Outlaw (Aelfraed) (13 page)

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Authors: Griff Hosker

BOOK: Outlaw (Aelfraed)
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Their faces told the truth.
  They had done nothing but talk. Ealdgyth spoke. “We do not need to be ready yet Lord Aethelward for William will not travel in winter.  We have until the spring.”

“We have two months, at the most.”

Morcar nodded.  “You are right.  What should we do?”

“Do as Aelfraed has done; buy arms and armours for your men. Enlarge your armies.”

“That costs money.”

Ealdgyth said sarcastically, “Which you will not have if William takes your lands from you.”

“Very well it will be done.” Edwin looked at Morcar.  “Will you command the army strategos?”

I knew that he did not wish to do so but I also knew that he would, if only for the Queen and me. “I will but you will do exactly as I say.”

Morcar answered for them both.  “Of course. And now, a toast, to the restoration of the line of Harold.”

We all touched goblets and drank.
  “Your majesty, I did not expect to see you here. When did you arrive?”

“I came by sea.
  King Malcolm had a ship already sailing for Jorvik and I came.” She looked directly at me, “Your wife is caring for the twins.”

Aethelward leaned forwards. “Your life is in danger your majesty.
  I believe that Robert of Jumièges and Edith Swanneck are plotting your death.”

“Do not worry sister.
  You will be safe here.”

“As she was when Edith tried to poison her last year.”

“Security is tighter now.  That will not happen.” I somehow did not believe that.  I had come to learn that the brothers were talkers not doers.

Ealdgyth held up her hand.
  “Please, do not trouble yourself over me.  If you are so concerned, Lord Aelfraed, then take the room adjacent to mine. As I recall that was how you saved King Edward’s life, by being on hand.”

“Whatever I can do I will do to serve your majesty.”

“Good it is settled. I will dress for the feast.” She swept out of the room and when she had gone, it felt emptier.

“I still like it not.
  She was safer in Scotland.”

“I know, Lord Aethelward, but our sister is still the Queen and does as she wishes, even when we do not agree with her.”

As we went to our rooms Aethelward took me in hand.  “I will be no use tonight to guard the Queen.  Should we use Osbert?

“No uncle.
  I can do without sleep for one night at least. First I will find Osbert and see if he has discovered aught.”

I knew that he had when he was nervously awaiting me at the Mickelgate. “My lord, I was in The Saddle talking with the landlord and he told me that those knights who killed Branton’s archers are back in the city.”

“But Morcar banished them.”

“I know but they are not in the halls, they are staying elsewhere.”

“You have done well.  Keep your eyes open and have some of the men patrol the walls tonight.  I will be in the chamber next to the Queen for Aethelward feels that she may be the target. Be ready to come to my aid if I should call you.”

“I will divide us in two groups. One can sleep early and the other late.
  We will be there if you need us.”

“Thank you Osbert.
  I rely on you much as I do with Lord Ridley.” That was one of the greatest compliments I could pay my sergeant.

I told Morcar, Edwin and Aethelward of my news and they were shocked, especially Morcar.
  “But I forbade them to return!”

Aethelward smiled wryly.
  “You are to be replaced by Copsi so I do not think he will worry overmuch about obeying your law.”

“I will warn the guards.”

I was not confident.  I had seen assassins at work and watched guards on sentry duty.  They only saw what they expected to see and many drifted off to sleep in the wee small hours.  I would need to be alert. The Queen, of course, had other plans for me. After the meal the Queen was escorted to her room by her brothers.  I strapped on my sword and dagger and stood outside the room. Morcar looked at me curiously.  “Surely waiting outside a room is not a task for a lord?”

I smiled. “When I last did this I was a Housecarl. The King certainly thought it was a worthy task but I will not remain outside all night, I will retire but I am a light sleeper.
  If I hear anything I will be able to reach the Queen in minutes.”

The Queen must have been listening inside the door for when she heard the silence she opened the door and dragged me inside where she showered me with kisses again. “Come to me.
  I grew tired of waiting for you to return to Fife and I have followed you here where you will not be distracted by your wife.”

I barely had time to remove my sword and dagger before she wrapped her naked body next to mine and we made our usual, passionate, frenetic love. “It is not safe here.”

“I am safe in your arms my love, is that not safe enough. Besides I had news.”

I sat up. “You did not mention it earlier.”

“No, my love, news for you. You are to be a father.”

I looked at her and I know that I must have looked like the village idiot for I was slack jawed and wide eyed. “Gytha!”

She laughed her dancing laugh, “No, you goose, me! I am with child. You and your father are certainly potent.”

I did not know what to make of it. How could I be a father with the Queen of England and what would the world think?
  They would ask who the father was and what would her reply be? She saw the look on my face.  “Do not worry, people will not notice for a while at least. You saw how I dressed before; I cover up my shape with fine furs.  By spring they will all have more to worry about than who has been making love to the queen.”

