Overwhelm Me (8 page)

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Authors: A. C. Marchman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Overwhelm Me
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“You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed to check me out. I mean, we have seen each other completely naked.” Donovan winks at me. He’s right. He’s seen me at my best and my worst in just a night. I step behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, spreading my fingers out over his abs. I suddenly feel exhausted, and I yawn.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go to bed,” Donovan says as we walk back to my room.

“I have to get our clothes from the living room floor. I don’t really want Livey seeing that if she comes home early tomorrow.” I walk back to the living room and scoop up our clothes. Donovan walks back to the dining room to put the pizza in the refrigerator. I grin to myself. It looks like we both are a bit OCD and can’t leave a mess behind.

I take our clothes back to my room and hand Donovan his boxers when he walks in the room. I slip a t-shirt over my head and rummage in my drawers for a pair of underwear. I crawl into bed next to this breathtaking man and turn on my side to face him. I cock up my elbow to hold up my head to look at him. He mirrors me as we just look at each other in the dim light of my room.

Donovan strokes his knuckles down my face, and I lean into his touch.

“Allie, you don’t think we are moving too fast, do you?” Donovan questions, a look of concern etched on his face. Oh, no. Donovan, please don’t think that.

“Well, maybe we did move a little on the fast side, but I don’t regret anything we have done tonight. I feel the same about you. I like you so much, so soon. If you feel like we are moving really fast, we can slow down.” I don’t want to slow down, but I don’t want this to be the last time I see Donovan either. My heart pounds out of my chest as I hear him sigh.

“I want this more than you know. I just…I just want a normal relationship, that’s all. I don’t want to screw up. I still feel so whacked out by Claire, and all I want is to be normal, to feel normal. Yeah, I’ll probably fuck up here and there. All I ask of you is your patience with me.”

His blue eyes close tightly as if he’s reliving some nightmare. “I don’t know how to have a normal relationship. It’s only ever been Claire and one night stands. Nothing more.” Donovan’s confession is hard to hear. My heart breaks for him, and I want to hold him.

“Then, what is it about me? Why do you like me so much?” I ask the question that is really pressing on my mind. I want to know why a man like Donovan, perfect in beauty and heart, wants a girl like me. Why am I so special?

Donovan’s eyes burn into mine. “I felt like a bolt of lightning hit me when you ran into me this morning. Somehow I knew that I needed to meet you and see if you felt something as well. I asked a few students this morning if they knew who you were.” I cock my eyebrows at him and he grins. “I had to describe you in pretty good detail since I didn’t know your name. I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were on my mind all day long, in my car, at my office, at my house. I have never been to the Peachtree Tavern until tonight. I went by myself to grab a beer, and I saw you.” He lets out a sigh. “Somehow I knew it was fate. I can’t describe it any other way.” He rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling. His words hang in the air as I take it all in.

Donovan’s admission stuns me. I try to blink my tears away, my eyes burning. This is exactly how I feel about him, and he had the courage to tell me first. I take in a deep breath and begin my own confession.

“That’s crazy to hear because I feel the same way. I tried all day to not think of you, that you were out of my league.” Donovan grins and starts to speak, but I hold up my finger, and I continue. “But it’s all I did today. I saw your face everywhere I looked. It drove me insane. I even went to the bar tonight to try to get you off my mind, and it didn’t work. And all of a sudden, you were there.” I have bared my heart and soul to this man I have known for a day, and I wouldn’t take back a word of it. Tears start down my cheeks, and I wipe them away with the back of my hand.

“Can I ask you a question?” he asks.

“Yes, of course you can,” I say, wondering what is pressing on his mind.

“Can I take you out tomorrow? Like I said, not to a bar or a bed,” he smirks. “I’d like to take you to a nice restaurant, anywhere you would like. Money is not an issue.” Donovan’s blue eyes plead with me to say yes, as if I would say no to this man about anything.

