Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (19 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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“Oh my god Damien, are you nuts? Does it hurt?” She asked.

“Of course it fucking hurts woman, what sort of stupid question is that? Now fucking well feed from me.” He shoved his arm in her face.

“Don’t yell at me you asshole.” She snapped.

“Don’t call me an asshole you fucking pain in my ass.” He shot back.

“Me; a pain in YOUR ass? You’re the pain in the ass, not me you fucking idiot.” She yelled.

“Don’t call me a fucking idiot.” He roared back, anger burning in his eyes. “For fuck sakes will you stop arguing with me and drink the damn blood before I bleed out all over you fucking bathroom floor.” He said, shoving his arm in her face again.

She looked down and her eyes widened at the pool of blood already over the tiles. “Look at the mess you’ve made.” She moaned.

“You’re complaining about the mess now? If you’d just taken my blood and not argued with me, it would be in you and not all over the fucking floor.”

“I’m not cleaning that up.” She glared at him. “You made the mess you…” She stopped abruptly when he finally lost his patience with her and shoved his wrist into her mouth. Bloody annoying woman, he should have left her sore. It would serve her fucking well right. He tried to help her and still she did nothing but fucking complain. He was the one bleeding out all over the fucking floor not her but no, she can’t be worried about him dying, she had to be more worried about the blood on the damn floor.

After one garbled attempt to argue with him around his bloodied wrist, finally he felt her begin to suck from the wound, drinking his blood. He watched as he eyes shot up to his and he saw the surprise then the growing pleasure as she clearly enjoyed the taste.

Finally when he thought she’d had enough, allowing for what he’d lost all over the floor,  he pulled away and rubbed his blood over the wound until it began to heal.

Flame was standing watching him her expression stunned, and he turned from her to hide his grin. For once it seemed she was actually lost for words; for a few moments at least. Despite his initial refusal to do so, he grabbed handfuls of toilet paper and began to clean up the blood from the floor. That seemed to be enough to snap her out of her dazed state and she bent to help him. Still she was silent as she cleaned, and he wished he’d fed her blood earlier than this, if that was all it took to shut the damn woman up.

“So how do you feel?” He finally asked, wondering why she was so unnaturally silent.

“I…I’m not sure. It’s like a rush, like being tipsy but not quite like that, but I feel this energy surging through me. Is it always like that?”

“It affects everyone differently but a feeling like an energy rush is quite normal. Does it still hurt? Are you still sore inside?”

She walked away from him and back again, her movements fluid, normal looking. There was no more of the walking like something was wedged firmly up her ass. “Well you look normal. Come here.” He beckoned to her and she frowned, not moving.

“What do you want?” She gave him a wary look.

“Dammit Flame. Do you have to argue with me all the time? Do you ever do anything anyone asks you to do the first damn time?” He ground out.

She frowned at his question. “You know, it’s only you. You just seem to bring out the worst in me, or is it that you just piss me off more than anyone else does?”

Damien raised his eyes to the ceiling as if it could somehow offer him some answers as to how to deal with her. When he thought he could touch her without strangling her he lunged, dragging her into his arms. With one arm tightly around her, he pulled up her dress with his free hand and reached between her legs to push two fingers deep inside her.

Big mistake, she was soaked, almost dripping and his damn over eager cock immediately stood to attention, ready for some action. Fuck her for having this effect on him. He couldn’t stay, he had to get the hell out of there. He’d done what he’d come to do. He’d given her blood so it was time to go.

Still he stood though, fingers still buried in her, feeling her heat, feeling how wet she was and he wanted her; he wanted to fuck her. He couldn’t though. He’d just given himself the huge mental lecture about not getting involved, not allowing any woman to pussy whip him, being a free spirit, and with just one touch of her warm wet cunt he was ready to do the very thing he’d vowed he wouldn’t do.

Flame gave a soft moan as he twisted his fingers inside her, grazing over her sensitive spot and he felt his cock jerk in reaction. Dammit, he had to walk away.

