Partners (Fire & Lies - One) (18 page)

Read Partners (Fire & Lies - One) Online

Authors: Lilliana Anderson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #australian romance, #revenge story, #alpha romance, #fiesty female

BOOK: Partners (Fire & Lies - One)
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He laughs.
“Jesus, dude. You’re whipped by this one. She got you to agree to
makeup. I’m impressed.” He looks at her, impressed, then turns back
to his screen, yelping when I give him a punch in the arm for
calling me whipped. “Ok,” he says, rubbing at his arm. “So we’re
doing this, huh? We’re robbing a bank.” He continues typing on his
keyboard as a grin spreads across his face. “This is awesome. I
fucking love it. Best day at work. EVER.”

Shaking my
head, I tell him that we’ll leave him to it for a while and guide
Chloe to my office and shut the door, bailing her up against the
wall with my arms on either side of her.

She looks up
at me. “And you’re positive we can trust him? He was awfully quick
to agree to do this.”

“That kid
lives for the hack. He only works here to look respectable,” I
explain, dipping my head and kissing her neck. I inhale her scent,
filling my lungs with her as I move my mouth and kiss her jaw.

“What do you
think you’re doing?” she murmurs, her voice deep as her breathing

I’ve always wanted to but couldn’t,” I state, reaching down to lift
her up and carry her over to my desk. I set her down on the edge,
her legs wrapped around me as I kiss her passionately. Even though
I just had her an hour ago, I’m feeling as though it’s been too
long since my last taste.

She’s wearing
the black dress she wore to the bank yesterday but without the wide
belt. I push it up, grabbing at her panties, as I demand access to
her core.

“Do you know
how many times I wanted to take you at your desk?” I murmur, as I
slide my fingers underneath the elastic and pull back firmly,
breaking the flimsy fabric and causing her to gasp. “I could
pretend that was an accident. But I fucking did that on

I take the
seat in front of her, admiring her moist lips as my face levels
with her open thighs. “This is what I enjoy about you. You’re
always so fucking ready for me.” I dive in, lapping at her hungrily
as she gasps out softly, trying to keep her moans to the minimum. I
suck at her swollen nub, loving the way she shudders and pulses
beneath my mouth as I slide my fingers into her warm wet walls.

I groan and my
cock strains against my pants as I feel her walls tighten around my
fingers as they pulse in and out of her. I want in there so badly
that I’m aching right now.

Her fingers
slide into my hair as her hips roll and she fucks my face. Her
moans becoming less controlled as I bring her to her climax. Her
clit pulses beneath my tongue as she shudders and squeezes, her
hands pulling at my hair and her thighs closing around my head as
she comes hard against my mouth.

“Oh sugar,
you’re so fucking sweet,” I moan, greedily lapping at her juices
until her spasms subside and her grip on me lessens.

I pull away,
wiping at my mouth before I stand and kiss her again, sharing her
taste with her as she whimpers into my mouth and her body shakes.
She’s like putty in my hands and so damn responsive to my touch
that she makes me feel like a god.

Her hands move
to the waist of my pants, ready to move this forward, but I make a
sound in my throat and move out of her reach. “Not yet,” I whisper,
reaching down to pick her torn underwear off the floor and holding
them up. “You won’t be needing these,” I say as I stuff them in my

She grins, her
cheeks flushed beautifully as she tilts her head for yet another
kiss. “Then I’ll quit wearing them all together.”

My cock jumps
and I slide my hands into her hair, gripping it in fistfuls as I
close my mouth over hers. Fuck. I’m supposed to rob a bank with
this woman. How am I supposed to do that when all I can think about
is my dick inside her?

“Ah, fuck it,”
I say, pulling out my cock. I can’t fucking stay out of her. She
lets out a surprised gasp and moans as I drive into her, pulsing
back and forth until my climax spills out of me and we’re kissing
again, our mouths moving softly as we explore every tiny surface
within each other’s mouths.

