Outstripped (21 page)

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Authors: T.C. Avery

BOOK: Outstripped
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started laughing as she pointed at the glass and said, "I nearly got some
over the railing for you."

you need more practice?" He replied, openly challenging her, before
bending for a kiss.

bugger!" Came the response, after she turned her head in mock disapproval,
leaving him no option but to peck her on the cheek.

already pleasurable task of testing out the ship and the cruise line
hospitality, had, over the last
twenty four
doubled in value. She now had company and conversation, wit and rapport, and a
sexual adventurer on tap for the duration. Vincente was to leave the ship in
San Diego, his
home town
, just prior to her own
departure in Los Angeles.

showered one at a time and whilst Jody waited for Jomari to bring her some
appropriate day time clothes for a dignified journey back to her own cabin, she
took a good look at the very interesting and rather special apparatus Vincente
had pleasured her with some moments before.

It was
an exquisitely designed phallic object, around ten inches long, with a slender
yet not inconsiderable girth. What made it different was the two hundred or so
hard knobbles which swirled, maypole fashion down its whole length, from
swollen end to twist-grip control. It was big, it was classy and it was smooth
as silk. But it was an aggressive little beastie. Built to last, designed for
pleasure and would be instantly craved by all.

new!" said Vincente as he emerged from the bathroom in a white towel
sarong, which served only to show off his fine physique and his skin tone to
best effect.

this what you do? I mean what your business does?" She asked.

we make toys. Adult toys.
Dildos, Vibrators and such.
This one is my latest creation. I saved it for you."

right! You smooth talking womanizer. This was saved for the first girl you
could get your filthy hands on. Or whoever’s pants you could get into

Jody, this was you. It was for you all along." Vincente pleaded with her
to soak up his bullshit, before he smiled at her with his pathetic, suggestive,
sexually corrupt, wickedly deceitful, lovely big brown 'lying' eyes.

she said. "Tell me all about it,
I mean, and what you do. I'm intrigued now."

then there was a knock at the door. It was Jomari with her clothes.

said Vincente. "How about lunch time, I can tell you then."

I can't do lunch, I'm getting a tour of the Bridge and a few other places. But
we can catch up later this afternoon. How about a drink by the pool around

problem," he said, "should I wear this towel, like this?"

not. You don't want to frighten all the old ladies. You know what the sight of
me does to you." Jody added, pointing to the slight protuberance at the
front of his towel.

yes." He said smiling and not the least bit embarrassed or self-conscious.

came around. It's
not that she wasn't interested in the 'Sick Bay', the 'Radio and Comm's Room',
the 'Bridge' and
all the other
gadget filled worlds of
wonder the ship had to offer. It was just that she'd now got a bee in her
bonnet about Vincente's line of work and the potential his products could offer
to her long term plot.

Sam, the
world's best barman, and the one with the biggest smile for Jody, came up with
a Tequila Sunrise this time, to entertain her tonsils and taste buds. It did
the trick admirably and contrary to its name was going down very well with the
last of today's Caribbean sunshine.

you like another drink to chase that one down?" Sam asked her. She spun
around on her barstool. "Only the gentleman at the far end insists on
buying you a drink." As she looked over, Vincente dipped his sunglasses
and captured her attention with the whites of his eyes and a big silly grin.

him he can't buy me that easily and anyway I'm spending the evening with you,

Sam did
as he was told.

crossed his palm with something green and paper like as they enjoyed a joke and
a good look back at Jody. She couldn't tell what they said but it was probably
something dirty or naughty, or both.

came over to her carrying a large, crisp, cold beer and as Sam produced a fresh
cocktail to replenish Jody's now empty glass he put his arm around her and
asked, "Have you met my best friend Sam? We go back a long way."

a lot of gullible young girls on these stools, have you?" She replied.

the dumb blondes with big tits." He burst out laughing, as she struck him
on the arm in defence of all women, but got the joke.

not that big," said Jody slowly juggling with her breasts and looking down
to inspect her pride and joy. "Quality, not quantity." She added.

course my dear. Can I tempt you to a table and some stimulating

found the only empty rail table still available, Starboard side, to watch the
sunset and talk about the first thing that came up, which was surprisingly not
Vincente's dick but his fake ones.

you really do manufacture my favourite little toys, and big ones?" Jody


you make all the ones in the selection box?"