“What happens when the child is born?”

“By then we will either have won or lost and the baby will be forgotten.”

“And Gytha.”

“I would not worry about your wife Aelfraed.” She was running her nails up my chest and stroking me when she said that and, at the time, I ignored it.  Soon we were coupling again and this time we both fell asleep. 

I was suddenly awake and alert.
  I had heard something.  I slowly opened my eyes.  The door did not look to be closed any longer. I slid my left hand to the side of the bed.  I sought my sword but all I found was my dagger.  It would have to do. I slowly slid from the bed and rolled to the floor, out of sight of the door. I hoped that whoever was in the room would take the movement to be the Queen sleeping.  I crawled to the end of the bed and saw a shape. It was a leg, looking up I saw two men with daggers drawn stalking the Queen. I had no time to think; I had to act. I lunged upwards stabbing towards the place I thought the neck would be.  When my hand was suddenly engulfed in warm blood I knew that I had struck well. There was no light in the room but I caught a lighter shadow and jerked my head back as the blade slashed wickedly towards my neck. With my left hand I reached out and grabbed the killer’s dagger arm. His momentum took us both forwards. He had not been expecting a warrior in the room and as he fell forwards with his hand he encountered my naked groin.  He involuntarily recoiled in horror and I took my chance. I was holding his dagger and I stabbed upwards with mine.  The blade entered his body just below his ribs and it slid upwards into his heart. I jumped to my feet and quickly threw on my tunic.  It would not do to have a naked Aelfraed in the Queen’s chamber. “Guards! Guards!”

Amazingly Ealdgyth had slept through our silent dance of death and when she saw me standing with a bloody dagger in my hand she screamed. Aethelward and the guards were the first in with burning torches.
  I saw my uncle relax when he saw the bodies on the floor.  Both of them still leaking blood. He took the scene in quickly and when he saw the dagger in my hand he nodded and smiled.  Then he glanced at my clean tunic and looked puzzled.  I quickly shook my head as Edwin and Morcar arrived.

“Are you safe sister?”

Ealdgyth was quick.  “Yes Edwin, thanks to the bravery of Lord Aelfraed.”

They saw the bodies and the bloody dagger. “What happened?”

“I thought I heard a noise and seeing the Queen’s door open I entered and managed to dispose of both of them.”

Aethelward turned them over.
  “From their short hair they are Norman, but I do not recognise them.  Do you nephew?”

I peered down.
  “No uncle.  It seems Guy and Robert of Jumièges like to get others to do their dirty work.”

“Get these bodies out and get this cleaned up.”

Aethelward said, “When the bodies are gone, majesty if you would like to use my room.  I will stand guard until dawn.  I have managed some sleep and Aelfraed has done enough for one night.”

Edwin and Morcar patted me on the back as I left the room.
  I was a hero once more and I had given the Normans even more reasons to hate me and to seek my death.

Chapter 7


The whole city was talking about the attempt on the Queen’s life.
  I sought out Osbert and asked him to do something for me.  He disappeared. Aethelward kept giving me strange looks but he said nothing.  How I would explain myself to him I did not know. We had put the bodies in the stables; Both Morcar and Edwin were keen to know who the men were as no-one had recognised them. A guard approached Morcar, “My lord, Lord Aelfraed’s sergeant requests entry.”

They looked at me and I nodded. “Send him in.”

Osbert came in bowing, along with the landlord of The Saddle.  I had sent Osbert on the errand for I had an idea who they were. “Come with me.”

I led them and the Earls
downtothe stables. “Landlord, look at these bodies.  Have you ever seen them before?”

He had been a warrior himself and did not blanch at the sight of the whitened bodies with the torn throats.
  “Aye, my lord.  These are two of the Normans who caused trouble last year; the ones who killed your lad, the young archer.  I saw them yesterday with some others.”

Edwin and Morcar became even more interested.

“Down by the river.”

Osbert go with him. Take my men, find them and bring them here.” I suddenly realised that this was not my manor, “With your permission my lord.”

“Of course.”

When Osbert returned it was with the news that the Normans had fled from the city and were, probably, heading south to tell the Norman and his allies that their plot had failed. “Gather the men.  We leave for Topcliffe later.”

Aethelward joined me at the stables.
  “I have asked Osbert to gather the men.”

“You would leave now nephew?”

“I would return home to prepare for war; warn Ridley and the other Thegns…”

“And the Queen?”

“Now that her brothers are alert to the danger they can protect her.” I did not look him in the eye.  The real reason was the Queen, I could not stay so close to her, she had entranced me and I could not focus on protecting her because of who she was.  I had been lucky on the previous night. I could have been lying in a pool of my own blood, all because of my lust and my desires.