Slowly, I pull
away, taking a moment to breathe and bring myself back down to
earth. Then grabbing some tissues from my desk, I help clean us up
and pull her off the desk, helping her to fix her skirt.

around her, I open my top draw and pull out a tin of mints, pulling
one out and holding it to her lips, smiling as she takes it and
gives me a curious look.

“Does my
breath smell?” she asks, with a grin as she watches me pop mints in
my mouth as well. I crunch down, the flavour washing over my tongue
in a cool burst of freshness.

“Yeah, it
smells like your pussy. And no one gets to smell your sweet core
except for me.” I replace the tin in the draw and kiss her again,
our combined minty breath, cool against my tongue. “Come on. We’d
better get out there or I’m just going to get inside you all over

“That wouldn’t
be so bad,” she replies, reaching up to smooth out her hair as I
take her hand, and we walk toward the door to go and check on

When we get to
him, he’s still doing exactly what he was doing before, but he has
a pile of printed pages sitting next to him now that weren’t there
before. If he has any clue what we were doing, he doesn’t let on.
He just glances at us briefly and then continues with what he was

“I’ve come up
with a brilliant plan,” he says, hitting a key on his computer that
sends the printer whirring to life.

“Oh yeah? What
are you, a genius now?”

He frowns.
“Um, yeah. I thought you already knew that.”

Then what the fuck are you doing working for me?”

He shrugs and
looks at me like I have two heads. “Hot chicks in night clubs.”

“Makes perfect
sense,” I say, pulling up a chair for me and for Chloe. “All right,
genius. Show us what you’ve got.”





plan stems from this,” Jared says, showing us an article he’s
printed up about the terror alert being increased that has been
featured heavily in the news this week.

Aiden asks.

“Sort of.
We’re going to create an epic diversion.”

“We’re not
going to set a bomb off or anything are we?” I ask, suddenly
feeling a little nervous. It was one thing for me to want to break
into a bank vault, but something else altogether if innocent lives
are on the line.

sweetheart. Nothing like that. We just need it to
something is happening.”

“And how are
you going to do that?”

emergency services respond to certain codes. And all of those codes
get put into a system, and the most important ones get the most man

“So we create
a terrorist alert and have them all respond to one location while
we’re hitting another?” I ask.

He taps the
side of his nose and winks at me. “She’s smart this one.” He turns
his laptop around and shows us the screen. “The bank you’re
interested in is here,” he says, tapping the area on the map he’s
pulled up of the city. “And over here, is the Goldsmith building.”
He glances up at us with a cheeky grin on his face. “Save your
applause for later. I already know that this is brilliant.”

Aiden and I
exchange an amused glance as Jared goes on. “So, the Goldsmith
building is high tech. No one gets in there without a thumb scan,
an id card, and a security check. And what’s the point in all of
this if something happens and the perp tries to take off?” Without
waiting for us to respond, he goes on. “I’m glad you asked, boys
and girls, because this is where we are going to have the very
people we are targeting out of action for hours–the building has a
lockdown system. I can control it so that no one gets in and no one
gets out.”

“What happens
if someone sets a fire?” Aiden asks. “I can’t imagine that protocol
would get a permit without a failsafe.”

“Another good
question, and the answer is yes, there is a failsafe in case of
fire. But I can override that.”

“Ok, so we can
lock down the building. But how do we get emergency services
involved?” I ask, loving his ideas thus far. I never thought of
using a hacker on a bank job, but it’s such an obvious
need–everything is electronic these days.

“I create
false reports and put them into the system.”

“Can’t they
track that type of thing?” I ask.

“Of course
they can–if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

I grin, caught
in his enthusiasm. “And you obviously do.”

“I do. Do you
know much about hacking, Chloe?”

“Not a lot.
Only what I’ve seen in movies and on TV.”

“Well, there’s
a big community of hackers. To most, it’s kind of like being a
digital graffiti artist, and people leave a special marker on their
work so that someone else can’t claim the code. And the code is
like art too. Certain people do things a certain way, and if you’re
known, then your work can get picked out.”

“That doesn’t
sound very safe.”

