Read PartyStarter Online

Authors: Kris Starr

PartyStarter (4 page)

BOOK: PartyStarter
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“Could you switch the track? I want you to play something
different.” She named the song, and Max turned to his computer.

“Yup, got it here. Cueing it up next.”

Julia grinned, feeling like the Cheshire Cat. “Thanks, Max.
You’re awesome.”

The DJ’s gaze traveled up and down her body appreciatively.
“I absolutely say the same about you, Kitty.”

Julia laughed. “And what does your boyfriend think about

Max’s lips curved into an adorable grin. “No boyfriend right
now. Flying solo, as it were. But if there were a Mr. Max, he’d be hot for you
too.” He picked up his microphone. “Hey, party people. We’ve got something
special for you now. Give it up for Kitty Red!”

The crowd let out a cheer, and Julia’s chosen track began to
play. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the music curl its tendrils
around her, feeling the echoing thump of the bass beat in her chest. Through
her lids the light began to flash, alternating between red and black as a
strobe light pulsed, matching the song’s rhythm. Taking a deep breath, Julia
began to dance.

Chapter Three


The change in music was smooth, nearly unremarkable, but
Jack felt the energy of the room change. It intensified, sharpened. Almost
coalescing around him. He slowed in his movements, mid-gyration between a pair
of very drunk and very horny blondes, and found his attention turning to the DJ
platform, a compass needle seeking out north.

There she was, at the center of that small stage. Jack let
his gaze take a much more leisurely journey over that nearly nonexistent outfit
Julia wore. Saliva pooled in his mouth, and the semi-hard on he’d been sporting
since he arrived turned hard-core. Jesus, man, that woman was hot. Sex
personified. Curvy in all the right places, a mouth made for sin and supremely
intelligent eyes that instantly cut through all the bullshit ever slung.

He watched her move, like silk on water, sinuous and
graceful. Every movement an invitation, every movement a promise of the most
exquisite pleasure ever known. She offered more than sex—it was more like
instant incineration, a white-hot, mind-blowing nuclear blast. A quick glance
around the room told him what he already knew—every eye was on her, the
partiers mesmerized by the spell she wove with her body. He knew, too, that she
didn’t grant that ecstasy to just anyone. She was smarter than that. She let
everyone look and see what was on offer, but she wasn’t a smorgasbord to be
sampled by the masses. Desired by all, but purposefully untouchable.

Jack wanted her with a surprising need that scorched a hole
in his gut.

Julia’s gaze caught his, and the air vanished from Jack’s
lungs. He read the challenge and determination in her eyes, and his admiration
of her rose several notches, along with his lust. Damn. She was good at this.
Really, really good. No wonder she had such a big reputation. She deserved it.

Belatedly, he realized the two blondes were still glued to
him, hands stroking his pecs, groping his ass, fondling his fly, and while he
hadn’t said no to that sort of action in the past, the idea of it now tasted
sour in his mouth. Carefully, he extricated himself from the pair, watching as
they latched on to each other, mouths and arms entangling, seemingly
unconcerned about his departure. Jack smiled drily and turned his attention
back to the stage.

Julia stepped down into the crowd and a wave of skin
engulfed her. Bodies pressed against her, the enchantment that had held them in
thrall now broken. The goddess was among the masses and they could touch her,
become infected with her lust. Pressing ever closer, bodies rubbed against each
other, the friction driving them all toward madness. Shapes squeezed against
Jack as he slowly made his way forward. Hot, damp skin was slick against his
own, and he suddenly felt as though his very soul was aflame. Julia’s face was
flushed, her eyes closed, her cheeks pink with excitement. Tendrils of hair had
escaped the knot on the back of her head and curled damply around her cheeks
and forehead. Her shirt clung to her chest like a second skin, and her hard
nipples stood out in stark relief. Anonymous hands stroked her arms, her back,
a few more daring ones stealing onto her breasts. Her face contorted into
expressions of exquisite agony, and a volcano of flame fueled by jealousy
erupted in Jack. The surprising sensation stopped him in his tracks for half a
heartbeat, but he pushed the feeling away and continued forward, drawn to the
oasis that was Julia, like a man dying of thirst.

The crowd was relentless, moving as though hypnotized,
obsessed purely with the physical, the prurient. Jack pressed forward, easing
his way through as though he were chest-deep in gelatinous water. Partiers
reached for him, male and female alike, stroking him, stoking his own fire.
Someone was handing out chemical glow bracelets and necklaces, and the people
around him were tinted in surreal shades of green, blue and red. The bass
rhythm of the music continued to thump solidly in his chest and the crowd
swayed to that same beat.

