Owning Arabella (11 page)

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Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #Regency Book 4

BOOK: Owning Arabella
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The door had been open and Darth could not blame the intrusion, if a man was creating a fuss in his hall that was something he needed to know. "Miss Ormonde? Are you sure?" he asked.
"Yes, Sir, he said, Sir . . . ," Chicery stuttered to a halt looking highly uncomfortable.
"Go on, Chicery." Darth held Arabella in the crook of his arm and he could feel her body starting to tremble.
"It might be better in private, Sir."
"I know no one here, except my Step-!" Arabella gasped, with her words coming to a halt, then she buried her face in his shoulder.
"Arabella . . . Arabella! Get your self down here now, girl!" The man's voice was shouted from the downstairs hall.
Chapter Twenty
"Oh, no!" Arabella nearly swooned, but Darth held her up in his arms.
"Stepfather? That is what you were going to say, wasn't it, Arabella?"
"Oh, Darth, yes. Please . . . please, you have to help me . . .
Nicholas. He said that he would kill Nicholas!"
Another man's name. Darth's gut tightened. It must be a man that Arabella held great affection for, to call out his name in her delirium, and then upon her first moment of waking. Darth's jaw clenched tight, he did not like the direction of his thoughts at all. "Stay here." He started to disengage himself from embracing Arabella
"No, if it is Nicholas, I must go. He could be here . . . I cannot hide."
Arabella appeared to try and collect herself, then she started toward the door. Darth tried to fight the black fury settling over him. A stepfather who had obliviously abused Arabella, selling her to that villainous slave trader Victor Crom, might now be in his foyer. He and Nicholas. There was no other explanation. Darth had heard the caring in Arabella's voice, she clearly loved this Nicholas. His control was cracking.
Once Arabella made up her mind to swallow back her fear, she moved forward with haste. If Nicholas was here, she had to go to him now. He would be so frightened. And if he wasn't? Oh, God she could not think of that.
Darth's arm came around Arabella's slender waist, slowing her headlong journey. "You will stay next to me." There was no time for her to answer him, because they had reached the top of the stairs and there was a man at the bottom, whose back was turned to them, being held onto by his lapels by Beau.
The man shouted as Darth looked on. "She's my daughter, man, and he will answer to me for her disgrace, by damn!"
Beau, looked up at Darth, appearing not to be having a difficult time holding the man in place. The look they exchanged held great significance. They were allied in the same cause and Darth was glad for Beau's presence, especially since his arm around Arabella was the only thing holding her upright. It left him no room to maneuver with the intruding stepfather if things got ugly, which it appeared was imminent. Darth could only assume by the gray hair that he could see at the back of the struggling man's head that this must be the stepfather, and not the mysterious Nicholas. Yet, he thought even from behind that the man looked vaguely familiar. Still no sign of the illusive Nicholas, though.
He and Arabella had nearly reached the bottom of the stairs when the gray-haired man broke partially free of Beau's hold to his lapels. The man swung around, causing Darth to halt in utter amazement. Damnation, it was Victor Crom!
"Nicholas!" Arabella's voice shrieked beside him, then she broke away from him, and he turned with an angry bellow caught in his throat. His gaze was searching for Arabella and he was not able to understand exactly why he was not seeing her right there in front of him. Then he realized that she was down on her knees and a small dark haired blur was suddenly caught up into her arms. It was a boy! Nicholas was only a small boy.
"I told you to stay outside!" Crom hissed at the boy. "Unhanded me, you Cur!" Crom yelled at Beau. "These are my children and I will be let go!"
"Bella! Bella, I did not know what happened to you and I was so afraid." Nicholas cried. The young boy was clutching Arabella as Beau hauled Crom further away and pushed him up against the wall, while Darth crouched beside Arabella.
"Oh, Darth." Arabella could barely speak as her golden eyes ravished him with so much emotion, but the plainest one was fear.
Darth's arm came around Arabella's back in comfort, as Victor Crom hissed. "You have defiled her, you blackguard Lord, and now you will answer to me!"
"Quiet!" Beau pressed his hand around Crom's throat, until no more words came forth.
not . . . Lord Peregrine, did not!" Arabella wailed
"Take the miscreant into my study and hold him there," Darth hissed, looking up at Beau, who was following his orders even as the words were barely out of his mouth. Crom expelled a string of curses that finally became muffled behind the door Beau slammed.
