Outrageously Yours (6 page)

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Authors: Susanna Carr

BOOK: Outrageously Yours
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Years ago an acquaintance had casually mentioned having dyscalculia. Claire had been surprised to meet someone else who shared the same learning disability in math that she had, but she had kept quiet. She hadn’t discussed the woman’s journey or asked her about her coping strategies.

So why did she feel the need to share anything with Jason? She watched him get out and walk around the car. He’d had disappointments but almost everything came easy for him. She faced every day as if she was swimming against the current with all of her limitations weighing her down. Maybe she wanted him to understand how hard this was for her.

“And when I started my business,” she said as she got out of her seat and closed the door, “everyone said that I would fail. I’ve been doing it for three years and people are still telling me that I’m going to fail.”

People like her parents, who didn’t believe she was smart enough to make something of herself. People like Max Blair, who’d predicted she wasn’t innovative enough to keep her business thriving. Their comments jabbed at her insecurities. She wanted to prove them wrong but she feared they could be right.

“How can anyone say that to you? You are the hardest worker I’ve ever met.”

“That’s no guarantee for success,” she said as they stepped onto the sidewalk.

“You will always be successful, Claire. And do you know why? Because you have grit. You keep going when you face opposition.”

“I wish I didn’t have to.” There were times when she didn’t have the energy or the drive. “I would love for something to happen effortlessly. I mean, who wants to work constantly? That’s not an enviable quality.”

“It is,” he argued in a quiet voice. “You take that trait for granted. You’ve achieved your dream because of your persistence. Not everyone can say that.”

She frowned, deep in thought, as he walked her to her door. She’d assumed her learning disabilities and below-average IQ were curses. She hadn’t considered that they had given her a gift. The gift of persistence.


She glanced up and discovered that they were already at her door. “Oh, sorry. I was just considering what you said. Thanks for inviting me to the event,” she told Jason as she hurriedly got her keys out of her purse.

“About what happened tonight in the bathroom...”

Tension gripped her shoulders as a blush scorched her cheeks. “Mmm-hmm?” she asked as she concentrated on unlocking her door.

“What do you want to do about it?”

Claire froze as her door swung open. What was he asking? She shouldn’t be too hopeful. She cautiously looked up at Jason. His expression was fierce and her pulse started to race. “What do you mean?”

“We’re creating this story that has to end in less than five days.”

She wished it didn’t. She wanted it to go on and on. “Yes, that’s right.”

“Where do you want to go from here?” His voice was rough and low.

What did she want to happen? She wanted to explore what had happened earlier tonight. She wanted that more than anything. Something special had happened between them, but she was afraid to push forward.

How was that for persistence? She was a hypocrite, lecturing Jason about rejection and yet she couldn’t go after her sexiest fantasies. She was so afraid to put herself out there and take the next step.

She wouldn’t get what she wanted until she asked for it. No, not asked. She wasn’t going to wait and be polite about it. She had to be bold and take action.

But what if this was all one-sided? What if this project didn’t uncover an attraction simmering beneath the surface? If she got the job, she didn’t want to leave town wondering what might have been, but she also didn’t want to make a fool of herself by propositioning the hottest guy who’d never really noticed her. She didn’t want that to be her lasting impression.

Then again, what did she have to lose? If she got the job, she’d be moving to LA.

“Claire?” he prompted her.

“I want to make the lie into a truth.” She stumbled over the words and wasn’t sure if she’d made any sense.

“I don’t understand,” Jason said.

Her mouth suddenly went dry and she tried to swallow. “I think we should make this fake fling a real one. One week, no strings attached.”

She darted her gaze away. Her pulse beat hard against the skin at the base of her throat. A flush slowly spread from her chest to her neck and flooded her face. She felt his hot gaze on her as she waited impatiently for his reply.

Silence filled the air.

Claire forced herself to look at Jason. She wasn’t sure if she would see amusement or indifference in his eyes. His gaze slammed with hers. Jason’s features were harsh as his eyes glittered. Was he angry? She hadn’t expected that.

“Because it will make our relationship more believable?” he guessed.

He thought she was using him? She couldn’t let him believe that. She had to state her intentions more clearly. Put herself out there like she’d never done before. There was no going back or making light of it if he refused.

