Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (17 page)

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“My, my, and who is this feisty little work of art, Colton? I didn’t think you took anybody to your bed more than once but this little Hellcat seems to think he’s got a brand on you somewhere. Haven’t you laid out the rules to him yet?” Intruder made a
sound between his teeth. “That is so unlike you, Colton. Your ‘hit it and quit it’ rule is the first thing you review with your lovers.” The bastard summed up that little speech with a very slow, very thorough once-over of Jagger’s body.

“Not a Hellcat, Mason. He’s a Wildcat,” Colton answered softly, watching Jagger with an inquisitive twinkle in his eye. Jagger got the impression that Colton knew he was jealous and was enjoying every delicious and salacious detail.

Intruder whistled through his teeth this time and a huge grin split his face. “Wildcat, eh? Well, I never thought I’d live to see the day.” He laughed. “Well, let’s just say I thought you would never.” He turned to Colton. “When did this happen?”

Intruder’s words weren’t making much sense but even if they had, Jagger wouldn’t have cared in the least. He wanted the man away from Colton. He didn’t deserve to look at Colton, much less touch and flirt with him. They acted like they were best of friends, and that pissed Jagger off even more.

“It hasn’t
,” Riley mocked quickly, finally finding his tongue. “Jagger is here only because Colton pulled a Jerk-move straight out of his ass.”

“You’re Landry’s friend, right? I’ve seen you around some,” the guy said. “What’s a Jerk-move?”

“You know, when you manipulate, lie, and use all sorts of dirty tricks to get your way? That’s a Jerk-move and this jerk is probably the Olympic champion of jerk-movers-are-us. For fucks sure, that’s the only way he could get Jagger here.”

“I don’t need your help, Riley. I’ve already got one too many babysitters,” Jagger growled as he nodded toward the table where Rory sat watching them. From the look on his too-handsome face, he was enjoying himself above and beyond the babysitting call of duty. “I sure as hell don’t need another one. I can damned well take care of myself.”

Riley and Intruder snorted like he’d just made the most ridiculous statement in the world. Whatever.

“Sure you could, hotshot,” Intruder commented. “You’ve got a big fat ‘virgin’ stamp all over you and, trust me, that’s a magnet in this hot spot. If I were you, I’d gladly accept all the babysitters I could get. Unless you’re into that, of course.”

“Shut your trap, Mason,” Colton ordered. To Jagger, he said, “Let’s take a walk, babe.” He took Jagger by the arm and started steering him toward the exit.

The only reason Jagger didn’t fight was because he was fairly certain he couldn’t have walked a straight line if his very life had depended on it. Damn it to hell, but he’d hate Tara Reid for the rest of his life. He allowed Colton to guide him through the crowd and even refused any acts of rebellion when he felt a muscled arm slip around his waist and pull him tightly against Colton’s hard body. He felt like a child about to be taken out and spanked for misbehaving.

The temperature had dropped somewhat from when they’d entered the resort and the cool air felt wonderful as it caressed his face. Unfortunately, it also sobered him up somewhat and he suddenly felt like a total fool for calling out Intruder in front of everybody.

“I don’t know what the hell that was, Colton. I’m sorry,” he said wearily.

They walked several yards down the street before Colton turned down an alley and kept walking until they were nestled in a secluded spot, far away from the prying eyes of Colton’s friends. Colton just stood there, staring at him. There wasn’t an ounce of anger in the guy’s
eyes. Voices and laughter from folks around them could still be heard, but they sounded miles away. The thumping of his heart sounded like a deafening cannon going off in the alleyway. Jagger wasn’t certain if he wanted to kiss Colton or run for his life.

“What was that, Jagger?”

“I don’t have a clue,” Jagger blurted. “I’m sorry, Colton. I know I had to embarrass you in front of your friends. I feel like a fool. I don’t know what the hell came over me in there.” He paused, knowing there was more to say, to admit, but still not quite willing to say the words. “I just lost control, I guess; too much Tara Reid in my bloodstream.”

