Pass The Parcel (2 page)

Read Pass The Parcel Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary romance, #office romance, #workplace romance, #alpha male, #novella menage romance

BOOK: Pass The Parcel
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“Oh. My. God.” Her words were whispered on a
shaky breath and he moved closer to stop her from bolting out the
door. “Is that…? Are they…?”

Finn chuckled. “Yep. Strip poker.”

Ethan dismissed the room full of people in
various states of undress and moved deeper into the house. He
tugged Kelly and Finn with him. The sooner they got to the food and
the all-important inhibition reducer the better. Kelly’s hand
trembled in his and he knew they were close to losing her to the
shyness—the insecurities—that he’d caught glimpses of during the
years he’d known her.

Getting her drunk wasn’t part of the plan,
but she could do with a couple of glasses of alcohol to loosen her
up. Relax her a little. In the time she’d worked for them, he’d
gotten to know her well enough to know right now she felt out of
her element. It was in the rapid shifting of her eyes, the shallow
breaths she took and the dampness of her palm pressed against his.
He’d be damned if he let her run from them now though.

Not when she’d finally embraced some of that
wild woman he knew lived deep inside her by accepting their
invitation to join them tonight.

Two years ago, she’d come to them as an
office temp—a temp who’d proven so invaluable to the day-to-day
running of their architecture business that they hadn’t let her go.
Of course, the fact he and Finn had fallen instantly in lust with
Kelly Owens—with Kitty—had a lot to do with it. But they wanted
things—craved—sexual things that most women couldn’t bring
themselves to do.

Having a threesome might be one of the top
female fantasies, but very few took part in one even when offered.
Kelly would take part and more. He’d—
—make sure they
were too tempting to refuse. Getting her to go out with them was
the first step. She knew of their bedroom exploits—they’d never
hidden who they were from her—and judging by the outfit she had on,
she’d at least considered walking on the wild side with them.

Spotting the bar, he stopped and asked, “What
do you want? Beer, wine, spirits?”

“C-can I have water?”

“Water?” Finn asked.

Kelly shrugged. “I don’t drink.”

Ethan knew she didn’t go out and party every
weekend like the average twenty-something, but he hadn’t realised
she didn’t drink. “At all?” he asked.

“I prefer to stay in control and alcohol
impedes that.” She swung her gaze from Ethan to Finn and back
again. “Oh, it’s not that I haven’t in the past. When I was
younger. But not now. I don’t go out that often and drinking at
home alone seems a little pathetic to me.”

Obviously their open-mouthed stares were
rattling her if she felt the need to justify her choices. Her
confession had him a little rattled too. She didn’t drink. She
didn’t go out. Did she date? How did she hook up with a guy for
sex? Jesus. Had she had sex? Ethan gave himself a mental slap. Of
course she’d had sex.

Hadn’t she?

“If you don’t go out, what do you do for
fun?” Finn asked.

Kelly gnawed on her bottom lip. “Read,” she

“Read?” Ethan tucked a finger beneath her
chin and lifted her face until her gaze met his. “What do you

“Um, you know, fiction.”

Her eyes shifted away and her cheeks turned
pink, and Ethan knew she wasn’t giving him a straight answer. He
thought about pressing further, but she slid her tongue out of her
mouth and licked over the plump bottom lip he’d dreamt about
nibbling on. His brain short-circuited as blood drained out to fill
other more urgent parts of his anatomy.

There were just enough cells left functioning
to project images on the inside of his skull. Images of Kelly using
that tongue and mouth to drive him insane while Finn fucked her
from behind.

Jesus. He wasn’t going to make it through the
night at this rate. “Right. Water.” Ethan turned and all but lunged
for the bar.

The guy on the other side took a step back
and eyed him warily. “What’ll it be?” the barman asked.

“Two beers and a water.” God. Had he ever
ordered water at a bar?

“Coming right up.”

Ethan waited. He kept his gaze forward,
didn’t dare turn around and look at Kelly until he could manage
some control. All she’d done was lick her lip and he’d wanted to
shove her up against the nearest hard surface—preferably his best
friend—and have his way with her. The hand-job he’d given himself
before heading out tonight hadn’t made a damn bit of difference to
his level of arousal.

