Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance (17 page)

BOOK: Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance
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need you. I must have you,” he said in a hushed whisper. She
got up from his lap and in one swift move, he had her on top of him.
He looked up at her with his hand around her neck. He was holding
back, trying to savor every moment as he looked at her. Having her
with him at this moment was all he wanted, all he needed. She moaned
when he suddenly filled his hand with her breast, kneading roughly.
She was moaning and shivering on top of him. It was too much for him
and for her too. He raked his fingers through her hair before he
grabbed a lock of it and gently tugged on it making her roll her head
upwards. A small moan escaped her throat and he used his spare hand
to spank her again. He put his hands on her ass and stood up. She
instinctively wrapped her legs around him as he walked them to the
bed. When they got there, he dropped her on the bed and quickly took
off his shirt. She expected him to take off more than just his shirt
but he kept his pants on for some reason. She looked at him as he
climbed on the bed, settling in between her legs. He looked at her
and slowly caressed her long legs before he gently caressed her wet
opening with his thumb. She gasped and sighed, shivering as she
waited to feel his long finger inside her.

fuck!” she gasped when she felt his long finger inside her. She
raised her head and looked up at him as he worked his long finger in
and out of her. He pressed his thumb against her clit making her
shiver on the bed. She was trying hard not to explode all around his
finger. Her mouth was slightly open as she felt the tension building
up in her pussy. She was just about to explode when he pulled his
hand away and held it against her lips. She was shivering when she
licked her juices off his finger.

me what you want,” he said in a soft voice.

she said in a whisper.

about me?” Daniel asked as he teased her pussy, gently
caressing her. She looked at him for a long minute before her gaze
dropped down to his bulging crotch.

she said. He brought his head down and kissed her softly before he
pushed his fingers into her pussy again. She moaned and reached for
his fly. She needed to have him inside her but as soon as her hand
was his fly, he spanked her hard making her gasp loudly.

yet,” he said as he fingered her hard and fast. She could not
hold herself back any longer. She screamed loudly when she suddenly
felt herself letting go all around his finger. She opened her eyes to
look at him. He pulled out his finger and turned her over before he
spanked her over and over making her moan loudly. It was almost too
much for her. He pulled back and took off his pants before he entered
her from the back. She gasped loudly and bit into the bedding,
muffling the sounds. She loved the feeling of his cock filling her
up. It was a feeling like no other. She moaned as he began moving
himself in and out of her. Her ass was still stinging from his
spanks. She arched her back and raised her ass to him as he slammed
up against her over and over. He was going faster and harder into her
until she cried out again. This was it. She cried out when she
engulfed his cock in a new kind of heat causing him to explode into
her, just seconds later. Daniel collapsed on her as his cock slipped
out of her. He got off her and she rolled over to look at him.

was amazing,” she said in a whisper. He smiled and put his arm
over his head.

I am surprised I even pulled that off,” he said. And suddenly
everything dawned on the. He looked down at his cock which was
glistening with her juices. As soon as she saw it she knew exactly
what kind of mess they had potentially put themselves in.

surprised you forgot to put on a rubber,” she said as she
looked at him. That alone was enough to spring him out of the moment,
as if he was not already totally out of his coital trance. He looked
at her in a panic almost regretting what had just happened.

he said under his breath. “What…what are…”
he started saying before she put her hand on his cheek. “I’m
sorry, Erica. I’m so sorry,” he said in a regretful

I’m freaked out too. But this happens and we can…you
know. Get the pill or something,” she said.

shouldn’t have done that,” he said with his eyes closed.
The honest truth was that Erica was freaked out too but if she showed
it then they would have been two freaked out people, two blind men
leading each other to a ditch. She forced out a smile and pressed her
lips to his forehead mostly to hide the fact that her lips were now

be okay,” she said in a soft voice. She looked at him and
suddenly adored his perfectly big eyes. “We’ll be okay,”
she said again even though she was sure that was not the mindset she
had. Her heart was beating hard in her chest and she was almost too
sure that she was hyperventilating…

Chapter 14

had no idea how long her post coital nap with Daniel had lasted by
the time she finally got up. She looked at Daniel who was still
sleeping and slowly walked to the bathroom where she quickly got
cleaned up. She then put on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts before she
tiptoed to the living room. She pulled out a ten Euro note and then

it costs more,”
thought before she pulled out a fifty and then another fifty. She
then put on a pair of flip flops and walked out of the suite. She
could feel her heart pounding hard as she walked towards the
elevator. She had never had to take the morning after pill before.
That was always Emily. As far as Erica was concerned, condoms had
always been her first choice. When the elevator got to the ground
floor, she looked around and tried to recall where she had seen the
pharmacy. She could feel her palms sweating as she walked to the

I’m looking for the drug store. I saw it here somewhere…”
she started before the receptionist pointed to the right.

door. You can’t miss it,” the receptionist said with a
smile in a heavy Greek accent. Erica walked to the direction she had
been pointed to and when she got to the door, she took a step back
and took a long deep breath. She then walked in and began walking up
and down the aisles. When she finally got to the section she was
interested in, she sighed when she noticed four different companies.