He felt her muscles close around his fingers, clenching, and drawing them in deeper. He ground his teeth together when the scent of her arousal rose around him but he had to go. It didn’t matter how good she felt, how much her scent drove him wild; it didn’t matter how desperately he wanted to sink into her wet heat, he had to go.

Damien flinched when her hand came out cupping the rigid length of his cock through his jeans and he surged forward against her palm as she rubbed him, teasing him, making him want more. He groaned, torn between wanting her and yet needing to go. Dammit, he had to go.

When she popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zip, he moved his hand to stop her, but she reached inside and pulled out his rock hard dick running her fingers up the length of it. Swearing under his breath, he made one more futile effort to push her away, but even as he pushed her with one hand, the other cupped the back of her head. Once more, cursing his own weakness, he lowered his head, covering her lips with his.

He was in hell now; torn between wanting Flame and yet knowing this wasn’t wise. He managed to convince himself for a whole ten seconds he shouldn’t still be standing in her bathroom, kissing her, before he said fuck it. To hell with it, he’d fuck her this time but that would be it after that, no more he told himself, even as the little voice inside him scoffed and muttered, ‘yeah right.’

Frantically he ripped his lips from hers again and reached down, grabbing the hem of her dress, hastily pulling it over her head. She stood before him naked, since she hadn’t put her panties back on and he paused for a moment, his eyes feasting on the sheer beauty of her. God she looked stunning with her eyes bright with excitement and that amazing red hair tumbling over her shoulders; a few errant strands covering one eye. She had a sexy body, so firm and strong. He liked a strong woman; not one who was tiny and skinny. They needed to be strong enough to cope with him, since he liked to fuck a woman every damn way he could, and he wanted them to keep up with him, even allowing for them being human, so naturally weaker.

He tugged off his t-shirt, tossing it to one end of the vanity unit and shoved his jeans down over his hips, kicking off his shoes then the jeans until he too stood naked before her, since he never bothered with underwear.

Flame’s eyes met his and her gaze moved down his body, stopping on his cock which stood huge and hard between them, the light glinting off his piercings.

He turned her so her back was to him, pushing her between her shoulder blades until she leaned over the vanity. Gently he nudged her feet apart until he had her legs spread enough for him. He stepped up behind her, his palms cupping the cheeks of her ass and he smoothed them over her soft skin, pulling them apart, his gaze dropping to that tightly puckered hole of hers. He really wanted to fuck her there, and his fingers traced over it, teasing it, feeling her tense and seeing her tighten in reaction to his touch.

He bent over her back, studying her slightly worried expression in the mirror. “Don’t worry babe. I want to fuck that beautiful ass of yours, but I know I can’t just shove my way in there without warming you up first. You will need to be broken in; to be worked up to being able to accept my cock here.” Again he smoothed his hands over her ass before circling the tight opening with one fingertip. “You’re worried I won’t fit or I’ll hurt you but I’m sure with time I will be able to put my cock in there and you’ll scream. Not with pain but with overwhelming pleasure.” He assured her.

“Cocky bastard aren’t you? Who says you’ll get the chance to go there?” She said her eyes challenging him in the mirror.

“Even when I’m about to fuck you, you still have to argue with me.” He growled. Grasping his cock in one hand, he felt between her legs with the other, brushing through her pink folds, coating his fingers with her moisture. She was ready for him. Her body was anyway, but her mind was going to fight him until he removed her capability for thought by fucking her. It was one way guaranteed to shut her up.

With his eyes on hers that still challenged him through the mirror, he bent over her back, nipping her lightly on the shoulder. He nudged the head of his cock between her legs until he felt the head line up at her opening, and with one smooth lunge, he rammed into her, feeling her open to him, taking him in, inch by glorious inch. When he was as deep as he could go, he stopped, watching her face reflected back to him. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back and her expression was filled with wanton lust and need, her need for him, her need for his cock, and her need for him to fuck her until she forgot everything including her own name.




