Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance
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were never around. Always working and he….” Her voice
trailed off. She looked at him and he shook his head in disbelief.

what? You thought you’d get back at me by running the company
my father struggled to build. to the ground? Is that it? Your big
revenge plan?” he asked.

actually wanted to control the majority of the company. I still do,”
she said.

Is that some crazy plan of yours to own me in some way?” he
asked. He laughed cynically when she didn’t answer. That had
been her plan all along. He looked at her and shook his head. “Get
out,” he said as he picked up the phone.

get security up here right now.” Zoe looked at him and shook
her head.

on, Danny. We were supposed to be the power couple. To run QKM
together?” she asked..

was before you opened your legs to another man,” he said in a
low voice. She looked at him and began walking towards his desk
slowly as she took off her coat. “What the hell are you doing?”
he asked when she dropped her coat to the floor.

you what you are missing out on,” she said in a low voice as
she undid the buttons on her blouse. Daniel picked up the phone

he said in a warning tone.

on their way,” his assistant said in a soft voice. Zoe was
already taking off her shirt.

don’t want any of this, Zoe. I’m done with you. I have
been for a long time,” he said.

shook her head and kicked off her shoes just as security barged in.

are fine in here, aren’t we, Danny?” Zoe said with a

Reese?” one of the security men said as he looked at Daniel.

her out of here,” Daniel said as he looked at the two security

looked at him and shook her head. She really didn’t know what
she was supposed to say. Daniel’s story sounded like some well
scripted TV show to say the least. She was still having a hard time
processing everything that Daniel had just said.

as you can see, I am in no hurry to get back home. There’s
nothing for me back there anyway,” he said.

say that. You have an entire business empire to run,” she said.

running quite well without me. And if I have to be there for business
to run, then I have failed my father and my father’s father and
his father before that…well, you get the drill,” Daniel

laughed and nodded before she rested her head on his chest. She could
not help but feel sorry for him after hearing all that.

she really wanted to clean you out?” Erica asked.

I don’t know whether she wanted to own the company or just get
it shut down. I mean if she wanted to run it so much, why the hell
was she giving leverage to the competitor?” Daniel wondered.

that’s why you decided to go to Mexico?”

I needed a fresh start and I needed a breather from the whole
corporate field after that fight with those two clowns,” he

hope you got it,” Erica said in a soft voice. Daniel raised her
chin and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

more ways than one,” he said in a soft voice.

Chapter 11

Erica and Daniel had their long heart to heart, they fell asleep in
each other’s arms probably sleeping off the fatigue of the long
flight. The loud vibrating of her phone is what woke both of them up.

that mine or yours?” Daniel asked. She opened her eyes and
rolled her head to the side to see her phone lighting up on the night
stand. She sighed.

mine,” she said as she reached for the phone. She looked at the
screen and then rubbed her eyes. “Em? What the…”
she muttered as she picked up the phone. “Hello? Emily? What’s
going on?”

to a computer or an iPad or just Skype your phone right the fuck
now!” Emily was yelling.

you okay?” Erica asked.

just get on Skype. I need to vent,” Emily said.

Erica asked. It was eleven in the morning which meant that it was
probably three or four in the morning back at home.

now. I wouldn’t be calling if I wanted to talk tomorrow, now,
would I?” Emily was clearly not having a very good day. Erica
shrugged and rolled her eyes. “You better not have rolled your
eyes at me,” Emily said. Erica wanted to scream. It was like
she was right there.

didn’t!” Erica whispered loudly. “I’ll call
you in a minute,” she said before hanging up. Daniel looked at
her and caressed her leg gently.

okay?” he asked.

it’s just my sister. I need to Skype her,” Erica said as
she climbed off the bed. She walked to where her luggage was and
pulled her iPad out. She then walked back to the bed as she switched
it on. “Do you know what the Wi-Fi password is?” she
asked as she sat on the bed. Daniel stirred.

was on the care package we got from reception,” he said.

is the care package?” she asked. Daniel’s eyes fluttered
open as she looked around the suite. She spotted the care package on
his suitcase. “Never mind,” she said as she climbed off
the bed. She walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a flyer. She
quickly looked through it before she keyed in the password and then
placed the call to her sister. “Okay, Em. What the fuck?”
she asked as she sat down in the couch.

I was looking at the…” Emily started before Erica

Are you still at the office?” she asked. Emily put her hands up
and rolled her eyes.

you just listen to me for a second and no, this is my living room
floor…I’ve been working from home since I got home from
work five hours ago,” she said.

hours ago?” Erica asked.

