Out of the Shadows (Falcon) (28 page)

BOOK: Out of the Shadows (Falcon)
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“Sibel this is serious. Youssef is not happy.”

Youssef.” She thumped her chest. “Can’t you understand I did the best I could?”

“It is not enough.”

Her brother stepped over the threshold and into her foyer. He shook the rain off his light jacket as she shut the door.

“Come, I’ll fix some tea,” she offered.
In the kitchen she put the kettle on the stove to boil water.

“I did not come for tea, Sibe

She turned back to him and he held a gun pointed at her.
The radical bastard
. “You’ve come to kill your own sister?”

“A very unruly and disobedient sister.” He
narrowed his dark eyes and pointed a condemning finger at her. “You have not done as you were instructed.”

“I have been a most devoted sister. Do you think I e
njoy those men pawing me like animals?” She stepped closer and shoved his shoulder. “Do you, Asad?”

“I think you have your own agenda.”

Monique allowed tears to course down her cheeks. “Then what are you waiting for? Kill me, why don’t you? Shoot me down like a dog in the street.”

ssef has ordered it.”

“What will our father think of this, huh? Do yo
u think he will honor you?”

“Father should not be concerned. He hasn’t seen you in years.
We are not Pakistanis, you and I.”

The tea kettle suddenly whistled
, and they both turned. Monique grabbed the kettle and flung it at Asad’s head. He placed his hands over his face, and the gun clattered to the floor. Without pausing, she charged forward and scooped it off the tile.

While he stag
gered from the blow to his head and the scalding water, Monique pointed the gun at Asad’s chest and pulled the trigger.

She looked
into her dying brother’s eyes. She didn’t see the hurt or the love one would expect from a brother. Only regret that he’d failed Yousef. She pulled the trigger again...and again.

much for family. Now she had to run and hide. Nothing had gone as she planned, but when had it ever? She had no one to count on but herself.


Before Frank could finish, Mac’s phone went off. Finding a quiet corner, he answered the call he’d been waiting for. His contact had come through.

Mac stuck the
phone in his back pocket. Soberly, Mac took out his Glock and checked his ammo. “I got a tip on Burr. I’m going to check it out. It’s been confirmed he has been hired to take out the president.”

ank looked away. “No chance Burr could have another target?”


Frank sat on the edge of the bed. “Take him out, Mac. It’s the only way we can make sure the president is safe.”

“On it.” Mac headed for the door.

“Don’t take any chances. He’s one of the best,” Tony said.

Mac looked back and grinned. “Only
of best, not
best.” Mac exited.

massaged his temples as he walked to the far side of the room. Doug sat in an over-stuffed chair facing the TV. “What’s happening, Frank? Tony told me something was going down and gave me this feed.” He touched his ear. “But, I’m still pretty much in the dark.”

“I’m not
sure how to say this except Ben Reed, Scott Wheeler, and Ron Rafferty plan to have the president assassinated.”

Doug jumped out of the chair. “You’re shitting me.”

Frank stepped closer. “I wish I was, but a call from a Monique Sutherland pretty much sealed Ron and Ben’s fate. I only have a hunch Scott is in on it, but my hunches usually turn out to be pretty good.”

“My God, why?” Doug barely whispered
. His eyes widened and he appeared lost for words.

Tony pulled up the camera
from outside in the hall. They all watched as Scott stuck something in the key slot to Frank’s room.

Well,” Tony said. “That put Scott in a pretty embarrassing position.”

, I think you need to get Colanglo in here. I want him to hear this from you guys,” Doug said. “And he’ll need to take care of Reed.”

“I’ve already sent him a
text asking him to join us in the president’s room. Should be there any minute.” Tony turned the screen back to the president. “I need to get the recorder out of my room. From the optics, it appears Scott waited for me to go to Frank’s room and then broke the lock and gassed us.”

Doug s
tepped back. “Your room was gassed? Are you okay?”

fine,” Frank said. “But Tony has a back-up system in his room.”

Tony eased out of the room to
hunt for his recorder.

, this is serious stuff. Is the president okay?”

A light tap
sounded at the door. Doug checked it out and allowed Tony back into the room. He carried a tissue size box. “It’s all here, everything that was said in Scott Wheeler’s room.”

“Is it enough?”

Tony pushed the power button and Scott’s and Ron’s voices echoed through the room.


Brody looked at Jake, and both men jumped into the car and quickly moved out of the area. From two blocks away they watched every car that drove into the neighborhood. Brody wanted the car stopped and Kate freed before those goons delivered her to Chavez.

“You think they’ll bring her here?”

Brody held the field glasses to his eyes. “This is where A.J. led us, so it stands to reason that they’d bring Kate here.”

’re guessing Chavez is wherever they’re keeping A.J.”

“It makes sense,” B
rody said. “I don’t think they’d scatter their assets all over El Paso. Chavez is a control freak.”

Jake lowered his glasses
, and said, “I see a dark car approaching with tinted windows. You think that’s the one with Kate in it?”


Jake and Brody jumped into their vehicle, circled around, and followed the kidnapper’s car at a safe distance. “I don’t want them to get too far ahead of us.” Brody slapped the dash. “How does that man keep managing to get his hands on Kate?”

“Let’s cut them off at the next intersection.”

Cocking his assault rifle, Brody said, “I’m ready.”