“Well, I have to work at the club at ten, but I get off 6:30, so it would be after then, if that’s ok?”

My mind reels, a date with Donovan!

“Oh, yeah. That’s perfect. I get off work at around 6:00, so I can come pick you up. But, please, let me know the place beforehand. I don’t want to be under dressed,” Donovan gives me a mischievous grin.

I roll my eyes at him. He’s silly, but I love it. “I’ll text you, ok? But right now, it’s 2 a.m., and we both need to get up in the morning. So, go to sleep.”

“Good night, baby doll,” Donovan already starts to drift off, his right hand draped over my side. I plant a sweet kiss on his forehead and touch his face.

“Good night.”

I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I roll over to look at the alarm clock and see that’s it’s just after 7:30. I roll over to the side of the bed where Donovan slept and frown when I find it empty. Then I remember that Donovan had to get up at 6:30 and go to the clinic. I decide to wake up and get my day started. I sit up on the edge of the bed and rub my sleepy eyes. Last night was so mind blowing, but it has left me exhausted. I stand up and stretch some more. I see something out of the corner of my eye, and I glance over to see what it is. There is a piece of paper with my name on it sitting on my dresser. I smile. Donovan left me something to wake up to. I unfold the letter and it reads:


I can’t wait to see you tonight. I will count down the minutes untill I see your angelic face again.

Call me when you wake up.



My heart skips a beat. He will count the minutes untill he sees me again? Wow, he’s so sweet! I walk out of my room to grab my phone. I search for the napkin that has Donovan’s number on it and find it in the bottom of my purse. My pulse races as I dial his number.

“Dr. Callahan here.” His greeting is a bit brash. I breathe before speaking. I haven’t heard Donovan speak like that before.

“Hi, Dr. Callahan, it’s Allie.”

“Good morning, doll. How are you?” Donovan’s voice softens once he realizes it’s me. I smile from ear to ear. Geez, I’m like a fourteen-year-old with her first boyfriend.

“Fine, thank you. A bit tired and sore, though. Someone kept me up all night.”

Donovan chuckles. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” He’s being playful. I like playful.

“I’m sure you have an inkling as to why I was up so late, Dr. Callahan.”

“Baby doll, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” he sounds serious all of a sudden.

“Donovan, I’m kidding! Last night was amazing.” I blush as I think of us naked and tangled in the sheets. My belly tightens up. He’s not even here, and he turns me on.

“Oh, I think it would rate last night much higher than just amazing,” Donovan says, his voice taking on that deep husky tone. God, he’s good.

“I just can’t put last night into words. Anyway, I wanted to ask you, I don’t know many restaurants around Atlanta.”

Donovan snorts, “That’s not a question.”

“Haha, I was getting to that. I was wondering if you could pick the place and let me know so I won’t be underdressed.” I laugh as I repeat what he said to me last night.

“I think I prefer you undressed. Just my opinion.” Oh, my. I hope no one is around to hear him.

“Pervert. Just let me know, okay?” I giggle a little too loudly.

“Okay, baby, I’ll let you know. Right now, I have to go. We are starting to see patients, and the waiting room is filled to capacity.”

“Sure thing. Have a nice day,” I tell him, excited about seeing him this evening.

“I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. See you then, babe.” Donovan whispers into the phone.

“I can’t wait,” I say as I hang up. I hug the phone to my chest. He makes me so incredibly joyful. I hope it’s not too good to be true. I try to suppress the thought. I’ve only had one other boyfriend in my life, and it ended in such heartache. I was a complete mess when Matt screwed me over. I close my eyes, trying not to think of the jerk, but the memory comes unwelcome into my mind.

I was a junior in high school. Matt was a senior. I had noticed him the year before and thought he was so gorgeous. He was dating Holly Saunders, the girl who had been homecoming queen three years in a row, so I only admired him from a distance. I would watch him in our Spanish class, at lunch, and in the hallways, but that was it. I figured I didn’t have a chance to date him. But one day, Matt and Holly had a huge argument at school, and they broke up. It was something about Holly seeing another guy at our rival school, but I don’t really remember too much detail. I just remember everyone talking about what a scene it was. Matt had punched a locker and called her horrible names.

