Outback Ghost (25 page)

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Authors: Rachael Johns

BOOK: Outback Ghost
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‘Don't be ridiculous.' Every feminine cell in her body longed for more quality time alone with him but she couldn't relax. ‘I told you I'm just tired. You might be used to going at it all night, but I'm well out of practice.'

Raising his eyebrows, he glanced in the rear-view mirror at Heidi and Stella almost swallowed her tongue at the realisation of what she'd just said. Thank God Heidi wouldn't understand.

‘So, who's for I Spy?' she said, pasting a smile on her face. It was an innocuous game but one that needed enough concentration that Stella might be able to stop thinking about the ghost thing.

‘Me, me, me,' Heidi sang from the back seat. ‘I pie with my little eye something yellow.'

‘Baby ducks,' Adam shouted immediately.

Stella frowned, amusement bubbling within as she scanned the paddocks on either side of them, both decidedly absent of ducklings. Or ducks.

‘No ducks,' said Heidi, indignantly.

‘I know but I like ducks and I wish there were.'

Stella couldn't help but laugh along with Heidi at Adam's silliness.

‘Be schensible,' Heidi ordered. ‘Has to be something see-able.'

‘Okay. How about the sun?'

‘No. It's in car.'

‘Adam's T-shirt?' Stella suggested, allowing herself a moment to appreciate how deliciously he fit inside the simple garment. Her mouth watered at the memory of running her hands up and down his torso.

‘Yes. Your turn, Mummy.'

Knowing it was safer than thinking about Adam naked or the alternative of worrying about Lily-Blue, Stella tried her best to concentrate on the serious game of I Spy as they headed towards town. They took turns thinking up the silliest thing they could to stump each other and it wasn't long before Adam slowed the car alongside a property on the outskirts of town.

‘I spy with my little eye something brown, furry, with four legs and a mane.'

‘Not your…' But Heidi's complaint died on her tongue as she glanced out the window and saw a beautiful caramel-coloured pony with a white diamond on its nose grazing by the front fence.

Stella looked to Adam. ‘Is this Ruby's place?'

He nodded, a smug look on his face.

Heidi found her voice. ‘I ride horsey?'

‘Oh, I don't know, honey, we'll have to see what Ruby says.'

‘Who's Ooby?'

While Stella explained whom the horse belonged to, Adam drove up the driveway and parked in front of a large two-storey house with an immaculately kept garden. Ruby and the constable Stella had seen around town stood waving by the gate that led into the horse paddock.

‘Thank you for organising this,' Stella said to Adam as he turned off the ignition. ‘It's…' She found she couldn't get the words out. After the physical and mental exhaustion of the night, her vocabulary appeared to have taken a holiday.

He placed his hand over the top of hers and she allowed herself brief enjoyment at the safe intimacy. Heidi was preoccupied gazing out the window so Stella didn't need to worry about her bearing witness and the truth was, she didn't know if she'd have been able to resist his touch if she tried. She wanted him so bad. The attraction hadn't waned at all now they'd slept together and if anything the confusion over what to tell him about his sister only intensified her feelings.

‘It's my way of saying thanks,' he said.

She laughed slightly and linked her fingers with his. ‘But after this I'll owe

‘It's okay.' He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. ‘I can think of at least one way you can repay me.'

Her core tightened at his words. Would he want to sleep with her again after she'd told him her theory about Heidi's new friend?

Heidi's feet slammed into the back of Stella's seat, jolting her body and her thoughts. ‘See horsey,' demanded the little voice from behind.

Laughing, Adam squeezed her fingers gently and then extricated his hand. ‘Come on then, missy,' he said, unbuckling his seat belt and opening his door, ‘let's go see a lady about a horse.'

Vowing to enjoy the morning, Stella followed suit. Heidi ran ahead of them, introducing herself to Ruby and her fiancé. Stella's heart tensed a moment as she waited for the couple's reaction to Heidi's charismatic greeting but relaxed as both Drew and Ruby smiled and welcomed the little embrace. Behind her, Adam got the esky off the back seat and together they walked to join the others.

‘Hi Stella, lovely to see you again.' Ruby smiled. ‘Have you met Drew?'

