Pass The Parcel (8 page)

Read Pass The Parcel Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary romance, #office romance, #workplace romance, #alpha male, #novella menage romance

BOOK: Pass The Parcel
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All gentleness had left him. In its wake was
pure animal desperation that ate at his insides like acid. He
couldn’t wait another second. His hips came off the bed as he
pulled Kelly down over him.

He drove his cock into her in one hard plunge
that had them both gasping for breath. She cried out, digging her
fingers into his chest.

Finn moved in behind her, and if Kelly’s
gaspy moan wasn’t a clue, the fingers Ethan could feel rubbing
against his cock through the thin membrane between her cunt and
arse was.

It was time to double up.


Excitement and fear raced through her. Kitty
knew what was about to happen—was sure she’d never be able to give
them what they wanted—but she didn’t stop them. Couldn’t. The urge
to run crawling through her belly was overshadowed by the bone-deep
need to feel them both inside her—together. It was what she’d
wanted. To experience the full impact of these two men in more than
her fantasies.

Finn splayed a hand on her spine between her
shoulder blades and pushed her down. Ethan opened his arms and
pulled her close. Her breasts were squashed against his chest and
she tucked her face into the side of his neck. She couldn’t bring
herself to do anything except concentrate on not tightening up—on
letting them have their way.

Ethan set a rhythm, rocking his hips, moving
his length in and out of her pussy no more than an inch either way.
It was enough to drive her crazy. Add in Finn’s cool, wet fingers
probing the sensitive puckered skin of her anus and it wouldn’t
surprise her if she went completely out of her mind before Finn
thrust his cock inside her.

“Please,” she begged. She wanted to feel them
filling her—
to have them both inside her. “Finn.

“Easy, Kelly, Finn needs to get you

“No.” Kitty rolled her pelvis, rode Ethan’s
cock and Finn’s hand in desperate need. “Now.”

She gripped Ethan’s biceps. Dug her nails
into the hard muscles and tried to drag him closer. Kitty wasn’t
sure if it was her words or her actions that spurred them on, but
suddenly Ethan was moving beneath her and Finn was pressing in
behind her.

Surrounded. She held her breath. Waited for
that moment when they’d claim her together.

Ethan pulled almost all the way out and a
groan tore from her chest only to be replaced with a moan when Finn
thrust his cock inside her. He filled her up. Bigger than Ethan, he
stretched her to the point of pain, but like the spanking he’d
given her earlier, the sharpness quickly morphed into an ache that
made her crave more.

Finn pulled out and Kitty tried to follow,
but Ethan drove his cock back into her. She gasped for breath when
he withdrew before she could enjoy the feel of him inside. And then
Finn was filling her arse again. Withdrawing. Ethan thrust in.
Pulled out. Finn. Ethan.

In, out.

In, out.

Then the pace changed.

Ethan plunged into her as Finn pulled

Finn driving in while Ethan retreated.

In and out.

Out and in.

Caught between their pistoning hips, Kitty
could only hold on. They pounded into her, their cocks moving
against each other as they sought release. Pushed her towards

Kitty thought she’d never get there.

She was poised on the edge, ready to fly off,
except something held her back. Rocking her hips, she drove herself
on and off their cocks as she tried to reach the orgasm brushing
against her—teasing her with its nearness.

Ethan grabbed her hips. “Now.”

There was no time to ask now what or work out
what he meant.

They surged into her as one and Kitty’s world

The orgasm just out of reach slammed into

She thrashed and bucked between them. Her
body rode the waves of pleasure bursting through her. Muscles
seized. Every part of her froze for a split second before a second
orgasm crashed over her.

Kitty lost track of time and space. Pleasure
so great she ached from head to toe filled her. She vaguely heard
their grunts and groans. Vaguely registered they continued to pound
into her. Her mind floated in a thick numbing fog and her body
melted, muscle and bone going softer than wet noodles.

