Owned: A Mafia Menage Romance (48 page)

BOOK: Owned: A Mafia Menage Romance
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“That was good, baby,” Declan cooed. “Do you want him to finger you now?”

I nodded. Yes. I wanted him to do something. Anything.

“Do you want him to suck on your little pink clit?” he whispered hotly in my ear, pinching my nipple so hard I almost flinched. I nodded urgently. My hips ground in circles against the empty air. I couldn’t see how far away he was from me, but it might as well have been miles. I wanted him close, so badly.

“Then tell him, Margot.”

“Jackson, please… su-- suck on my clit.”

Suddenly there was a mouth on my lips and I felt him sucking lightly at my tiny, hard clit, then retreating slightly and flicking it with his tongue. After a few seconds of that, he sucked it some more, then flicked it in a different direction. Back and forth he went, alternating the two techniques.

My back arched and I submitted to Declan’s hand, holding my legs splayed open. I couldn’t care anymore about that. I wanted him to consume me. I wanted to feel him everywhere.

I felt the orgasm starting in my belly, swelling, filling up. The vision of it filled up my mind. I saw it like a glowing fruit, ripening in the sun. His tongue swirled in circles over my open lips, pulling at me, pushing, working the tiny nub until I thought I’d scream.

Declan pushed my hair back and kissed me, hard. His tongue pushed my teeth open and filled my mouth I sucked at him desperately until he pulled back.

“You want more? You want him to finger you?”

I nodded erratically, unable to control my body as the fruit grew to take over my mind. It was all I could think of, pulsing, throbbing, threatening to split but not quite ready.

 “Stop, Jackson,” Declan said clearly.

He kissed me again as my legs twitched helplessly. Jackson’s warm tongue was gone and I was again open and naked, vulnerable. I wanted to cry as the fruit dimmed its bright light.

“You want to come?”


He nodded, pursing his lips in a sympathetic pout. “I can tell, baby. I know.”

He covered my cheeks with kisses as my emotions swirled in confusion. Why was he teasing me? Naughty!

“I want you to come too,” he said, drawing my head up so I could look into his dark blue eyes. “But not until you have my cock in your mouth, OK?”

I nodded. What else could I do?

“Yes?” he said, as though I hadn’t already agreed. His tease was starting to become painful.

“Yes!” I half-screamed.

“OK, let’s go to your bed. I want to fuck you there.”

I shook my head. I didn’t want to wait.

“Yes, come on. I’ll carry you.”

I looked down at Jackson’s head between my knees. His eyes were closed and he was sweetly nuzzling the space between my lips and thigh.

I nodded wordlessly to Declan, not entirely convinced, but he scooped me up in his arms before I could take it back. We marched into my bedroom where he chivalrously laid me on the huge bed.

Jackson crawled up next to me immediately and held me in his arms. Any remaining qualms I had melted away as soon as his earthy musk washed over me. He smiled tenderly and kissed me, his mouth covering mine so gently it made my heart ache. I finally looked into his eyes, afraid to find him pouting or cold from our talk earlier. There was none of that. He stared into me with absolute affection and warmth. When he smiled, I could feel the emotion pouring through his expression.

“Kiss me again, Jackson,” I whispered.

He grinned. “Oh you’re starting to like giving orders,” he teased. But I didn’t have to wait. His fingers wrapped around the back of my neck and he drew me toward him in a long, slow kiss. In seconds I was turned on again, eager to feel him, all of him. His smooth, firm body all along mine made my brain flip crazily through a slide show of sensations I wanted to feel, and I wanted to feel them all at once.

Then Declan laid behind me. He stroked my hip and ass as Jackson kissed me. I wriggled closer to Jackson and Declan pressed firmly behind me. I could feel two erect cocks: one against my belly and one at the small of my back. Both pulsed slowly against me.

The first time I had them both flashed through my mind and I moaned into Jackson’s mouth. At the gallery, that had been a crazy - seriously insane - act of desperate lust. But now that I knew them so much better, I wanted them even more. Both of them.

