Read Owning Corey Online

Authors: Maris Black

Owning Corey (33 page)

BOOK: Owning Corey
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He chokes out another sob. “I don’t know what to say…”

I didn’t expect quite this much emotion, but then I didn’t think through all of the possibilities. I just knew I wanted to show Corey that he had his life back.

I kiss his lips with a purposeful tenderness, trying to communicate all of the longing I have for him. “I want you, Corey. And I need you. But I don’t own you.” When I stand to go back to the party, his eyes are still too wet and bloodshot to be seen in public, so I leave him on the bed. “Join me when you’re ready, okay?”

I’m already halfway through the door when I feel a tug at my arm. Corey pulls me silently back into the room and shuts and locks the door.

He kisses me hard, accidentally bumping my head into the door frame, and we laugh all the way to the bed. We don’t stop kissing each other for a second, even as we fumble with the shirt buttons and cummerbunds we spent so much time arranging before the party. He nearly destroys my bow tie trying to get it off of me, and it ends up hanging loosely around my neck after my shirt hits the floor.

When the rest of our clothing has gone the way of the shirt, we press our bodies together, maximizing contact. I cling to him so tightly it’s a wonder he can still breathe, but he’s not complaining. Our kisses are deep and rhythmic now, my cock so painfully hard, I wonder if we’ll even be able to do anything before it goes off like a Roman candle.

Corey pauses, breathing heavily. “Are you sure you’re not sick of all the drama I’ve brought into your life?”

“Not a chance. I’d fight anyone to the death over you, and I hope I’ve proven that already. Can’t you see I’ve fallen for you? So. Fucking. Hard. What can I do to make you believe?”

He lies on the bed, scooting up onto the pillows and pulling me on top of him. “I just haven’t had much luck in the past. It seems impossible that you could ever love me the way that I…”

I shower his lips with quick, playful kisses. “Do you love me, Corey? Is that what you wanted to say?” Before he can answer, I claim his mouth, invading it with my tongue, relishing the way his hunger matches my own.

After a moment, he pulls away gasping, reaching into the bedside table. Wordlessly, he offers me a condom and the bottle of lube, and I’d have to be a dimwit not to know what he’s asking me to do.

Lounging back against the pillows, he puts his hands behind his head, giving me complete access to his gorgeous body. One leg swings off the bed, the other snakes around me, and he uses it to nudge me closer. The expression on his face is sexy as hell. Confident, even cocky, like he knows he’s got me. It’s a far cry from the teary emotion of moments before. I’m taken aback by his sudden turnaround, but a flash of concern in his eyes as I move toward him clues me in to what’s really going on here.

This is particularly significant to him.

Just as he did in the pool house, he’s playing it off like it’s no big deal, feigning confidence because what he actually feels is far from it.

I crawl into the vee between his legs and rest my palm on his chest over his heart. It’s rattling hard and fast against his ribcage. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

He’s clearly shocked by my question, but almost instantly his eyes soften and he smiles in that shy way he has that makes my knees weak. “I’m kind of nervous. I… want you to be my first.” He blushes and attempts to hide his face behind his arm. “God, it’s so stupid. I’m so far from being a virgin, with all the things I’ve done.”

I’m not sure if I’ve understood him correctly. “Do you mean you’ve never let anyone…”

He shakes his head. “I always thought if I didn’t do that, I’d still be a little bit clean, you know? It was all I had left that I hadn’t given away… besides love. Ambrosio tried to force me, but even when he tortured me, I wouldn’t let him. I couldn’t give him that, too. I swear I would have killed him, and he knew it.” He laughs, and a lone tear rolls down his cheek. “Sounds ridiculous coming from someone like me, doesn’t it?”

I’m stupefied, wondering if there’s any bottom at all to the well of emotion Corey keeps lowering me into. “Please don’t apologize for being a romantic. That’s one of the things I like most about you. At least you have the courage to feel, and to express those feelings. I’ve been emotionally dead for years. Right now I’m so ashamed of myself for letting petty fears keep me from showing you and everyone else exactly how I feel. If anyone deserves a fairy tale ending, it’s you, and I’m going to see that you get it.”