“No. It isn’t.
But it’s about bragging and skirting the edge of danger as close as
you can by being known but without being caught,” he explains. “Do
you know what the best hackers do–the ones who do things that no
one ever hears about?”

I shake my
head, my eyes wide as I listen to the information about a world
I’ve never experienced. He leans toward me, his blue eyes shining
with life and excitement.

“The best
don’t give a shit about bragging. They alter their digital print as
often as they change their underwear and they don’t leave a fucking
marker. They get in. They get the job done. And the rest of us are
none the wiser.”

“I’m assuming
you’re the latter?”

“I sure am.
Welcome to the darkside, sweetheart. Sometimes, we even have
cookies,” he says with a wink as he grins up at Aiden.

I look over at
Aiden. “The darkside?”

“That’s what
he likes to call it.”


“Our recovery

“Ah, I see.
The secret mission type stuff that you do,” I respond. “You never
were one to follow the rules.”

He looks down
at me, his muscled arms folded across his broad chest and his eyes
sparkling. “Fuck the rules,” he says, that half-grin of his curving
up to crease his scar. A lust-filled shiver runs down my spine. I
didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, Aiden just got hotter in
my eyes.

Keeping his
eyes on me, he addresses Jared. “We’re going to go to the range,
figure out what vehicles to use. Then we’ll scout the location to
work out where to stash them. We’ll meet back here to discuss
things more tomorrow. Does that work for you?”

Jared nods.
“Sure, I’ve got this. Just go somewhere and fuck or something. Your
pheromones are distracting me, and I’m about five minutes off
abandoning this plan in favour of RedTube clips, a bottle of lube
and a box of tissues.”

A laugh
escapes my lips as Aiden’s half grin becomes a full blown, perfect
smile before he says goodbye to Jared and guides me out of the
building and we head toward his car.

“Not much gets
past him, does it?” I ask, with a laugh, deciding that I really
liked Jared. He seemed like a decent kid.

“Nah, he’s too
smart for his own good. But he’s my best guy–a gun on the computer
and he’s excellent in the field. He’s the only one I trust watching
over things when I’m not around. My sister especially, she worries
about me a lot.”

“Is that why
you advertise as event security? So she doesn’t worry so much?”

“We are event
security. That’s exactly what I opened up as, and it’s what’s on
the books. But with my special ops background, I get some very
specific job offers from time to time.”

“Funny,” I
say, letting out a soft chuckle. “When I came to you, I was worried
about getting you involved beyond teaching me to pick a lock and
disable a security system. I knew you didn’t mind breaking the
rules, but I didn’t realise how comfortable you were with breaking
the law. Had I known I would have just hired you for the bank job
in the first place.”

We reach the
car and he opens the door for me, leaning close, making me want to
kiss him, have his taste once again on my lips. “That reminds me.
We need to discuss my payment.”

“Yes. We do,”
I agree in a whisper, tilting my head back as he towers over

“It’s you. My
payment is you.”

A nervousness
fills my stomach as his mouth closes over mine and he kisses me
like he’s drinking me in, absorbing me, owning me. My toes curl and
my head spins and when he pulls away, he looks down at me as if he
expects me to say something. But I don’t say a word, I simply lower
my lashes and slide from his arms and into the car.

“Let’s go
break some rules together,” I say, reaching out to close the door
and avoid any further talk of the future. I just don’t see the
point. There is no future for a girl like me.





going?” Chloe asks after we’ve been driving for over half an

“We need to
change vehicles. We can’t go in there in this. Too obvious when
there’s CCTV cameras all over the city.”

“Fair enough.”
She goes quiet for a while before she turns to me and speaks again.
“We’re going to have a fuckload of money when this is done, you
know,” she says, looking out the window and squinting at the

“I know that.
What do you plan to do with it–buy a big house and re-claim your
old lifestyle?”

She shrugs,
playing with the hem of her skirt as she continues to look out the
window. “I still have money, Aiden. I’ve barely spent any of it. I
only care about getting those documents. What about you? What would
you do with it?”

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