“I want you so much,” I whispered to Jackson, arching my back to press my ass against Declan’s hard cock at the same time.

My fingers slid across Jackson’s hard chest and arms like they had a mind of their own. I wanted to touch him everywhere. His shoulders, his biceps, his chest… I let my fingertips bounce against the rippling washboard of his abs and slid them in the waistband of his linen trousers.

“Can I touch you?” I asked him.

He pulled back with a small look of surprise. “You want to tease me?” he said.

“No,” I replied. “I want to fuck you.” The sound of him sucking in his breath thrilled me to my core.

“I want to feel your cock inside me,” I continued, watching his urgency mount in his face. “I want you to bury your hard, throbbing cock so deep in me that I can barely take it.” He nodded, biting his lip.

“Tell him, Margot,” Declan commanded.

“And you,” I said to Declan, jamming my ass against his hard dick. “I want you in my mouth.”

“Whoa, baby, yes, that’s hot,” he whispered, awe creeping into his voice.

I kissed Jackson deeply, sucking on his lower lip, brushing my nipples against his chest. With a smile, I found his eyes and stared at him for a few seconds until I felt he understood, really understood how much I wanted him. I wanted him to feel our connection, to feel safe.

Pushing up on my elbow, I looked down at the two of them. Naughty and Nice, side by side. They stared at me expectantly. Jackson’s hand lightly stroked my hip and waist. I smiled and pivoted, turning over and pushing my long hair out of the way, and lined my backside along Jackson’s front.

“Oh hello there,” Declan purred, pulling me down to kiss his mouth as Jackson ran his hand along my side. His fingers slipped to the front of me and cupped my breast, and he bit lightly at the back of my shoulder.

Declan’s hard on nosed eagerly at my belly, but that was not what I wanted. I pressed my backside toward Jackson and lifted my knee, opening my thighs. I heard him suck in his breath.

Declan raised his eyebrows. “Oh yeah?” he teased. “Jackson is going to get to fuck you?”

I nodded. I couldn’t put the words together, but I could see the vision so brightly in my mind. I wanted them both. I wanted to be overwhelmed by them.

Declan stroked my cheek, then his hand trailed down the front of my body and he tapped my swollen, honey-slick lips with his finger tips.

“I’m not sure I can wait that long,” he murmured. I smiled and shrugged.

“It’s not a race.”

He nodded.

I felt his hand moving. He was stroking himself, making himself harder. I could tell he liked this. He liked to be teased as much as he liked torturing me. I kissed his lower lip, biting it lightly, flicking my tongue back and forth. His eyes closed and he moaned into my mouth.

The head of his cock touched my belly every time he stroked it. I was entranced watching his long, thick member swell and become more veiny as he pumped it. He was bigger than Jackson, sometimes too big, but he was gorgeous to watch. I was going to have to be very turned on to take him in my mouth without gagging, I knew.

Behind me, Jackson was stroking himself too. I opened my thighs for him and he came closer, aiming his strokes right at my opening, brushing my thighs. I draped my leg back over his leg and pulled him closer to me. Declan bit his lip and pumped harder, watching Jackson’s cock nose ever closer to my entrance.

When I felt Jackson line himself up with me, Declan leaned back to watch. His mouth opened as Jackson slowly plunged his head into me. I moaned, feeling myself stretch to take him.

Declan sighed urgently and looked at me with the question in his eyes. I nodded, and he crawled up the bed, positioning himself even with my open mouth.

I didn’t have to do anything else. Jackson’s breath started coming in short, harsh bursts against my neck as he stroked deeper and deeper. Declan worked his erection until it was almost ready to explode, then pressed the head into my open, waiting mouth.

There were hands again everywhere, and I closed my eyes. Hands pulling my hair, hands pinching my waist, fingers flicking my clit back and forth. Declan filled my mouth and throat while Jackson filled me from behind. They worked in a smooth, strong rhythm, somehow in sync. I submitted entirely, allowing them to take over every void, to make me feel as stuffed and complete as possible.