I stood, hunched over the vanity in my en-suite, feeling the edge of it digging into my stomach, but I didn’t care. All I could focus on was the feel of Damien’s huge cock inside me. He shifted, from one foot to the other, and just that simple, small move made me clench around him when it caused the tiniest friction. I could feel those piercings rubbing inside, exciting me. Damn he felt amazing; his cock was so fucking big, but I loved the feel of him inside me. How the hell would I ever go back to a man without a pierced dick after him?

I didn’t have time to dwell on it though because with one smooth, fluid movement, he pulled out of me until just the head was still inside before thrusting forward, grazing those metal studs over my sensitive flesh until he slammed against my womb again. I cried out, squeezing my eyes shut even harder as pleasure radiated through my body. Damn but this man could fuck a woman and fuck her well.

He repeated the movements, pounding into me hard, then pausing, hard then pausing; each time making me cry out with the mix of both pleasure and pain.

“Open your eyes.” He said close to my ear, and I opened them to find him leaning over me, his eyes on me through the mirror. Again he pulled out and drove back into me, crushing me against the edge of the vanity, where I felt it biting into my skin. I cried out, my eyes fluttering shut. “I said…open…your…eyes.” He punctuated each word with a forceful drive of his hips; slamming that cock into me over and over again. “I want to watch your face; I want to see your eyes as you come.” His voice was deep and husky in my ear, sending a shiver through me at the sexiness of it. Damien’s voice when he was aroused turned me on nearly as much as the feel of the man himself when he fucked me. I clenched around him, nearly coming just from listening to him.

As he began to move again, slowly increasing the pace, every thrust of his hips pushing me closer and closer to my release, I struggled to keep my eyes open to keep them on his as he watched me.

He was not immune to the build-up of sexual tension and intensity, despite his attempt to appear relaxed and in control. I could see the passion burning in his eyes, making the emerald green look brighter. It was his mouth though, that showed what it was doing to him, to keep himself reined in. I could see the way it tightened his lips and showed around his eyes with tiny lines of tension. He grimaced, the movement of his lips letting me see his fangs descending and he bent over me, his eyes still locked on mine in the mirror.

He slowed his thrusts right down, licking his way from my shoulder to that sensitive area below my ear, causing me to shiver. I watched his mouth open, his eyes still fixed on me and he bit down, his fangs bursting through my skin and puncturing my jugular vein. I cried out, my head rolling to the side but I couldn’t look away from the sight of him bent over me, his lips pressed against my neck as he fed. With every mouthful of blood he drank from me, I felt a burst of pleasure so intense I sagged momentarily at the knees.

Damien’s arm tightened around me, supporting me, just as he bit down even harder. I screamed as the pain exploded through me and I momentarily twisted in his grip, unable to handle the intensity of his bite. Before I could even consider begging him to stop, the pain vanished and the familiar pleasure began to build in me.

It escalated rapidly, shards of pleasure shooting through my body, lighting me up until finally an orgasm of overwhelming intensity slammed through me. I cried out, gasping, shuddering and hanging onto the vanity so hard, I’m surprised I didn’t leave dents in the smooth surface. Unexpected tears filled my eyes; rolling down my cheeks while I rode out wave after wave of the most mind blowing, earth shattering pleasure.

I sobbed uncontrollably, I sobbed like I hadn’t sobbed in years, all while the pleasure seemed to go on and on, my muscles pulsing along the length of Damien’s cock. Somehow through my orgasm, and even through my tears, I managed to keep my eyes locked on his.

Finally he raised his head, blood dripping from his fangs onto my back; his eyes a blazing emerald green as his hands shifting to my hips, fingers biting into my skin, holding me firmly. I watched his head roll back, his mouth open, his fangs gleaming, and I gasped, the air expelled from my lungs with a whoosh when he suddenly slammed into me, so hard he winded me. Over and over again he pounded into me, fucking me like an animal, our bodies crashing together noisily in the small bathroom. With every thrust, I was ground against the vanity and I knew I’d be bruised by morning.

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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