He wanted to get out of here already and they
hadn’t even had a drink yet. It was going to be a long night. Ethan
glanced over his shoulder to see Finn leaning over to whisper in
Kelly’s ear. She smiled up at his friend and Ethan wanted to kiss
that smile. Wanted to feel those lips curve against his before he
thrust his tongue between them.

“Here ya go, mate.”

Turning back to the bar, Ethan found two
beers and a glass in front of him. “Thanks.” He grabbed the glass
with one hand and wrapped the fingers of the other around the
bottle necks. Heading the few feet over to Finn and Kelly, he hoped
he could make it through the next few hours without ravishing the
woman they’d finally convinced to go out with them.


Finn watched his best friend walk towards
them and knew Ethan was fighting for control as badly as he was.
Fuck. They’d be lucky if they didn’t scare the crap out of Kitty
with their horniness. It was their own fault. The women had been
few and far in the past since she’d come into their lives. With
each one they’d bedded the dissatisfaction had grown until they’d
known. No one but Kitty would do.

Their discontent had even led to them doing
something they hadn’t done in years. They’d tried taking women to
bed separately in an effort to find some kind of relief. But even
that had been a dismal failure. That was when they’d given up on
finding what they wanted—needed—with anyone else.

Planning and plotting the best way to get
Kitty in their bed had led them here. Finally, months after the
first invitation to go out with them, she’d said yes. And Finn
wasn’t ashamed to admit he’d just about come in his pants right

He took the beer Ethan held out and chugged
half of it down. The cold soothed his throat but didn’t put a dent
in the heat rising inside him. Finn shook his head. At this point
there was only one thing that would cool him off and she was
standing beside him in complete ignorance of all that he

Kitty sipped her water and scanned the crowd.
Her eyes widened with every second, and he had to admit there were
some interesting ideas of what decently clothed meant. A woman to
their right had what appeared to be a scarf wrapped around her
body. It barely covered her tits and pussy, but she seemed
completely comfortable with her near-naked state. Kitty on the
other hand, was completely uncomfortable.

She kept tugging at the hem on her skirt even
though you’d have to lie on the ground between her feet to see
anything more than her mile-long legs. A vision of those smooth
limbs wrapped around his waist while he pounded into her flashed
through his mind. The image drove his blood at breakneck speed
through his veins until it pooled in his groin with a bone-deep

He needed a distraction.

Finn spotted the food table on the other side
of the yard and used his beer to point in that direction. “Let’s
get something to eat.”

When they reached the spread, Finn picked up
a plate and handed it to Kitty. He grabbed another two and passed
one to Ethan before turning to survey the choices. “What the

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly,” Ethan

“Um, I’m not all that hungry.” Kitty lowered
her plate to the table.

“Who’s Mike dating at the moment?” Ethan


Ethan glanced around before saying in a low
voice, “He’s a steak man. Only a woman who’s spreading her legs for
him could convince him serving raw fish at a party was a good

Finn laughed. “You’re right.” He put his
plate back and reached for Kitty’s hand. “C’mon. Let’s take a look
around inside.”

Kitty glanced at Ethan before answering.

Finn noticed she did that a lot. Only it was
usually at work. She was already in sync with them in a way he knew
would translate well in the bedroom. And now his mind was back to
the fantasy reel of hot sex with Kitty that he’d been replaying
over and over since first laying eyes on her.

The second she’d walked into their office,
all iron-pressed and covered in a knee-length black skirt and
stark-white business blouse beneath a shapeless jacket his lust
metre had hit the red zone. She’d turned up for her first day of a
four-week temporary position and all he could think about was how
many positions he could get her into.


Attempting to shove all thoughts of getting
Kitty naked from his mind, Finn led the way inside. He put his
empty bottle on the first available flat surface and moved them
deeper into the house. The first game they came to was a very adult
version of Spin the Bottle, and while he’d enjoyed the game on
previous occasions, the thought of someone else getting to do one
of the highly sexual dares written on some of the game cards with
Kitty had him moving on.


