Pack Beta (Were Chronicles Book 11) (3 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Beta (Were Chronicles Book 11)
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The men were so talented at what they did that Chase hadn’t even heard from the townsfolk about the strangers. They’d managed to hide their presence while accomplishing what they’d set out to do.

As Beta, Chase had been aware of their mission and had become friendly with them. He’d be sorry to see them leave. “Coffee?”

“Please,” Clint nodded, grinning widely.

Kurt snorted. “His mate has turned him into an addict.”

Chase had heard all about Clint’s mate, Sara Webb, who owned a coffee shop in their small town. “Well I’m sure it’s not as good as hers, but I do try.”

“Are you kidding me? I love your coffee, man,” Clint told him.

After their first meeting, Chase had noticed Clint savoring his brew. Chase had long ago cut back on the amount of caffeine that he consumed each day. So, instead of filling up on tons of coffee, he went for an expensive blend that he could enjoy a few cups of daily.

As he walked to a small cabinet, it saddened him to know his friends would probably be leaving soon. He busied himself making up two mugs instead of thinking of the loss. He remembered how both men took their drinks, so it didn’t take long to brew it and serve them.

“Looks like Max is doing well in his training,” Kurt said from his position in front of the window where Chase had been watched from earlier.

“Yeah, he’s taken to it quickly. He’s a born leader,” Chase said with pride as he passed Kurt his cup.

“You have a good Pack here,” Clint commented, accepting his own mug. “A strong Alpha with a tight inner circle. You’re going to need that in the upcoming months.”

“So it’s not over?” Chase questioned with concern. “I thought with the closing of the Church for Humanity we would be safe. “

“You are,” Kurt assured him. “From them, anyway. But there is more going on here than we first thought. There are still unexplained circumstances that have me concerned, starting with the fact that we weren’t the ones who brought down the church.”

“Wait! What? I thought…the news stated…”

“The Church for Humanity is finished. The arrests will stick. But our team and the officials we were working with weren’t responsible. Someone got there before us.”

“Who?” Chase questioned, confused. There was no pack in Lubbock where the church had opened. The college town was considered open territory. As the closest shifter collection to the large city, Alpha Shawn had made it his business to insure any shifters in that area had someone looking out for them.

“We don’t know. That’s what bothers me. We can assume that they are on our side, since they did take down the enemy, but I don’t like not knowing what is going on.” Clint rose from the couch then started to pace. “I didn’t catch another scent anywhere near us. There is no way that someone could get that close and leave no trace of being there.”

“So what do we do now?” Chase asked.

“That’s why we’re here,” Kurt informed him. “Your entire Pack needs to keep its eyes open. If you have anyone in Lubbock, that’s even better. But we need to talk to your Alpha and Max. We’ve been called away.”

“You’re leaving?” Chase jumped to his feet. “Why?”

“The Council is sending us to Missouri, where there have been three disappearances of shifters. We leave today.”

Dread trailed up Chase’s spine. Not only was there an unknown person or group but they wouldn’t even have the Council representatives to turn to.

“Hey,” Clint stepped up next to him, gripping his shoulder. “We’re still just a phone call away, plus you have resources here as well—one of them being your brother. Max’s military record is strong and the man knows how to take care of his family.”

“I know.” He
know that. But that didn’t help the fear now gripping him.

“Also, your Alpha has mentioned some of the other Pack members who have settled in the area. Ex-military, government, police—you are a strong group. We wouldn’t leave if we didn’t think you all would be okay,” Kurt added.

“We’ve always been peaceful here. I’m just worried. You’re right about our members but as you said, they
retired. They came to us to get away from things like this.”

Kurt placed his cup on the side table before he stood. “Unfortunately, I don’t think the Packs have that luxury any longer. Whether or not you came out publicly, you’re going to have to deal with this.”

Chase couldn’t respond, as he heard heavy footsteps headed in their direction. A quick sniff informed him that Shawn and Max were almost to his open door.

Nodding, he walked back over to his coffee machine to get each of the new arrivals a cup. They had a lot to talk about ahead of Kurt’s and Clint’s departure.