‘Not officially but I've seen you in uniform.'

As he stepped forward and offered his firm handshake, it took all her concentration to reciprocate. Although he was a nice-­looking man, it wasn't his looks distracting her. All she could think about was what he would say if she told him her Lily-Blue theory. Problem was, she still wasn't sure exactly what her theory was.

‘Nice to meet you properly and speaking of which,' he glanced at his watch, ‘I'm on duty in half an hour. Better go get changed. You three have fun with Roxie and Roberta.'

As he turned to head into the house, Heidi's face scrunched up. ‘Who?'

Ruby laughed and took Heidi's hand in her own. ‘My two naughty horses. Do you want to come and say hello?'

‘Yes, please.'

Ruby led Heidi off towards the paddock. Adam deposited the esky by the fence and then they followed.

‘This is Roxie.' Ruby introduced the larger horse first and let Heidi feed her an apple. As if sensing she were missing out on treats, the pony who'd been down by the fence when they arrived trotted up to join the little party and Heidi fell in love. She demanded Roberta have an apple too and then wrapped her chubby arms around the pony's neck, all but burying her head in the soft mane.

Stella looked to Ruby, hoping the horse wouldn't bite Heidi or something, but Ruby waved away her worries.

‘She's fine. Roberta is one of the gentlest animals I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Would you like to ride her, Heidi?'

‘Really?' Heidi's eyes widened as she looked up in awe at the pony.

‘Sure.' Ruby nodded. ‘If your mum says it's okay.'

‘More than.' Stella felt almost as excited as her daughter and took her mobile phone out of her pocket, ready to take photos.

‘We'll have to saddle her up first.'

They walked Roberta up to a shelter where Ruby had a saddle waiting. Ruby patiently showed Heidi how to saddle up the pony, answering question after question without showing any irritation when some of the questions were double ups. And then Adam helped Heidi up onto the horse. Despite Roberta being a small pony, Heidi looked tiny sitting up top but there was nothing small about her grin, which stretched from ear to ear. Heidi was generally a happy child but Stella couldn't recall ever seeing her as ecstatic as this.

She hoped the happiness Heidi felt now would help to eradicate some of the anxiety that plagued her about Lily-Blue, although the moment Stella had promised to help with that, she'd stopped crying and slept stress-free. This morning she'd been preoccupied with building a ‘nest' for Whiskers and hadn't even mentioned Lily-Blue. Maybe if Stella could keep her occupied and busy away from the cottage during the day, she'd be too exhausted to be awoken by a ghost at night.

‘Mummy! Look me.' Heidi's voice startled Stella from her thoughts and she snapped up her head to watch as Ruby led Heidi round the paddock on Roberta. She took a zillion shots on her phone, wishing she'd thought to bring the proper camera, wishing she had someone who cared enough about Heidi to show the photos to.

‘She's a natural,' Adam said, standing alongside her.

‘Seems that way.' Stella realised she was crying when Adam dug into his pocket and pulled out a tissue.

‘I promise it's clean.'

She laughed through her tears and accepted the offering gratefully. ‘I don't even know why I'm blubbering. Thank you for giving her this chance. I used to go to pony club when I was a kid and I know Heidi would love it but there's just not the same opportunities in the city.'

‘You're the first person I've heard say that. Most people whine about our lack of facilities up here.'

‘Then most people don't realise how lucky they are,' she retorted.

‘Hey, you don't need to convince me.' He placed his hand against her arm and she flinched. Then cringed at the look of hurt that crossed his face.

‘I'm sorry.' She shook her head. ‘I'm just…'

‘I know. Tired.' His smile said he wasn't too offended. ‘How about you head into the café and take five to have some you-time? Get a strong coffee and a slice of Frankie's famous cake.'

‘But what about—'

‘Heidi will be fine,' he said, anticipating her words. ‘I doubt Ruby and I will be able to drag her off that pony for quite some time. We'll be all right here.'

Stella bit her lip, torn between leaving Heidi and the blissful thought of half an hour to herself. Lord knew she needed the opportunity to clear her head. ‘If you're sure.'