My belly burned bright, brighter, impossibly white and full. The fruit ripened as Jackson and Declan’s rhythm quickened. Jackson’s ardent fingers rubbed my clit in furious circles and I ground my hips against him. Declan’s fingers began pulling my hair, cutting off the breath from my lungs.

Then suddenly, simultaneously, we all began to come. The fruit split in my mind just as Declan groaned and began to spurt down my throat. Jackson’s fingers dug into my hip as he buried himself in me up to the hilt, holding me immobile against spasm after spasm.

The fruit burst white, juices rushing out in a torrent, sweetness flooding my whole body. We three were like one, all connected, all joined in passion, all complete.

For long moments after we remained attached, then slowly began to disassemble the unit we had formed. Declan crawled down and kissed my forehead and cheeks over and over. Jackson pressed his face to my back and breathed in short, panting gasps, shuddering and thrusting every few moments as aftershocks wracked him.

I sighed, totally content. During my orgasm I had seen a painting in my mind. Huge, white, and so important. I saw all the lines and shapes, and how to make it all work. I held the image in my thoughts and marvelled at it. This was a gift from my men. It was so beautiful, I wanted to weep.


After my heart stopped pounding, I realized how thirsty I was. Even better, the image of the painting I had envisioned was still vivid and urgent in my mind.

Declan’s eyes were half-translucent in sleep, and Jackson snored lightly behind me. We were all so sticky, I wasn’t sure how I could ever get up again. Carefully, I pushed up on my elbow, then scooted to the end of the bed.

They looked so adorable laying there together, napping, I wanted to snap a picture and send it to Bridget. Only the remaining sliver of sanity in my head kept me from doing it.

Back in my shorts and tank top, I tried to remember if I had a linen panel the right size for the painting. I could probably get to the studio and sketch it out before it faded. It seemed like the best one yet, and I didn’t want it to slip away before I had time to get down the important bits.

My hair looked crazy, I could tell, and I pushed it around with my hands. But after being pulled on and thoroughly mussed, it was going to take some work. I padded to the kitchen, my bare feet slapping quietly against the slate tiles.

The dishes were still out from lunch. I grabbed them and stacked them, pushing them to the other side of the counter by the sink. Something white caught my eye, and I spotted my panties on the floor. Chuckling, I dove and snatched them up, stuffing them into my pocket. When I stood, Declan was leaning against the stainless steel fridge.

“Hey, I thought you were sleeping,” I said, rinsing my hands under the tap. “I just had the best idea… something awesome. I want to get it down before I lose it.”

“I just had the best idea too,” he said.

Putting the zucchini and tomatoes back in their bags, I motioned him aside so I could get in the fridge.

“Can’t you give a girl a little time to recover?” I teased.

“Come to Amsterdam,” he said abruptly.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him.

“Why would I do that?” I said cautiously.

“Because I know people… People who should know you… I think you would do very well there.”

He crossed his arms over his pecs in that Powerful Billionaire stance I had seen him do a few times. I knew he was making me an offer.

The light from the garden lit him all up from behind, casting him in a silhouette. I couldn’t entirely read his expression, but I knew it wasn’t the same tender outpouring of emotion that Jackson had shared with me earlier.

This was a business deal. He was offering to buy me.

“Declan, I don’t--”

“Now, think about it,” he interrupted. “The career you always wanted. The respect, the prestige… A real presence in the best markets in Europe. I can do that. Just say the word.”

“But, this is my home.”

He shrugged. “Keep it. It will be here if you ever want to come back.”

“But…” I had to say it. I watched him carefully. “Jackson--”

“Jackson will be fine,” he said.

I winced a little. Would he? Come to think of it - was he
 really fine with this? I was beginning to think Declan had bullied him, or at least pressured him into acting like he was.

BOOK: Owned: A Mafia Menage Romance
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