I got home at eleven,” Emily said as she sat on the floor. “So
anyway, I just lost everything Erica. Every fucking thing,” she
said. Erica wanted to ask what her sister was talking about. But she
knew better than to interrupt her sister when she was on an emotional
roller coaster. She looked at her sister and leaned back on the couch
waiting to hear what Emily had to say. “One of my clients,
Perkins Inc.,” she started.

cosmetologists?” Erica asked.

the cosmetologists. They have ruined me, officially,” she said.

you just tell me what the hell happened?” Erica asked.

as it so turns out the CFO has been stealing from the company…the
company whose account I have been managing,” she said.

raised an eyebrow. “That’s not good,” she said.

know and I have been looking through every last document I have
trying to make sure I clear my name and I finally did it. I have
totally cleared my name and everything,” Emily said.

what is the big deal?” Erica asked, a little confused.

boss actually thought I had a hand in all this. He gave me a
suspension letter pending investigation. The company I have devoted
my time to for three years thought I was in on a felony?” Emily
was a mess. Erica could see it in the way she was talking.

you cleared your name, right? What’s the big deal? The
suspension should be lifted any day now,” Erica said.

shook her head.

I won’t,” she said. “I emailed my boss my
resignation before I called you.”

what?” Erica asked.

cannot work for a person who can’t believe in me, Erica,”
Emily said as she looked at her sister. “Holy shit, Erica. What
the hell did I do?” she asked after taking a long pause.

stood up for what you believe in,” Erica said with a smile. She
noticed a tear rolling down her sister’s cheek. “Hey, no.
Don’t do that,” she said wishing she could be next to
Emily so she could give her a hug.

just not sure what I’m supposed to do next. Word of my
resignation has already hit the other firms and now my stupid email
won’t stop buzzing and I can’t…I can’t do
this right now. I just can’t.” Erica took a long deep
breath just as Daniel was walking into the room.

okay?” he asked.

sister is having a meltdown. She quit her job,” Erica said in a
whisper even though Emily heard her.

are you talking to?” Emily asked. Daniel leaned over in the
iPad camera’s line of sight.

I’m Daniel,” he said with a smile giving a little wave.

brushed off her tears.

I’m a mess,” she said as she tucked a strand of hair
behind her ear.

fine. I want to make a call, get us some food. Any preference?”
he asked.

me,” she said.

smiled and walked over to the phone.

He is hot. Four million times hotter than that stupid freak Eli,”
Emily said.

smiled and shook her head. “Shut up,” she whispered.

He is. I mean have you looked at him?” Emily asked.

have slept with him. So I know exactly what I am talking about,”
she said in a whisper. Emily laughed. “Good. At least you are
smiling now.”

guess I needed that,” Emily said. “I think I need a
breather. Or something,” she added as Daniel walked back to
where Erica was and mouthed ‘I’m going for a shower’
before he blew her a kiss. Erica smiled and felt her cheeks flush a
bright crimson. “Why the hell are you blushing?” she
asked. Erica’s smile disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.

don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said as
she straightened herself up. “Listen. Do this. Get some rest,
sleep in and I’ll call Cassandra and have her check in on you,
okay? Just take it easy sweetie,” she said. Emily nodded and
sighed. “I love you,” Erica said. She had said those
words so many times before but this time she felt like they had so
much more weight.

love you too,” Emily said. Erica smiled as she hung up. She put
the iPad aside and held the side of her head before she stood up and
walked to the bedroom. She was slowly taking off her clothes as she
walked into the bedroom area of the suite. When she finally took off
her panties, she walked into the bathroom and Daniel turned around to
look at her. He held his hand out and she gently placed her small
hand in his.

you okay?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her. She
wanted to nod but she found herself shaking her head. “Want to
talk about it?”
brushed the wet hair away from her face and sighed. “What
happened anyway?”

a long story. Something about her workplace…former workplace
and CFOs stealing company funds…I just don’t know how
all that happened to her,” Erica said. “And I have always
been with my sister…well, I don’t live with her but she
has always been close to me and everything but now she needs me and I
am in freaking Athens,” she said sadly.

turned her around and looked into her eyes.

me what you want,” he said as he looked into her eyes.

don’t want to leave but I also don’t want to stay here
knowing that she is wallowing in her own self-pity. She tends to do
that,” she said.

could bring her over here?”

do you mean? She is not like some luggage we can just haul over or

she would actually like it.”

wouldn’t like it. She would love it.”

that’s settled then. Unless of course, you don’t want her

shook her head. “No, no. I’d love to have her here.”

maybe a few days out here could really do her some good,”
Daniel said. He looked at her and she nodded. “It will
definitely make her forget all about some weird people trying to ruin
her. It worked for me, didn’t it?” he asked.

you’re right,” she said before she grabbed the shower gel
from the rack and handed it to him. “Now, you get to caress my
wet soapy body…after you get this all over me,” she said
in a soft voice. Daniel felt his cock get hard just by the way she
had said those words. “And no, you can’t have me yet,”
she added as she turned around presenting her ass to him.

is not helping at all,” Daniel said as he felt his cock
pressing into her ass. She smiled and reached for his ass. “Or
that,” he said closing his eyes.

BOOK: Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance
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