‘Definitely.' He reached into his pocket again and pulled out his wallet. ‘Can you bring back a takeaway coffee for Ruby and me?'

She waved away his offer of money. ‘I'll pay for it.'

Without thinking she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Back soon,' she said and then cursed silently as she walked towards the car. What on earth had possessed her to do such a thing? It had felt so natural, like she always kissed him goodbye when they parted, but what if Heidi had seen? Or Ruby? She was in dire need of sleep. And in the unlikelihood of getting that any time soon, coffee would have to do.

Adam watched Stella go, trying but failing to keep a massive grin from spreading across his face. She'd been a little distant this morning and he worried that she regretted their night together, but this one little gesture suggested otherwise. Relief washed over him as he leaned back against the fence to watch Ruby lead Heidi round the paddock. The little girl always wore a die-hard smile but today she simply shone with excitement and happiness. He was glad he'd been able to do something special for her after the way she'd helped his mum and he hoped Stella enjoyed the reprieve as well.

Chapter Sixteen

‘So, you've escaped on your own, well done, girlfriend.'

Stella looked up as Frankie put a steaming mug of coffee and a slice of caramel mudcake on the table in front of her. The café owner had been busy doing something out the back when Stella had placed her order. ‘Hi, Frankie.'

Frankie dragged out a chair and sat. ‘You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.'

I feel like I do
, Stella thought. ‘I'm just tired,' she said instead. Geez, even she thought she sounded like a broken record. She needed to find a better excuse for being lost in her own little bubble.

‘Harvest will do that to you. Or so I'm told. Personally I left our family property the day I turned eighteen, went to Perth to cookery school and only came back here because I like the beach and the lease for the café was cheap.' She picked up a serviette and twisted it between her fingers. ‘But you didn't come here to get my life history.'

Stella smiled. ‘I'm interested. Did your parents farm up here too?' Listening to Frankie speak about anything had to be better than the churning mess that was her brain cells at that moment.

‘Yep, sold up a few years back because they didn't have anyone who wanted to take over.' Frankie rolled her eyes. ‘Anyway even if you are interested, you won't be within about five seconds. My life is seriously boring.'

‘I'm sure that's not true. You must meet lots of people in your line of work.'

Stella took a sip of her coffee and felt an immediate buzz. She knew that was ridiculous, that the caffeine likely needed at least half an hour to take effect but the knowledge that it would was almost enough.

Frankie sighed. ‘Not nearly enough young, single, rich and hot men. But I suppose I'm preaching to the converted. Must be hard for you to meet guys being a single mother.'

Stella almost spat her coffee over the table.

‘Oh, I'm sorry.' Frankie put her hand over her mouth. ‘That came out wrong. I think Heidi is adorable, but I know how hard it is to meet men without having to work out babysitting and all that into it.'

Just invite them round for sordid shenanigans while your child sleeps
. Of course Stella didn't say that. She hadn't been offended by Frankie's comment – only following so close to her night with Adam she hadn't known how to respond.

‘I know what you mean.' She smiled to try to alleviate Frankie's embarrassment. She didn't want the other woman to feel like she had to censor herself around Stella. She'd like them to be friends.

‘Phew.' Frankie wiped her hand over her brow theatrically. ‘By the way, where is the little cherub?'

‘She's with Adam at Ruby's. Getting to know the horses.'

Frankie grinned. ‘Oh, she'll love that. Ruby is such a great and patient teacher. By the way, Adam told me that Heidi has been spending a lot of time with Esther while you two were working. He said the change in her is amazing.'

‘Yes, they've been good for each other.'

‘Seriously,' Frankie's tone matched her word, ‘I can barely recall a time when Aunty Esther has been happy. She's kind of just functioned from day to day, going through the motions, as long as I can remember, but the other day when we had that barbecue, I saw a spark of life within her. No wonder Adam wants to spoil Heidi with pony rides. She's a little miracle worker.'

‘I don't know about that.' Stella flushed, the credit they were giving to Heidi felt like a lot of pressure and she was glad her little girl was unaware of it. But Frankie's talk about Esther added yet another aspect to consider in her dilemma about Lily-Blue.

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