* * * *


Marcus Webb’s house was located low into the Canyon. It took almost an hour to reach the isolated dwelling. Chase made the trek at least once a week to check on the older man.

Even though he’d dropped by only two days previously, at the encouragement of Alpha Shawn, he was headed to discuss the new information they’d received with Marcus.

It had been fifteen years since the man had moved into the Canyon to join the Pack. He’d brought along his teenage daughter after retiring from some branch of the government. Alpha Shawn might know, but Chase had never actually been told what Marcus had done prior to coming to town.

His daughter, from what Chase could remember, had been wickedly smart and very pretty. Chase didn’t know her well, owing to the Webbs staying to themselves so much. He thought maybe Marcus’ daughter had become friends with Cassie but he would have to ask his brother.

Pulling in front of the Webb house, Chase noticed the older man standing on the porch.

He was a picture to see. If Chase didn’t know that Marcus liked him, he would be a little nervous. Even though Marcus was in his late fifties, he was still one of the most intimating men Chase had ever seen. He was even bigger than their Alpha.

He always pulled his graying hair back in a long ponytail that trailed down his back. Marcus wore camo pants with a black tank top. His muscles bulged as he stood with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed at Chase.

Smiling, Chase turned off the ignition before pushing open his door. “Hey, Marcus.”

The other man nodded, still watching him closely.

Chase slowly strolled around the front of his SUV and up the sidewalk. He stopped halfway through climbing the steps.

say that I’m surprised to see you so soon, but I can feel something is going on. What’s wrong?” Marcus questioned.

It had taken years to earn Marcus’ trust and to get used to the strange way the man spoke. Chase would call Marcus paranoid if he wasn’t certain the guy wouldn’t kick his ass.

“I need to talk to you. You know the raid that closed down the Church for Humanity?”

“I’ve watched the news,” Marcus replied.

“Well, it turns out that the guys who we thought were responsible for the capture weren’t the ones after all. Someone beat them to it.”

Marcus twitched his lip in the start of a smile. “Really?”

Chase got the distinct impression that Marcus wasn’t surprised by the news. Stuffing his hands in the pockets of his slacks, he eyed Marcus. “Alpha Shawn sent me over here to see if you know anything about this new group.”

“Why would I know anything?” Marcus questioned.

Chase had gotten to know him pretty well. He was certain that Marcus did indeed have information.

“Why don’t you tell me?” Chase stated, rocking back on his heels. He could play this game all day but he needed answers and Marcus was going to provide them to him. Sure that more was going on than he knew, Chase was tired of being kept in the dark. His patience snapped. “Just tell me what the hell you know!”

Marcus’ gravely chuckle had Chase holding in his own. The rare sound had Chase lifting his eyebrows in question. “So your Alpha finally decided to let you in on all the secrets? I’ve been telling him you can handle them.”

Not sure what Marcus was talking about, Chase shrugged.

“Well, come on in. I’ll grab a couple of beers. We have a lot to discuss.”

A loud crack came from behind him and it took several seconds for Chase to realize what was happening. Marcus grunted and fell forward as blood spread along his shoulders.

“Fuck!” Chase dropped to the ground. “Marcus?”

The man groaned.

Scrambling up the steps, Chase cursed under his breath. Once he reached his friend, Chase ran his hands over Marcus’ chest, making sure he didn’t touch the wound.

“Get down, you damn fool,” Marcus griped at him.


Several more pops followed. Chase jumped as pieces of the wooden steps flew at his face.

“Shooter in the canyon. Call the Alpha.” Marcus’ voice cracked.

Damn! Shit! Fuck!
He pushed his hand into his pants then yanked out his cell. He glanced over his shoulder to see if he could pinpoint the location the shots stemmed from.

“And stay low. We need to get to cover.”

Marcus could sure be demanding, even when he was bleeding out. Chase fumbled with the phone almost dropping it. He couldn’t believe what was happening.

Beside him, Marcus groaned again. Chase needed to get his shit together. Tucking his phone between his cheek and shoulder, he kneeled over Marcus. “Hang on,” he told him.

A pained grunt was his only reply.

