PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) (25 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)
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Chapter 4

Even though Danica was a size sixteen, she had tried as much as she could to keep a handle on the parts of her body she still had control of. She worked out as much as she could and tried eating healthy and as a result, she had a beautifully firm tummy and a well-rounded firm ass. She had on a long sleeved plum bandage dress that reached just over the knee and a pair of nude colored peep toe heels. As usual, she had on minimal makeup, just enough to highlight her features. She was also not sporting her natural African American curls anymore. She had straightened out her hair and it was brushing softly against her shoulders. She was just about to leave when she heard the front door open and close.

“You home, Dani?” she heard Pillar calling out.

“In my room,” Danica said as she picked up a coat and her purse. “Why are you home so early?” she asked as she walked to the living room.

“It was a slow day and I kind of need to…”Pillar’s voice trailed off when she saw Danica. “Wow,” she said when she saw her roommate. “Where are you going looking like that?” she asked as she looked at Danica from head to toe.

“A date, I think,” Danica said in a soft voice.

“You think?” Pillar shook her head. “I have never seen that dress which makes me think that there is a special occasion planned.”

“You could say that again,”
she said in a soft voice. She put on her coat and smiled at Pillar. “I’m getting late. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow,” she said as she walked towards the door.

“Whoa. So I shouldn’t wait up?” Pillar asked but all Danica did was smile at her. She was not about to tell her where she was headed. She had not thought out her cover story yet. All she knew was that she could not tell her the truth. It was a little too much for Pillar as far as Danica was concerned.

“I am headed to my boss’ place where he is going to fuck me and probably tie me up.”
She shook her head as she rode in the elevator. It was settled. She most definitely couldn’t tell Pillar the truth.

When she got downstairs, she walked to her car and set the address on her phone. Her heart was beating hard in anticipation as she began driving to Adam’s place a calm few blocks away. When she got there, she looked at her phone and sighed before walking into the building. She was taking long deep breaths trying to calm herself as she walked towards the elevator. She used the key card Adam had given her the previous day and then made her way up to the penthouse where he was waiting for her. When she saw how casual he looked, she felt a little silly. He was in a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Matter of fact, he looked like he had just woken up.

“Miss Rayne,” he said smiling. He took a step forward and pulled her into himself. She closed her eyes and inhaled his rich cologne. He pulled away and looked at her before he gently pushed the coat off her shoulders. She looked at him as he held the back of her neck and leaned in to kiss her. “Your hair,” he started as he moved his hand upward raking his fingers through her silky straight hair.

“I just thought I would do something different for you,” she said and he smiled.

“You always look perfect,” he said as his eyes ran down her body. “Can I get you something to eat or drink? Some wine maybe?”

“Wine sounds good,” she said in a soft voice.

He nodded and began walking to the kitchen as she followed close behind. She was not very sure what she was expecting because this was definitely not a conventional date.

“Thanks,” she said when he handed her a glass. She placed her purse on the counter and took a sip. He was looking into her eyes as he raised his glass at her and began taking a long sip. Like the Pinot at the restaurant, this was one of the best wines she had ever tasted. The next five or so minutes seemed to drag on forever. He was just looking at her without saying anything, sipping on his wine. It was like he was studying her or something. By the time she took her final sip, it felt like the wine had gone straight to her head. He took the glass from her hand and then led her down the hallway.

“Are you taking me to your pleasure room?” she asked and he shook his head.

“I am taking you to my bedroom,” he said as he opened the door on his right. She looked around the room which was as big as her own apartment. He turned around and looked at her, his hand running down one side of her body. “First off. Pull your hair away from your face and neck.”

Danica pulled her hair back and held it in a side braid securing the bottom with a small knot. He then stood behind her and pulled down her zipped before he pushed her dress off. She was about to kick off her shoes when he shook his head.

“Leave those on,” he commanded before he walked her over to the bed. “Do you know about safe words?” he asked and she nodded. “Tell me.”

“A safe word lets you know how much is too much,” she said.

“Good girl,” he said with a smile. “Roll over. I want to spank you,” he said and she did. But what she didn’t know was that this time, he was going to do so much more. She felt a panic going through her as he secured her wrists to the bed spokes. He went ahead and secured each leg by cuffing her ankles to opposite sides of his bed. “Now, when it’s too much, just say cinnamon and I will stop. Understand?” he asked and she nodded.

“Yes sir,” she said softly.

“I only have one rule, Miss Rayne,” he started as she lay on the bed looking at one wall of his room. “Don’t cum without my permission.”

