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Authors: T.C. Avery

Outstripped (31 page)

BOOK: Outstripped
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if you remember 'First', the First Officer (Alex) and Jody's perfect partner in
her 'mile high club' initiation. Well, he had been enrolled along with Jody's
other 'first' on that trip.
Namely Danni, of the exquisite
body and reciprocating attentions of the 'girl on girl' type.
There was
also one other
crew member
who was party to the plot,
who we haven't met before but with whom Jody and the others enjoyed any number
of soirées together, though not of the sexual kind. It was Damien, the archetypal
gay steward.

mission, which they chose to accept, under very little pressure from Jody, was
to engage Charlie the stewardess, whom they all knew, or at least knew of, and
Suzanne, who had, funnily enough, come along for the ride as she so often
managed to orchestrate for herself on the back of Charlie's influential
position and cheap tickets.

the two crews were on different flights, they were booked into the same hotel
for the evening, and so were conveniently in an ideal position to arrange a
certain amount of path crossings, relaxation sharing and empathetic
appreciations from one crew to another. Most of which involved eating and
drinking, both 'on the town' and back at the hotel.

one particular conversation in the ladies toilets, over the basins and
reflected in a large, shared mirror, Danni came out with a surprise and a
challenge for a partially inebriated Suzanne.

know Damien?" She started.

one's he? Replied Suzanne between applications of fresh lipstick.

shorter one of the two. With the blond hair."

What about him?

he keeps talking about going straight. Says he's not sure he really is gay but
he's not confident enough to do anything about it."

definitely gay, that one." said Suzanne. "There's no question about

but wouldn't it be a good laugh to have him on, and tell him we could sort him
out? You know, convert him."

if he really does want a shag?" Suzanne wasn't sure now, but her attention
had been right royally grabbed.

we might get a very interesting time out of it then," replied Danni, now
grinning devilishly between purposefully, slowly and methodically applying her
own re-coating of lipstick.

Suzanne questioned. "You're talking about doing this together?
Me and you?
We hardly know each other."

jumped in and cut her off, "What, you don't think I'm attractive enough.
Anyway, no,
hang on a minute. Let's back up a
bit. I'm not talking about any sort of lesbian thing, I just thought it would
be more convincing if two of us could get him
for it
, so to speak,
and I got the impression you quite like a good prank and a challenge."

Haven't had a good laugh in ages, and I suppose, like you say, it could be
quite interesting, if he's serious."

couldn't believe her luck. Suzanne had gone for it, 'hook, line and sinker!'

what Suzanne didn't know, was that Damien was in on the ruse.

whilst the two of them spent the rest of the evening, on and off, cajoling
Damien into fulfilling his fantasies across the great sexual
our Alex ('First') was ensconced in a little love match of his own. Although
Jody's initial intimations with him were not exactly thespian in nature (he
was, after all, more hands on, on that occasion), He turned out to be a real
cunning linguist
. It wasn't just his
looks, his rugged stature and his ability to bring a quiver to ladies knees and
nether regions on first sight. He could also turn on the charm and seduce his
way into a woman's pants at will.

hadn't a cat in hell's chance of getting out with her knickers or her name
intact. But then again she
and a real sucker for a good hard 'seeing to', given half a chance. Her name
wasn't in any danger, anyway. That had long since been tattered and torn.

So a
complex little set of scenarios was now fully underway. Drink would flow, chat
would be cheap, and seduction was on everyone's agenda.

and Aya were on the piss and on the town with Luke and Graham and the boys.

Alex was
on the prowl and a specialized charm offensive with Charlie in the bar of their

whilst he was keeping her busy, Danni and Damien were on an alcohol infused
ruse and double-dealing mission to get Suzanne into bed.

Back at
club 'Two Lips', Famke and Aya delivered the necessary 'nods' to the staff on
arrival and the message runners swung into action behind the scenes, ensuring
everyone was on full alert and standing by for action.

The huge
contribution of cash, handed over by Luke at reception for the group's
collective entertainment, was carefully and constructively considered and then
separated into two piles. The first, obviously payment for their club
activities, and the second, not so obviously put aside into a plastic bag.
These particular Dutch Gilders had been clearly handled by Luke himself and
were in need of separation and preservation for reasons unknown to anyone but
Jody. And not one of our guests paid the slightest attention to the surgical
gloves worn by the gorgeous, smiling receptionist. Why would they?

First up
and on cue was a Geordie
who went by the name
Suzette. She wasn't very adept at choosing stage names and should probably have
stuck to her real one, which was Nina. Her problem was that the 'Geordie'
accent translated this into some sort of retarded ambulance siren sound, or so
she thought. So she dropped it. Anyway, none of this was important, other than
her role in extricating Graham from close proximity to Luke, to enable our
double act to get on with their evenings performances, both on and off the

put on a good show with a less than responsive stage Stag and in the end needed
support, or rather substitution, from her ordeal by a couple of helpful hosties
who promptly removed Graham from harms way and kept him suitably entertained on
the comfy seats in the wings.

girls escorted Luke to a raised, bar-like stage, which for some reason was
unattended by punters and performers alike. Unbeknown to Luke these seats had
been strategically kept 'occupied' with the clever use of props. A few
half-consumed drinks were left on the stage/bar together with jackets casually
slung over the high stools. All were of course removed on time and in time for our
trio's arrival and the girls' supposed need for seating.