“Because I want you, Jason.” She said it in a rush before she lost her nerve. Claire hated how her voice shook. “I want to continue what happened tonight and I want to take you to bed.”

He tilted his head and stared at her. She saw a glimmer of uncertainty in his eyes.

“But I don’t want to push you into something that will make you uncomfortable,” she babbled nervously. “And if you’re not interested, that’s okay. No hard feelings.”

The grim line of his mouth softened. The left corner hitched. She held her breath in suspense. Was he amused or was he pleased?

“It’s your choice, Jason.” She had no control over his decision. Her heart beat wildly against her chest as she waited. She couldn’t predict the outcome. “What’s it going to be?”


arm against the door frame and leaned closer to her. “Well, now you just put it out there in the world.”

Claire’s throat tightened. He was going to make light of her invitation. She should have known. “I guess I did.”

“And I’m going to wonder what it’s like to be with you,” he said as he stared at her mouth.

He hadn’t before? Not even once? Claire didn’t want to think about that. “It could prove to be a distraction.”

He reached out and cupped her face with his hand. It was warm and callused against her skin. “I may not be able to stop wondering about it once this week is over.”

Claire fought the urge to lean into his touch. “That could be detrimental to our working relationship.”

He gently rubbed his thumb against her cheekbone. “But having sex will change everything,” he warned her.

“Everything between us has already changed,” she argued. She was so nervous, knowing that she was this close to living out her fantasy. “Now we’re going to think about what could have been. It’s always going to be between us.”

“You’re right, we will think about that.” His gaze drifted to her lips. “Constantly.”

“So let’s explore what’s going on here.” Her heart was racing but she had to be assertive. She had to tell him exactly what she expected. “Keep it casual and with a defined time frame. Once it’s over, we move on. No hard feelings.”

He gave her a look of disbelief. “You’re not the kind of woman who has one-night stands or flings.”

It was true, but how did he know that? “Why not?”

“I’ve known you for years. The men you dated had to chase you for a long time.”

Those men had found her a challenge. They gave up when she wouldn’t allow them any closer. She was glad none of them had discovered her secret. They would have seen her differently. Treated her as unequal.

“How do you remember who I’ve dated?” she asked. “Have you been watching over me?”

“Someone had to look out for you,” he said huskily.

She parted her lips in surprise. Why did he bother? “I figured I was just the annoying friend of your sister’s.”

“You are,” he said with a lopsided smile. “Which is why I’m sure we can’t have a fling. You’re too intense and serious. Everything is a commitment with you. If we have a fling, you’re going to romanticize it.”

He was right. She was at risk of falling in love with Jason. But if she knew this fling wasn’t going to last, she wouldn’t get her hopes up.

“Jason, I just want to have some fun and pleasure in my life,” she confessed. “I want to find it with you.”

His hand tightened against her jawline. “You are too innocent to have a fling with me. I would take care of you, but I can’t protect you from getting hurt.”

Claire frowned. Why did Jason think she was so vulnerable? Was he unable to see her as a mature and independent woman? His opinion of her was an intrusion in the intimate cocoon wrapping around them. “I can take care of myself.”

“Is that right?”

She wasn’t sure if he was agreeing with her or if he was amused by her claim. But she was learning more about herself. What she wanted and didn’t want in her life. How people viewed her and how wrong they were. And how wrong she was about herself.

“I don’t want anything long-term,” she insisted. “I have goals, and a relationship doesn’t fit into them. I promise.”

He trailed his hand to her chin and held her still. His light blue eyes gleamed with fascination. “What’s the plan?” he asked.

She wanted to duck her chin but she couldn’t. It was as if he knew her next move. “You and me for the next five days.” Claire said the words in a rush, as though she was wishing on a falling star that was traveling too fast across the sky.

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.” Her voice was high as the nervousness coiled tightly around her chest. “No rules.”

He gave a huff of laughter. “This isn’t like you, Claire. It’s...”

“Impetuous? Reckless?” She gave a shaky laugh. “I agree.”

His eyes narrowed as he studied her. Jason rubbed his thumb against her bottom lip. “When did you come up with this plan?”

