Pack Beta (Were Chronicles Book 11) (7 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Beta (Were Chronicles Book 11)
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“You should get out of here,” her dad said, drawing her attention.

“You do what the doctor says and stay in bed,” Kayla demanded. She bent over and kissed his forehead.

“I will…for now,” he replied.

Motioning for Justin and Randy to accompany her out the door, she led the way to the exit, leaving Shawn and Angel.

Why had her dad kept secrets from her? And they were some big ones too. Hurt by that knowledge, it would take some time for her to heal. In the end, she would forgive her father. She always did.

Knowing he was a good man was a comfort to her and whatever she learned—no matter how bad—would not change the way she looked at her dad.

Chase and Max stood next to the elevator with their heads bent toward each other.

“Any idea what’s going on?” Randy asked from behind her.

Tearing her gaze away from the Lawson brothers, she turned toward her friend. “Not really.”

They both glanced at Justin.

Tucking his hands into his pockets, Justin stared intently at the ground. “I told you what I could.”

Kayla snorted. Justin obviously knew more about his sister’s role in whatever was happening but was leaving it to the others to fill them in. Why she was more pissed about him hiding things than her dad, Kayla wasn’t sure. However, the revelations were going to change her relationship with everyone who had lied to her—even if they thought they were protecting her. She was certain Justin wouldn’t let her get hurt and it must have been hard to have his loyalty torn. Having to choose between her and his family wasn’t something she could ask him to do. Eventually, hopefully, they would be better friends after all this was over.

Although she was pissed, she still loved him.

Shawn and Angel passed the guard, stopping to say a few words to the man before joining Kayla and her group.

“I spoke to Alex. Everything is ready for us.”

“Let’s head out,” Shawn ordered.


* * * *


The large, comfortable living room in the Wilson’s main house filled quickly with the group. One person handed out hot, fresh mugs of coffee to everyone as they each settled into his or her seats.

Chase sat in a recliner across from his Alpha. Seated on the sectional couch, Kayla, Justin, Randy and Angel spoke quietly, while Cassie and Max cuddled close on the love seat. Alex stood as he played host but Chase could see the tension in his friend’s shoulders. They were all feeling the stress from the day.

While Alex was always helpful in Pack matters, Chase knew having a bunch of strangers in his home was still hard for him.

The only person missing was Jacob. The youngest Wilson sibling and park ranger was setting up the added security around the ranch. Now that everyone had arrived, it was time to get started. Alex would have to fill in his brother about what they discussed later.

Clearing his throat, Shawn drew all attention to him. “What you are going to learn today must be kept between the occupants of this room at all times.”

He waited until every person had nodded.

“Also, by having this knowledge, you are putting yourself in danger. No one will think less of you if you decide to walk away right now.”

Again, everyone gave an affirmative.


The young woman glanced around after sighing deeply. She stood directly in front of them, which put her next to Alex.

His friend moved away, looking uncomfortable. Chase would have to dig into his friend’s reaction later.

“For longer than we really know, there has been a group of people who were in charge of protecting those who were not human. This organization was started in secret and has always worked that way. Even when the shifters decided to go public, this group has remained dedicated to its mission,” Angel explained.

“You’re a part of them?” Chase asked.

“Yes. You can call it tradition. As the eldest child, I was raised knowing what my duty would be.”

“What does this have to do with us?” Kayla questioned.

“A lot, actually,” Angel replied. “Most agents don’t retire. The ones who do have to live carefully so that they are never discovered.”

“My dad?”

“Yes. After your grandparents died, he was given permission to leave and take care of you. He moved up here to live quietly and out of sight.”

“When Marcus requested to join our Pack, I was advised of the whole story. I was also sworn to secrecy,” Shawn informed them.

Chase wasn’t surprised but he didn’t like that his Alpha had being hiding this information. “And if something had happened to you?”

“Marcus would have shared with my successor, who would have to agree to the same as I did,” Shawn replied, staring Chase down.

