PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) (24 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)
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Chapter 2

All day Thursday Danica had been wondering if it was a good idea to go for dinner with her boss. She had actually made her list of pros and cons and so far she had only one pro and one major con.

Pro: She’d kind of had a crush on Adam ever since she first saw his picture on Forbes magazine and she had always wondered what it would be to be wined and dined by the famous all powerful Adam Keller. Con: He was her boss. If she defied him, she was not very sure she would still have a job.

She sighed as she held an outfit against her body. She didn’t think she had anything appropriate to be in Adam’s company.

As far as she was concerned, Adam was perfect in every single way. Five nine, full head of hair, buff muscular body and piercing hazel eyes that always seemed to look right through you. For her, Adam Keller was the complete package. But she knew that she would never have a chance with him because she was not his kind of woman. She was a few sizes too big for his taste judging by the women she had seen him being photographed with.

“Cursed am I for being a stupid size 16,”
she thought as she pulled on a fitting black halter necked maxi dress. It was the only dress she could think of that came anything close to the glamor Adam was used to.
“But I guess every black woman has the curse of a big ass,”
she thought as she looked at her reflection.
She had a pair of silver colored high heeled sandals and her dark curly hair was falling free on her shoulders, framing her face. She had on some light makeup just enough to highlight her brown eyes and full lips.

“This had better go well,”
she thought as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She would have been okay if this was just another office party or if she was going to meet up with one of her friends but this was so much more different. She looked at her phone and sighed. It was a few minutes to seven. A few minutes to the time she was supposed to be meeting Adam. She picked up her purse and made her way to the living room to wait for Adam. Every second that passed felt like an eternity. It was not that this was not what she wanted. Hell, this had been her fantasy from way before she began working at KE. And now that everything had worked out, she was not very sure she wanted to go through with it. In the six months she had been working for Adam, she had attended two company functions and so far she was able to tell that her boss was more smitten by European models and socialites. She had never once seen him in the company of a woman who was more like her, full figured and all. She sighed for the umpteenth time.

“This might just be the biggest mistake of my life,”
she thought as she waited for Adam to get there. She reached for her phone and looked at the text message thread from last night. It was not long but it was three texts longer than she had expected it to be.

Good evening Mr. Keller. I live at 1242 Woodward Avenue. Apartment 302.

She had been a little nervous sending such a short text but that was all she had to say.

Thank you Miss Rayne. I will see you tomorrow at seven.

Without thinking, Danica had sent him a reply.

Won’t you be at the office tomorrow?

But as soon as she sent it, she felt regret flooding her.

I will be having a meeting in town at around eleven and then a business lunch later. It is all in my schedule, Miss Rayne.

“Of course it is,”
she’d thought as she looked at the last text. She had access to his schedule, she actually managed it. She should have known that much.

She was still seated in silence drumming her fingers nervously on the seat next to her when she heard a soft knock on the door. She took a long deep breath and walked to the door before she looked through the peephole. She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Adam standing on her doorstep.

“Good evening, Miss Rayne,” Adam said with a smile when he opened the door. “You look spectacular.”

“Thank you, Mr. Keller. You look very…um…good too,” she said looking at his crisp navy blue suit and white shirt that blended perfectly with his tan skin tone. Adam smiled at her.

“Are you ready?” he asked and she nodded. She took a shawl and draped it over her shoulders before she picked up her purse. She secured it under her arm and walked out of the apartment. She gasped silently when she felt him secure an arm around her waist as they walked towards the elevator. His hand was warm on her waist. She could feel it through the flimsy fabric of her dress. When they got out of the building, he opened the door of his black Mercedes for her before he walked round and got into the driver’s seat.

“Buckle up,” he said in a soft voice as he started the car.




The drive to the restaurant was relatively quiet, a little too quiet for her to be comfortable. She was a little too surprised when he pulled up in front of Vincenzo’s.

is where we are having dinner?” she asked when the valet drove away with his car. He slipped an arm around her as they made their way towards the front desk.

“Yes, why?” he asked.

“Well, my friend tried to get a reservation here but she got waitlisted,” she said. “Two months ago.”

Adam smiled.