Darth recognized immediately that both Arabella and little Nicholas were shaking in an unhealthy way, as he said, "Nicholas, is it? I am Darth, Nicholas, and I need your help to get your sister to a chair. Could you help me?"
Children, they were the only people he had ever met that only looked curiously at his scarring. Never afraid, and usually full of questions about it. Nicholas appeared no different, however, he was too upset to be curious at the moment. His little chin lifted bravely, reminding Darth of Arabella. "Yes, Sir, we should help her to sit." Then Nicholas unlatched his small arms from around Arabella's neck and took her hand. "Come on, Bella." He looked up. "And maybe we should get her a glass of water too."
"I will see to it." Chicery's voice sounded behind them.
Darth lifted Arabella up by her waist and elbow, tears were streaming down her lovely cheeks and he thought for a moment that he might have to carry her. But she looked down at Nicholas and squared her shoulders a bit. However, when they reached the chair in the dinning room, she slumped into it, burying her face in her hands as Nicholas hugged her skirts.
"Little dove, you have to trust me now," Darth began slowly. "I swear to you that I am not going to let Crom harm either you or Nicholas."
Darth knelt before Arabella as Nicholas popped in. "I won't either, Bella, we will protect you."
Darth could have smiled, but for the seriousness of the situation, yet he did ruffled Nicholas' dark hair in comradeship. Then he took Arabella's hands, gently but firmly, pulling them away from her face. The look on her face made him want to gather her up into his arms and whisk her away from all the hurt he saw there.
"Arabella, you need to answer a few questions for me, before I see to your stepfather." Arabella nodded her head slowly, as Darth thought with a grimace, that these were questions he should have asked her much earlier than this. "You are not a bond's maiden are you?"
It was a statement, but Arabella responded, "I do not know, Darth. Can he do that to me? I am only eighteen and he has control . . . "
". . . No, Arabella. He cannot," Darth interrupted her. "You are not a bond's maiden. But he has threatened Nicholas' life, to force you to say that you were didn't he?"
Darth's heart wrenched at Arabella's nod.
, he was as much to blame for this as Crom was. "Darth, what he said a-about the disgrace," Arabella whispered. "I will swear to anyone, no matter what the circumstances that you
. . . "
". . . Hush now, little dove," Darth interrupted her with a heavy feeling deep inside him. That Arabella would do this, after how he had despoiled her, held her prisoner to his darkest desires. "I will take care of that." It was a silent and unbreakable vow to himself. No matter what it took, he would hold Arabella's best interests to his heart. As he should have done long ago. "I do not want you to worry, Arabella," he murmured. "In fact, I am going to have Chicery take you and Nicholas upstairs. Chicery will make up the room beside mine, for both of you."
"Darth, what if he demands that we go with him?" she asked fearfully. "He has all the rights."
"He will not," Darth expelled, then he calmed his voice as he said, "Arabella, not tonight, I will not allow him to take you anywhere tonight, and then you and I can talk later."
Darth helped Arabella to stand and he took her face into his hands, whispering. "I will make this right, Arabella, you are not alone anymore and your stepfather has yet to deal with an Earl as angry as I am."
"Darth, we are so grateful," she exclaimed.
Darth could not help the light kiss he placed on Arabella's lips sealing his vow, before he turned to Chicery. "Now, Chicery . . . ," he began to say.
"I heard, Sir, and the little Miss and young man are well in my care." Then Chicery took Arabella's elbow firmly to support her as he started to lead her away.
"I will stand by your side, Sir, if you need me," Nicholas proclaimed looking up at Darth. "She is my sister," he added as if that made all the difference in the world.
Darth stooped, and said, "That is why I need you to stay with her. Arabella needs you right now, and I need you to take care of her for me." Nicholas' dark eyes looked relieved and Darth was impressed with his bravery, for there was no doubt that Nicholas would have faced Crom again, no matter that he was clearly frightened of him.
"You can count on me, Sir," Nicholas proclaimed with determination that belayed his tender years, then he was beside Arabella taking her hand and helping Chicery to lead her away.