What she didn’t see was that he was holding a riding crop in his hand. He walked to the bed and began to gently whip her feet. It was not painful at first but with the consistency he was displaying, she was beginning to feel the discomfort. She breathed her relief when he began working his way up her leg. He lingered a little too long at her thighs before he finally moved to her ass. By the time he landed the first blow on her bare ass, her legs were hot and red from all the whipping. Adam was breathing hard as he looked at her and his erection was already hard. It was not just looking at Danica as she writhed in pain, it was also those beautiful moans that escaped her lips every time he landed a blow on her. He uncuffed her ankles and then her wrists before he ordered her to turn around. Her eyes were glossy as he secured her wrists above her head again. This time, he didn’t secure her legs. He didn’t think he had to. His cock got even harder as he looked at her bare breasts. She looked too perfect. He began using the crop on her breasts and her nipples responded almost immediately. This time, she did not just moan. She let out a scream when he used the crop harder than he intended to. He then got on the bed and pulled down his sweatpants presenting his cock to her. She eagerly took him into her mouth and he began kneading her breasts with his free hand.

“Spread your legs,” he commanded and she did it almost immediately. She was taking him almost balls deep as he gently patted the crop on her already wet pussy. She was moaning as he worked the crop on her wishing that he could just stop teasing her and give her what she wanted. He pulled away from her and reached for the top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a condom. She watched as he rolled the latex on his girth before he settled in between her legs. He was looking down at her as he began working his length into her. She gasped when she felt his cock filling her, stretching her out. She would have wanted to hold him tightly as he claimed her over and over again.

The way Adam was working his cock into her was making her want to scream but she had never been a loud person unless the situation called for it. He went from slow strokes to hard long ones until he was no longer just going in and out of her. He was ramming himself against her pelvis so hard that he was literally knocking the air out of her mouth. She moaned her disappointment when he pulled out of her. She could feel her own wetness on his cock when it brushed against her thigh. She looked up at him as he undid the cuffs that secured her arms over her head. He then pulled her up before he quickly flipped her over getting her on all fours. She gasped when he entered her from behind again. He was so deep inside her from this position, deeper than anyone had ever been. She held on to the bed spokes as he thrust into her over and over again until she finally let lose.

“That’s right, baby,” he said as he drove himself into her. “I want to hear you.”

She wrapped her fingers tightly around the wooden spokes as she moaned out loud. She had never thought it was possible to have anyone so deep inside her without it hurting but Adam was proving her wrong with every thrust. She could feel herself closer and closer to the edge with every thrust. She had never wanted to cum so badly.

“I’m going to cum!” She cried out but he wouldn’t slow down. It was like her warning only fueled him to go harder and deeper.

“Hold it,” he commanded as he went on thrusting into her.

“I can’t, sir!”

“I. Said. Hold. It.”

He was thrusting into her after every single word and doing that was not helping. She was dangerously close to the edge and he knew it. She suddenly cried out when he spanked her ass hard and coupled that with one last thrust.

“Now!” He commanded. “Cum now!”

Danica didn’t need any second bidding. She let out a loud cry and felt herself exploding all around his cock. The wave in her pussy was so strong it forced his cock out. She collapsed on the bed and he lay next to her still shivering body. She had never had such a massive orgasm before. It was…mind blowing.

“You never used the safe word,” Adam said in an exhausted whisper.

“I didn’t see the need to,” she said as she closed her eyes.

He draped an arm over her and kissed her shoulder.

“Rest. When you wake up I will make you something to eat,” he said. She nodded.

“Maybe this is not really happening,”
she thought as she lay in his arms.
“And if it is not, I never want to wake up.”



Unexpected Business


Part 1

Aleesha Mayfield sighed as she looked at her reflection in the Sheraton Hotel bathroom. She was usually not a black tie event person. Hell, she had never been much of a formal wear person almost all her life at least until she started working for Cole Turner. And even though she was his right hand woman, her tomboy side was still very much alive. She would have done anything to go to work in a pair of jeans and trainers…but that was not really the Tuner, Mayfield and Associates brand.

“It is all for the good of the brand,” she said to no one in particular before she walked out.

“Looking good, Aleesha,” Moira, one of the junior associates at her firm said as she walked by. Aleesha looked down at her green elbow sleeved knee length dress and red stiletto heels and smiled.

“Thanks Moira,” she said before she went ahead making small talk with the company partners. She would have done anything to just sit back and watch someone else making the rounds smiling at everyone or better still just leave altogether but she could not just up and leave. At least not for this particular party…her company’s five-year anniversary party that was such a big deal, Cole had decided to make it a two-day event. That whole idea had totally crashed her initial plan, which had been to make a ten-minute technical appearance and then go back home, slip into some comfortable pajamas and probably have some popcorn in front of the TV. Maybe some tacos. Something nice, salty and possibly even greasy.