The following night, one of my friends was throwing a field party. There was a bonfire, something we Lynchburgers enjoy on a cold autumn night, and lots of beer. I was with my friends Michelle and Chloe. We were all sitting around drinking and relaxing by the fire on the ground. I had heard through our mutual friends that Matt was coming to the bonfire.

At the party I scanned the faces, hoping I would spot Matt. Finally, he showed up with Chloe’s boyfriend Scott. He was wearing jeans and a red hooded sweatshirt. He was so cute. He had jet black hair and beautiful brown eyes. His hair was cut really short, and he always wore a hat.

He was on the football and basketball teams, so he was always fit. Scott walked over to us, and Matt followed suit. My heart was beating so fast when Matt sat down next to me. It was in my throat when Matt actually spoke to me.

“Hey, I’ve seen you around school. You’re in my Spanish class. Allison, right?”

“Yeah, most people call me Allie. And you’re Matt Bowman.” I said, like the guy didn’t know his own name.

Matt chuckles. “Nice to see you, Allie.”

Our conversation lasted until the sun was peeking over the horizon. We were both really drunk and having a good time. I gave him my number, and he said he would give me a call.

Three days later, Matt did call me. He wanted to ask me out for the next Friday. I was so giddy with excitement and couldn’t wait until that night. When he came by to pick me up from my house that Friday night, I had put on my favorite blue sweater, my skinny jeans, and my silver flats. I did my makeup for an hour just to get it right. Matt was wearing his letterman jacket and khakis. He even met my parents and told them he would have me home at eleven. With that, we walked to his truck and drove off.

We grabbed some pizza and decided to watch a movie. It was nothing special, but to me it was the most wonderful night of my teenage life. He held my hand through the entire movie and didn’t even try to make out. I thought he was the sweetest, most fantastic guy I had ever met.

After that date, we were inseparable. We talked about our future, told each other secrets, and made out all of the time. We would get into his parent’s liquor cabinet and get drunk as we sat by Matt’s pond in his backyard. I smoked my first and only joint on his back porch. I thought he was so perfect for me. Too bad I was wrong about him.

Livey opens the door and drags me from my flashback. “Hey, Allie! I brought us some breakfast!

You hungry?”

“Actually, I’m starving! But I should hurry because I have to be at work at ten.” I was so glad to see my best friend. I missed her. Livey sets the bag of bagels and fruit on the counter in the kitchen.

“So, how did last night go?” Livey turns to face me. I immediately turn red, and she knows something’s up. “Oh my God, did you sleep with him?” I nod, eyes downcast, embarrassed.

“Allie, I don’t believe it! You had a one night stand?” Livey’s hazel eyes widen in surprise. “Did you at least use protection?”

“Yeah, of course we did!”

“Really? Aren’t you two do things backwards? Shouldn’t he take you out first, then try to get in your pants?” Livey shakes her head, disappointment written all over her face. I frown at her look.

“He is taking me out tonight. I mean, maybe we did move fast, but it’s not just about sex. I mean, yeah, it’s great, but there is something about Donovan, something I really like.” I grin from ear to ear. “I mean, he’s wicked smart, incredibly handsome, and out of this world in bed. All those are good things, but there is something about him that draws me to him, like a magnet.” I did not want my friend getting it twisted and thinking it was just a screw and that’s it. I also don’t want her to think I’m some sort of tramp.

“Well, I have never seen you even go on a date with a guy since you’ve been down here. Guess this means you’re not gay,” Livey bursts out laughing, and I can’t help but to chime in. We don’t stay mad at each other long. She hands me a cream cheese bagel and a banana. “I guess you will need your energy. Daddy said there are lots of tee times today.”

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