Darth turned back toward the study taking a few moments to think. He had not lied to Arabella about tonight, Crom would not be leaving here with them. What worried him though was tomorrow, for by then Crom could get the magistrate and force him to give them up. No stretching of the law was going to change the fact that Arabella and Nicholas were Crom's stepchildren and that gave him rights.
Furthermore, the man's charges about disgrace made it all too clear that Crom had another agenda set. Darth wished that he could speak to Beau, but he could not see a way to accomplish it at the moment. It did not take much imagination to assume that Crom was after money. There was no hope for it though, he had to go into the study and play it by ear. He just prayed that he could keep his anger in check. He could not think straightforwardly and he did unreasonable things in his anger. But Arabella needed his help and he had no intentions of letting her down now, no matter what it took.
Chapter Twenty One
Darth entered the study finding Beau standing over Victor Crom, who was perched in a chair before his desk. Beau's look was grim as he gave Darth a nod. Victor was silent and he had not seen him entering the room as he strode around the side of the desk to stand facing him. Victor immediately stood upon seeing him. "You will pay for this manhandling! I will bring charges. You . . . !"
will do nothing." Darth uttered with his voice low and deadly and his features commanding a dark glare to back it up. He saw Victor falter, as he ordered sharply, "Sit!"
Victor might not have complied, but Beau took the opportunity to push Victor down into the chair, then Beau continued to stand over Crom as though he might pounce on him at any moment. Victor appeared to wilt a little under both men's scrutiny with his mouth wavering open, yet no sound coming forth.
Darth sat, leaning back, his features tightly held, confirming the restraint that he had achieved. "You, Sir, are not dealing with a simpering fool, and I will have respect in my own home."
Victor appeared to nearly choke, then he rallied sitting straighter, as he exclaimed "A father loses sight, when something like this happens to his daughter . . . !"
Darth cut off Crom's words sharply, as he hissed "A stepfather who sells his stepdaughter into slavery! And least you forget, Crom, I have the papers to prove your assault."
"No papers from me, Sir! I don't know who you got to forge your papers but . . ."
, man." Darth's fist hit the desktop with a rumbling smack. "I have creditable witnesses, if you think this hogwash will hold up in court, you are sadly mistaken."
"Against my daughter's reputation!" Crom exclaimed snidely. "A fine upstanding young lady, from a good English family in Jamaica. And who, I have proof that you abducted for your own lecherous use! The Griswold livery man clearly heard you say that you were taking the sweet innocence girl you held bound up in your cape to your own bedchamber. And now, I demand satisfaction for her defilement and ruination!"
Darth could only glare, it was taking an incredible amount of effort not to wrap his fingers around Victor Crom's gangly neck. Then he realized in that moment, he would do anything to get Arabella away from this monster. But he could not let Crom know that.
"What is it you want, Crom? I might as well tell you right now that I care nothing for my own reputation and have not for a long time. Your ploy is a useless ploy against me," Darth stated flatly. It was the truth as far as he was concerned, but there were others to consider. He would not blacken his family by scandal, otherwise he could give a damn.
Victor looked red about his thin face and it was obvious that he'd been drinking. Victor leaned forward, not being set back by the words, and Darth reminded himself that the man was a skilled gambler. "Then I won't have any problem putting it to the test, your Lordship. Just call my Arabella and Nicholas to me so that we can leave. I will be taking Arabella straight to the magistrate. Rape is a crime in England, as it is in Jamaica!"
Bloody Christ, rape now
, and Darth knew just how Victor planned to accomplish this feat. He would threaten Arabella with Nicholas and she would have no choice but to say whatever the fiend demanded of her. Darth's gaze strayed to Beau, who was clenching and unclenching his fist erratically. It took a lot to incite Beau but once it was accomplished he was as fierce as his brother.
Darth's fist slammed onto the table again. "It would take very little effort to have you thrown off of this estate! Then you would have to waste the time to see the magistrate. Convince him to even come against me, and by that time I can assure you, Arabella and Nicholas will have disappeared."