But something didn’t quite work out in her favor. It was almost midnight and she was still at the Sheraton Hotel ballroom watching her company’s acquaintances making small talk over thousand-dollar champagne. She grabbed a glass of cranberry juice from one of the waiters and walked over to one wall. She shifted her weight and took a sip of her juice as she leaned against the wall. She kicked off one shoe and sighed silently as she stepped on the cold floor. It was a welcome relief after walking around for most of the time she had been there. She took a long deep breath as she took off her other shoe. She was still leaning against the wall looking around wondering what she was still doing there when her boss walked over to her. She looked at his glass and frowned when she saw the cider.

“Cider? Seriously?” she asked and he nodded. “Thousand dollar champagne being popped all over the place and you settle for cider?”

Cole smiled and nodded again.

“Hey, it pays to think out of the box. And you are one to talk. That’s cranberry juice, I can tell,” he said.

“I have been making small talk with the partners al night. I needed to be in tip top shape, you know,” she said, shrugging. “What about you? What’s your excuse?” she asked.

“I have been doing the same thing. You might be the COO but I am still the CEO, you know.” He took a sip of his cider. “You never know when a good deal comes knocking at your door. So, cider is my choice for the night.”

“Says the man who is worth forty million dollars,” she said.

He looked at her and shrugged.

“To the woman who helped him get there,” he said in a soft voice as he gently rubbed against her arm. She smiled and looked into his eyes. He could tell that she wanted to say something but she seemed to be tongue-tied. “You know that I did not create Turner, Mayfield & Associates all on my own.”

She shrugged as she took another sip of her juice.

“Yeah, I guess you didn’t.”

He leaned in and very subtly slipped an arm around her waist.

“By the way, you are killing me in that outfit,” he whispered.

“You look…really good too,” she said, looking at his black slim suit.

“And I wore the tie you got me for Christmas last year. I hope you noticed,” he said as he stroked the burgundy tie he had on. Aleesha rubbed her temple and smiled trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. Cole laughed. ,

“After working with me for five years? You are still modest?” he asked and she took another sip of her juice.

“We are at a company function, Mr. Turner,” she said.

“And all I can think of doing is whisking you away so that I can take that dress off,” he whispered making her blush even more. A smile played on his lips. He loved how cute she looked when she blushed. His gaze dropped to her feet and frowned.

“I’m still wondering how you hacked the entire afternoon on those.” He gestured at her shoes and she shook her head.

“In all fairness, I had every intention of leaving the party ten minutes in.”

“Oh, the whole technical appearance thing, huh?”

She smiled and shrugged.

“Well, we have to be back here tomorrow anyway. I was thinking I should just save the whole full function appearance for that? Plus I have to pee every five minutes for some reason. It kind of reminds me of my sister when she was expectant.”

“It’s the cranberry juice,” he pointed out and she raised an eyebrow over the other.

“What?” she asked.

“The cranberry juice. You do know that it is a natural diuretic, right?” he asked as he looked at her. She sighed.

“My doctor told me it was good for my…pipes,” she said.

“And what did you think he meant by that?” Cole asked.

Cole smiled at her and then laughed.

Aleesha shrugged and shifted her weight again. Cole frowned.

“Are you alright? You look a little uncomfortable,” he said and she shrugged.

“I’m fine,” she said sighing.

“No.” Cole was shaking his head. “I’m taking you home.”

“You don’t have to,” she said as she balanced her weight on the wall to put her shoes back on.

“You have been on your feet for hours in heels.” Cole too her glass from her. “And that is in addition to the fact that you spent the better part of the last two days here making sure everything is up to par.”

“I was just doing my job.”

“Well the fact is Aleesha, that you did too god of a job and you need to rest up for tomorrow.” He looked into her eyes. “Remember that time you had to spend a couple of nights in hospital because of fatigue?” She nodded reluctantly. “Don’t you think that maybe it’s time to take a break?”

“But we still have to…” she started and he took her glass from her. He waved a waiter over and placed the two half full glasses on his tray.

“I’m taking you home, Aleesha.” The tone in Cole’s voice was enough to make her realize that she did not really have a choice.

“But I drove here,” she said in a small voice.

“Yes you did but at the time you were fresh and energetic. Now you have been making small talk with Fortune 500 CEOs with sticks up their asses for the last four hours. That cannot be easy especially knowing that you literally claimed the Sheraton for the last couple of days.”

“You are not going to give up on this, are you?” she asked and he shook his head.

“Besides, this is a two day event. We will be back here tomorrow as we wrap up the company’s fifth anniversary party with the new acquisition,” he said and she bit her lower lip. She could not help but feel proud when he mentioned the acquisition. It was her own hard work that had ensured that Turner, Mayfield & Associates were the new big players in the financial management world of Las Vegas. When their biggest competitor set up shop two years after TMA was already established, Cole and Aleesha had the hardest time. It almost felt like they were the geeky kids in gym class. The new competitor came with everything they didn’t have at the time. It was no wonder that they were getting more and more business than TMA was with every waking moment. It was worrying. Perhaps even sickening.