stage and behind the scenes, Jody was applying the finishing touches to the
brightest of red lipstick and carefully pinning up the extra long black hair of
an expensive looking wig. She then put on a pair of sturdy spectacles, which,
by the way, had no glass in them. Finally she checked herself in the multitude
of mirrors around her and sought approval from all the other girls in the room.


practice and persistence, not to mention pain and a little perfunctory podiatry
ensured Jody was now a master of stilts and stilettos, or
shoes as they're also known. These particularly radiant red ones were her
favourites and just finished off her salacious School Mistress outfit

the cover of darkness, or at least subdued lighting, she traversed the floor
unnoticed and scaled the stairs to her preferred place of work without
incident. Jody presented herself for imminent and intimate examination, just as
the previous main stage performance concluded and the lights were extinguished

Our Jody
had a healthy nervousness about her, which provided her the sharp edge required
for just such an important occasion. This would be no ordinary show, and no
ordinary night. This was to be a master class performance in every respect.

On came
her spotlight and she slowly raised her chin to gaze across the audience. A
pause, then finger clicking, followed by the familiar 'Hey Sister, Soul Sister'
intro to 'Lady Marmalade'. The crowd was being wound up for a treat, and this treat
was wearing the archetypal dirty sexy teachers outfit with each of her pupils’
salivating consciences in mind.

face was a picture. Right there, stood some steaming hot School Madame not five
feet from him, and all he could do was stare. Like some sixteen-year-old geek
caught in the full beaming headlights of the loudest and proudest tits in town.
They weren't even on display. It was just the sultry, suggestive sexiness of
this woman's presence that had got to him.

Jody was
about to give him, and the girls (and the audience), a show to remember. She
wanted, no, needed this to work. By the time this episode was over she wanted
Luke worked up, worked out and worked over. He'd get his money’s worth, but
then so would she.

Up and
down the pole she went.
Slowly, purposefully, methodically.
A tease, a look, a pout, a smile with some dirrrty moves thrown in for good
measure. Then the bending over started and the money paying members of the
public began to get a hint of what they came for. Pussy! It was discretely
concealed for now in some tight, taught lacy stuff but this was at least

Out came
the hairpin and down came the long tousled hair. It flicked, it flew and it
served nicely in accentuating every move Jody made.

stroked herself all over and rubbed and writhed with her firm and toned curves
through skirt and blouse. Up and down, and up and down, until it was time to
remove the restrictive items. One by one, off they came. Artistry in motion had
never been so poetic. Long, slender legs, topped with rounded, curvy hips,
overshadowed by voluptuous and particularly perky pinnacles of perfection,
straining in their hardly secretive, delicate dens of dignity. Or, lingerie of
the expensive and exquisite kind, if you prefer.

The kind of gift-wrapping worthy of lustful and careful, rather than
cursory, consideration before you tear it all off to get at your presents.

Jody saw
Luke and Famke passing comments then she watched as he clearly guided her hand
into his lap. She stroked him a few times and then nodded back at Jody to let
her know that
little Luke
had indeed
joined the party and everything was in order.

big concern in all of this was that Luke might just be too pissed to perform when
required. Luckily, as tradition would have it, the Best Man was generally able
to handle his liquor and should at least last a little longer than the Groom on
such a debauched drinking event. It would seem, after all, Luke was up to the

good news had been received earlier, this time by text, and passed on with a
nod, letting Jody know that Danni had got things set up for a cracking night of
sexual duplicity back at the crews' hotel. Everything was going to plan. Aya
returned the text advising of an imminent result at the club. Time would
shortly become critical. Danni and Damien would need to get their acts together
and quicken the flow and the freedom of alcohol. One way or another they needed
Suzanne on her back!

brought out the 'big guns'. And what a sight they were.
bit as good as the packaging suggested.

Next she
swung around the pole a few times in time to the music and then crawled over to
face Luke. He clearly didn't know whether to stare into her filthy eyes or lust
over her perky boobs, now agonizingly close and within touching distance. She'd
considered at length that she might look familiar to him but dismissed it as
an impossibility
. There was too much stage makeup and too
many years between them for that to happen, not to mention a colossal
confidence for sexual dueling he wouldn't associate with her past.

switched her attentions to the girls at Luke's side. She temptingly coaxed
favour money from them with a playful fondle and squeeze of her boobs. Aya
offered some club Guilders in her pouting lips and was rewarded for her
gratuities as her cheeks were sandwiched between Jody's firm
delicately soft fleshy breasts in the collection process.

Then she
turned her attentions back to Luke. She could see he wanted to
get some
of this action himself, so she
extended an index finger with a 'come on' curl or two and he was given
instructions from the girls to make an offering. Men tend to be slow on the
uptake when they can't take their eyes off the prize.

fumbled for his favour money and, deciding it was all a bit too fiddly and
taking too much time, he just stuffed it all down the little offering slot in
the stage floor. Jody had installed this unique touch as a way of keeping her
'special' stages clear, but it also tended to encourage larger rewards for
larger stakes and favours.

are so dumb," she thought. "Little do they know, it's all chicken and
If you offer good money, you get good rewards,
but on the flip side of things, if the money is a bit slow, the offerings are
increased to encourage better rewards. Another win/win, and a coup for

BOOK: Outstripped
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