Victor's expression did not change. He was a gambler through and through, Darth thought as he continued, "I say this, to lay all our cards on the table, so that we understand each other. A man in my position is not unaccustomed to having to deal with problems concerning women of all natures trying to relieve me of my wealth" It was a blatant lie, but Darth continued. "It has been done before and I am certain it will be tried again." After this, Darth fervently hoped not. "My solicitor in the past has handled all such unpleasantries, to an equitable satisfaction of both parties." The gleam in Victor's eyes grew as Darth continued to speak. "As I see it, you have no choice in the matter, but to accept my terms. I would be willing to negotiate a settlement for the full guardianship of both Nicholas and Arabella, if this can be done posthaste. Otherwise, you are gone from here this minute!"
"You must be mad," Victor expelled. "Full guardianship!"
"It would not have been my choice, but I can see no other way to insure that you will not continue to blackmail me," Darth responded
Victor stood up so suddenly, Beau was taken by surprise and unable to stop him "Blackmail is a strong word!" Victor exclaimed. "As I see it my Arabella deserves nothing less than marriage for this defilement!"
Darth did not for one moment believe the man. He knew that Victor was just trying to raise the ante. "An accomplishment that I could easily do without you and still not have to part with any of my hard earned money. Why yes, Victor, I had not thought of this avenue, yet now that I think on it . . ."
"Now, just a minute," Victor stammered, clearly backtracking. "There is Nicholas, marriage would not gain him."
Darth leaned back into his chair, pressing a long finger against his lips thoughtfully. He had just gained the advantage and both Victor and he knew it. "I would simply have to let the courts decide whether Nicholas would be better off with a penniless stepfather or a loving sister, who by then, would just happen to be a countess. What do you think, Crom, shall we take our chances?"
"Now, just a minute," Victor stammered again. "I never said your first offer was not acceptable. If proper compensation could be met, I might . . . "
"Good," Darth stated cutting off the man's words. "Just tell me where to reach you and my solicitor will be in contact."
"No-no!" Victor exclaimed. "I could never in good conscience leave my dear children, until this matter is resolved, Sir. Never!"
"Then we have another problem, Crom, because I will
. . . "
"Here, Sir!" Victor interrupted. "I will stay here, and we can soon have this done with."
Bloody Christ, the man was a sharp stick in his side, which was probably going to end up costing him a fortune. It did not matter that he deemed Arabella worth more than any fortune he had amassed. He had worked hard for his money and he would not dip into Lee's coffers for his own foolhardiness. Still, it would be better to gain the time, perhaps another solution could be found and it would be better to have Victor Crom where he knew what he was up too.
"I concede the point, however there are conditions." Darth leaned forward with his palms flat on the desk. "The manor is large and you will be put in the west wing, far away from the rest of us. And you will stay away from Arabella!"
Victor looked about to object, then thought better of it. "I would only request to see her one time at the conclusion of our business, just to be allowed to say goodbye."
The man was noxious and Darth felt the overwhelming need to be done with him. Maybe even retire to wash his hands of the stench he had been mired in. He only nodded his agreement as he stood. "Go wait in the foyer and I will have Chicery take you to your room."
"Thank you, Sir . . ."
"Get out of here before you try my patience beyond its limit!"
Beau turned back around slowly, having let Victor Crom out into the foyer, where he'd informed Chicery to find the man a room. Chicery of course, grumbling the entire time, had nonetheless set off to the task. Now, Beau saw that Darth was standing by the sideboard pouring a drink. It was early, but he felt the need for one also, so at Darth's gesture he nodded his dark head affirmatively. So much had happened, but one thing was clear, his brother cared for this woman, Arabella. And that was a thing that Beau had lost hope of ever occurring in Darth's life.
"I know it is early, Beau," Darth said as he drank the entire two fingers of brandy he had poured in one swallow. But then Beau noticed that he did not pour himself another. "I really apologize for getting you caught up in the mess."
"Darth," Beau said, acquiring his most sincere look as he clamped him around the back and took the glass of brandy from him. "If we start that, well then, I will have to take all my troubles elsewhere and . . ."
". . . No, little brother, I did not mean that, it's just that this is rather sorted and truth be known I am very glad you are here." Darth's broad hand gripped Beau's shoulder. Beau was only about two inches shorter than Darth's six foot, but at twenty-one years, Darth thought Beau might just have a little more growing in him. They had the same black hair, only Beau's had a browner slant to it, complimenting his lively brown eyes.