He put his arm around me.
  “Do not take what I am about to say as a criticism of you.  Last night you performed a brave and heroic deed but do not try to tell me that you were outside the room when the murderers entered.  You were inside and you were naked.  You were in bed with the Queen.” I turned to him.  “Do not try to deny it.  The others believed your story but I saw the tunic without blood.  We are warriors Aelfraed and know that the blood goes everywhere.”

I dropped my head in resignation. “And that is why I must leave uncle.
  If I stay then people will know and they will talk. Our situation is parlous enough without impugning the Queen’s honour.”

“I am not condemning you but your actions have made the Queen’s position even worse. Her brothers cannot protect her.
They think they can but they have not the ability.  We must persuade her to return to Fife.”

“We can try but I do not think we will succeed.
  She needs to be close to the action and, I am sorry to say, close to me. There is something else,” I paused, “she is with child, and it is mine.”

He shook his head and gave a wry smile, “One thing about you Aelfraed, you do not do things by halves!” I had expected a tongue lashing, perhaps the old man was mellowing.

We returned to the hall where everyone had one topic of conversation, the attempt on the Queen’s life.  When I entered I was greeted with cheers, pats on the back and applause. I felt like a cheat.  I had been lying in a woman’s bed but they thought I was the hero stalking the corridors. The Queen rose to greet me, “My Lord Aelfraed, you have saved my life.  This is the second time you have done so.” She reached up to chastely kiss me on the cheek. “You are the Queen’s champion!”

Morcar and Edwin were equally effusive in their praise.
  “With warriors like you Aelfraed they can outnumber us two to one and we will still win.”

Aethelward took the Queen’s arm. “Your majesty, a word with you and my nephew in private if you please.” He forcefully led us both to a small antechamber normally used by the night guards. “You will have to be more careful, more discreet your majesty.”

She turned to stare at me. I shrugged, “He knows.”

Aethelward smiled, “Your majesty, your brothers might have believed that story last night for they are not warriors but I know that Aelfraed was naked when he killed those killers.”

She managed a wan smile. “My naked hero!”

“The point is if Aelfraed is to protect you he cannot bed you, at least not here.”

She pouted and, suddenly became a young girl once more.  “But I am Queen.”

“And if you wish to remain Queen and if you wish your warriors to fight for you then you must behave as the widow of King Harold and not the lover of his son.” Aethelward’s blunt words brought home the truth to her and, her shoulders sagging, she nodded. “I beg your majesty to return to the safety of Fife.

She vehemently shook her head.  “I am staying here in England!”

Aethelward gave a resigned shrug of the shoulders and glanced at me. “We will remain here until the New Year.
  After that time we will need to return to Topcliffe to prepare our forces.  Should you wish to visit Topcliffe…”

She leaned up to kiss Aethelward.
  “What a clever general you are!” Aethelward just shook his head; he was being pragmatic and not supportive.  He would rather the Queen stayed away from me.

We remained in Jorvik until the middle of January.
  The Queen and I kept our promises and nothing happened, neither between the sheets nor an attempt on her life.  We did hear that Copsi had been confirmed as Earl of Northumbria which meant that Morcar was no longer in command of Jorvik.  We had, to all intents and purposes become a rebel city, much like Exeter.  Just before we left we declared our support for Harold and Ulf as heirs of King Harold and asked all loyal Thegns for their support. To us it was inevitable but, as we later heard, the court of King William was surprised by our action. They had expected that Copsi would just arrive and take over as William’s vassal.  The north had spoken and there would be war.

We left Jorvik with my men at arms and ten warriors given by Morcar and Edwin to be the Queen’s guards.
  I suspected that at least one of them was Edwin’s spy but it mattered not.  At Topcliffe I was master. We travelled back via Coxold so that I could inform Ridley of the events and actions which had taken place.  He grinned.  “We fight alongside each other again eh, Aelfraed?  Good.  I have increased my forces and they are almost as well armed as yours.  The Normans will get a surprise when they come.” Ridley had become a much more confident man since he had ruled Coxold.  Thegnship was good for him. As we rode the last few miles to Maiden Bower, I hoped that this was true. A visitor in Jorvik had told us of other Normans who had travelled to Italy and Sicily and were carving out their own kingdoms as big as King William’s; they were not a people to attack lightly.

I had sent a message telling Sarah to prepare rooms for the Queen and to provide her with servants for she had left hers in Scotland with the twins. It was a frosty afternoon when we rode into my citadel, my refuge from the world. The sentries on the towers had seen our arrival and Thomas and
Sarah had Branton organise the men into two lines so that we rode down a liveried line.  I was impressed with my men and their martial appearance.  We looked like warriors and not the usual rabble of ill disciplined bandits which many other Thegns had.