is a presentation case for sales and business calls, and yes, my company makes
them all."

assume you must sell internationally since you have the case with you, and
we've already established you didn't know I would be here, although I suppose
you always think you're going to get lucky, eh?"

you like a little spot light to shine in my face whilst you conduct your
interrogation, Madame?"

you please, Mister Moreno, I will be asking the questions." Jody slapped
him down with her authoritative sarcasm. "Now, you have still not answered
my question."

yes, okay yes," he played along. "I always get lucky, on account of
my incredible manhood, or could it be my little electric friends? No matter, it
seems to work."

meant the sales, you plonker. Do you sell them in Europe or the U.K.?

currently, they seem to get most of their products from the Far East and we
tend to supply the U.S. and South America. Why are you so interested?"

like them. I like them a lot. But putting my personal preferences aside for a
moment, I know someone who's always on the look out for additional business
opportunities and having never seen such a fantastic collection or
presentation, or tried out such a good one, I just know he'd be interested if
he gets a little persuasion. There's definitely a market for them."

we've not managed to break into Europe so far, maybe you could assist."

need to think about it some more and it might not be right away. He can't know
anything about me, though. I'd want to be dealing with you, at your end, so to
speak, (they reciprocated a little 'double entendric' grinning) business wise
that is, but I'll fill you in on; who he is, what he does; and how to get him
to buy."

the need for secrecy."

couldn't possibly let anyone know I was dealing in sex toys. I was brought up
as an innocent and chaste, good little Catholic girl. No one, absolutely no one
can know I'm involved. Okay?"

Okay, again with the seriousness. What's in it for me then?"

of course. Duh! And maybe if you're good to
me and my needs,
I might just take care of a few of yours. I can be very persuasive you

bet you can. But first things first, I need another cerveza."

raised his arm to order but Jody pulled it down again and said, "Just one
other thing. Can you make alterations to these toys?"

mean custom make them?"

really, I know you design and make them. What I mean is customize. Something
like, um, changing the battery to a smaller physical size but upgrading it to a
higher voltage so it maintains its full power, but it also makes room for
something else. A bit like a secret storage space between the battery and the
vibration motor."

course, anything can be done, so long as we can sell enough."

leave that to me. I'll make sure the orders are in first before any alterations
are made."

he said, then waving his arm in the air again He whimpered, "I'm dying of
thirst here, and Jody you know I have needs. I'm on holiday too. Can we come
back to this later after you deal with some of them?"

we talking before or after dinner?"

paused for thought. Trying hard to make sure he got the right answer and said,
"After. I think"

coz I'm in the mood for a dance first. A bit of a warm up for the main event,"
replied Jody, offering him a very seductive preface of things to come.

like a plan to me," he said, acknowledging a 'good thing' when it was
going to rub all of its naughty bits in his face.

A moment later after the cogs had been turning
again he suddenly said, "Hang on a minute. Why, or who, even, would need a
secret storage space?"

took her time, took a sip of her drink, and responded with, "Women always
have a need for secrets. Trust me."

Chapter 12
Its all in the

'Meridian Glory' trip turned out to be a pivotal point for Jody. Besides enjoying
the cruise for what it was and how it would influence her future
recommendations for customers, she gained a new perspective on business
opportunities and even managed to fill in the missing blanks in her plotting
and scheming.

Oh, and
she got more of a jolly good rogering than the proverbial cabin boy to boot.

She and
Vincente parted company on the best of terms with a mutual respect for outlooks
on life, love and business. It would take a little time, but Jody would be
going into long distance partnership with him supplying the UK (initially) with
his range of adult toys. Jody was confident in her ability to initiate sales
and orders without having to hold stock, and since it was an untapped market
for 'Placeres Privados', Vincente had no qualms in letting her in on the

there would be paperwork involved to formalize things and he would soon be
sending her one of the incredible presentation cases so she could get the ball
rolling and ply her trade, so to speak. A certain large customer would need
direct contact from Vincente, under direction from Jody, to facilitate the
sales channel, assuming she could get it to work, but the sales drive would be
borne of her doing, with a little help from her friends.

For now,
this would be a softly-softly operation that would take time and infiltration.
The immediate and main focus of her attention and concentration would be the
opening of her new strip club.

spent hours and hours, days, nights and a shit load on alcohol in the pursuit
of that special name for the place. In the end, all it took was a tipple of her
favourite beverage with a few friends, and a very productive impromptu
brainstorming session resulted in her preferred choice of "Bliss".

