Owning Corey (28 page)

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Authors: Maris Black

BOOK: Owning Corey
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“Lacey,” she corrects. “And he’s right Corey. No rhythm, no shock. I would think that’s one of the first things they teach you in EMT school. In fact, didn’t we go over that in CPR class on Saturday?”

I glare at Ben. Dammit, he’s making me look like an incompetent buffoon.

Actually, Lacey, I was just about to fold Ben over and—

“Did you want some coffee, Lacey?” Ben asks before I can decide what I’m really going to say.

“That’s what I was coming to get, if you don’t mind. It’s a slow night, and the girls at the station are dying for some caffeine.”

“Sure, help yourself. Corey, would you please pick up that table you knocked over?” He shakes his head at Lacey. “Such a brute.”

Oh, he’s gonna get it when we’re alone.

She gives me an appreciative once-over and giggles. I don’t know how she can miss the huge rod that’s still partially tenting my pants, but she doesn’t seem to notice. Or maybe that’s what she’s giggling about, I don’t know. She needs to get the hell out of here, though. I’m on the brink of putting her in a sleeper hold so that I can continue molesting Ben.

“We’ll leave you to it, Lacey,” Ben says calmly. “We need to go check on the ER, anyway.”

Ben holds the door for me, and I punch him hard in the arm as I pass.

“Motherfu—” He immediately stifles his cry, covering his mouth with his hand and looking around the hall to make sure he wasn’t heard. The coast is clear, so we stagger out the exit door into the cold darkness.

“I’m getting you back for that,” he says when he’s certain we’re alone.

“Mmmm hmmm… I’ll tell you what.” I walk steadily toward him, towering over him, and he stumbles backward into the tall bushes beside the door. “You can squeeze me extra hard when I’m making love to you tonight. How does that sound?”

He looks up at me, chest heaving, and I can tell he’s as affected by me as I am by him. “Somehow, I don’t think that will be much of a punishment. For either of us.”

“We’ll see.” I kiss him quickly on the lips. “Now where are we going to go? I have this raging hard-on I’ve been saving just for you, and I’ve officially waited as long as I can. If anyone else gets in my way, they’re getting knocked out.”

“Let’s go to the ambulance shack.”

“Oh yeah, we can invite Mike to have a threesome. You seem to like him so much.”

“Damn, I forgot about him.” He hesitates for a moment, shivering in the gloom. “Are you sure you’re not interested in Mike?”

“I’m absolutely, one hundred and ten percent positive.” I run a hand over his chest and down his abdomen, reaching around the small of his back at the last second and pulling him into a tender embrace that has nothing to do with sex. He smells so damn good as I nuzzle the spot right below his ear, trailing kisses along his jaw. “You’re all I see anymore, Ben. I’m obsessed.”

“Really? That’s what Mrs. Baker said,” he murmurs.

I pull back and stare blankly at him. “She’s hot for you, too?”

“Never mind.” He lifts up and kisses me on the lips. “You know what? I feel the exact same about you, but… it’s cold out here. Can we go somewhere and get naked? We’re lurking around in the cold like a couple of teenagers looking for a place to have sex… outside the hospital where I’m Chief of Staff. I have reached an all new low. No way I could possibly be any more irresponsible.”

“Guess I’m the responsible one for a change.” I reach into the pocket of my scrub top and flash a couple of condom packets.

Ben arches a brow. “Do you always carry condoms around in your pocket?”

“Only when my boyfriend drags me to a corner in the ER and gives me that look... I went and looted my duffel bag.”

His face falls at the word
, but this time I’m not letting up.

“Don’t give me that look, Ben. You and I obviously can’t stay away from each other, so let’s just call it what it is, okay? If you want to break up with me in a day, or a week, or a month, then so be it. You can go back to dating women exclusively and chalk this up to a passing phase if you like. But for now, in this moment, you’re my boyfriend.”