“Yeah, they have a pretty tight guest list. Booked solid for months on end,” he said in a soft voice.

“Well, it is a five star restaurant,” she said in a soft voice as they approached the hostess.

“Good evening Mr. Keller,” the cheerful hostess said when she saw him.

“Good evening.”

“Your table is right this way,” she said as she led them to a private table overlooking the city. “Your waitress will be with you briefly,” she added before she walked away.

There was a bottle of chilled Pinot on the bottle. He reached for the bottle and poured them two glasses before handing one to her.

“Do you come here often?” Danica asked as she looked at him.

“Yes, the head chef is a good friend,” he said. “Cheers.” She raised her glass and took a sip. She didn’t want to show it but the taste was divine. It was definitely not the kind of Pinot she usually got for thirty bucks. This was the real stuff. And that was not all. The soup was divine and the main course was even better. The restaurant’s special that evening was veal. She opted for the veal marsala and he had veal piccata.

“So, Miss Rayne, tell me more about yourself,” he started as they ate. “I don’t know much except that you are a secretary at Keller Enterprises and live at 1242 Woodward Avenue.” She shrugged.

“There isn’t much to tell really,” she started. “That’s pretty much it apart from the fact that I have a roommate Pillar.”

“The apartment was relatively quiet when I picked you up,” he said.

“She works late. Most times later than me actually,” she said as she took a bite. “She usually gets home at around eleven.”

“You keep a very busy life even with your friends,” he said and she smiled.

“Living the dream, Mr. Keller,” she said as she took another bite. Adam was looking at her as he took a sip of his wine. She dabbed the sides of her mouth and put her fork down. She then looked at him as she bit her lower lip. “I have to wonder, Mr. Keller, why are you doing this?” she finally asked.

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?” he asked.

“This, dinner at a fancy restaurant and everything,” she said as she looked at him. “What is it you want from me?”

Adam forced out a laugh.

“Miss Rayne, when you say it like that you make it sound very, very bad,” he said.

“Well, I am trying to figure out what is going on here but…I just can’t…” her words trailed off when he reached across the table and took her hand in his. She was dumbfounded as he looked into her eyes. She was like an open book in front of him and he was keeping all his secrets bottled up.

“Six months you have been working for me and you don’t know why you are here with me tonight?” he asked. “Six long months I have been with you waiting to get you to myself and you still don’t know?” She shook her head.

“I just don’t understand why…” she started before he tightened his grip on her. It was not too tight to hurt her but it was tight enough to make her gasp for breath.

“I have wanted you since the first day I saw you,” he said. “And I have seen the way you look at me. And those skirts you put on.” He paused and sighed. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? And to make everything worse, your clothes make every man’s head turn when you walk by.”

“But the women you are normally with are European models…perfect bodies and …” she started but again, he didn’t want to let her finish what she was saying.

“You have a perfect body,” he said. “And I want to have you.” He began drawing small circles on the back of her hand. “All of you,” he added in a soft voice.

“Mr. Keller,” Danica started as she felt her cheeks flush hot. She didn’t k now what to say. This might have been a dream come true but at the same time, it was the worst thing that could have happened. “I…I don’t know what to say,” she finally said in a whisper as he put his credit card on the table when he saw their waitress approaching their table.

“Maybe I should take you back home,” he said as he leaned back in his chair and she nodded.

“Yeah, maybe you should,” she said in a soft voice as her gaze fell.




As Danica and Adam rode in the elevator, he was holding her around the waist the same way he had when they first left her apartment. When she opened her door, she looked at him as she felt her shawl slide off her shoulder.

“Thanks for dinner,” she said in a soft voice.

“It was my pleasure,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “It is almost eleven. Do you think Pillar is already home?” he asked and she shook her head.

“She loves to listen to music. If she was home, she would be blasting My Chemical Romance
by now.”

“Your chemical romance?” Adam asked, confused and she smiled.

Chemical Romance,” she corrected him. “It is an alternative punk rock band. It can get a little loud when she is here.”

“Good,” he said before he pulled her to him and kissed her. His kiss was hard and deep but also passionate and soft at the same time. She could feel her entire body hot and tingling against his.