Alpha Shawn’s line rang in his ear as Chase struggled to get his free arm under Marcus. Luckily, with his shifter strength, he was able to gently lift Marcus and crawl behind the porch’s low solid walls for protection. He didn’t know if the assailant was still out there but he didn’t want to take the chance. There was no clear route to the front door without putting themselves in the open.


“Alpha! We need help. Marcus has been shot.”

“Where are you?”

“In front of his house. Taking cover on the porch.”

“Stay there. We’re on our way.”

The call ended and Chase cursed. It would take too much time for his Alpha to reach them. Marcus was bleeding heavily and Chase needed to get him help.

Crouching, he peeked over the rail.

“Don’t,” Marcus whispered.

“I have to get you out of here.”

“Wait for the Alpha,” Marcus insisted.

Chase peered down at the other man, who was too pale.

“It’ll be okay,” he promised.

“Stubborn ass,” Marcus wheezed.

Grinning at his friend, Chase shrugged. If he could make it back to his vehicle, there was a good chance he could pull close enough that the SUV would block him getting Marcus inside.

It was a risk, but one that he had to take.

He grasped Marcus’ hand in his. “Don’t you dare die on me, old man.”

“I’m too damn mean to die,” Marcus replied softly.

Chase sure the hell hoped so. Putting his plan into action, he leaped over the rail, landing back in the yard.

Immediately ducking, shots rang out as he began running and he barely managed to keep from being hit. That answered his question of whether the shooter was still there. He made a break for the passenger side, yanking the door open when he reached it.

More cracks, sounding too close for comfort, hit the opposite side of the vehicle. When they got out of this, he was going to have a serious talk with his Alpha.

Chase liked to think of himself as more of a lover than a fighter. This kind of shit should be left to his brother. Max would have probably already shifted and tracked down whoever was after him.

He stayed low, thrusting the key into the ignition before climbing into the driver seat. Relief flooded him as the engine caught and the car came to life. He grabbed the gear shift, throwing the vehicle into reverse and slammed his foot on the gas. Whipping the wheel around, he drove over bushes so he was directly in front of the stairway.

Three more bullets hit his SUV.

Chase wasn’t sure how much more damage his ride could take. Pushing the door open, he then dropped to the ground, scrambled up and back to Marcus’ side.

“Hurry, he’ll be headed toward us soon. If you’re going to get us out of here, do it quickly,” Marcus advised.

“Here we go,” Chase said as he hefted the other man to his knees.

Gritting his teeth, Marcus cursed through them. “When I get my hands on this fucker…”

“Easy,” Chase said with a smile. If anyone could lighten the situation, it was Marcus. “Calm down, killer. We can worry about that later.”

Glaring at him, Marcus huffed.


He waited until Marcus nodded.

“Let’s go!” Chase half-dragged Marcus down the steps to the vehicle. Pushing the older man in through the open driver door, he followed closely, climbing over him and into the driver’s seat to avoid exposing himself to the sniper.

Since no shots struck them, Chase could only guess that Marcus was right and the assailant was coming after them. Not wasting any time, he stomped on the gas and took off.

Lying on the passenger floorboard, Marcus groaned, holding his shoulder.

“You are both incredibly brave

Chase nodded. “Yeah.”

Flying down the dirt road, Chase tried to spot any trouble ahead. There were too many places an attack could come from. While living deep in the canyon kept Marcus isolated and protected, it meant once someone found Marcus’ location, he or she could keep well hidden until it was time to attack.

“What the hell is going on?” Chase demanded.

“Alpha may have waited too long to fill you in,” Marcus replied.

“So why don’t you?” Chase snapped. Now that the adrenaline had started to ease, Chase had problems processing the events that led him to driving his buddy to the hospital. Even with him gripping the steering wheel, his hands still trembled and his stomach remained in knots.

The low groan that came from Marcus had him glancing over.
Marcus’ head had dropped and there was no color in his face at all. Chase shifted to reach his cell.

Trying to get a hold of either his Alpha or brother, he got both of their voicemails. Hopefully Shawn and Max were close to Marcus’ house and could catch whoever was responsible for the attack.

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