Passion Ignited (29 page)

Read Passion Ignited Online

Authors: Katalyn Sage

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #erotic, #urban fantasy, #paranormal, #demons, #series

BOOK: Passion Ignited
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“Almost there, doll.” He could see his door.
All he needed to do was get her inside without coming in too close
of contact with one of his brothers.

He shut and locked the door, reinforcing the
lock with his Instinct. She wouldn’t get out unless either he
allowed it, or her own gift was stronger than his.

He hoped it wasn’t the latter.

Laying her on the bed, he slid down next to
her, his body against hers.

“Thank you,” she said. She closed her eyes
tightly as if trying to shake free of the madness that had nearly
taken her yet again.

“For what?”

“For getting me away from them. I was too
close.” She rolled on her side, away from him.

Raider’s first instinct was to pull her back
against him, not wanting their connection severed, but it seemed
she needed the space. “Too close to what?”

She lay still for a while, so long that he
didn’t think she would reply. She finally rolled on her back, with
her eyes open as she stared at the ceiling. Her gaze glided over
the surface as if she were tracking a fly.

“I know where everyone is,” she finally
whispered. “I can hear their hearts beating, like…like they’re
calling to me. I don’t think I can do this.”

Raider remained on his side, his head leaning
on his hand. “Do what?”

“Be around anyone. How can I be around the
Guardians when I can only think about sinking my teeth into them?
When I can only think about drinking you?” She sat up and turned
her head to face him. “And you know the worst part? I crave
drinking from you more than the others. I could drain you dry
without a second thought.”

He sat up as well, pulling her hand into his.
“We all have that thirst. Yours may be worse than mine, but I’ve
thought of drinking someone to death more times than I could tell
you. And I’ve wanted to taste
since the first day we

“Taste. Not
.” Her eyes shot
upward and she stared at the ceiling again. “Ash. He’s walking down
the hall upstairs.”

“You can tell who it is?”

“I can tell who
is,” she admitted.
“He’s my brother, his blood is linked to mine. Like yours

“You can sense me?” When she nodded, he
shrugged. “Makes sense. You’ve had my blood, so there’s a partial


“I’ve never had yours, so the bond is
one-sided.” Although he still couldn’t explain how he had seen her
in the arena. Normally, she would have been able to feel his
feelings, not the other way around.

She sighed as her eyes landed on the
Guardian’s mark that was tattooed on Raider’s chest. “I’ve screwed
everything up.” Her lower lip trembled as she continued to stare at
it, another blood-red tear dripping from her eye.

He wrapped his free arm around her shoulder
and pulled her close. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I did. I was a bitch, toying with you. I
couldn’t admit to myself how much I wanted you, but I was toying
with myself. Not to mention the fact that I lied about being an

“You didn’t lie about anything. I overreacted
because of what happened to my family, but I know you didn’t do

“You do?”

Raider pulled her back until she lay flat on
the bed again. He rolled so his body was partially on hers. “Of
course I do. Ash told me what happened when we thought you died.
How you couldn’t kill that little girl. I saw that spark in you
tonight when you saved those kids.” His face lit up, a smile spread
across it widely. “Not to mention the fact that you talk a big
game, and you never deliver.”

Her lips curled into a smile as she looked up
into his eyes. “Oh really, old man? I bet I could have you pinned
in less than a second.”

He knew his eyes gleamed with pride. The fire
was still in his female, even though her skin was ice cold. He
didn’t care which one of them was on top, as long as they were
together. He slid his hands to her wrists and held them above her
head, his body lying fully on top of hers now. Her eyes slid from
his until they focused on his neck. They flashed red with each beat
of his heart as she watched his pulse point.

Raider gulped, anticipation flooding him.
“You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you, doll?”

Nitro rolled quickly, and as promised, she was
straddling him in less than a second. “How many times do I have to
tell you not to test my skills?”

He never wanted her to stop. He’d love it if
she told him that every day for the rest of his life, as long as it
meant that she proved it to him. Staring up at her, an unbelievable
calm washed through him. Like the two of them were meant to be here
together, just like this. Her eyes were still riveted to his neck,
where he knew his pulse pumped wildly. “Nitro, bite me.”

“Really?” she whispered.

“Yes. Do it.”

With extreme effort she pulled her gaze from
his neck until she met his eyes. “I don’t want you to be like

“I won’t. I haven’t turned yet, and you’ve had
my blood a few times.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, her fangs
causing it to bleed. As Raider watched that blood well, she looked
down at him with a sexy smile. “Only if you bite me

His cock hardened at the thought. Yes, this is
what he’d been waiting for. Since the moment he’d first laid eyes
on this beautiful creature. Since the second he’d seen her in that
security monitor with her hands on her hips as she stared angrily
up into the camera.

“Unless you don’t want to,” she said

“Oh, I want to. More than you know. It’s
just…If I take your blood, I’ll want more.”

She slid her body against his hardening
erection. “I want you to take whatever you want.”

His hand shot up and he grabbed the back of
her head, urging her down to meet him. Their lips crashed together,
their fangs scraping deliciously together. His tongue flicked out
and caught the drop of blood that had welled up on her lip. He
moaned at the taste.