"Arabella, what a beautiful name," Beau began with a smile tugging his lips as they both went to sit before the fireplace. Two blue brocade wing chairs facing each other brought both brothers legs stretched out in front of them as they regarded each other. Beau noticing with nothing less than a little amazement, the tender smile gracing his brother's severed lips. Darth rarely smiled and never in ten years over a woman.
"Well, you have seen her, Beau. Arabella is beautiful to say the least and I could fall back on that excuse to explain my leap into perversion. The thing is that I cannot believe that she . . . well, she seems to totally disregard my disfigurement, and now I know for certain it is not just a mere contrivance on her part."
Beau watched Darth rub two fingers up and down along the scarred side of his face, it was a gesture he had seen before and he knew that it depicted Darth's uncertainty over how Arabella could look at him without abhorrence. He also knew that when he had seen Darth use the gesture earlier today, it was because Darth had felt unsure in the presence of a handsome man like Lamont. Unsure how Arabella would react, when comparing the two. What Darth did not know was that Arabella had been extremely uncomfortable, and to his thoughts, wholly out of her element under Lamont's attentions. He had just come to the conclusion at the time, and had been thinking of how to come to her aid, when Darth had stormed in. But something Darth said caught Beau's attention first.
"Perversion, Darth?"
Darth leaned further into his chair, his arms coming across the width of his chest as he shook his head. "I am loath to admit it, Beau. I am still trying to find excuses for my behavior. I took Arabella as a slave, treated her as such, and had every intention of keeping her that way. Tis one of the reasons I knew so little of her true circumstances. It would have involved having a conscience to find out, and I could not allow myself to continue, if I had let my conscience loose."
Beau let out a deep breath, rubbing his square chin. He, better than anyone, understood Darth. He knew Darth would find it beyond tempting to have a woman who did not persecute him for his injury, and he also knew how long Darth had been on his own. Bloody hell, it had been years, and a man could only take so much.
"It seems to me that you have ended up saving her from a worse fate. I mean if Crom could actually sell his own stepdaughter, Darth. Christ, it makes me ill to think of it. You know that I will stand behind you whatever you decide. I know little of the lady, but approve of what I have seen so far, and you know how I feel about the presence of a woman in your life." Beau left the rest unsaid, they had been over it all before.
"I am glad to hear it, because I find no matter what the circumstances I am unwilling to give Arabella up."
"Just one more thing, Darth, Miss Ormonde was highly uncomfortable with Lamont's attentions. It seemed to me that she did not know quite what to do. It was rather an endearing display of innocence, once I figured it out, and I was just coming to the lady's rescue when you stormed in."
"I should have known," Darth replied thoughtfully. "It appears Arabella has led a very sheltered life in Jamaica. I can just imagine that life on a small island would be very different from anything you or I have known. By the way, where is our Mr. Lamont?"
"When Crom arrived in such a thither, I thought it best to send him down to the stables. It is one of the reasons I invited him here, the horses. I had hoped to do some hunting on our return trip through next week." Beau sat forward and set his empty glass on the side table, gathering a serious look about him, as he asked, "What will you do, Darth?"
Darth's eyes became dark gray as he turned his head to stare out the window and his dark countenance deepened, drawing in the scarring on the left side of his face. "I would not know what to do if not for Crom, but he has given me the answer. The only answer. I just wonder if Arabella will have me after everything I have done. Yet, I cannot let that dissuade me, it is the only way." Darth turned to look at Beau squarely. "I will marry Arabella this very night."
Beau sucked in a startled breath, yet he could see Darth was determined. It made sense if they did not want to lose a fortune. Of course he understood that was not the reason Darth was suggesting it. Nay, Darth wanted to marry Arabella, even now, Darth was rubbing that damned scar of his as his gaze turned out the window. "Well then, if that is your decision," Beau began. "Tell me what I can do to help."
"Crom must not know what we are planning, until the deed is none," Darth said. "Afterward, we will have to find a safe place for Nicholas, until the courts can hear our case for his custody." Darth stood suddenly. "And now I must go and convince Arabella to marry me. I do not envision that it will be an easy task, and you Beau, can go to Griswold and prepare for a small discreet wedding to take place in two hours time."

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