As it
turned out, Bill had managed to get hold of a key to the old hotel whilst Jody
was afloat and had begun sizing up the place for refurbishment. He didn't want
to overdo things or even choose the decor itself, since Jody was determined to
make this her own personal triumph, but he was instrumental in the physical
side of things.

A huge
clean up operation inside and out needed planning and undertaking along with
the refurb’ but as previously mentioned Jody already had the full cast of
"The Young Ones" on hand for this task and Bill had some of his own
staff take care of the more 'manly' jobs. His big burly trucking blokes came in
very handy for shipping things in and out and each of them was promised a spot
at opening night for their
free gratis
assistance. Naturally they were very receptive to this kind of bribery (I mean

were placed, word was spread, gossip was mongered and auditions were duly held
once they had possession of the building. Their planning dictated it would take
six weeks to get the place ship shape and ready to open. It was all hands to
the pumps not just for the fit out but also for the show, and Jody was fussy.

usual 'circuit girls' were given a wide birth. 'Bliss' was going to be just
that, and heaven had no room for excessive tattoos, gum chewers, hags and has-beens.
It was about class, quality, dreams, delectables, the gorgeous, the glamorous
and the fun filled spirit of a fairground attraction for adults. And it all
needed doing with a smile.

wasn't looking for perfection, she knew there wasn't much of it 'out there',
but what she did want was attitude, enthusiasm, willingness and pride. The
seasoned veterans and the long in the tooth will do as they always have done.
They'll manage and they'll work, but they won't deliver. They won't enthrall.
They won't engage, encourage and wow their audiences. But a keen and pleasant
novice behind the bar is worth ten grumpy professionals. A delightfully helpful
hostess will keep the punters happy, contented and spending. And an
enthusiastic and exciting stunner on stage who's willing to learn, practice and
improve on her moves, her moods and her performance will keep 'em coming back
time and time again, rather than an experienced but sad and tired old timer
just going through the motions.

Jody was
looking for bright sparks, party people and team spirit. She was desperate to
grow her patronage, of course, but she wanted it done with togetherness, pride
and fun. Everyone can benefit, so long as everyone's in it for everyone.
Obviously tips are personal, and individual success is governed by effort, but
bitches and backbiting and bullshit would not be tolerated.

So the
auditions were in full swing, and it was turn again for the performers.
Unfortunately 'strippers' can have connotations of sleaze, so Jody preferred
'Performers', 'Dancers' and 'Entertainers', who all just happened to get their
bits out and make dicks stand on end.

all legitimate,
all for fun, and everyone's here
coz they want to be so don't give me any of that women's lib bullshit about
oppression and inequality." She'd say.

getting what they want here.
Punters and performers.
So if you don't like it, don't be here."

As it
turned out, Sarah's ability to surprise just went on and on. Jody had hoped she
would stay out of things as much as possible but she just kept turning up, and
at some of the least likely times and events. Although she'd been quite
explicit about her time
'around the
in her tirade at Jody in the restaurant, Jody had presumed it was
just a turn of phrase, not a literal confession of experience. So when she
swanned in to the 'Performers' auditions and just plonked herself down next to
Jody, it came as both an unwelcome interference and a complete shock.

I'd lend a hand and offer up an old bird's experience with young chicks,"
she nonchalantly said to Jody as she took off her raincoat and sat down.

didn't think this was your scene," said Jody, not knowing quite how to
handle the situation. She certainly didn't want her there, and she was
certain she didn't need any
advice from her. "What could she possibly have to offer, here?" crossed
her mind.

you before, I've been around a bit, seen a few things, done some shit, earned
my wings,
got the T-Shirts."

thought you were an accountant?"

do you think I paid my way?"


you wouldn't, would you."

Jody was
dumbfounded and a little bit torn between intrigue and incredulity. The need to
know more and the knowledge that a seemingly militant, older outsider has first
hand experience of the world that
lived in.

did you, er, dance, wait on or
" and before
Jody could blurt out the words she didn't want to have to bring up (
turn tricks
that is), Sarah saved the

dear. It’s called Stripping." She mouthed slowly with as much sarcasm as
was humanly possible.


you don't seem too comfortable with it. We are opening a strip club aren't we,
not a dance club?"

course, I just want it to be a little more fun and frivolous instead

where we differ then. It's always been the same you know and it'll never
change. But I
give you some tips,
if you let me that is."

