Out Of The Shadows (12 page)

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Authors: Julia Davies

BOOK: Out Of The Shadows
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“You’ve missed it, haven’t you?” Dane asked quietly. “Taking it, I mean, since I’m always bottom.”

Jai opened his eyes again. “Yes, a bit. I love getting fucked with a big, hard dick.”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t think about it.” Dane smiled and added, “I enjoyed that; I wasn’t sure I would.”

“Does that mean you want to try again sometime?” Jai asked him, delighted when his mate nodded. When he felt Dane’s rapidly hardening cock press against his backside, he grinned. “Already?”

Dane held him tight. “It’s you who makes me like this,” he said. There was a low rumble from Jai’s stomach and he laughed. “I think we should do something about tea first, don’t you?”

Jai signed dramatically. “You’re really going to make me go out and get food, aren’t you?”

“Well, I can’t go,” Dane pointed out, leaning over to kiss Jai. “My car is still out of action. I told you I’d make it worth your while.” He smiled wickedly as Jai got out of bed and pulled his clothes on. “Maybe we could pick up where we left off just now. You on your knees as I fuck you again, my cock pounding into you…”

“Damn it, Dane,” Jai muttered, watching his mate lie back on the bed in a pose that left nothing to the imagination. “Now I have to go to the takeaway with a bloody boner.”

Dane laughed softly. “Don’t get a speeding ticket,” he teased.


* * * *


Jai drove out to the Chinese takeaway and sat, waiting impatiently for his order to arrive. Why the hell couldn’t this place do delivery? Then he could have spent the last ten minutes doing something a lot more fun than sitting in an uncomfortable vinyl chair, next a human Barbie doll. The bleached-blonde in the low top and tiny skirt had been giving him the eye ever since she arrived, making sure he had a good view down her cleavage each time she moved. Not long ago, he would have been intrigued, possibly even taking her up on her unspoken offer, but the knowledge that his mate was waiting for him never left his mind. Or, more importantly, what Dane was going to do for him when he got back. He was just considering telling her he wasn’t interested when his order arrived. Jumping to his feet, he grabbed the bags and left.

He was just turning off the main road, to cut through one of the residential streets, when headlights dazzled him through the rear view mirror. He squinted into the mirror, trying to see the idiot who was trying to blind him, but had to turn away. Suddenly, the lights disappeared, and there was a screech of tyres.

The black pickup truck slammed into the side of his Jeep, hard, and he had to fight to keep control of the car. He tried to keep his speed up, knowing that if he stopped he would be a sitting duck. Luckily, this section of the road ran alongside the park before going into the streets so there would be nothing in his way. Glancing out of the driver’s side window, Jai was just in time to see the pickup swerve toward him again. He couldn’t see who was driving but, given the recent problems, he had a pretty good idea. The truck slammed into his Jeep again, this time making it spin off to the left. Unfortunately for him, someone had left a Mini Cooper parked on the footpath at the edge of the park, where the houses began. Jai didn’t see it until it was too late, his eyes on the pickup.

The Jeep smashed into the parked car hard enough to make the airbag explode in his face, jarring his neck back even as the seatbelt yanked him back in his seat. His head hit the side window as his Jeep finally careened to a stop. Jai heard car tyres squeal away as his world went dark.



Chapter Fourteen




Jai opened his eyes and blinked to make the world come back into focus, frowning at the harsh lights above him. Where the hell was he? He was in the Jeep, on his way back from the takeaway, and that pickup truck had sideswiped him and he’d crashed.

He glanced around the hospital room; it was part of a larger room, a blue curtain separating his bed from the rest of it. Beside the bed, Dane paced. Jai could smell the anxiety coming off him in waves, along with a great deal of fear. He tried to sit up but his head swam, nausea making him drop back to the bed, and take a deep breath. Dane noticed his movements and raced to the bed.

“Oh, thank God!” Dane began to hug him and then stopped, hesitating as though not daring to touch him. “I was so worried when they called me. What happened?”

Before Jai could answer, the curtain around the bed was drawn back and a man who looked to be in his forties came in. He looked Jai over and then glanced at the notes on the clipboard hooked over the end of the bed frame.