Colton’s hands gripped a fist and then would loosen up again. The muscles in his arms danced erotically with each opening and closing of that fist and Jagger felt his mouth begin to water. Would those muscles taste as good as they looked? The unbridled power of the man was like a
’ aphrodisiac to Jagger. Colton was sheer perfection and Jagger was so fucking terrified of the thoughts playing around inside his head because he knew they didn’t have a damned thing to do with alcohol. It would be so much simpler if it did.

“Why did you get angry?”

“Why did you leave me?” Jagger countered, once again feeling like he was acting childish. Hell, he knew he was acting like a spoiled brat.

“Because I believe Riley and I needed to talk some things through,” Colton explained. “He’s obviously your friend and he and I not liking each other won’t be beneficial to me winning you over.”

Jagger blushed at the warm sensations those words caused in his heart. “Oh. Okay, I guess.”

Colton laughed. “Well, it was that and I was thinking about punching him in the face and I didn’t want you around when it happened.” From the look on his face, Colton was only half joking with that comment.

“Why don’t you like Riley?” Jagger asked.

“You have to ask that?” Colton muttered and then added, “Or do you just want to hear me admit it?”

“Forget it.”

“I’m jealous.”

Jagger flinched outwardly but felt his heart soar at the admission. Is that what he’d been digging for? Had he needed to hear those words? Did he believe they would somehow justify his own

“I’m jealous because Riley has been with you the last four years and I haven’t. I’m jealous because the two of you are friends and you would never be my friend. I’m jealous because I’m afraid of what he means to you.” Colton ran his hands through his hair, tugging in frustration. “Hell, Jagger, I’m fucking jealous of every single person in your life because I haven’t been able to be there.”

“Riley and I are just friends—recent friends, actually,” Jagger admitted softly. “There’s no reason for you to be jealous.” He felt his face flame, knowing he was admitting too much, making himself too weak, but unable to stop at the same time. “Riley doesn’t like me…that way.”

Colton chuckled. “Well, I know that
, but it was pretty unclear to me less than thirty minutes ago. I seriously wanted to fight him, and probably would have if the fear of knowing how pissed you would be hadn’t stopped me.”

The image of Colton and Riley hugging, of Colton’s full lips touching Riley’s, pushed its way into Jagger’s head, reminding him of what had led to him making a fool of himself in front of a bar full of mostly naked men. “What do you mean by ‘you know that now’?” He asked. A part of him was terrified of what Colton’s answer might be. They’d hugged and kissed. Had Riley revealed that he wanted Colton? Was that why they were touching—why Colton had suddenly looked so happy after Riley had whispered into his ear? “What changed your mind so quickly?”

“You really have no clue, do you?” Colton asked. He looked shocked and pleased, his green eyes doing that sexy little twinkle that always threatened to drag Jagger to his knees.

“Clue about what? Does Riley…does he want you? Are you guys—”
“Don’t you dare say what I think you are about to say,” Colton ordered. “Don’t. You. Dare.”

“It’s okay if—”

Colton moved so fast, Jagger hadn’t even realized anything had happened until firm lips, hungry and demanding, crashed against his, claiming him and shutting him up at the same time. Colton ravished his mouth with a ferociousness that Jagger found intoxicating. Their tongues battled and knees weakened. When Colton’s tongue swept inside his mouth,
Jagger returned the kiss with everything he had. Flames that had been burning for four years scorched every inch of Jagger, waking things that had lain dormant for so very long. A sudden inferno swept over him and he was gasping and grinding against Colton’s hardness. He felt helpless. He felt powerful. His hands fisted Colton’s T-shirt, yanking him even closer. A carnal need that wouldn’t be denied overwhelmed him as their mouths attacked one another.

Jagger heard himself moan into Colton’s mouth and then moan even louder when a hand slid between them and cupped the bulge in his shorts. Jagger shuddered and sucked in his bottom lip, biting and holding it tightly between his teeth. He could kiss Colton for hours. His rough and dominating hunger tweaked all Jagger’s buttons. His lips were firm and manly instead of soft. The stubble on Colton’s lower jaw and chin scraped wildly against his face and the new sensation caused him to burn with a need that could only be quenched by Colton Montgomery. He supposed it had
been Colton Montgomery.

