Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising) (13 page)

BOOK: Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising)
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“It isn't polite to stare, dear,” she said softly and set back down on all fours. “I just came to see what all of the commotion was. I had better get back,” she said, and started to hop away.


Oh, I'm sorry,” Jillian yelled after her.


It's time for my youngins' class,” the rabbit said, turning to Jillian. Her forehead wrinkled with expression, as if in thought. “Would you like to join us?” she said to Jillian and Illianna.


Yes, that would be very nice. Thank you!” Jillian said with a smile.


That certainly is a beautiful necklace you possess,” the bunny said as they walked.


Oh, I am Jillian, and this is Illianna. That is why I am here,” Jillian said. The bunny stopped hopping, and she and Illianna bowed to each other, smiling. She motioned to Illianna, who bent down so she could climb onto her back.


I am Mirabella. Please, may I see it?” The bunny asked.


Sure,” Jillian said as she took the pouch off.


The bunny looked at it, sniffed it, wiggled her whiskers and said, “What is in the bag is extraordinarily special. It will bring you much joy throughout your life.”


How do you know that?” Jillian said.          


It is yours, isn’t it? There are others. I know you will use it wisely,” the bunny began combing the fur behind her ears with her paw.


Craccckkkkk!” The sound of thunder made Jillian jump. They looked to the meadow, and hanging low in the air was a black cloud. Rain was pouring down, right below it. Mirabella giggled. Jillian was puzzled. It was a strange cloud, and so was Mirabella’s response.


The poor bees,” Mirabella sighed.


What’s so funny?” Jillian said looking at the one lonely, black cloud.


Well, the bees and butterflies can’t fly in the rain. The butterflies don’t seem to care. They just go with the flow; they will hang out on branches and bushes until the storm is over. But oh those bees! They are so busy, and when they can’t do what they want, like collect for the hive, they get so mad.”


Boy, I know how they feel,” Jillian said. “Sometimes I think I’m gonna go crazy if something doesn’t happen the way I want. I just scream and shout, and then everyone else gets all upset. The feelings inside of me are so enormous. I’ve wondered if I could actually explode all over the place. And there would be no more Jillian, just a giant mess to clean up,” Jillian said as she stared at the cloud, shaking her head with a frown.


Sooner or later the bees learn,” Mirabella said nodding her head at Illianna.


Learn what?” Jillian asked as she squinted, trying to see into the rain.


That everything has a purpose. Without the rain, the flowers wouldn’t grow. So it certainly doesn’t make any sense to waste their energy being angry.”


You know there is a game you can play too, Jillian!” Illianna said with a smile.


Jillian shrugged her shoulders. “What game?”


The Hmmm game,” Mirabella said, pointing at the cloud. “Everything has a purpose. When something happens that is unexpected, you start by taking a deep breath, centering yourself and as you exhale say, ‘Hmmmmm.’ Then ask yourself, ‘Why is this happening? What marvelous things are hiding in all of this?’ Then you listen to all the things that pop into your head. You created everything that happens to you, so why be mad at yourself? Just find the reason, and accept it!”


Jillian stood there, dazed. The idea that she created everything and then had to live with it was good and bad. “Well, what if I wanted to play it right now?” Jillian asked.


Illianna nodded her head “What disappointments have you had recently?” she asked.


Well my party - it wasn't what I was expecting, and my aunt, who is like the coolest, gave me this stone. It reminds me of a lump of coal Santa gives to kids on the naughty list.”


Mirabella shook her head, “Hmmmmm. Why is this happening? What benefit will come of this? Hmmmmm. Without the gift of the stone, you wouldn’t be here. This quest and the ones that will follow. I’m sure you’ll soon agree that you wouldn’t have missed them for the world.”


Jillian’s eyes got quite big.
That’s true
Can there actually be something neat hiding in every disappointment?
Illianna nodded.


You must learn to go with the flow,” Mirabella said.


“How do I do that?” Jillian asked.


“When something bothers you, you must learn to notice it. Check your tum-o-meter. If it’s feeling out of sorts, picture yourself at the edge of a river. Look to the right. Upstream it is dark, and there are grey clouds and rain. The current is fast and furious. Look to the left. There you see the water gently flowing to a bright, warm, peaceful place with birds flying overhead, and the water’s edge is lined with flowers and animals.”


Mirabella continued, “Now walk into the warm water, turn your back to the turbulence and lift your face to the sky and relax. Say, ‘I am letting go and letting God.’ The natural flow of the divine will carry you downstream, leaving the distressing feelings behind.” Jillian’s mouth was slightly open. As Mirabella explained this, she could actually see it and feel the release of the bad feelings, as she gently flowed downstream.


It’s tough to be up stream without a paddle or a boat! That is your tum-o-meter telling you to let go and let God take you downstream.” Mirabella said as she hopped to the ground and headed for a tree. Jillian stood there in awe. How could she just have seen and felt everything while she was just standing there? She checked her tum-o-meter. It all felt right. Illianna and Jillian followed Mirabella to the tree where she was now waiting.