“Just now,” she confessed. It was the biggest risk she’d made in her life and she had no safety net, no strategy. It scared her and yet she wasn’t pulling back. “When you asked what I wanted to do about tonight.”

“No strategy? No flowchart?” he teased. “You might regret it.”

She reached out and wrapped her fingers around his wrist and pulled his hand away. “Jason, I know what I want and I’m asking for it. The only thing I would regret is not taking this chance.”

“You keep surprising me, Claire.”

She realized that wasn’t a complaint. It was the highest compliment from Jason. “You’re rubbing off on me. Now tell me what

“Do I want a five-day fling with you?” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “Hell, yeah.”

Claire grabbed his jacket and pulled him against her. She didn’t care how eager she appeared. She had a chance to make love to Jason Strong and she wasn’t going to let it slip through her hands.

He gave her a hard, crushing kiss. “Did you really think I would say no?” he said against her mouth.

It had been a possibility. And his rejection would have hurt. It had taken all of her courage to suggest exploring their attraction.

Claire dragged him into her apartment and slammed the door shut behind her. He was already ripping off his jacket as she tossed her purse onto the floor.

Excitement sizzled through her blood as she watched him. A ruddy color streaked across his high cheekbones and his nostrils flared as he inhaled sharply. His light blue eyes glittered with lust.

She wasn’t going to believe this meant anything more than sex to him. Claire had to keep it light or she would cling on to every word and caress. “Now, where were we before we were interrupted?” she asked as she yanked his shirt free.

Jason splayed his hands over hers and held her still. “Not yet.”

Claire’s heart skipped a beat. Why was he stopping? Had he already changed his mind? Had she do something wrong?

He reached out and grasped the zipper on the front of her bandage dress. “I’ve been dreaming about doing this all evening,” he confessed. He slowly pulled the zipper, the metallic sound screeching in the silence.

Claire held her breath and watched Jason as he unzipped her dress. He was mesmerized as the dark red fabric parted and revealed her pink bra and a strip of her pale skin. Throbbing arousal coiled low and tight in her belly as he revealed her tiny panties.

Jason didn’t say anything as he spread his hands against her stomach. Her muscles bunched under his possessive touch. He skimmed his fingers along her curves and explored her body. Claire tilted her head back as pleasure rippled through her.

Claire’s knees went weak and her legs wobbled. She bit her lip as his fingertips brushed along her spine before dipping beneath the lace edge of her panties. The dress was suddenly unbearably hot and heavy. She shoved the dress off her shoulders and let it fall into a puddle at her feet.

She should feel shy standing before the man of her dreams in nothing but her bra, panties and high heels. But when he looked at her with wide eyes, she felt beautiful. She was filled with a sense of power as she watched the way his throat worked as he swallowed hard. Claire stepped forward and pressed her hand against his cock. It was long, thick and hard. Her core tightened with anticipation.

“Jason,” she said as she stroked him. “What I want you to do next...”

His gave a short huff of laughter. “I should have known you would have a plan,” he said softly as he undid the front closure of her bra.

Claire closed her eyes and shivered as he peeled the lingerie from her breasts and grazed his fingers across her nipples. “I think you will like this plan.”

Jason bent his head and curled the tip of his tongue along her breast. The desire grew sharp and insistent inside her. She grabbed the back of his head and twisted his hair between her fingers.

“Just let this unfold naturally,” he said before he bit her nipple playfully.

A shudder swept through her. Claire wanted more of that. She didn’t want Jason to hide his primitive side. She didn’t want him to be careful with her. She wanted to feel the passion and lust pounding through his veins. “My plan is for you to rip off my clothes and bend me over the sofa,” she confessed as a hectic blush swept across her chest. “Then you take me from behind.”

She hissed when Jason bit down on her breast a little harder than before. He immediately soothed the reddened skin with a kiss. “You don’t understand what you’re asking,” he said as he straightened and looked her in the eye.

“I know what I want, Jason.” She made no apology for that. It was new for her to ask for it out loud. To demand something and not be sure he would follow her direction.

He caught the bra and crushed it in his hand as he gathered the last of his restraint. “Don’t worry, Claire. I’ll give you everything you want. All you need to do is tell me how I make you feel.”