Mac walked into the fast food restaurant and gauged sight lines, made note of every customer and worker in the establishment. In the corner, with his back to the door, Albin Burr sat hunched over his lunch, devouring a greasy hamburger.

Mac got in line behind a young mother with two toddlers. There were too many people
for Mac to approach Burr. He’d wait for him to leave. In the meantime, Mac couldn’t afford to let the assassin out of his sight.

At the counter Mac ordered a drink and a small hamburger. He paid, took his order
, and found a small table on the opposite side of the eating area. Sucking his drink through a straw, Mac took out his phone and pretended to be engaged in a text conversation.

When Burr rose
, and took his red tray to the trash container and dumped it, Mac left his untouched burger and fell in behind him. As the hit man approached his car, Mac jabbed a Glock into the center of Burr’s back.

Burr froze

Mac stepped back
. “Turn around.” With the gun at his waist, Mac backed Burr up to the dumpster, where the customers couldn’t see them.

“I know you speak English, so I’ll keep this short. We know you’re here to
take out the President of the United States. We’re not about to let that happen. Right now you’re in the sights of a dozen snipers.”

Burr looked unconvinced. “I don’t know what you
’re talking about,” he said in a deep Scandinavian accent that reminded Mac of Arnold Schwartzenegger.

“I think you do,” he
replied. “You’re Albin Burr. Your wife’s name is Olga, and your two girls are Anna and Erika. A new addition is expected in September. You live in Svedbergsplan in a third floor flat. I know the park where your kids play.”

Burr’s eyes widened and darted around the perimeter. Mac kne
w nothing scared a man like a threat to his family.”

“What do you want?”

“Who hired you?”

“You should
know I don’t have that information. I have nothing that associates me to my target. It’s all done by my handler. I’m simply sent a text, and I go from there.”

“Who’s your handler?”

“We’ve never met.”

“Where were you to take out the target?”

“I haven’t received those instructions yet.” Burr held out a piece of paper with nine numbers on it. “I’m to contact this number within two hours.”

Mac bel
ieved Burr. Most assassins didn’t dirty their hands with details. But if Burr didn’t do the job, the manager would probably turn on Burr and his family.

“I advise you to find out who your handler is and take care of him. Find another line of business. Go home and raise your family.”

Burr looked off into the distance. Mac knew there were two kinds of assassins, the ones who worked strictly as a job and those who enjoyed the kill. He guessed Burr wasn’t a cold blooded killer.

Mac handed him an envelope.
“Here is your passport and a ticket back to Stockholm. Take it and go.”

Burr hesitated a moment and
then reached out and took the offer. After tucking it securely in his pocket, he handed Mac the prepaid phone and nodded. Burr got in his car and turned in the direction of the airport.

Mac had security set up to see that Burr actually got on the plane and l
eft. His instructions were if Burr didn’t follow directions, they’d take him out.

Mac called Frank. “I have a number. Burr hadn’t picked out a location yet, so A.J. may still be alive.”

“Burr?” Frank asked.

“On his way back home if he’s smart.”

“Good job, Mac.”


Tony, Frank, and Doug headed for the president’s room. Colanglo would be waiting inside. Ron being there came as a surprise to Frank. If Rafferty was worried, he didn’t show it. His shit-eating smile nearly blinded Frank.

“The p
resident and I were just telling Vince our strategy for tonight’s dinner,” Rafferty said. “I think Gomez will be open to our suggestions.”

Doug remained near the door, his hand on his service revol
ver. “Frank has something to tell you, Mr. President.”

Davis looked
at Frank expectantly. Tony had his hands behind his back in a relaxed stance, but Frank knew he fisted his gun and could draw and fire it accurately in a split second.

“It appears there’s
a conspiracy, Colin,” Frank said.

“What are you talking about?” Rafferty asked. His wholesome smile gone, replace
d by a nervous frown. “What’s going on?”

May I use your computer,” Frank asked.

Davis waved his hand toward his laptop.
“Please, help yourself.”

Frank put in a thumb drive
, and pictures of Ron Rafferty and Scott Wheeler flashed on the screen. Frank waited for the audio.

“That’s nothing unusual,” Ron barked.
“You gentlemen are wasting the president’s time. We have a very important meeting in a couple of hours.”

“Be patient,” Colanglo said. “If this wasn’t important, Frank wouldn’t be here.”

Ron and Scott’s voices traveled through the speakers as they discussed the assassination of the president. They also talked about the assassin, about framing A.J., and about gassing Frank’s room.

,” Ron said. “I don’t know how you came up with this, but its false information and I’m personally going to see that Falcon Securities pays for this.”

raised his hand. “One moment please.” He turned to Frank. “Do you have anything other than this? In today’s world, it isn’t hard to produce a flaming video.”

Frank took his phone out of his pocket and push
ed play. Monique Sutherland’s voice echoed around the room. She gave a play by play of how Ron, Scott Wheeler, and Ben Reed were all conspiring to kill the president.

“Lies, those are all lies.”

A knock sounded at the door. Doug opened it and Mac stepped inside. He held up a prepaid phone, punched in a number and Ron’s phone rang.

In sequence, Tony and Doug
pulled their weapons and pointed them at Rafferty.

“Do you realize who I am?” he shouted. “I am the Vice
president of the United States. I demand you holster those guns before you both end up in federal prison.”

“Shut up, Ron.
” Davis looked at Colanglo. “Contain Reed.”

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