These are my kits,” she said bowing and extending her paw as if to display something to her side. As she held the bow, she waited... and waited. “Uh hum…” she said, clearing her throat.. From behind the tree, out hopped one little bunny that stood beside her. This little bunny looked at Jillian and smiled. “Uh hum…” she said, and then a whole bunch of bunnies came hopping and bopping out from behind the tree to stand with him. Mirabella straightened her posture, rolled her eyes again, took a deep breath, and smiled.


Taa-daaa,” one little bunny said and extended her arms in the air! “And we magically appear!” Mirabella shook her head.


Well, since you seem to be all fired up, why don't you start us off today?” she asked as she looked at the little one.


Okay, mom,” the little one replied.


All of the bunnies got in a straight line. The littlest bunny looked at Jillian and Illianna, who were both getting comfortable in the grass. The little bunny stepped forward. She closed her eyes and started bobbing her head as if listening to music. She opened them and began to sing (to the Dr. Pepper jingle), “I'm a magnet, he's a magnet, she's a magnet, they're a magnet, and wouldn't you like to be a magnet, too?”


Jillian, Illianna and Mirabella all laughed at the little bunny, “Very good, now what else?” Mirabella asked. The first bunny stepped forward again, “There is no reason to feel a lack, or to want anything. There is more than enough to go around, because you create it as you think on it.” She bowed her head and stepped back into line.


The second bunny stepped forward, “It all starts from within you, on the inside. When you create it in your head, and feel it in your heart, you make it real.” She bowed quickly and stepped back. The third bunny stepped forward and in an instant was standing on his head. “Your future is within your mind right now. Who you are now is what you thought of yourself in the past.” He quickly turned himself right side up and stepped back into line.


The fourth bunny looked at the third bunny with a frown. She stepped forward and began to dance as a ballerina, “Focus on the miracle you are. Love yourself. You are absolutely magnificent!” She did a pirouette and returned to the line.


The fifth bunny walked forward, looked Jillian in the eyes and took her hand. “Everything you could ever need or want is waiting for you. Decide what it is. Feel gratitude for what you already have. Then focus on the feelings of already having it.” He kissed her hand and returned to the line.


The sixth bunny bounded up the tree and hung from a branch over Jillian. His ears hanging inches above her he said, “You create your dreams. You create your reality. Everything starts with a thought. That thought creates feelings. Those feelings then create your future.” He bowed upside down and slipped from the branch, toppling onto Jillian. He stood stiff as a board, embarrassed and truly sorry, and backed into the line.


The seventh bunny ran to the side, did a cartwheel followed by a flip and landed in the splits. “Every beautiful thing you see exists for you. You are the writer, the director, the set designer, the costume creator. You develop the remarkable effects, the stunts and all of the wondrous qualities that make you unique. It is truly your world.” She bowed her head, picked herself up off the ground and returned to the line.


The eighth bunny stepped forward and sat in front of Jillian. She crossed her legs and big feet yoga style, put her paw tips together and closed her eyes, “How can you create more harmony? Trust and feel happy about the past. Trust and feel happy about the present. Trust and feel happy about the future.” She opened her eyes and winked at Jillian. She returned to the line.


As the eight bunnies stood shoulder to shoulder, they took a step forward, and in angelic voices they sang, “Jillian really is a magnet, too!” Mirabella applauded with tears in her eyes. Jillian clapped, and Illianna whinnied with approval. The little ones bowed deep, one paw in front and one paw in back. They returned to their standing positions and then burst into all different directions, hopping everywhere!


This is all so amazing! I feel like a door has been opened and there is a bright, infinite future waiting for me!” Jillian said and bent down to hug Mirabella. She took a deep breath and let the feeling fill her chest. “Thank you so much!” she said bowing, and then methodically scratched each one of the bunnies behind the ears.


Jillian and Illianna turned and waved goodbye, Illianna winked to Mirabella as they headed back.


Do you know them?” Jillian asked.


I have been here before,” Illianna said with a smile.


Really? Doing what?” Jillian asked filled with amazement.


My greatest pleasure is to help others, so that is what I do.”


That didn't really answer my question, did it?” Jillian said, intrigued by her answer.


Do you know that feeling you sometimes get that someone or something is familiar? There is a reason for that. We will talk about it later,” Illianna said, looking around at the gorgeous view.


Jillian looked up. They were on a cliff at the edge of the meadow and the beach. The breeze was gently caressing Jillian's face. She closed her eyes and knew this was a moment for her spirit to drink in. It was a time to just ‘be.’ She wanted to remember all of this. The sounds of the waves tumbling onto themselves, the water crashing onto the shore, the warm breeze mussing her hair and caressing her skin, the smell of the water, and the peace in her heart.


What are you thinking about?”


I AM just…being,” Jillian said.


A human being?” Illianna asked tilting her head, watching Jillian.


Yes,” Jillian said.


A human being what?” she asked.


Jillian kept her eyes closed and smiled, “I AM one with everything. It’s like I AM…the air. Everywhere all the time, always connected. I know I am loved no matter what I say or do or think. I will learn to accept others the same way with no conditions.”

BOOK: Paranormal Summer (Indigo Moon Rising)
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