Ethan dug his hands into her hips. Her name
flung from his chest on a harsh breath as he drove his length as
deep as he could and held there. A second later, Finn growled her
name in her ear, his cock buried so far inside her Kitty could feel
his balls pressing into the tender skin between her two openings.
He collapsed on top of her, his breath ragged in her ear, a hot
wash of air bathing the side of her neck.

She struggled to breathe, struggled to think
beyond the numbness. But it was no use. They’d drained her of
everything. And if she hadn’t known it before, she knew it now.

They’d taken her heart as well.


Finn lay in the dark, staring at a ceiling he
couldn’t see. There was no filtered moonlight through windows. No
glow of an alarm clock. They’d designed the room to be dark—day or
night—because in the dark it was easier to keep their sexual
encounters anonymous. If they could barely see the woman they were
fucking then they couldn’t see the emotions the carnal acts they
liked to participate in produced.

No strings sex.

It was the way he liked it.

Until now.

Now he wanted to rip off the blackout
shutters, turn on the overhead light and drag every lamp in the
house into the room and plug them in so he could see all there was
to see written on Kitty’s face—in her eyes. He wanted—needed—to
know she’d fallen as far as him.

After they’d taken her together, Finn had
seen the naked truth staring at him from his best friend’s eyes.
They’d fallen in love with Kelly Owens and she didn’t have a clue.
She’d seen them take and discard women, and Finn had the horrible
suspicion she thought they’d treat her the same. And he couldn’t
blame her. Their previous actions told one hell of a story. One he
couldn’t refute.

He scrubbed a hand down his face. If they
couldn’t convince her she was different—not one of the many to come
and go—she’d be walking away with more than his heart. She’d be
taking his future.

He’d never thought in too much detail when he
contemplated where he wanted to end up in life. Other than building
the business with Ethan, the future had been a vague idea in the
back of his mind. It took getting Kitty into their bed for it to
solidify into a clear picture.

The three of them living together.

Having a family together.

Growing old together.

Those were the things he wanted.

And Finn wanted to start down that path now,
only he feared Kitty would laugh in his face if he told her any of
what he was thinking—feeling. Her soft breathing filled his ear and
he smiled. He’d give anything to hear that sound every night. Give
anything to fall asleep beside her at the end of every day—to open
his eyes each morning and find her there.

“I can hear the wheels turning from here,”
Ethan whispered from the other side of Kitty.

“Thought you were asleep too.”

“Nope. Kelly’s the only one getting any

Finn grinned. “Guess we wore her out.”

“Guess she’s not stressing about what happens
now,” Ethan said.

The words wiped the smile from Finn’s face.
He couldn’t lie still any longer. Being careful not to disturb
Kitty, he rolled out of bed. “I need a drink.”

He made his way to the living room where they
kept a well-stocked bar. Scotch was his drink of choice, and he
poured himself half a tumbler from his best bottle.

“I’ll have one too,” Ethan appeared beside

Finn eyed his friend carefully. Scotch wasn’t
Ethan’s usual drink, so Finn held up the bottle to be sure. At
Ethan’s nod, Finn grabbed another glass and splashed in some the
twenty-one-year-old amber liquid he favoured. “Any reason you’re
drinking my alcohol?” Finn asked.

“Misery loves company.” Ethan took the glass
from Finn and held it up. “To getting what we want.”

Finn swirled his drink but didn’t take a sip.
“And what do we want?”

Ethan laughed. “Don’t try to hold your cards
close to your chest. You’re forgetting who you’re talking to.”

One corner of Finn’s mouth kicked up. “Okay.
So where do we go from here?”

“Straight to hell if we can’t convince Kelly
we want more than tonight.”

“Jesus.” Finn turned and paced across the
room. “I don’t think I can live with that.”

“You think I can?”

He faced Ethan. “No. But I don’t know how to
fix this.”

“Fix what? All Kelly knows is that we want
her in our bed. She’ll expect it to be over now we’ve had her. We
have to show her we want more.”

And they were back to his original question.
“More what?”


Finn nodded. “Agreed. The question is how we
get it.”