“Fine,” she said as she stripped her panties down her legs. “I want to
your chest against my back. I want to
your hands gripping my hips as you bend me over the sofa. And I want to
your cock deep inside me—”

Claire bit back a yelp when Jason curled his sinewy arm around her waist and turned her away. Her back bumped against his chest, the buttons of his shirt pressing against her spine. She was aware of how thick his cock was against her bare buttocks.

“You drive me crazy, Claire,” he growled against her ear as he squeezed her breast with one hand. “You get me all jacked up and wild. I’m on the edge and I won’t be able to hold out for long. It’s going to be fast and hard.”

“That’s perfect.” She licked her lips as he covered her sex with his other hand.

“You deserve better.” Jason pressed his finger against her slick and swollen clitoris, and she bucked against his hand. “You should have more.”

“Just because I’m quiet doesn’t mean that I only like sweet, romantic sex. I want—” A guttural moan tore from her throat.

“Quiet?” he said in a teasing tone as stroked her. Her breath hitched in her throat as her skin went hot and tingly. “Sweet? I never thought of you as that, Claire.”

She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Please, Jason. Take me now.”

“Already?” His voice was raspy and low against her ear. “You must have been hot for me all night long.”

“Yes.” She couldn’t deny it even if she wanted to. But why hide her needs? Why conceal how she felt about Jason?

Jason gripped her waist with both hands and moved them closer to the sofa. She heard him mutter something under his breath before he reached for his wallet and retrieved a condom. Blood roared in her ears as excitement clutched her ribs.

Jason suddenly bent her over the arm of the sofa. She lay against the cushion with her ass jutting up. He gripped her hips tightly, the crown of his penis pressing against her entrance before he plunged into her.

Claire closed her eyes, the sensations rushing through her body as her flesh gripped him tightly. A shuddering moan rumbled inside Jason as she arched her spine and ground her hips against him. His fingers tightened against her hips as he began to thrust.

This was better than any of the sexual fantasies she’d had about Jason Strong. His cock stretched and filled her. She inhaled his hot, masculine scent and heard his ragged breathing as he drove into her. His fingers dug into her hips as the intense lust coiled tighter and tighter.

She clutched the sofa cushion with her hands as she fought off the climax. She wanted more. She wanted this to last. Claire closed her eyes as streaks of white-hot pleasure tore through her. She parted her lips and gave a keening cry as Jason’s relentless rhythm grew wilder.

Jason made one final, powerful thrust before he gave a hoarse shout. He slumped forward and fell upon Claire. He gulped for air. He was heavy and his shirt clung to her glistening skin but she didn’t want to move.

“I’m taking you to bed,” Jason said in between breaths.

Claire smiled. She had the most erotic dreams about Jason in a bed. There was no way she could explore them all within a week. But she didn’t know if she would be able to leave Woodinville—leave Jason—if she hadn’t fulfilled every fantasy. The idea scared her.

Jason Strong had the power to make her stay and forego her plans to prove herself. She couldn’t let that happen.

* * *

Jason sat across from Claire at a popular bistro on the edge of town. The place was crowded for Sunday brunch and they had been lucky to get a table. He had known to come early but it had been difficult rousing Claire and getting her out of bed. It turned out that Claire was not a morning person. That was one of many things he had learned about her in the past few hours.

She stared tiredly out of the window at the dreary sky and the wind tugging at the leaves on the trees. He studied her profile, noting the low ponytail and the lack of makeup. He didn’t like how she’d concealed her body in a gray hoodie and jeans. Jason wanted to see more of her generous curves.

“So—” Claire smoothed the napkin in her lap before she folded her hands and rested them on the table “—while you were changing clothes at your place, I was reading up on how to have a fling.”

Jason paused from taking a sip of his coffee and set the cup down. He felt the urge to smile but he was sure Claire had taken the hunt for information seriously. “Only you would do that kind of research.”

“Not necessarily.” Her chin had a defiant tilt. “I will have you know that there are pages and pages of articles on the subject. How to have a vacation fling, a summer fling, a fling while you’re married to other people.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “It’s an endless topic.”

“And what did you find out?” He wasn’t that curious but he sensed Claire had some concerns. She wouldn’t have brought it up if she didn’t want to discuss it.

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