“My Chemical Romance,” he said in a whisper when he pulled away. “Maybe I should have a listen to them sometime,” he added before he turned around and walked away leaving a confused Danica standing by her door. Her heart was beating hard and her cheeks were flushed. She heard the elevator doors open and then close as she leaned against her open door.

“What the hell was that?”
she wondered, her heart racing as she pulled herself from the door. She was about to close the door when she saw a shadow approaching her door and then a foot wedged in the small open space preventing her from closing the door. She looked up to see Adam looking at her. “What are you doing?” she asked as she opened the door.

“Something I’ve been waiting to do for a long time,” he said as he walked in and kicked the door closed with his leg. He then backed her up against the wall and pinned her against it as he kissed her again. She could feel herself screaming inside to push him away but she just couldn’t. Being in Adam’s arms was everything she had ever wanted, everything she had ever dreamed it to be. He was gently running his hands all over her, going down from her shoulders and on her full breasts and then down to her full round ass. He then pulled her dress up with so much force that it tore from seam to seam so that he could caress her thigh. By the time he finally pulled away, they were both panting for breath. She wanted more of him, so much more but he was just pressing his body into her, so hard that she could feel his erection pressing into her thigh.

“I can’t…I’m sorry,” he suddenly said before he walked out leaving her even more confused than she had been when he walked away from her earlier. This time she made sure she stepped out of the apartment and looked at him as he stepped into the elevator perhaps to make sure what had happened earlier didn’t happen again.

Chapter 3

It was almost seven in the morning when Danica walked into the office on Friday morning. She noticed Adam was already in his office which was a first. She was always the first person in the office. After placing her purse on her desk, she slowly made her way to his office. She took a long deep breath as she softly knocked on his open door.

“Miss Rayne,” he said looking up. “Please come in. Have a seat,” She walked in and looked at him as she sat down. “So, what can I do for you today?” he asked. She almost rolled her eyes at him.

“What can you do for me?” she said in an urgent whisper. “Last night you kissed me, tore my dress, and then walked away…no explanation or anything, and now you want to act like nothing happened?” she asked.

“Well, we are at the office…” he started.

“I know we are but you either have to give me a transfer to another department or…” her words trailed off when she realized the tone she was using with her boss. “I would like a transfer sir,” she said in a low voice. Adam looked at her for a long minute before he pushed his chair back and stood up. She looked at him as he made his way to the door and closed it and locked it before he closed the blinds. He then made his way to where she was and sat on the corner of his mahogany desk looking down at her.

“You want me to authorize a transfer?” he asked and she nodded. “Why? Aren’t you content being my secretary?” he asked.

“I do but after last night…” she started as she shook her head. “I don’t think I can be objective after last night.”

“We are not trying to track down a terrorist Miss Rayne. What do you mean objective?” he asked and she shook her head.

“You know what I mean,” she said in a whisper. “One moment you tell me that you have been longing after me and you kiss me and then you just leave offering me an apology?”

“All I want is for you to retain the idea you have of me because if I have you, you will never look at me the same,” he said, his tone softer now. She stood up and almost walked away before he pulled her close to him. He kissed her softly before she pulled away. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you, because heaven knows I am hard right now just thinking about you.”

“Then why…why don’t you do something about it?” she asked surprising even herself when the words left her mouth.

“Because you will not like me when I am happy,” he said. She pulled away and began taking off her jacket. “What are you doing, Miss Rayne?” he asked as she looked into his eyes. She took a step forward and he instinctively put his hands on her waist.

“I want you to show me what you are like when you are happy,” she said. She leaned forward and brushed his lips with hers but he pulled away from her.

“If I am to show you then I have to be the one to call the shots,” he said. “Understand?”

“Yes sir,” she said in a soft voice.