Next was Truth or Dare, but he recognised one
of the guys sitting in the circle, and even if there’d been space
for the three of them to join the game, Finn wouldn’t suggest it.
He bypassed the strip poker—no one was seeing Kitty without her
clothes but him and Ethan. Hurried past the Seven Minutes in Heaven
happening in the hall closet and eyed the game of Suck and Blow
with little excitement. The idea of playing with anyone other than
Kitty and Ethan held no appeal.

here held no appeal.

“Finn?” He turned to find Kitty staring at
him with confusion and a small amount of trepidation. “Aren’t we
going to…?” Her gaze darted around.

“Yeah, Finn. Aren’t we gonna play?” The
teasing tone of his best friend’s words made Finn frown.

How did he say he didn’t want to play with
others without scaring Kitty off? But the more he thought about it,
the more he wanted to get out of here and go somewhere the three of
them could be alone. Would she go for that? He spotted a guy
wondering around with a plate of sushi and the perfect idea
presented itself.

“You know I’m kinda hungry, and to be honest,
I’m not up for playing games on an empty stomach. Why don’t we get
out of here and go somewhere there’s more appetising things on the

“Great idea.” Ethan grabbed Kitty’s drink and
placed it on the tray of a passing waiter. “Let’s go.”

“L-leave?” She stood her ground when Ethan
tugged on her hand. “But don’t you want to…?”

Finn found it amusing that she was stuttering
and struggling to form complete sentences. It was either the risqué
party or them that had her flustered, and the only way to find out
which was to remove her from one. And letting her out of his sight
wasn’t going to happen tonight.

He grinned. “Nope. I’m starving.”

It was the truth.

But it wasn’t food he was ravenous for.




Chapter Two

Kitty hoped she was doing the right thing
leaving the party with her bosses. Then again, if she was going to
do the right thing she shouldn’t have accepted their invitation in
the first place.

She didn’t say a word as Ethan led her to
Finn’s ute. When he opened the passenger door, she slid across the
bench seat until her thigh butted up against Finn’s, who’d already
climbed in behind the wheel and had the engine roaring to life. The
cab was cramped with the three of them, and being this close to the
two men who starred in her late-night fantasies had her insides
revving higher than the V-8 motor under the hood.

“What do you feel like?” The question came
from Finn, and Kitty scrambled to come up with an answer that

“I vote for pizza,” Ethan said.

“Um, I’m fine with anything that isn’t raw or
from the sea.” Kitty shuddered. She’d never had the stomach for

“All meat pizza?” Finn asked.

“Barbeque sauce?” BBQ meatlovers was her

“Done.” Finn put the car in gear and pulled
away from the curb.

“Let’s get takeaway and head back to our
place,” Ethan suggested.

“Great idea.” Finn took a corner a little
fast and Kitty had to grab the dash to stop from falling in his

“Oh, um, okay.” Kitty’s insides shuddered,
her stomach dipped and rolled and her throat closed, making it hard
to draw breath. And it had nothing to do with Finn’s fast

She’d been so certain she could do this,
except now that she was faced with the possibility of her fantasy
coming true, she had the urge to run. But the fear was laced with a
ribbon of excitement, and it was that streamer of exhilaration
threading its way through her veins—lighting up every nerve—that
kept her from bolting.

“Excellent.” Ethan tapped the screen on his
phone and brought the device to his ear. “Hey, Jimmy.”

Kitty couldn’t hear more than a murmured
voice, but she couldn’t miss the friendly tone from the guy who’d
answered Ethan’s call, or the genuine smile on Ethan’s face.

“Can we get the usual?” He glanced at his
watch. “We’ll be there at about seven-thirty to pick it up.”

While Ethan finished his call, she turned her
attention to Finn. He navigated the streets with both hands firmly
wrapped around the wheel, the veins in his wrists and on the backs
of his hands bulged. Moving her gaze to his face, she saw the
muscle in the side of his jaw twitching. She knew that tick—had
seen it many times at work. He was stressed about something.
“What’s wrong?”

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