I grab his hand and pull him with me toward the ambulance. As quietly as possible, I pull open the back door, climb up, and take one of the tubes of lubrication from the crash cart. “Where to?”

This time, he grabs my hand and leads me back through the door we exited when we made our escape moments before. “I’m not going to be a chicken anymore,” he says. “If someone sees us this time, I don’t care.”

The door to his on-call room creaks a little when he opens it. Both our eyes are glued to the nurses’ station down the hall, and it doesn’t appear that we’ve been spotted by anyone, so we slip inside and lock the door behind us. It’s as sterile a room as any in the hospital, used by all of the on-call doctors as a place to rest during a shift, so there are no personal touches here. At least they’ve sprung for a real bed instead of a narrow, rickety hospital bed.

“I wonder how many other doctors have done dirty things in this room.” I wink at him, and he laughs.

“I don’t know about any of them, but this will be my first time.”

“Good.” I reach out and slip both of his shirts over his head, revealing that perfect pale skin I love so much. Then we’re frantically undressing each other and ourselves, our desperate fumbling finally leaving us naked and panting.

I bend to suck gently on first one nipple, then the other, rubbing his dick shamelessly with my palm, feeling him grow even harder under my touch. Dropping to my knees, I dispense a large amount of lube onto my hand and take his full length into my mouth, the sound of his moan sending electricity shooting through my own groin. I grasp his ass cheek with one hand and pull him toward me, gagging myself on his cock, swallowing as much of it as I can. Gently, slowly, I work first one lubed finger and then two into his tight hole. His muscles tense in my grasp, his hips moving back and forth, and he’s fucking my mouth with subtle movements. I can tell it won’t take much to set him off.

“Don’t come,” I tell him quietly. “I want you hot as hell and on the verge of blowing when I get inside you.” I feel how my words affect him, his dick suddenly swelling in my mouth, and he pulls out.

“You’d better hurry up, then, because I want to come so bad it hurts.”

I stand and pull him into a tight embrace, kissing him with every ounce of emotion I have, tasting him, feeling him, unable to get enough. I lower him slowly to the bed, which is a far cry from Ben’s comfy king bed in his million-dollar home. But the hospital is where we met, so it’s fitting we should make it official here.

Climbing up between his legs, I roll the condom on and lubricate the head of my dick really well. Then I rub some more lube into his ass, not caring what kind of mess we make on the sheets. He’s very passive right now, and I’m the most powerful man in the world.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I lower myself over him, working my fingers inside him, stretching him, kissing his face.

“Yes,” he sighs against my ear, running his fingers through my hair, kissing my cheeks, my eyelids.

“If you don’t want me you’d better tell me now, because once I get inside you, you’re mine. Nobody else’s, you hear me?”

He smiles up at me. “But you said I could break up with you in a day, or a week—”

“Fuck that. I lied.”

His fingers whisper across my back, sending a smattering of chill bumps across the surface of my skin. The raw surrender in his eyes is something I’ve never seen there before, and it tightens my heart and my groin at the same time.

He winces as I nudge against his opening, eager to push on in but not wanting to cause him any pain. “Relax, baby,” I whisper against his ear, raining kisses onto his cheek before taking his mouth in a hungry kiss. “It’s easier if you don’t fight against me.”

“Corey, I don’t think I can…”

His words trail off as I push past that tight ring of muscle, and I’m finally in. Somehow the simple act feels like the most perfect, most important, most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever done.

I lie still on top of him, kissing him, letting his body become accustomed to my size. By the time I start making small movements, he’s so hot he’s sucking at my tongue and clenching his muscles around me. His animal side has taken over, and his every exhale is punctuated by a sweet little moan of pleasure and pain.

I bite his lip, his throat, his shoulder as I plunge into him, striving to massage that lovely little prostate. I want to give him the time of his life. I want this to be everything he’s never had before, and everything he could want in the future. Desire wells up in me, driving me, and soon I’m pounding into him harder with all of the need and frustration that’s been building inside me since the day we met.