“Are you going to be my prince?” His smile has turned playful, and it’s waking me up below the belt again.

“Hell, yes, I’m your prince, and don’t you ever forget it.”

He spreads his legs for me, a lazy smile on his face, his eyelids at half-mast.

I grab the lube and work it around the outside of the hole I’m about to defile. With the other hand, I work his monster cock, sucking the head gently into my mouth. I massage the shaft with my lips and hand in a slow seductive rhythm while loosening him up at the back with my slick fingers, stretching him out and warming him up. I may not have experience with a lot of the things he’s introduced me to, but I damn sure know how to do this.

I glance up to find him watching me intently with a mixture of lust and apprehension unlike anything I’ve seen on him before. I don’t know who is more nervous, him or me. Just days ago, he was initiating me, and now the tables have turned.

I stop what I’m doing and slide up his body, kissing his belly, his chest, his throat, his cheeks, and his eyelids before settling over his mouth. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” he breathes, lacing his fingers behind my neck as I position myself to enter him.

“Don’t worry,” I whisper. “I love you. This means as much to me as it does to you.”

I don’t wait for a response before pushing firmly into his body, distracting him with a kiss. Once I’m inside, it’s nearly impossible not to move. The romance of new love and lost virtue has put a different spin on things, but when I look down at his amazing body and his perfect face, the animal inside me takes over again. It’s as if everything about him was designed to make me want to fuck. That coupled with the way my cock feels sheathed inside his tight ass has me panting for release before I’ve even started. I wiggle my hips subtly, getting his tender tissues used to the friction.

“God, Ben that feels so good,” he gasps quietly. “I have to—” He reaches down between us and takes his dick in hand, circling it with his fingers and thumb in a way that’s as unique to him as his fingerprint. I marvel at it, watching him work himself as I move in and out of him, slowly at first but picking up speed as he does. When he slows, I slow, and we go like that for a while, totally in sync with each other’s movements. His eyes are closed, his head thrown back in complete abandon, and I lower my head and clamp down gently on his throat with my teeth, unable to control what I’m doing anymore.

The hungry way his body grips me makes me intensely aware of being inside him. The knowledge that I’m the first who’s been here is intoxicating, and I intend to make sure I’m the only one. My body and mind unite in one solitary goal— to stake an irrevocable claim on him.

My movements become erratic, and so do his, both of us going where our own instincts take us, striving for an explosive end that hovers just out of reach. Sustaining this level of arousal for long is impossible, and yet it draws on and on, each stroke more stimulating than the last. His body, the way his muscles ripple beneath me, the smoothness of his skin, his manliness, the sweetness of his face in that unselfconscious moment of pure passion…

“I could fuck this sweet ass forever,” I whisper against his ear. “But I have to come. You’re killing me.”

“Don’t pull out,” he grates through clenched teeth. “I want to feel you finish inside me.”

My erection swells, and I pound three long, delicious thrusts into him, riding the crest of a violent climax. Then as he strokes himself to his own climax, I pull out and take his impossibly swollen cock into my mouth, swallowing every bit of it I can, not caring that it’s stretching my throat to the point of pain. I feel his seed pumping powerfully up the shaft, but he’s buried so deep in my throat it bypasses my mouth altogether and magically disappears.

When we’re done, we lie in each other’s arms for a long while, basking in the afterglow of amazing sex. Suddenly it dawns on me that we have guests, and we’re in the bedroom being very naughty boys.

“What the hell kind of hosts are we?” I jump up out of bed and start trying to get dressed, eying my reflection in the bathroom mirror. “As dapper as we were earlier, this is going to be awkward. Our tuxes are wrinkled, our hair is all messed up, and I don’t think there’s any way to wipe this just-fucked smile off of my face.”

Corey laughs. “Do you really think people will be able to tell? Is it that obvious?”

