Over the Wall

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Authors: Chris Fabry

Tags: #JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian

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Over the Wall

Copyright © 2007 by Chris Fabry. All rights reserved.

Cover illustration of car © 2007 by Peter Bollinger. All rights reserved.

Author photo copyright © 2006 by Brian Regnerus. All rights reserved.

Designed by Stephen Vosloo

Edited by Lorie Popp

Scripture quotations are taken from the
Holy Bible
, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Fabry, Chris, date.

  Over the wall / Chris Fabry.

    p. cm. — (RPM ; #2)

  Summary: When Jamie is accepted at an elite NASCAR training school sponsored by a competing racing team, her parents try to get her to trust God to help her decide what to do.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-4143-1265-1 (sc : alk. paper)

  ISBN-10: 1-4143-1265-2 (sc : alk. paper)

[1. Automobile racing—Fiction. 2. Family life—North Carolina—Fiction. 3. Foster home care—Fiction. 4. NASCAR (Association)—Fiction. 5. Christian life—Fiction. 6. North Carolina—Fiction.]

I. Title.

  PZ7.F1178Ov 2007

  [Fic]—dc22 2007011380

ISBN 978-1-4143-3248-2 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-4143-3249-9 (Kindle); ISBN 978-1-4143-8648-5 (Apple)

Build: 2013-04-04 11:35:04

This book is dedicated to Manny and Sheri Saldana, 3/11/07. Through twists and turns, may he always make your path clear.

  1. Chapter 1: Ambulance Chase
  2. Chapter 2: Discovery
  3. Chapter 3: Hospital
  4. Chapter 4: Bad News
  5. Chapter 5: A Dangerous Sport
  6. Chapter 6: The Nomination
  7. Chapter 7: Family, Faith, and a Fast Car
  8. Chapter 8: Two Hearts
  9. Chapter 9: Swamp Confession
  10. Chapter 10: Autographed Car
  11. Chapter 11: Missed Call
  12. Chapter 12: The Bounce
  13. Chapter 13: The Letter
  14. Chapter 14: Surprise Visitor
  15. Chapter 15: First Flight
  16. Chapter 16: Facing Sparky
  17. Chapter 17: Race Prep
  18. Chapter 18: Abraham’s Choice
  19. Chapter 19: Elephant
  20. Chapter 20: Sunday Morning Coming Down
  21. Chapter 21: Chapel
  22. Chapter 22: Couch Talk
  23. Chapter 23: Texas Motor Speedway
  24. Chapter 24: The Feed
  25. Chapter 25: Chasing the Leader
  26. Chapter 26: Thrilling End
  27. Chapter 27: Finger-Pointing
  28. Chapter 28: New Room
  29. Chapter 29: Butch’s Offer
  30. Chapter 30: Racing School
  31. Chapter 31: Safe-Deposit Box
  32. Chapter 32: Bud’s Order
  33. About the Author

“When the helmet goes on we’re all equal. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a boy or a girl, 13 years old or 30. I’m a race car driver and that’s it.”

Michelle Theriault

“Stuff happens pretty quick. This time a year ago, I was testing the 16 car for Biffle and that was just a dream come true. . . .”

David Ragan

“Circumstances may appear to wreck our lives and God’s plans, but God is not helpless among the ruins. God’s love is still working. He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it victoriously, working out his wonderful plan of love.”

Eric Liddell

Chapter 1
Ambulance Chase

has happened,” Jamie Maxwell said, her voice shaking. Her hands were also shaking, almost too much to hold her cell phone as she hurried toward Chad Devalon’s crashed car.

“Where are you?” her mother said, her voice even and unemotional, though Jamie could tell she was trying hard to stay in control.

Jamie had said nothing to her parents about her test drive in the Devalon car. She now knew that had been a mistake, and she’d hear it from both her mom and her dad when she saw them.

“I’m headed over to the hospital in a few minutes,” Jamie said. “Could you meet me at Memorial?”

Her mom hesitated. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, Mom.”

“Okay, we’ll go right over there.”