“Same way we got to this point.” Ethan tossed
back the last of his drink and reached for the bottle. “We keep at
her until she agrees.”

“You want to tell her how we feel? What we
want?” Finn strode over and snatched the bottle from Ethan’s hand
before he could pour another drink. “You don’t think that will
freak her out?”

Ethan shrugged. “I’m not suggesting we lay it
all out there. Not yet anyway.”

“Then what are you suggesting?” Finn couldn’t
erase the image of Kitty running out the front door from his mind.
It was stuck on replay, torturing him over and over every time he
thought about telling her how he felt—what he wanted.

“We just keep at it until we convince her we
want more than sex.”

“Yeah but


Ethan didn’t have a clue what to say. He was
winging it. They both were. There’d never been a woman in their
lives they’d wanted to keep around for longer than a few nights of
sex. And certainly not one so deeply ingrained in their lives as
Kelly was. If he thought about it too much, he’d realise just how
much they stood to lose if this thing between the three of them
went south.

It terrified him to say the words out loud,
but he had no choice. “I don’t know how.”

“Fuck.” Finn thumped his glass on the bar

“I think we should just take it day by day.
She’s here now. In the morning, we’ll distract her so the last
thing on her mind is leaving, and even if she does want to, I’ll
suggest we have breakfast. Or lunch, depending on the time.
Anything to keep her with us.” Ethan knew his suggestions sounded
desperate, but the truth was they were.

“Jesus. “ Finn filled his glass with

“Do you think that’s wise?” Ethan asked. The
last thing he needed was a drunk Finn to worry about on top of
everything else.

Finn capped the bottle and put it back behind
the bar. “No. But I’m doing it anyway.”

Ethan watched as his friend gulped every last
drop. If Finn was guzzling top-shelf scotch like water, things were
definitely bad.

“I’m going to crawl back into bed with
Kitty.” Finn placed his glass on the bar gently this time. “If
tonight is all we get I’m not wasting another second of it.”

Ethan nodded. “I’ll be there in a

He needed a few minutes to think, and he
thought best when on the move. Pacing the living room wasn’t
exactly a run, but he couldn’t be bothered putting on clothes even
if he didn’t have to leave the house to get what he needed. The gym
down the hall was equipped with the best machines money could buy.
All he had to do was slip on some shorts and hop on the

Too agitated to do either, Ethan made use of
the seven metre length of the living room. Back and forth time and
again, he moved his body but it didn’t move his brain. All he could
think was that they were going to fuck things up with Kelly. He
knew he should be worried about the possibility of losing a
brilliant office manager, and he would as soon as he got past the
fact he could lose the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his
life with.




Chapter Six

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

She hadn’t thought anything through. Hadn’t
thought beyond getting to the party and being the woman Ethan and
Finn wanted to take home. Her sister had dropped her off with a
good luck
and a wave so she had no car, no keys, no


She’d even left her phone at home. Her outfit
hadn’t offered any place to store it.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

What the hell was she supposed to do now?

Kitty scanned the street. It was a typical
up-scale housing community—large houses, expensive cars in the
driveways and well-manicured gardens that spoke of paid gardeners
and not your average suburban yards strewn with kids’ toys. In
fact, there wasn’t a swing set or bike or skateboard to be

Nothing like the neighbourhood she’d grown up
lived in. Sure, her parents had divided the house
so that her and Jillian had a separate entry and living quarters,
but essentially Kitty lived with her parents.

So much for being a sophisticated sex

Ethan and Finn would probably laugh their
arses off if they knew the woman they’d taken to bed still slept in
the single bed she’d had when she was a teenager.

She scanned the street in both directions
once more before heading to the right. Kitty had no idea which way
would lead to a main road and the possibility of a taxi, but
standing at the end of her bosses’ driveway looking lost wasn’t an
option. Not if she wanted to make her escape undetected.

Her sister’s shoes dangled from her fingers
and she was minus the corset she’d worn last night—God knows where
that had ended up, but she couldn’t afford the time to look.

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