PartyStarter (7 page)

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Authors: Kris Starr

BOOK: PartyStarter
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Julia trembled in his arms, the rhythm of her hand
faltering. She looked up at him, her eyes heavy-lidded and slightly unfocused.

“Are you close, Jack?” The words came out unevenly.

Jack ceased his movements for a moment, lost in his own
triple-x-rated fantasy, unsure if he’d heard her correctly.

“I’m sorry, Julia? Close to what?”

“I want to make you come right now. Right here. You made me
come with your fucking motorcycle, now I want you to blow your load.

Chapter Five


The moment the words passed her lips Julia wondered if she’d
made some sort of mistake. Jack’s face registered surprise, then his brow
furrowed slightly. He didn’t seem like he was extremely excited about the idea,
but Julia couldn’t help herself. His touch on her was electric. He stroked his
way from her pussy to her ass over and over again, his fingers leaving trails
of sizzling fire. She knew he was more than ready, if the size of his engorged,
beautiful cock was any indication.

The remaining rational part of her brain was screaming at
her. Something about a contest, and winning, and not getting involved with
someone who might or might not be trying to horn in on her one-person show, but
Julia shushed the voice, ignoring the annoying sound. They were both consenting
adults. It wasn’t going to hurt anybody if they got down and dirty for a little
while, right? And it had been so bloody long since someone had turned her crank
the way Jack did. She wanted to run her tongue from his head to his feet and
then back again. Swallow his come and then have him explode deep inside her
after that. Scream his name and dig her nails into his back.

“Yeah, I’m close,” Jack finally replied, his voice strained.
“You’ve got very talented hands, baby. But are you sure about this?” He
indicated the room with a jerk of his head. “Somewhere more private could be a
lot more fun.”

Julia shook her head. “You didn’t offer to take me somewhere
else the other night. Now,” she said with a wicked grin, stroking him faster,
“I think it’s your turn.”

Jack groaned loudly and Julia laughed. It was hard to
concentrate on what she was doing, with his fingers fucking her and playing
with her ass, but watching his face contort with agonizing pleasure was a
delight. A muscle in his jaw ticked, and she could tell his teeth were clenched

It was time to turn the tide. Julia raised one hand and
found a small nipple, tweaking and pinching it with her nails, eliciting a
sharp gasp from Jack. Leaning in, she kissed him soundly, licking his lips with
her tongue, and just when he opened his mouth to invite her in, she firmly bit
his lower lip.

Jack’s hand froze in mid-stroke and his grip on her
tightened almost painfully. His entire body tensed for a long second before he
let out a bark and bucked his hips. Sticky warmth spread over Julia’s fingers,
and she laughed wickedly. Jack’s chin dropped to his chest, his breathing quick
and labored.

Julia’s mouth watered. “Next time,” she said deliberately,
licking her lips in the process, “I’ll swallow.”

Jack’s head rose, his eyes meeting hers. His gaze radiated
naked hunger, a ferocity that made Julia want to back up a step. He
looked…wicked. And powerful. And…holy-Mother-of-God sexy.

He opened his mouth to speak, and the DJ’s voice boomed over
them like some sort of rock-n-roll deity.

“Last call at the bar, guys. Last call for alcohol. And
let’s hear it for that sexy, sassy pair in the pit down there, Kitty and
Stone!” A drunken cheer echoed through the room. “Heh. I don’t know about how
you’re feeling, but they’re so hot I’m horny as hell myself.” A slow, sexy bass
thud began to rumble through the air. “This one’s for all the lovers out there.
And if you don’t got one, find one!”

The attention leveled at them faded as couples and multiples
began to gyrate together, turning their attention to each other, the pure sex
in the air pushing inhibitions aside.

Jack let Julia’s leg go, and leaned in to bring his mouth to
her ear. “I think we’re done here for the night. Let’s take this back

A delicious shiver traveled up and down Julia’s spine. She
tugged her dress back down to a slightly more modest level before turning her
head to reply. “Yes. Let’s.”