But when Aleesha came to know about their falling stock, she had the most brilliant idea ever: Buy them out. It would have cost them a few hundred thousand dollars, maybe even a couple of million but it was a small price to pay because in the long run, her company was going to have all the clients their competitors were going to have. Both active and prospective. It was genius. Even more so because it actually worked.

Cole took her hand and led her out without a word. She could feel her heart racing as she slowly followed him. Whatever was going on between her and Cole was more than just professional courtesy. Every time she was close to him, her heart seemed to beat harder and faster, her skin got hot and sometimes, she even felt like she couldn’t breathe. She was all silent as they made their way to the elevator. A thrill went down her spine when he held her waist as they stepped into the elevator.

“What about your car?” she asked as the elevator began descending.

“I have a number of ways to get back home. I could hail a cab, maybe get an Uber…” he looked down at her. “Right now I just want to make sure you are home. Safe.”

When the elevator doors opened, he took her hand and led her out.

“So are you going to make me ask for your keys or are you going to offer them up?” Cole asked when they walked up to her Prius.

“You know I can find my own way home, Cole,” she said as she dug for her keys in her purse.

“I know you can but I want to take you home Aleesha.” He unlocked the doors and opened the passenger door for her. She looked into his green eyes for a long minute as he held his hand out before she finally placed her small hand in his. A small smile played on his lips as he watched her climbing into the car. She looked at him as he walked round the front of the car before he climbed into the driver’s seat. When he got in, she buckled herself in and her eyes were fixated on the road ahead, probably to hide her reddened cheeks from him. The half hour drive seemed longer than usual. When he finally pulled up in front of her town house.

“Well, here we are,” he said as he unbuckled his belt.

“Yeah, here we are,” she echoed. “Would you maybe like to come in for a drink or something?” she asked, surprising herself at the words she had just uttered. She was normally very adamant when it came to inviting him in. They had always had this amazing chemistry ever since the first time they met but back then, she was still married and he was a no go zone as far as anyone was concerned. Any time he offered to walk her to her door, she usually had an excuse or the other. And even though some were so obvious it was ridiculous, Cole didn’t really mind. He had given her the space she craved so much. After all, she was as stubborn as she was beautiful. Her smile, her warm brown eyes, that perfect left dimpled cheek and her body….her perfect curves. It was actually a wonder that he had managed to keep his cool for this long. Except for the light flirtation every so often, there had not been anything else between them. Nothing could happen. She had made that abundantly clear from the very first time but the mixed signals…it was all too much. It was no wonder he was so surprised at the invitation.

“A drink?” Cole asked as he looked at her. “Are you sure?”

“Well I did suggest it, didn’t I?” she asked as she looked at him.

“Yes, you did but…” he started but she was already opening the car door. She climbed out of the car and began walking towards her front door. Cole was still confused as he followed her up to her door. She looked at him over her shoulder as she unlocked the door and flashed him a smile. And it was not one of those friendly smiles either. It was the same kind of smile she flashed him in the board room as she looked into his eyes during meetings. The same kind of smile that had been driving him wild every time she looked at him. She opened the door and turned back around before she walked in. She kicked off her shoes and once again breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Have you changed your poison or is it still bourbon on the rocks?” she asked as she made her way to the bar.

“I would rather have something that you can have.”

She looked at him and frowned as she tossed her purse over to the couch.

“I am not having cider,” she said.

“Coffee would be great or that weird root tea you seem to love so much lately.”

“Rooibos,” she corrected him.

“See, even the name is weird,” Cole said smiling.

“Well, it is an amazing remedy for headaches and helps with this crazy insomnia I’ve had to deal with lately. “Plus it is great for bone strength.”

“Wait, you’ve been having trouble sleeping lately?” Cole asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

“Just a little…the party and acquisition….” She sighed and put the kettle on the stove. “It’s been a little hard on me.”

“I told you to tell me if you needed help. I could have had one of the junior associates help you.”

“This acquisition was my baby, Cole. I was not about to hand it over to some junior associate,” she said as she walked over to the fridge. “Can I get you something to eat?” she asked when she opened it.

“What do you have?” he asked, sitting down at the kitchen counter.

“Not much…potato salad and leftover chicken breasts from Sunday dinner.”

She put the container on the counter and he walked over to where she was. “What are you doing?” she asked when he put his hands on her waist.

“You need to sit down,” he said in a low voice. He was standing so close that she could feel his crotch against her ass and his warm breath on the back of her neck.

“But…the tea,” she said.

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)
8.71Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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