“What did you think? Did you honestly believe I brought you here just…just…because? Hell, Jagger, I’m giving you everything I’ve got here”, Colton whispered between kisses. A faint sheen of sweat coated his bronzed skin and Jagger found it deliciously masculine. He wanted to swipe his tongue along the length of his neck and taste the salty elixir.

“I didn’t know what to think,” Jagger answered honestly. “I guess I thought it was all some kind of game to you—just a way to mess with me.”

Colton’s face hardened, his eyes flashing heat. His full lips, always smiling before, pulled into a tight, straight line. “A game? You think you’re a game to me?” He drug in a deep breath, turned away, paused, and then smacked his fist against the wall. Jagger flinched in shame. After several long seconds, Colton finally turned back around to face him. Jagger wasn’t sure if he would punch him next or send him straight to the airport. He didn’t know what to expect but neither of those actions would have surprised him. He’d earned both of them. Hell, he was more whining and insecure than a new puppy.

Colton’s next words, however, did surprise him.

“One of these days, Jagger, when you’re ready, I’m going to spank your pretty ass really hard for saying shit like that. You have such a low opinion of yourself and it infuriates me that you don’t see your own worth.” He leaned in again and this kiss was much gentler, so sweet it was intoxicating on an entirely different level. When he eased his lips away, he whispered, “If it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to make you see just how valuable you are—how much you
have to offer—how much you mean to me. You are strong and beautiful, babe.” He cupped both sides of Jagger’s face in a positively possessive grasp. “You took a real shitty life and you soared. You overcame all the darkness that was thrust upon you and turned it into nothing but pure light. I envy your strength and strive to more like you every day,” he vowed.

Jagger’s eyes studied his own hands as Colton’s words washed over him. He allowed some of the message to sink in but fought other parts of it. The thought Colton could think so highly of him was more than he could even begin to comprehend. Colton was beautifully perfect, never been touched by the dirtiness of his world. None of it made sense. He couldn’t really mean it?

Was the alcohol making Colton say things that clearly weren’t true? Was the alcohol making him hear things that clearly weren’t true?

“Don’t say things like that, Colton.
It’s bullshit and you know it.”

Colton cocked his eyebrow and a naughty smile curved his lips. Damn it, but that man had the most gorgeous lips.

“I’m beginning to think my innocent Wildcat might secretly enjoy the idea of a naughty little spanking.”

Jagger watched as Colton’s hands drifted down to his belt and then found himself gulping as long fingers caressed the leather seductively. Seriously? In two days he found himself faced with the possibility that he was not only gay but was a kinky gay that may or may not enjoy getting his ass spanked. The way his blood was racing wildly to his cock, he was pretty sure he might be leaning heavily toward ‘
want his ass spanked.

“You wish,” Jagger sputtered. The urge to squeeze his own dick was nearing the uncontrollable level. He needed to do something to get his runaway cock reined in.

Green eyes sparkled. “Yeah, Wildcat. Yeah, I do wish,” Colton answered softly. “But, babe, I’m not going to push so calm yourself down.” His finger slid seductively along Jagger’s throat. “Your pulse is going wild right now. Are you afraid?” He took a step closer, and his lips touched that frantic pulse and then his tongue teased the hot spot. “Or are you excited?” He whispered, lips right up against Jagger’s neck.

Jagger felt his head drop back and make contact with the brick wall behind him. His eyes drifted upward, admiring the beautiful sky above them instead of facing Colton’s searching eyes. If he looked into the man’s eyes, there would be no hiding how he felt, what he wanted.

Hiding was not good; it’s what he’d done his entire life. He didn’t want to hide from Colton but knew he would never find the courage to face his own demons. Where in the world could he ever find the strength to undo all the protective devices he’d put in place around his heart, soul, and mind?

But he was so tired of being a coward. “Maybe excited.”

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