“Welcome back, Mr Hanson. You’ve had us a little concerned.” He smiled. “I’m Doctor Whiteside.”

Jai swallowed back the sick feeling that came with trying to move and looked up at him.

“How long have I been here?”

Again the doctor flashed him a blank smile that gave nothing away. Not even his scent changed; he was so used to seeing injured people that his emotions never altered.

“We can talk about that in a little while,” he said. “Mr Bryant, if I could speak to you outside for a moment?”

Dane looked between Jai and Doctor Whiteside and then nodded, pausing to press a kiss to Jai’s forehead, being careful to avoid the injuries where his mate’s head had hit the window.

“I’ll be back soon.”

Jai nodded, regretting the movement immediately. Glancing at the doctor, he had to smile. The man’s eyebrows had shot up to his hairline as Dane kissed him;
at least something can shake his indifference
, Jai thought. He watched them go outside the curtained area, where the doctor assumed that he wouldn’t be able to hear. Unfortunately, he was dealing with werewolves, so Jai could listen as though they were talking right next to him.

“Mr Hanson suffered a mild concussion as well as minor cuts and bruises. Frankly, I’m a little surprised that he has come out of this so lightly. The paramedics who brought him in say he had to be cut from the vehicle.”

“But he’s going to be alright, isn’t he?”

“He should be fine. If I may ask, what relation are you to Mr Hanson? He has you listed as his emergency contact.”

“Why do you want to know that?”

“I’m not asking in order to be judgemental, Mr Bryant, or for any reason other than I cannot allow Mr Hanson to return home if there will be no one there with him. He will need to be under observation for at least the next twelve hours.”

“I’ll be staying with him.”

Jai smiled when he heard that; although he hadn’t said it as such, Dane had clearly answered the doctor’s question about the nature of their relationship. Dane was given instructions by Doctor Whiteside of things to keep an eye out for and what to do and when to call the hospital before they came back in. He spoke to Jai for a few moments, telling him roughly the same as Jai had already overheard.


* * * *


The following morning, as he was making breakfast, Dane heard the phone ring. He answered it quickly before it could wake Jai.

“How is he?”

It took him a moment to place the voice. “Michael?”

“Oh, sorry; guess I forgot that bit.” The Alpha chuckled. “I wanted to call and see how Jai was. I heard about the accident.”

Dane sighed. “I left him to sleep this morning, even if I do have to keep going in to make sure he’s alright.” He paused before adding, “It wasn’t an accident, you know.”

There was a brief silence on the line. “What?”

Dane filled him in on what Jai had said last night. “The police are looking into it.” He heard a noise behind him and turned to see Jai standing there. He looked a little unsteady on his feet, leaning on the doorframe, and Dane dropped the phone to go to him.

“You should be resting,” he said. “The doctor said you had a concussion; you know it’s going to take longer to heal because of the stuff they gave you at the hospital.”

A werewolf could heal almost anything, but head injuries took a little longer and that was without the hospital’s interference. They had given Jai medication as they treated him which, unfortunately, slowed the were’s natural healing process.

Jai reached a hand out to pull him in for a kiss. “Quit fussing, would you?”

“I can’t help it.” He heard a shrill whistle from the phone and went back to pick up the receiver.
. He had just blanked Michael; you didn’t ignore the Alpha. “Michael, my sincerest apologies—”

“Dane, stop. I just wanted to make sure he was alright before I hung up,” Michael said, and a wave of relief rushed over Dane. “I trust that you will let me know what the police report says. Now, go and take care of your mate.”


* * * *


The police called again later that morning, after having spoken to him briefly at the hospital. The two officers informed him that they had looked into his claim that he had been run off the road. The preliminary findings, they said, supported his story and they found a witness, a man who had seen part of the accident from his bedroom window.

“What do I need to do about the Jeep?” Jai asked, but the officer informed him that they would have it picked up by a recovery truck and taken back to be checked by their people.

“You can contact your insurance company in the meantime, get things started,” they advised.

“I’m bored,” Jai complained when Dane tried to convince him to return to bed. “I need to do something.”

“The doctor’s instructions were clear. You’re supposed to rest.”

“They’re just being over-cautious,” Jai said dismissively, trying to get up. “I’m okay.”