Jamie had beaten the others calling 911 when Chad Devalon crashed, telling the dispatcher their location at the track as the car teetered on its top in the infield. Chad’s father, Butch Devalon, and the owner of the Devalon racing team, Shane Hardwick, raced toward the car along with the track manager, who carried a fire extinguisher.

“Chad!” Butch Devalon shouted, and Jamie thought it was the worst sound in the world to hear a father yell his child’s name into a wrecked car.

Chad wasn’t talking or moving that she could tell—a bad sign.

Mr. Devalon fumbled with the window net, trying to reach the six-point harness.

“Hold up,” Mr. Hardwick said, releasing the window net easily.

“He’s right,” Jamie said. Her voice sounded strange, as if even speaking to someone who’d been in racing as long as these two was sacrilegious. Something inside took over, and she spoke, her voice stronger. “We should get the car off its top before you release him. You unbuckle that strap, and he’s going to slam straight into the roof.”

The track manager agreed. “Yeah, I’ll get my truck.” He returned with a Ford F-250, spinning his tires in the infield grass, a chain clanking in the bed.
By then, the swirling siren of the ambulance wafted over the track like a song.

“I don’t need no ambulance,” Chad muttered.

“Just hang in there, Son,” Mr. Devalon said.

Jamie had seen the swagger and the strut of Butch Devalon nearly all her life. Her dad had raced against him, first in trucks, then moving their way up the NASCAR ladder to the cup races. When Mr. Devalon didn’t finish first or even in the top 10, he was still the picture of self-confidence. Every step said,
I’m number one, even if I didn’t win today.
In interviews, he made sure everyone knew the other guy never actually
the race—he
it. He’d made a mistake or the team had done something wrong. He let everyone know he should have been in the winner’s circle—and would be next time.

However, the swagger was gone—at least temporarily—as Mr. Devalon told his son to keep quiet. He seemed scattered, not knowing what to say or do.

“Blood’s running to my head,” Chad said, a little stronger now.

The track manager hooked the chain to the car and gently pulled it until the wheels slammed onto the grass.

Butch Devalon unhooked the harness and popped the steering wheel, but the roof was so dented that
Jamie wondered if they could squeeze Chad through the opening.

She turned and waved at the ambulance as it came through the front gate and onto the track. When she looked back, they had Chad sitting on the ground and were taking off his helmet.

The paramedics arrived and moved everyone away. Chad protested louder now, telling the men he was fine and there was no reason for them to be here. They pointed a light at his eyes and tried to keep him still, but he kept pushing them away.

“Let ’em take a look at you,” Mr. Hardwick said. “It’s for your own good.”

“I’m telling you, I’m okay,” Chad said. But when he tried to stand, he screamed in pain and his legs gave way.

The paramedics put him on a gurney and loaded him into the ambulance.

Butch Devalon got in the back with Chad and glanced at Jamie. He tried to smile, but lines of worry creased his face.

Jamie ran through the gate and up the hill to her car. Her cell phone rang as she pulled out behind the ambulance.

“Jamie, it’s Cassie,” her friend said. Her voice felt like a cool breeze on a sweltering day. “I heard something was wrong.”

“How did you hear that?” Jamie said.

“Your mom called the prayer tree, and we’re at the top of the list. What’s going on?”

The prayer tree.
Cassie made it sound like a living thing. Basically it was a list of names and phone numbers people at their church called when somebody found out they had a disease or went into rehab or had a teenager in trouble. Jamie called it the “gossip bush” just to make her mom mad. As far as she knew, this was the first time she had made the list, though she figured the guy in Florida, Tim Carhardt, had been on one of the branches.

Cassie Strower was Jamie’s best friend. As kids they’d spent summer nights camping out and winter nights at sleepovers. They still had their nails done together on special occasions, but they’d grown apart the more time Jamie spent racing. Cassie was the “perfect” daughter. A strong Christian. She was the kind of girl Jamie figured her mom
she had. That halo over her head was the only thing Jamie didn’t like about Cassie. She had a dependence on God that Jamie knew she would

“I can’t talk now, Cassie. I’m on my way to the hospital. Just pray for Chad. He’s been in an accident at the track.”

“Got it,” Cassie said.

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