Nitro pulled back and smiled down at him, her
eyes glowing. “Bite me, Raider. I need to feel your bite. I need

He growled before sinking his teeth into her
neck. She cried out, but not from pain. Her wetness had started to
seep through her pants, which only made his need for her grow. He
wanted to be where she craved. Where she was so wet and needy. He
shifted, flipping them over so he was lying on top of her inviting

Mindless from their passion, she turned her
head and sank her teeth into his shoulder. The sting from her bite
was more a turn-on than he’d ever thought possible. His blood
poured into her mouth and he found that his body had begun to
thrust on its own. With every surge of his hips, her body
responded. She’d grown wetter, her moans turning into pleas.
Raider’s hand trailed down her body, past her breasts and stomach,
until it reached the band of her leather pants. He slipped his hand
under the waist, seeking her hot sheath. As soon as his fingers
touched her moist folds, they moaned in unison. Her hips thrust
forward, as if she needed the contact as much as he did.

He pushed forward again, his fingers rubbing
against her slickened clitoris as she started to ride his hand. She
released the hold on his neck. “Don’t stop,” she moaned. “It hurts.
Make it feel better.”

Gods, she desired him as much as he did her.
His own body ached horribly, wanting to sate itself on her. Raider
released her neck, licking the punctures he’d made. His other hand
delved down, pulling her pants down her long, silky legs. The woman
didn’t know how to wear underwear, and he found himself thanking
the gods that his female liked to go commando. Meant easier access.
He sat up quickly, flipping the two of them over until she was
directly under him. He stripped himself of his pants as she spread
her legs wide. The sight of her in this state sent his Instinct
into hyper drive.

Claim. Claim. Claim. Mine. Mine.

Nitro’s hands dropped. She’d been touching his
chest and abs, running her fingers sensually over his torso. She
hadn’t yet touched his erection, which was pulsing erratically, as
if trying to get her attention. Instead of touching him again, her
hands went to her corset, her fingers gripping the ties that bound
it together. Ever so slowly, she pulled the ties apart, revealing
her mouthwatering breasts. She continued to pull on the string
until it was free of her bustier, and the two sides fell open,
freeing her beautiful body from its confines.

Raider’s hands shot forward—he didn’t know
where to start. He craved every inch of this female, wanting to be
everywhere at once. He took her breasts in his hands as he lowered
his mouth onto hers. Her breasts filled his palms as he kneaded
them. His mouth left hers as his lips started traveling down her
neck. He once again lovingly licked the skin he’d just tasted and
allowed his kisses to travel farther down: over her collarbone,
down her chest. His tongue flicked and teased Nitro’s nipple,
causing her to arch up. She moaned in delight as his mouth closed
over her breast, sucking and nipping at her tender flesh. He
lavished attention there, making sure it was hard before he
switched to the other one, giving it the same amount of care. His
left hand reached up and pinched her now-freed nipple as he sucked
on the other one while his other hand inched down over her hard
stomach until it found her sex.

Once again, he swirled his fingers against her
folds, creating a delicious friction that caused her body to
jackknife off the bed. He urged her back down before continuing his
exploration of her body. His female was a livewire, ready and
willing to take everything he wanted to dish out. Her hands had
started perusing his body, wildly, roughly. They were everywhere:
his shoulders, his back, his stomach, his hair, and gods, his cock.
She’d finally reached his cock. He’d feared that it would spill
right then and there it was so ready for her touch. That fear
hadn’t left as she began a slow stroke up and down his shaft. With
her other hand, she reached down and massaged his balls. A growl
escaped him as he slid one finger into her sex. She was so tight,
so wet. The thought of him being buried deep inside her, coupled
with her stroking and massaging him nearly sent him over the edge.
He continued to piston his finger in and out of her, her silkiness
coming out each time his finger withdrew. Finally, he inserted a
second finger, pushing in and pulling out. She hissed and moaned,
her hips bucking wildly as she rode his fingers. Her stroke had
sped up, each pass matching the pace that his fingers delved in and
out of her.

“Raider, now. Gods, now,” she

He pulled back and lifted himself over her.
Nitro kept her legs separated as the head of his cock touched her
warm, wet entrance.

“You’re so beautiful like this. Don’t ever
hide this side of you from me again.”

Her head thrashed side to side as his fingers
flicked at her folds, his head rubbing up and down her clit. “I
won’t. I can’t hide myself from you. Never you.”

“You want me?”

“Yes,” she moaned.

“You want me inside you?” His body had begun
to shake; he was so ready for this female. He wanted inside her
more than anything.

“Yes, oh yes, oh yes.

Raider shoved deep inside her, quickly and
roughly. There would be no gentleness this time. Not when his
Instinct demanded that he mark her.

That he claim Nitro as his own.





“It’s not good, sir,” Pyro said as he
approached Ekhart. “The demons turned on each other after Nitro’s
stand against them. Most of them wiped each other out. The ones
that survived were taken out by Nitro and the vampire, and the ones
that actually escaped were slaughtered.”

“By who?” Ekhart demanded. He remained in his
seat next to a large dining table with a goblet of wine in his

“I’m not sure. I believe there was another
warrior outside waiting. I didn’t see who it was.”

“And how did you escape?”

“I waited it out while the building burned.”
Pyro sat down at the table just as Ekhart’s dinner was placed in
front of him. He turned toward him with a smirk. “I’m not afraid of
a little fire.”

Ekhart gave a slight chuckle. “That, my boy,
was no little fire.”

“It wasn’t the biggest I’ve ever been

He looked over at Pyro, making eye contact
with him. “No, I guess it wasn’t.” He scooped some peas up with his
spoon. “I had a quick briefing with Flame. It seems my other
children made it here just fine.”

“That’s good. After what Nitro started last
night, I’m glad that we sent most of the demons here

“Agreed,” Ekhart said around a piece of steak.
“Here, have something to eat.”

Pyro pushed himself up from the table and
stepped behind his chair. “No thank you, I think I’ll go check on
our precious cargo.”

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