He was a little surprised when Dane crowded him, anger in his eyes.

“Don’t do that! Do you have any idea how worried I was when they called me?” Dane snapped. “When I saw you lying in that hospital bed there was a moment where I thought I’d lost you so don’t you dare try and dismiss this!”

Jai reached out to take Dane’s hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think. I’ll make you a deal,” he said. “I’m not going back to bed, but I promise sit on the sofa and rest. At least I can watch TV there.”

Dane nodded, settling in beside him again and handing him the remote control.


* * * *


Around noon, Jai sat on the sofa, his legs stretched out and his feet across Dane’s lap, watching a movie. Or rather, he had been. Dane batted his hand away for the second time, only for Jai to run it up his thigh again a moment later. Loathe as he was to stop Jai’s progress, wanting instead to help him out, Dane grabbed Jai’s hand and lifted it off his groin.

“Stop it. The doctor said you had to take it easy.”

Jai smiled. “Take it easy. I can do that. So, how about you come over here and suck me?” He leaned over for a kiss.

“I don’t think this is what he had in mind,” Dane pointed out. “You’re meant to be resting.”

Jai’s hand dropped to his jeans, unfastening them as he lay back against the arm of the sofa, then slipped his hand inside to rub over his hard cock. He raised his hips slightly, pressing forward into his own hand.

“But I find having my cock sucked
restful. Come on, babe…”

Dane sighed as those big green eyes pleaded with him. Truth was he wanted this as much as Jai, missing his mate’s touch since last night. He reached up to drag Jai’s jeans down his legs, taking them right off and dropping them onto the floor. Jai’s dick was hard and ready, Jai’s fist clenched around it.

Lying on his stomach between Jai’s legs, he shoved Jai’s hand aside and palmed the hot length. A soft whimper came to his ears and he smiled, looking up at his mate. Doing as his mate wanted, Dane dipped his head and swiped his tongue over the leaking cock before him. Jai whimpered again, the sound turning to a moan as Dane took his whole length into the back of his throat, swallowing around it.


* * * *


Jai almost bucked off the sofa as Dane’s mouth engulfed him, all the way down until his nose was pressed into the dark hair at his groin.
Fuck, that felt fantastic.
He’d been with men before who could take all of him but this was Dane. The sight of those big, chocolate coloured eyes looking up at him, that blonde hair, escaping from the rubber band he held it back with and falling around his face. Dane’s cheeks hollowed as he sucked, his pale skin flushing as he worked. He had to stop himself from raising his hips, thrusting upward, and fucking Dane’s mouth; he wasn’t sure that Dane would let him and he didn’t want to stop the man long enough to ask.

When Dane’s hand crept lower to cup his balls, gently tugging and squeezing, Jai knew he was done for. He was close already and felt the familiar tingling rush through him, tightening.

“Dane, oh God. I… coming, babe.”

Rather than pull back, Dane swallowed his cock down deep, tensing his throat around the head as he tugged on Jai’s balls once more. That was all he needed, and he came, pouring himself down Dane’s throat and coming so hard he could have sworn he saw stars. Dane sucked him clean and let Jai’s cock slip from between his lips.

“Feeling rested, now?” he teased.

Jai nodded and then looked pointedly down at the rather impressive bulge behind Dane’s zipper.

“I am, but you’re not. We’re going to have to do something about that, aren’t we?”


* * * *


Dane nodded, all thoughts of “take it easy” having drifted away the second Jai hauled him up to kiss him. His hands worked open Dane’s jeans and a hot palm wrapped around his cock.

“Since I’m supposed to be resting, though, I suppose we shouldn’t.”

What? Dane frowned, trying to think around the feeling of Jai’s hand doing wonderful things to his cock, until he noticed his mate smirking. He knew that he was just giving Jai exactly what he wanted but what the hell. At this point, he was too horny to give a toss.

Quickly retrieving the lube from the bedroom and shucking his clothes, he went back to the sofa. Jai had slid down a little, almost lying flat with one foot up on the sofa, the other on the floor. He had removed his shirt and one hand idly played with his cock. When he saw Dane return, he bent his knee—spreading himself, offering himself—to his mate.

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