the hell?”
wondered as she looked at the choices in front of her. She had
absolutely no idea what she was supposed to be doing there. She
sighed and grabbed all four packs before she walked to the counter.
She noticed the weird look the cashier was giving her as she rang her

six Euro,” the cashier said. Erica handed her the two fifties
and began walking out. “
Your change…” the
cashier called out when Erica got to the door.

the change,” Erica said before she practically ran out of
there. She quickly made her way to the elevator. She walked into the
elevator and took long deep breathes. She was hoping that Emily was
still in her room. When she walked out of the elevator, she walked
straight up to her sister’s room and knocked softly.
be in,”
prayed quietly as she knocked again. She suddenly banged her fist on
the door a bit louder than she had anticipated and Emily opened the

what the hell?” she asked as Erica walked into the suite. She
walked straight up to the couch and sat down. “What’s
going on?” Emily asked as she walked up to where her sister

thought you were going to the spa,” Erica said as she rubbed
her hands together.

was…I am. I was about to head out,” Emily said before
she sat down next to her sister. “What is it? You look like you
need a drink or something,” she said.

do need a drink…a stiff one,” Erica said. Emily stood up
and walked to her minibar before she came back carrying two glasses
of rum.

all out of ice,” Emily said as she handed Erica a glass. “Whoa
there,” she said when she saw Erica flashing down the contents
of the glass. She barely had enough time to process what had just
happened before Erica reached for her glass and flashed that down as
well. “Okay, now that we have that out of the way, will you
tell me what the hell is going on with you?” she asked as she
took the glass from Erica and put it aside. Erica looked at her
sister and then handed her the paper bag she got from the drug store.
“What’s this?” Emily asked as she looked inside.
“What the…what the hell is this? Are you…did
you…” Emily was having a hard time understanding just
what Erica was up to.

don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Which one I’m
supposed to take…” Erica started as she looked at her

You went raw with Daniel? You’ve only known him for like three
weeks,” Emily said.

don’t need any judgment right now. All I want is to know which
one I’m supposed to have,” Erica said as she leaned back
in the couch.

chill. For starters, you don’t need every drug known to man out
there,” Emily said as she took one of the packets and handed it
to her sister. “And thank God I just split a shot into two
glasses,” she added as she got up and grabbed two bottles of
water from the minibar. “Have that. Every last drop. You need
to dilute that booze,” Emily said as she handed Erica one

Erica said as she took long gulps of the water. She looked at Emily
and shrugged. “I’m sorry I’m freaking out but all
this is so new to me and I have no idea how I am supposed to handle
it,” she added.

how exactly did the ever careful Erica end up here?” Emily
asked. Erica rolled her eyes at her sister. “Okay, I’m
really sorry if I am coming off as judgmental. I don’t mean to,
I’m just really surprised.”

were just catching up...” Erica started.

Emily smiled.

looked at her and took another long sip of her water.

literally and I guess things just spiraled out of control. We didn’t
even realize until it was too late.”

by too late you mean…” Emily started saying but Erica
looked at her just in time, forcing her to cut her sentence short.

know exactly what I mean,” Erica said. She took another long
sip and sighed.

the hell have I done, Em?” she wondered out loud.

you have to snap out of it. You are trying to read too much into a
situation that isn’t even a situation,” Emily said.

doesn’t make any sense,” Erica sighed before she took
another long sip.

I think you are freaking out because you like this guy and you are
scared that it might be all about a rebound,” Emily said. Erica
looked at her and shook her head. “I have known you all my
life, Erica. You cannot bullshit me,” Emily added with a smile
as she lifted the bottle up to Erica’s lips forcing her to take
another drink. The half-liter bottle was now a quarter full. Erica
looked at Emily and sighed.

it. I’m so fucked,” she said in a low tone.

you’re not. I like him…a lot and you know very well that
usually doesn’t happen with me,” Emily said making Erica
laugh. She took one last gulp and put the bottle down. “So,
from the way you are freaking out, I’m guessing you haven’t
DTRd,” she said.

laughed again. “DTR? What are we teens?”

know what I mean. When are you going to stop playing this God awful
game and just do it already?” Emily pointed out with a smile.

looked at her and shook her head. “I don’t know whether I
want to rush all this.”

he given you any sign that maybe he is into you as much as you are
into him?” Emily asked.

took a long deep breath. “He told me he loves me,” she
said in a whisper.

raised an eyebrow.

he sure works fast,” she said with a smile. “And you have
been exclusive with each other for almost a month. Just take the pill
and get him to the clinic just to make sure everything is okay and
then just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

was still not convinced. She could not just sit back and relax. That
was not who she was, that was not her M.O.

I am really scared. This could all be a mistake…this could all
just be one big mistake…” Erica said.

now you are just feeling like this because the possibility of having
little Daniel babies with beautiful green eyes is a possibility, but
the truth is that you should not be freaking out,” Emily said
as she popped a pill out of the pack she had handed Erica earlier.
“Have this,” she gave Erica the pill and opened the other
bottle of water. “You are probably going to be nauseated and
fatigued so I recommend rest for the next twelve or so hours, okay?”
Erica nodded before she put the pill in her mouth and washed it down
with the water Emily had given her. She put the bottle down and
exhaled loudly.

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