Carried along by that wave, Jack found himself wanting to
submerge, to drown himself in that sea of flesh, have Julia devour him the way
the ocean could swallow a freighter down to her depths. The thoughts running
through his head gave him pause. He wanted Julia more than he’d ever wanted
another woman. She was headstrong, smart and miles beyond sexy. He had to make
a decision here. His insider contact had hinted to him that he was in the lead.
He could win this contest if he just played his cards right. But winning would
be the surefire way of never seeing Julia again. Never burying himself deep
within her, never having her all to himself.

It was impossible. He just couldn’t do it to her. Or

But he couldn’t just drop out either. That wouldn’t work.
His pride wouldn’t let him do that. And besides, Ricky still had the power and
could fire him at the drop of a hat if he so desired.

Jack frowned He’d figure something out. Now, though, he was
rock hard, and sweating with the thought of getting close to Julia.

* * * * *

This had to be the best she’d ever danced. Surrounded by
multicolored partygoers, her entire body damp with perspiration, Julia watched
the room spin around her. Heady with lust and the sexual desire permeating the
humid air. Bodies brushed against her continuously and her skin tingled with
the never-ending stimulation. Stone was out there, she’d seen him watching her.
Seen the raw, naked desire in his eyes. Knew every single dirty thought that
was scrolling through his mind, aware that the exact same triple-x-rated film
was playing in hers.

Goosebumps appeared on her arms despite the heat in the room
and Julia shivered. He was moving closer, she could sense it.

Yet another hand cupped one of her breasts and flicked a
finger over her taut nipple. Julia gasped, grinding her hips into the large
masculine frame directly behind her. The scene around her had mostly become a
blur, but there were dancers surrounding her, pressed against her on all sides.
She had no idea whose body parts belonged to whom, but that didn’t matter. What
mattered was the fact that one certain body was missing, and her pussy ached
with his absence.

There was a sudden shift in pressure, and the form behind
her disappeared, replaced with a body she recognized instantly, her heartbeat
doubling in time. It was insanity, she realized at that moment, that she barely
knew Stone at all, yet she was attuned to his whereabouts, his presence
affecting her so strongly.

She pressed back against him, reaching up to coil her arms
around his neck. He instantly cupped her breasts. The silky gauze of her top
was like sandpaper on her sensitive nipples, and Julia let out a small cry.
God, she needed him inside of her at that instant, needed the release he could
give her. She rubbed her ass against the ridge in the front of his jeans,
rewarded when his fingers gave both nipples a pinch in response. Julia’s back
bowed with pleasure and she danced faster, grinding against him as hard as she
could. Stone’s body stiffened satisfyingly. His sense of control was rapidly
deteriorating, she could tell. It was just a matter of time before she’d bring
him down to his knees.

Just as she reached a fantastic rhythm, Stone startled her
by pushing her away and spinning her around to face him. Capturing her wrists
in both hands he stared at her for a long moment, his eyes so dark they
appeared nearly black in the dim lighting. He licked his lips, his gaze
dropping to her mouth.

Julia’s mouth was immediately dry, her pulse ratcheting up a
dozen notches. Her heart thudding in her chest, the thought
Oh, God, yes
came through her haze of lust. She had no idea what he had planned, but
suddenly she realized she didn’t care very much. It was going to be good, no
matter what.

Her calves bumped into something hard.

Twisting her head around slightly, Julia perceived that
they’d moved over the dance floor without her being aware of it, and he’d
backed her up into the front tire of his parked motorcycle. He nudged her
farther back, pushing her legs apart with one knee until the tire appeared
between her thighs. Guiding her down, her rear landed on the tire itself, her
wrists still caught in his grip. Leaning over her, he lifted his arms, pulling
her hands up over her head, trapping her on his bike, her back pressed against
the small windshield.

“Nice try, Puss,” he said, his voice a growl she could
barely hear. “But you’re going to have to work harder than that to beat me.”
And with that, his mouth dropped onto hers.

Julia’s eyelids closed and she moaned at the firm pressure
of his hot lips against her own. His presence was encompassing, overpowering. A
wicked, dark thundercloud roiling with restrained fire. His tongue pressed
against the seam of her mouth and she opened for him, meeting the tip of his
tongue with hers. He tasted faintly of salt, and lemon and mint, the most
delicious flavors that had ever collected on her tongue. The intimate contact
was electric, the touch of skin to skin sending ripples of current dancing over
her body.