When I grab onto his cock between us and mirror my movements into and out of his body, he closes his eyes, his dark lashes fluttering against his cheeks, and sighs out a deep, serrated groan.

“Was there something you wanted to say, Ben? I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” I regard him with a playful smirk, still moving steadily, working him with my hand.

Watching him lose control is exquisite torture for me. It turns me on so much, I can barely keep from unraveling. But at the same time, it’s such a beautiful sight I don’t want it to end. His face is completely open, and I can see how much he needs me. There’s no pretense between us now, and no mask of indifference. I want to draw it out forever, like that perfect moment before a climax when everything is hitting just right, and your body is reaching for release even as your mind is screaming to hold off just a little bit longer.

Ben opens his eyes, clearly struggling for a moment of clarity. “I was going to say I don’t think I can stop what we’re doing. I want this to happen.” He opens himself more to me, pulling me close, wrapping his arms around my back. Lifting his head from the pillow, he presses kisses onto my chest, tickles his cheek against the smattering of hairs there, rests his forehead over my heart. “Please don’t leave.”

“Look at me.”

He drops his head back onto the pillow, his face flushed with desire, and I kiss his lips tenderly, slowing my body movements to match. I know it’s difficult for Ben to admit vulnerability, so I don’t want to leave any doubt in his mind about where I stand. This is not some offhand fuck. We’re making love.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I drop tiny kisses onto his lips and press into his body, lengthening and deepening my motions, fucking him slowly and thoroughly, owning him inside and out. I squeeze him firmly in my hand, stroking him in double time to the languorous rhythm of our love. “I’m yours if you want me.”

“I want you… I want you.” He gasps out the words, clenching his teeth, biting back the impending orgasm I can feel about to happen.

“Come for me, Ben. Let it go. I’m so ready.”

The release is visible on his face even before his hot seed spurts out between us, warming and slicking my skin. He quakes and clenches all around me as I spill out, strained up toward his head, buried to the hilt inside his body.

By the time I come back down, I realize I’ve been so focused on riding my wave that I’m practically suffocating Ben beneath my weight. I kiss him on top of his head, lifting up off of him so he can breathe easily again. He’s quiet, with a goofy little grin on his face that warms my heart.

“You don’t regret anything, do you?” I ask after I’ve disposed of the evidence and begun wiping us both down with a warm wet rag from the bathroom. I think I know the answer already, but I’m compelled to ask anyway.

“Nope.” The goofy grin is still in place, softening him, giving him a boyish charm that draws me right in. “I told you I want you, and I mean it. Not just in a sexual way, and not just for tonight, okay?”




THE night is creeping by, just as I knew it would. At three fifteen in the morning, the town of Blackwood is dead, but I’m more alive than I’ve ever been. And deliciously sore.

My head is reeling from the turn of events, and from the fact that I’ve just lost my virginity for the second time at the age of thirty-three. Most of all, I’m blown away by the magnitude of my own feelings. Earlier, Corey said he was obsessed with me, and I know exactly what he means.

My breath keeps catching in my chest every time I think about him, and it’s very much like the panic attacks I used to have after my mom died— only without the debilitating sadness. Being a doctor, you would think I’d be immune to psychosomatic symptoms, but nope. I’m helpless against this. All I can do is try to relax and let it pass, knowing for certain that it will. Otherwise, I’d be huffing into a paper bag, which everyone knows is the official high-tech medical treatment for hyperventilation.

“Somebody’s in love.” Julie trails her fingers across my shoulder and drops into the chair beside me at the ER desk.

“And who might that be?” I give a hesitant smile, because as much as I’d like to make light of her comment, it’s hitting a little close to home right now.

“You, silly. If you don’t want anyone to find out about you and a certain someone, you’re doing a terrible job of hiding it. The two of you are like fireflies buzzing around here tonight.”

“Is it that obvious?”

She smirks at me. “You ought to look in the mirror, Ben. Jeez, a person would have to be blind not to see it.”

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