Sarah took the Queen to meet her new servants.
  Once again, she looked a little tearfully at me as she bowed to me and I determined to find out what was on her mind.  I was master of Topcliffe and I did not like this strained atmosphere which had existed ever since we had returned from Fife.

Branton sought out Aethelward and myself.
  “My lord, we have seen tracks in the forests. There are armed men scouting and watching the castle.”

“Have you done aught?”

“No my lord, we waited until your return.”

“Hunt them and, if you can, bring them to me, if not then kill them.”

“Are you sure nephew?”

“Uncle, we are at war. If they are friends they will not be skulking around the forests and if they are enemies then…”

He nodded and Branton left.  I think he was pleased to be able to do something.  He hated being idle and, like his brother Osbert, was a man of action. I knew that Sarah would take some time to show the Queen around and I went, with Aethelward, to visit Ralph. “How are the improvements coming along Ralph?”

He grinned, “Excellent, my lord.
  We have adapted them since you and Osbert had yours fitted.  I have now made the ones at the shoulder narrower at the top and wider at the bottom.  It makes it more comfortable and yet gives more protection.  Here is the one I am making for Gurth.”

He showed me the shoulder protectors made of iron and I could see that they were better than the prototype he had made for us. “Very good. Have some made for us.”

“If you will just stand still my lord I will measure you.” He took a stick and held it to my arm.  Using a lump of old charcoal, he made a mark.  He then took a piece of cord and looped it around my arm.  He tied a knot and slid it off. He smiled at my puzzled look.  “We found that not all warriors are the same and it is just as easy to make a specific piece rather one that fits all.”

As we walked back Aethelward spoke warmly of the idea.
  “That is an excellent idea Aelfraed.  Your men will all be much better armoured against the Normans.  You at least have prepared for this coming war. Well done.”

I saw Sarah walk towards her hut and determined to follow her.
  I wanted to get to the bottom of her attitude since Fife.  With Ealdgyth in my home, things would only become worse.  I tapped lightly on the door as I walked in.  I knew that it was right to go where I pleased in my land but I respected the privacy of my people. “Thomas, Sarah.”

They both bobbed and said, almost as one, “My lord.”

“Sarah I am here to speak plainly with you.  What have I done to offend you?  Since Fife you have all but shunned me.”

In answer she burst into tears and would have fled the room had not Thomas restrained her.
  When he spoke he was quite stern.  “Sarah, tell the master.  This has gone on long enough and he does not deserve this.  Either you tell him or I shall.”

I was even more confused than I had been.
  If Thomas knew then what had this to do with Fife?

Sarah spoke, but it was between sobs.
  She dabbed her eyes with a cloth as she poured out her story.  “My lord, you have done nothing wrong.  It was the wrong done to you which caused my upset. It is the Lady Gytha,” my heart leapt up into my mouth.  Was my wife ill? “She has taken the Thegn of Fife to her bed.  They live as a couple when you are not there.”

I sank into the seat which was behind me. I had not seen that coming but as I watched the fire flicker and flame things suddenly made sense.
  Harold had been running to Calum and not me; no wonder he was upset.  The flustered looks on their faces and the sudden tidying of the bed chamber; they were getting rid of the evidence.  The turning of the back in the bed; it all became clear as though someone had removed a veil from my eyes.  Then suddenly another thought hit me; if Sarah knew then so did the Queen! I felt doubly used and deceived.  All the protestations of love were empty. “Sarah.  Thank you for telling me.” I stood and enfolded her in my arms.  “Let us go back to how it was, where you and Thomas are my friends.” She thanked me through a flood of tears.

“Thank you, my lord.”

“In future Thomas I would prefer to know things sooner rather than later.”

He nodded, “Yes my lord but you know what wives are like.” He heard the words he had said, as though spoken by another and he reddened.

I smiled.  “Yes Thomas I think that I can say now that, I do know what wives are like.”

When I left the hut I headed directly for the Queen’s chamber.
  I opened the door and pointed to the two servant girls.  “Out!”

They fled fearing my wrath.
  The Queen lay coquettishly on the bed.  “My lord is this to be the future?  You come here demanding me at all hours of the day and night?”

I was so angry that I ignored her flirting.
  “Just when were you going to tell me about Gytha and Calum.”

If I had poured a bucket of cold water on her I could not have had a bigger effect. She sat up and covered herself with an animal skin.
  I have no idea why.  Perhaps she thought I was going to attack her and it would, in some way, defend her.  “Who told you?”

“Well obviously not you.
  Not the woman in whose arms I have been for so many nights.  Not the one person I thought would tell me.  Why did you not speak of this to me?” I could not understand it.  She would have had more chance of my attention if I had known my wife had another.

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