He took a brief moment to discreetly tuck himself back into
his jeans, then he turned, placing his hand at the small of Julia’s back. The
heat of his palm burned through the soaked fabric, warming her skin, and it
took all of Julia’s strength and determination to keep from wobbling on her

They paused at a small nozzle located just before the
stairs, each taking a quick turn beneath the gentle spray of warm water to
rinse away most of the foam. A bouncer stood at the top of the stairs, a bin
full of clean, folded towels next to him, and he handed one to each of them. At
their appearance, a roar of approval from the upper-level crowd washed over
them. Julia gave a shimmy, flinging her wet hair over her shoulder, turning to
run her empty palm over Jack’s chest. Wrapping her arms around his neck again,
she whispered, “Still on the clock. Can’t just cut and run right away.”

Jack’s curt nod indicated that he’d heard her. He draped his
towel over his shoulders and dropped his hands onto her hips. He stroked down
over her buttocks, giving them another squeeze. The crowd screamed with raucous
delight, punctuated with slurred suggestions of what Stone should do to Kitty
and vice versa.

Julia laughed mischievously, and turned to face the crowd
once again, Stone at her back. She signaled to the DJ to lower the volume of
the music and accepted a wireless microphone from the bouncer.

“Hey, guys! How y’all doing tonight?”

Cheers greeted her.

“Yeah, that’s what I want to hear! That’s fucking awesome.
How many of you are going to take someone special home tonight?”

Louder screams replied.

Jack leaned his head down toward the mic. “I think I should
take Miss Kitty home, don’t you?”

The crowd erupted with noise. Butterflies did barrel rolls
in Julia’s stomach, but she kept her smile pasted to her lips.

“I don’t know, Stone. Do you think you can make my headboard
rattle?” She licked her lips and felt Jack’s hands tighten on her hips.

In response, Jack slowly raised his hands up her torso until
he cupped both breasts. Wolf whistles pierced the air. “Oh, I think I can make
the whole room rattle for you, Kitty. Not just your headboard.” The partygoers
shrieked wildly in appreciation.

A not-entirely-false squeal squeaked past Julia’s lips and
her knees wobbled. She took a quick breath before returning to the mic.
“Promises, promises. We’ll see how you do.” She pressed her hips back against
his and ground against him. “Just play safe tonight, right, guys? Goodnight!”
She handed the mic back to the bouncer, and used her towel to dab at her face
and hair.

Jack released her, and they turned away from the stairs,
heading for the office stairwell. Urgency radiated from Jack’s entire frame and
it spurred her on. This wasn’t about competition now. It was about sex and
giving and receiving pleasure. He’d ignited a damned fire in her belly and it
was time to do something about it. Julia trembled in anticipation.

Tony opened the door to the stairwell for them. “You want
your cars brought around to the front now?” he asked.

Julia shook her head as Jack replied, “No, thanks. We’ll get
them later.”

Tony nodded, his black eyes knowing. “Whatever you say.”

The industrial halogen bulbs in the stairwell were blinding
after the dim club lighting, and Julia blinked against the brightness. She
fumbled her way to the handrail and began to climb the stairs. A sharp shiver
traveled through her limbs at the change in ambient temperature from the dance
floor. Thank God Johnny’s office was really warm.

A strangled sound from behind her reached her ears and she
stopped, turning to look at Jack. He remained at the landing, staring up at
her, his eyes wide.

A knot formed in Julia’s throat. She thought he wanted to do
this! Why did he look like he was in pain?

“Jack…? What…?”

He swallowed visibly. When he finally spoke, his voice was
choked, tight. “You…your dress. I couldn’t see so well out there, but
it’s…it’s…see-through now.”

Julia glanced down at herself and laughed softly. The foam
and water had done a number on the fabric, and now that it was sopping wet, the
dress stuck to every curve like a second skin. It was so transparent it might
have well been see-through, for all the coverage it gave.

“And you like what you see, Jack?” she asked softly.

Jack nodded, his throat working, jaw muscles visibly

Julia beckoned with a finger. “Then let’s get upstairs.” She
turned and continued up the flight, exiting through the door leading to the
upper level. She heard Jack’s ragged breathing behind her, and she threw a bit
more swing into her hips. Then inspiration struck. She stopped in the middle of
the hall and dropped her towel on the floor beside her. Keeping her back to
Jack, she reached down to the hem of her dress and began to peel the fabric off
her skin.

A strangled groan reached her and she giggled quietly.
Raising her arms over her head, she pulled the dress off, dropping it on the
floor on her other side. Bending down, she picked up the towel with her fingers
and slowly wrapped it around her torso. It wasn’t much bigger than a large hand
towel, so it didn’t really cover a whole lot. Julia bent down a second time to
collect her dress, then turned her head to look back at Jack over her shoulder.