“You are a quick study,” he said as he got off the desk and walked round to his chair and sat down. He pulled the chair back and signaled her to go to where she was using his index finger. She did and he took her hand. “I am going to take you over my knee,” he announced and she felt her heart skip a beat. “Did you hear me, Miss Rayne? I am going to take you over my knee and I am going to spank you.” She nodded and got on his lap. She gasped silently when he suddenly hiked her skirt up and pulled down her panties exposing her ass to him. Her heart was racing as he gently caressed her naked ass. When she felt him pulling his hand from her ass, she closed her eyes and exhaled loudly when he brought his hand down on her ass. She had expected it to hurt but not the way it stung. She had barely had enough time to recover when he brought his hand down on her ass again. She tightly closed her eyes as he spanked her again alternating his strike on each cheek. She was being incredibly strong, never screaming. The only sounds she was making were muffled groans since she had her hand tightly clasped over her mouth. Every time he spanked her, she would writhe on his lap and he would hold her steady with one hand pressed on the small of her back. She counted sixteen strikes before he finally stopped. He was panting and she was whimpering. His cock was hard and pressing up against her tummy. He gently caressed her and then helped her off his lap. She looked at him and got down on her knees. She could see the surprise on his face when she began undoing his belt buckle and then pulled down his zipper. For some reason, she kept expecting him to push her off. She had read books about people like him, fetishes like his and she knew for a fact that she was not supposed to take him in her mouth unless he allowed it. Even though it was all for his pleasure, it was also a kind of reward for her.

“May I?” she asked politely. He nodded and slid down his chair giving her better access to his crotch. She gasped when she saw his girth. He was not just an attractive man, he was also hung like a caveman. She took his rigid cock in her hand and gently ran her tongue over the head of his cock. She looked up at him and saw that he was looking right down at her. She suddenly took his length into her mouth and began sucking hard. She was slowly running her mouth up and down his length, bobbing her head on his crotch as she went on. She could feel him getting harder in her mouth and strange enough, it was turning her on a little too much, more than she thought possible especially since her ass was still stinging. He was moaning softly as she took more and more of his length down her throat. She heard him gasp when she cupped his balls. Judging by the way he was moaning, she knew for a fact that he was close to cumming. She didn’t know whether he wanted to cum in her mouth. She wanted to pull away but as if he had read her mind, he held her head in his hands and he took over. She was no longer the one in control. He was now moving himself in and out of her mouth making her gag. She could fee that he was harder than ever and the way he was breathing assured her that he was at the point of no return. She sighed when he suddenly let go of one side of her face and filled his hand with her breast as he began cumming and she swallowed everything he had to offer.

“Oh fuck, Danica,” he said in a soft voice as she felt his limp cock slipping out of her mouth. She looked at him as she dabbed the sides of her mouth with her fingers. He had never called her Danica before. It was always ‘Miss Rayne’. Even in a social setting, he was always formal. He looked down at her as he zipped up his pants. He then offered her his hand and helped her to his feet. Her panties were still around her ankles when he pulled her skirt and caressed her still warm ass. “You were…the perfect student,” he said in a whisper. “But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Making me happy involves pain and submission.”

“I want to be the one to make you happy. I have done my research,” Danica said.

“If the books you have read involve that new book everyone is reading….” He started.

“Fifty Shades of Grey,” she said and he smiled.

“Yes, Fifty Shades of fucking Grey,” he said in a soft voice. “Every BDSM element is different from the person indulging and that book may have more to do with what one person’s idea of what it is. I may be a whole lot more than you expect.”

“I want to see the real you,” she said as she looked into his eyes. He nodded.

“If I show you the real me then you are mine. Wholly mine,” he said and she nodded. “You will do everything I say and you will come when I call.” She took a minute before she nodded again. He held the side of her face and kissed her gently. “Tonight, I will take you to my house and I will have you and you will sleep next to me.” She nodded and he squeezed her still stinging ass. “Use your words,” he said in an urgent whisper. “Do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” she said and he smiled.

“Good.” He reached into his pocket and pulled put his platinum card. “To replace the dress I ruined last night.” She looked at the card and shook her head.

“I got it at a thrift store for 14.99,” she said in a soft voice.

“Well, charge it all the same. And maybe while you are at it, get something for tomorrow night. Something that you think I will like,” he whispered. “Use this when you come to my place. It gives you access to my penthouse,” he added as he handed her a key card.

“Penthouse?” she asked surprised.

“I’ll text you my address,” he said stepping away from her. “After all text messaging is kind of our thing now, right?” She looked at him and nodded before walking out of his office.

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