Sitting back in the chair, he nodded to his boss. There wasn’t much Chase could do about the past. He’d just have to accept that even as Beta, he didn’t know everything about his Pack.

“So why are they coming after Marcus now?” Max asked.

“And who are
?” Kayla added.

“Just like we’ve always fought to protect, there have been those who have known about the non-humans and are hell-bent on destroying us. We call them the Hunters. And we’ve been battling them a long time,” Angel told them.

“This group that you’re part of,” Alex spoke for the first time. “What do you call yourselves?”

Angel turned to him and smiled. “We’re the Guardians, of course.”

Alex shook his head and muttered something under his breath. Chase couldn’t make out what he’d said but by the rise of Angel’s eyebrows, she’d obviously heard Alex.

“And these Hunters are after my dad?” Kayla asked quietly.

“So it seems. That’s why I think you and Randy were followed the other night. That was right before the attack on your dad. If they’d gotten you then they would have used you to bring your father out in the open.”

Now that they had the connection to Marcus and Kayla’s attack, they could start planning a resolution.

Of course, that sounded a lot simpler than it really was. But there had to be a way to end this quietly and without disturbing the Pack. “What does this all mean for the Pack?” he asked, looking at his Alpha. It was his job to make sure none of what was happening affected their families.

“That’s the long-term problem,” Angel answered.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Max stiffen.

“What do you mean?” his brother asked with a growl.

“The Hunters know where Marcus is. Even though you all haven’t made your status public, there is a good chance they know you’re shifters. Their entire purpose is to eliminate your kind.”

“They’ll come after the Pack?” Chase pressed. He wanted her to say the words.

“Yes, I believe so.”

The loud rumble that came from Max was full of anger. His brother jumped to his feet and started to pace. Cassie looked scared, with her knees pulled up to her chest.

Staying hidden was all the Pack had going for them. Their numbers weren’t large and they didn’t have enough guards for everyone. Running his hand roughly over his face, Chase knew he had to think of something, some way to defend the people he loved.

“Does the Council know about you and the Hunters?” he questioned. If Kurt and Clint had prior knowledge, maybe he could call them back.

“They are aware of our existence, although they do not work closely with us. They prefer to handle their own affairs,” Angela said.

That was interesting, Chase mused. The Wolf Council was all about insuring the survival of the wolf shifters. They even collaborated with the Shifter Coalition.

“Not all of our organization is made up of shifters.” She waved a hand at herself.

Since Chase was certain there was something off about Angel and her brother, her statement opened the door for him. “You are not one hundred percent human,” he guessed. “Just what exactly are you?”

Angel faced him. The change in her demeanor was immediate and obvious. The fierceness in her gaze might have worried him if Max and Alex hadn’t stepped closer to him. “I don’t believe that is any of your business.”

“You are staying in my home. I think we have a right to know,” Alex argued.

Possibilities ran through his head but he couldn’t settle on how Angel and her brother were different. Every shifter, wolf or other species had a unique scent to them. Chase might not always know from the aroma what animal they were but the shifter connection was always there.

Angel and Justin had no scents. He had never come across that ability before in his entire life. Humans picked up traces of their environment giving each a unique odor. So he was just as eager for answers.

“Why won’t you just tell us?” Alex argued with Angel.

“Maybe I don’t think you need to know, big guy,” she taunted back.

Justin jumped up from his seat as Alex advanced on Angel. “Hey! Come on guys. We have bigger problems than this. We’re on your side.”

“How do we know we can trust them?” Alex asked Chase.

“Marcus does,” Chase answered his friend. “That’s good enough for me.”

Besides, there might be a reasonable explanation. If Angel and her family were deep into the Guardian organization, maybe blocking their scent helped. Since the group has already proven to be secretive, Angel wouldn’t be able to share that information.

“Justin’s right,” he said to the group. “We need to find these Hunters and concentrate on the Pack’s safety.”