Jack. Oh, Jack.

Julia’s nipples ached, the inseam of her pants now soaking
wet. The rubber tire nubs pressed tantalizingly into her pussy and she
squirmed, trying desperately for the best pressure against her aching clit.

The roar of the crowd faded to a faint whisper. Everything
around her shrunk to a tiny circle encompassing her and Jack. He fucked her
mouth, raw and rough, his tongue demanding. Julia whimpered, meeting every
stroke with one of her own. She could damn well give as good as she got.

With some slight maneuvering, Jack trapped both wrists in
one hand and sent the other down her body. His fingertips were calloused and
rough, the sensation electric on her skin. Without preamble, his hand captured
her breast, kneading the globe, his palm pressing small circles over her
nipple. Julia squirmed more frantically, the combined sensation of motorcycle
tire near her clit and Jack’s hand on her breast becoming almost more than she
could bear. She gasped in sharp, ragged breaths between kisses, dizzy from a
lack of oxygen and the rush of pleasure.

And then the heat of his mouth was gone, the absence
painful. Julia’s eyelids flew open, and she watched him slowly lower his head,
bringing his mouth to her breast. She froze as he sucked in a large mouthful of
her flesh, his tongue flicking over the nipple deep in the hot cave of his
mouth. Julia screamed, the crowd around them echoing the sound. Bodies seemed
to melt into each other, blurry in her vision. She saw glimpses of other bare
breasts, other hungry mouths and roaming hands. The room caught the fever
plaguing Jack and herself. It spurred her on.

Jack turned his attention from one breast to the other,
laving that aching nipple with aggressive strokes of his tongue. Julia moaned
incoherently, random sounds of pleasure escaping her lips. An earth-shaking
explosion was imminent. The breaking point was on the horizon. Her pussy was
hot from the friction against the rubber, and she pressed down harder on the

The heat of his mouth disappeared. Tendrils of cool air
wound their way around her overheated skin and Julia dimly realized that Jack
had signaled the security staff to again open the emergency doors.

His fingers returned to explore her skin, his weight
shifting above her. With the loud click of metal against metal, Jack turned the
ignition on the bike and the machine rumbled to life. Julia let out a cry of
pleasure as the tire beneath her began a quiet vibration, shaking along with
the entire motorcycle. Jack’s mouth returned to her neck as he dropped kisses
down her throat and into her cleavage, his lips hot through the fabric.

Jack released her hands and Julia gripped the handlebars
instead, certain her knuckles were turning white with the effort of it all. She
squirmed atop the tire, seeking surcease from the damned throbbing ache in her
pussy. The rubber hummed pleasingly beneath her, the entire wheel acting like
an oversized sex toy, and she shifted her weight again, arching her back,
trying to find the right position to make best use of the buzz. Jack’s hands
again encompassed both breasts. Finding both nipples with his fingertips, he
squeezed, pinching her tender flesh.

The shock of mild pain, along with the frustratingly subtle
buzz of the motorbike, combined to send Julia overboard. She screamed as the
orgasm struck with the instantaneousness of a lightning bolt and the violence
of the same.

The universe as Julia knew it disintegrated, crumbling into
a billion pieces. Her entire body trembled with orgasmic aftershocks. Forcing
her eyelids open, she searched for Jack, her vision blurry and unfocused.

He leaned over her, his eyes nearly black with desire, a
sheen of perspiration on his face. Jack’s chest rose and fell rapidly, his
breathing ragged and uneven.

He leaned in to kiss her and his mouth was soft, gentle, a
direct contrast to the rest of him. Julia returned the action, still slightly
stunned. She’d never been so discombobulated in her life, and for a long moment
floated adrift, unanchored. Jack had rocked her world so violently, so
unexpectedly, that she needed time. An escape. Something.

Jack broke the kiss first. “You’re amazing, Puss. You really
are.” His voice was low and strained.

Julia stared at him, still bewildered, unable to form words
in response.

He raised one hand to her face and slowly caressed her
cheek, his eyes unreadable. Then he straightened and helped her to stand on
wobbly legs.

Leaning in close again, he kissed her forehead. “Until next

Julia could only nod in reply.

Releasing her, Stone climbed onto his bike as the DJ’s voice
cut through the music and noise.

“Damn, people! Was that hot, or what? Show Stone and Kitty
some love, would you?”

BOOK: PartyStarter
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