He stood several feet behind her, his hands strangling the
small towel he held clenched in his fists. Jack’s very muscled chest rose and
fell dramatically with each deep breath.

Julia gave him a small, catlike smile before reaching for
the office doorknob. “I think we need to finish what we started, Jack. And
since you were looking for privacy, this is the perfect place.”

Jack cleared his throat and nodded. He spoke, his voice
sounding rusty and unused, “Sure we can use the room?”

“This is Johnny Winter’s party. He’s part owner of the club,
and an old friend of mine. I don’t think he’ll have any problem with us hanging
out here.” She entered the room and turned, holding the door open. She quirked
one eyebrow at him. “Well?”

With what seemed like serious physical effort, Jack walked
toward her. His gaze traveled up and down her body, lingering on her breasts
and legs. Julia didn’t need to look at herself to know that only her nipples
were covered by the top edge of the towel, and that the bottom edge didn’t come
close to hiding her hips, leaving a large expanse of bare skin between the
terrycloth and her thigh-high boots. She held the two vertical edges together
at the top in front of her, but they gaped apart, revealing a good section of
her belly down to her pussy.

Belatedly Julia realized she should have still felt cold,
being nearly naked in the hallway, but the chill had evaporated. Instead, her
skin seemed to burn, her blood boiling with lust under the surface.

Jack crossed the threshold then and reached for the edge of
the door, pushing it shut. He thumbed the deadbolt, turning it with a small

“This time we won’t be interrupted,” he said, his voice a
dirty growl.

Julia swallowed a sudden flood of saliva. The office was
dusky, intimate, the only light coming through the tinted windows that
overlooked the dance floor. Circles and whorls of muted color scampered
randomly back and forth through the room as the flashing and spinning lasers
and DJ lights from the bar shone in through the glass. Jack’s body was a study
in light and shadow, the planes of his face made sharper, more dramatic by the
semi-darkness. His expression was dangerous, his eyes so dark and shadowed
Julia couldn’t see any detail about them. Her pulse began to pound in her

One of Jack’s hands rose to her breasts, a finger
insinuating itself under the flimsy terrycloth. With a small, sharp tug, Jack
pulled the towel off her, and Julia let go of the fabric, letting it fall to
the carpet. Julia dropped her dress next to the pile of terrycloth.

She wouldn’t have thought her nipples could get any harder,
but they were so firm they ached. Moisture trickled down her thighs, her pussy
wet and willing, and her hands trembled.

Jack’s gaze crawled over her skin, sliding molasses-slow
from her face to the toes of her boots, pausing for what felt like an eternity
on her breasts and pussy. His chest rose and fell in rapid rhythm, his hands
clenching and unclenching into fists at his sides.

Satisfaction rolled through Julia in a tangible wave of heat
and she slid one foot several inches to the side, widening her stance. Slowly,
she raised her arms, crossing them atop her head. She thrust her breasts out
prominently, the feel of air moving against her overheated pussy incredibly
naughty. She was displaying herself unabashedly, offering herself up to be
consumed by Jack. The feeling was so fucking dirty and hot that an exultant
bubble of giddiness rose in her chest.

“So, Jack,” she murmured, slowly shifting her weight to her
other hip, the barest hint of a shimmy, “what do you want to do first?”

A low growl rumbled out of Jack before he took a step closer
to her. He began to deliberately circle around Julia, as if inspecting her for
purchase. She found herself holding her breath in anticipation, goose bumps
appearing on her skin.

Completing his circuit, Jack stopped directly in front of
her. His hands landed on her waist just below her rib cage, his long fingers
stroking her skin, and he leaned in to kiss her.

Julia sighed as his lips met hers, the warm, soft pressure
delicious. He spent long minutes simply brushing his mouth over hers, slow and
lingering. Julia lowered her hands, placing them on his sides, above the
waistband of his jeans. His skin felt as though it might singe her, it was so
warm. She mimicked his movements, sliding her own palms up and down in a smooth

When Jack’s tongue licked against the seam of her mouth,
Julia shivered. She parted her lips, meeting his tongue with her own. Their
mouths made love to each other, tongues thrusting and receding, stroking and
touching. Jack’s palms appeared on her breasts, each of his hands cupping one
of her globes, and Julia groaned into his mouth.

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