Shawn had risen to stand close to Angel. “We need a plan.”

As they settled down again, Chase noticed Angel eyeing Alex. Since Chase was surprised by Alex’s aggressiveness toward the woman, he wondered briefly, what Angel thought about Alex.

“Here’s how we’ll start,” Shawn stated, leaning forward in his chair.


Chapter Six




Chase strolled across the guest bedroom to the balcony doors. Pushing them open, he gazed out onto the expansive property.

The Wilson ranch was a second home to him. He’d ended up in this same bed many times over the years, too drunk or too tired to make the short drive to his own place.

After Max returned to Canyon, Chase had enjoyed having a reason to go home at night. With Max and Cassie’s recent mating, though, he was once again alone.

Cassie’s residence was the guesthouse only a few feet from where Chase now stood. From his bedroom, he could see the front door of Cassie and Max’s place.

Knowing his brother was safe and close by made Chase feel a little better. Still, the danger the Pack was currently in made it difficult for him to sleep.

First part of the plan was to find the Hunter responsible for shooting Marcus. After that, they would have to work with Angel’s people to see how much the group knew about the Pack.

He’d dismissed the idea of calling Kurt or Clint. The two Council members would no doubt be willing to help but by adding additional shifters into the mix, they would be giving the Hunters new targets too.

Information was power and Chase felt lacking in Intel. Angel had only been willing to say a little about the organization she worked for. As soon as Marcus was released from the hospital and rejoined them, Chase planned to get every detail from his old friend.

The Pack deserved honesty. Angel might not be family, but Marcus was. Chase was going to get answers.

But what was driving him crazy was that he couldn’t do anything right now.

The Hunters could be setting traps in his town as he stood on the second-story balcony in the moonlight.

Restless, he paced the small area when he heard his bedroom door open.

Expecting Alex, it shocked him to see Kayla step into the room instead and close the door behind her.

Curious, he stayed in the shadows and watched while she took in the open space. The sway of her hips had his cock hardening as she headed in his direction.

Leaning against the rail, he crossed his arms over his chest when she strolled onto the terrace to him.

“I saw the light on,” she explained, continuing toward him until she was almost touching him. “I figured you were too wound up to sleep too.”

He had to swallow hard to keep himself under control. Having Kayla within arm’s reach had a major effect on his body and on his wolf.

Inside, his wolf clawed to get out to the female. Rarely did Chase feel such an attraction so early after meeting someone. Oh, who was he kidding? He’d never experienced as strong of a pull as the one he did for Kayla right now.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” she teased.

Realizing she’d spoken to him several times and he hadn’t responded, Chase shook his head. He needed to call on all his restraint to keep from backing away, since Kayla was now brushing up against him.

“Can I help you with something?”
Thank God my voice didn’t shake.

She chuckled softly. “Now that’s a loaded question.”

With more calmness than he felt, he raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for her to clarify her remark.

“I know you feel this spark between us.”

He could lie, deny her claim, but what was the point? “Yes.”

“I also think that you won’t make the first move.”

“And you will?” he taunted. Even knowing he was playing with fire, he couldn’t help himself.

“I don’t believe in wasting time,” she answered.

With his heart pounding furiously and palms sweating, Chase went over his options. He could demand she leave or he could embrace the attraction between them. Uncrossing his arms, he placed his hands on her elbows and pulled her close. “What if I don’t like a woman to make the first move?” he whispered, his lips just inches from hers.

“Then you don’t know what you’re missing.”

A woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid of going after it, actually did turn Chase on. With a low growl, he spun her around, backing her to the rail.

While Kayla’s breathing grew more rapid, Chase slid his hands up her arms to her neck. With one palm behind her head, he used his fingers of the other to grip her chin.

“What is it you want from me, Kayla?”

“You already know.” She shivered.

Yes, he did. Lowering his head slowly, he gave her the chance to change her mind. Once he laid claim to her mouth, he wasn’t stopping unless she told him no more.

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