Jody was
torn again. This time between wanting a full blown argument over just who's
club it was and who was running the place and wanting to possibly, potentially,
tentatively even take tips from an ex-pro from a different era, who just might
actually have something to offer the new generation, that they haven't seen

gulps of pride and fighting back eons of instinct to confront, she caved and
said, "I'm sorry, I just didn't realize you'd done all of this before. I'd
be happy for some or any advice you have to offer."

go all soft and soppy on me now, Missy. I've put good money into this. You're
supposed to know what you're doing. I thought you had balls?"


show me them then. Don't be letting any outsiders like me piss on your

again, Jody didn't quite know how to respond. She felt like saying, "Well
fuck off then. Get out and let me run my own show, you interfering cow."
But what she actually said was, "Right. You are of course welcome to stay,
but please don't interfere in what I'm doing, and
do not
under any circumstances question my judgement in front of
others. If you've got something to say, you can say it in private. OK?"

a bit better. I know what I'm getting into now." Contentedly, Sarah
straightened herself, eyes front and folded her arms to await the parade of
'performers', or rather 'strippers'.

resolve had just been tested, and for no justifiable reason, in
mind, yet her respect for the
'bitch' continued to grow. She couldn't bring herself to like her, just yet,
but admiration was on the up, for starters.

And out
came her first parade.

bubbly, the blonde and the big breasted.
The bold, the black
and the beautiful.
Word certainly had got around and though Jody was
pleased with the variety in the initial line up she was a tad disappointed with
the talent and the lack of stage presence, or confidence rather, amongst some
of them. "Never mind, we can work on a few, if they're prepared to work on
themselves," she thought.

And out came the next line up.

It was a
similar experience.

hope you lot can dance." She told them, with genuine apprehension in her

went into the changing area to pep talk with her potential protégés. I say
changing area
since the stage and
dressing rooms hadn't been constructed or readied at this point in proceedings.
Ropes and curtains were all they could lay their hands on to provide some form
of sanctuary for the girls for now, but all this would dramatically improve in
the coming weeks.

and teeth," she told them. "We have to believe you're enjoying
yourselves. Pretend we're all studs with big dicks and six packs, or pretend
we've got a shit load of money in our pockets and it’s yours for the

abounded and the mood lightened.

I hope you all paid attention to your instructions. It's not
favourite piece of music the
punters are interested in, its
be something you
can do your best dancing to.
Something that sets the mood.
And don't try keeping up with the quick ones. And
No actually I've probably said enough, just do your thing, you'll all get a
chance, just make it work, make us believe in you, and good luck."

Jody was
genuinely keen for them all to do well. Okay, maybe not all of them, but she
would at least give them a shot, and who knows what they may uncover (there go
the puns again).

session went as well as it could, but only a couple of the girls were really up
to scratch. Jody let a few of them down gently and told others that 'she may be
in touch again' depending on what the next few weeks’ worth of searching

took Jody aside at one stage and decided to impart some interesting knowledge
from her deepest darkest wizened old past.

the song choice you know. It really is. They all want to dance to this modern
crap they call music. What they
be doing is going back a few years and listening to real stuff."

not all rubbish," chipped in Jody before Sarah could get onto the top deck
of her sanctimonious
soap box

not saying it is, but a little variety and tempo changes and class could mix it
up a bit and create a few opportunities for 'show stopper' type numbers, rather
than just the same old monotonous drone of this modern

as?" Jody put her on the spot.

" she paused and pretended to dig deep
into the annuls of her misspent youth.

about 'The Zoo' by the Scorpions, or
" and
she stopped to pull out a tatty piece of paper with a pre-prepared list on it
of all her old classics. She rattled off a dozen songs that simply hadn't
crossed Jody's mind, or anyone else's for that matter. Possibly because they
were too young, or hadn't even considered looking far enough into the past for
what should be any self respecting and well informed stripper's forte, i.e.
music awareness.

The list
contained some beauties:

Stewart with “Knock on Wood”

“It's a
Mans World” by James Brown

with “Fat Bottom Girls”

with “New Sensation” and “What You Need”

Vogue's “Free Your Mind”

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