part of
the bond, the trust. It was practically touted as the payoff for
the pain. Why would Suede leave that part for someone else?

Not that Vanessa would complain about Roman's
care. She didn't know how she could possibly feel more safe and
protected than in the dungeon master's arms. But she was still a
little disappointed that Suede didn't take care of her, hadn't even
checked in to make sure she was all right.

She suddenly felt restless, and somehow Roman
knew it.

"Whenever you're ready to go back upstairs is
fine with me," he said. "I'll send Dare a text and have him bring
your clothes down."

Vanessa felt herself go pink. Her clothes had
been left on the stage. Yikes.

"Thank you for getting me out of there," she
said. "It was stunning to notice the audience again."

He laughed. "Yes, it is. Even as a Top, I
sometimes forget about the audience. It's an adjustment to come out
of an altered state of mind and realize a bunch of people witnessed
the whole scene. Even if the whole point is to entertain them."

"What happens now?"

"We go back upstairs. People tell you how
lovely you were, you try to accept the compliment and not be

"I am embarrassed."

"Yes, but no one intends you to feel that
way. You were a very lovely bottom. And you have a very lovely
bottom." She could hear the laughter in his voice. Double entendre.
"Some of them will feel like they own a piece of you, that they've
now become intimate participants. Don't be shy about setting
boundaries if you find it's necessary. A very clear, 'Please don't
touch me,' usually works."

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