“Oh, I think it’s very—” I glance his way and have to stop in mid-sentence. He’s barefoot with his shirt unbuttoned and hanging open all the way down to his fitted midnight blue pants. “Damn, you look good.” I come up against him, sliding my hands beneath the shirt. I run my palms over the muscled abs, up his sides and around to his back, memorizing the contours of his body, kissing his chest, wanting to do more already.

My breathing is ragged as I push back from him, snapping to my senses. “Jesus Christ, I can’t think with you looking like that. Button your shirt, for heaven’s sake.”

The expression on his face is one of pure delight as he finishes dressing. “Sure you don’t want me to go out there with my shirt unbuttoned? I kind of liked your reaction.”

“Yeah, not a good idea. I can imagine all sorts of scenarios, and every one of them ends in embarrassment. I don’t think you understand how amazing you look tonight and what it’s doing to me.”

He grabs me by the lapels and pulls me close. “Ben, have you seen yourself in the mirror? This jet black tux against your perfect skin and ungodly green eyes… I’ve wanted to jump you all night. I’m tempted every single time I look at you.”

“But you acted totally uninterested earlier tonight. Hell, for days you haven’t wanted a thing to do with me. I thought you weren’t attracted to me anymore.”

He kisses me softly. “It’s the opposite.” Another kiss on the lips takes my breath. “I was trying to distance myself enough to leave, because I know I’m not worthy.”

“You’ll hurt me if you go. So don’t do it, okay?”

He leans his forehead against mine, and we stare unflinchingly at each other, playing chicken until Corey finally pulls away and laughs. “Okay, you win. Let’s get back out to our guests before someone sends out a posse.”

When we emerge from the room, we head off in different directions, trying not to look too guilty.



My living room is a foreign land with all of these people here. In fact, there are moments I actually feel like I’m at someone else’s party. Not all that long ago, this place felt more like a mortuary after dark than a home, but that’s all changed now. I smile to myself, thinking of the possibilities, fantasizing about our new life.

“Nice party, bud.” Possum steps up beside me looking distinguished in a gray suit and silver tie. “I was wondering when you’d get around to letting anybody in here.”

“Thanks, Possum. To be honest, I was a little nervous about people messing things up, but then I realized I was worse than your grandmother, the way she always kept plastic covers on the furniture.”

“Shit, you remember that?” He laughs and drains his champagne glass. “That woman… She’s the one who gave me my nickname, you know.”

“No, I didn’t know that. As a matter of fact, Corey was just asking me the other day where you got that name, and I had to admit I was clueless.”

“Oh, really?” His eyebrows shoot up, and he scans the room. “Where is he? I don’t want to tell this story twice.”

I spot him across the room, working a crowd of women like he always does. The poor guy is constantly getting accosted. He’s shucked the jacket and is even more fetching with his shirt sleeves rolled up. Allie is snugged up to his side, publicly claiming the best friend spot, and surprisingly Julie is at his other side. I’m relieved that she still likes him after the pool house fiasco, which could have gone all kinds of wrong.

When I come up quietly behind Julie, she spins around and throws her arms around me. “Ben, where have you been? You’re supposed to be entertaining us.” Her words are slightly slurred.

I shrug. “Everyone seems pretty entertained. I kind of like watching from the wings.”

Corey glances at me and winks, and I feel an instant tug in my groin remembering what just went down in our bedroom less than an hour ago. When he discreetly shifts his stance, I know he’s thinking about it, too.

During a short break in conversation, I lean in and speak close to his ear. “Possum wants you to come over here so he can tell you what his name means.”

“Really?” He’s genuinely surprised by the news. “I figured he’d rather tell me the quickest way out of town.”

I grab his sleeve and pull him toward me. “Don’t be that way. He’s just protective. Believe it or not, he specifically asked me to come get you.”

As we cross the room with Corey in front of me, I rest my hand against the small of his back. It’s a natural gesture, a progression of our increasing intimacy, and I don’t give it a thought until I notice several people looking. Instead of jamming my hands into my pockets, kissing the nearest female, or something equally lame like I would have done a few days ago, I slip my hand around his waist and hook my thumb into the band of his tux pants.

BOOK: Owning Corey
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