Read Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance. Online

Authors: Emma Calin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance, #Mystery & Suspense

Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance. (17 page)

BOOK: Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.
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There was the unmistakable sound of aggression at the door. This was her department. She sprinted across. She just had to keep this low key. A youngish wild-looking guy was throwing punches at one of the bouncers.

“That’s enough mate!” she said.

“What? What the fuck—it’s a bloody bitch cop. You can just piss off.”

She looked at his unshaven face. She could tell he had a record. Normally she would have called for back-up and prepared to arrest him. Tonight that was not an option. She kept out of his fighting arc. She sensed he would run at her and that is just what she wanted.

“It’s time to go home or time to sit in a cell for the night,” she said.

“No fuckin’ copette’s gonna nick me.”

He came for her. She sidestepped him, tripped his leg and hunched to take his fall onto her shoulder as she flipped him over onto the ground.

“Jesus Christ!” said one of the bouncers. “Respect!”

Quickly she planted a foot at the top of his chest, just putting enough pressure onto the throat to keep him compliant. The first part of the move was pure police manual. Her current posture was South London fighting girl.

“If you don’t wanna tell all your mates some bitch copette locked you up you’d better fuck off now,” she said. “If not you can see the judge in the morning charged with assault on a sweet little girlie trying to make a difference in this wicked world.”

“All right, all right,” he said looking up at her.

She released the pressure of her foot. This had to work. He was lucky to be walking away but the situation was against her. If she suddenly popped up on police radio, questions would be asked. He got up.

“I’m sorry. I was out of order. I wouldn’t hit a woman.”

“You didn’t. Fuck off.”

He stumbled away. She’d been lucky.

“No one else gets in, boys. See if you can start moving them out,” she said to the doormen.

She heard running feet behind her. This had to be trouble. She spun round to see Spencer.

“I just pulled up. What the hell’s going on. That was Wayne Swift. He’s a right brute when he’s had a drink.”

Shannon shrugged. “Day at the office for me! No sense of timing that lad.”

He pulled her into his arms.

“God, Shannon, why is the pub open?”

“Royal birth. They’re wetting the baby’s head.”

“And you’re out here alone.”

“What did you think cops do?”

“We’ve got to talk.”

She looked into his dark, kind eyes. He was an honorable man. He’d said it all in his message but he was the sort of guy who would feel it wrong not to face you. It was nearly 1 a.m. Drinkers were drifting away. It would be all over in an hour. She walked with him back to the jeep. Still a constant current of drama flowed across London. There was a car chase coming down into the city from Wembley. It sounded like a murder in Hammersmith. It was bizarre to be sitting with him as these events played out as if entertainment. She had no appetite for re-hashing their relationship. She distracted him for a few minutes by translating the jargon and police contexts of the radio transmissions. This was her world and he, apparently, was not. After a while he hadn’t come to his point.

“Spencer, I do understand. It wasn’t to be. I turned up in your life just a few days ago. You lost your head and so did I. I just went for it. I’ve always been able to see the wider truth of it.”

“What on earth are you saying?”

“You told Jasmine you were sending Ben away again. God she was so happy to tell me. You left a message to say that something had come up and you hadn’t been fair about Jasmine. You said you couldn’t leave me dangling. You don’t really have to spell it out any more than that.”

“But I do. Dear me, I hate leaving phone messages. Something has come up but it wasn’t really part of what I was saying. I knew you’d feel anxious at Jasmine staying the night. I hadn’t planned it. When Prince Xavier wanted to stay I jumped at the chance to keep him there ... you know ... and maybe entertain her a little.”

“And did he?”

“Well, they disappeared and were gone by the time I got up. It would be wonderful if she found lasting happiness with someone.”

Shannon resisted an avalanche of possible commentaries on Jasmine’s idea of lasting happiness.

“She told me that you were sending Ben away and that you had confided that in her.”

“That’s not fair. I have talked to her many times about Ben. She’s known him since birth. After the drug business I felt I’d allowed him to be exposed to that sort of risk. I did tell Jasmine I would send him back at the end of the school holidays. Since then I’ve met you.”

“What difference does that make?”

“Right from the start we just talked with each other. Just like that I was telling you my thoughts and you were listening and giving yourself out to me. We talked about Ben and you were crystal clear that you would never send him away. He adores you, Shannon, and I’m seeing things differently. I haven’t updated Jasmine and obviously she believes he is going back.”

“You know she more or less blackmails Ben? She tells him he’s blocking your chance of happiness. She knows he hates her.”

“She believes someone like her is the right type of companion for anyone in my kind of position.”

“That’s very noble to offer herself for the greater good of mankind. Spencer—do you want her? Do you want to kiss her and have sex with her? Do you love her? Ben loathes her. What are you going to do around that little problem?”

He let out a sigh and shook his head. “I’ve let things drift haven’t I? You see, she has been there all these years. She is that route into what I know and where I come from. She’s a way back to Saskia in a way. Rejecting Jasmine would be rejecting her absolute best friend and almost closing off all that part of my life.”

She took his hand. He was a dear man who didn’t want trouble or nastiness around him. She could see how Jasmine linked him back to those safe happy days with his beautiful wife and young son. It was during that period that he would have formed his vision of Jasmine. Since the death he’d been a lonely guy wrestling with an empty life. Just as he started to take some fresh air and start over fixing old cars, Ben got in trouble and broke his spirit. He’d failed Saskia in the way he’d cared for her lovely son. He’d failed in this sacred duty to her. And there was Jasmine, holding a lamp showing him the way back to a place where he’d been proud and secure.

“Every idiot in every movie and on every TV soap tells someone else they understand. No one ever fully understands, Spencer, but I think I can see your attitude. Maybe I should just forget what’s happened. You’ve had a little glimpse outside the prison.”

“No! Shannon, no, no, no! It is difficult to re-tune a life but you mustn’t go.”

“So what was this thing that’s come up in your message. To be honest I figured she’d got into bed with you, you’d had a breakthrough to a new sexual cosmos via the gut ripping gravity of her black hole and you were about to announce your engagement in “The Times.””

He looked at her and started to laugh.

“You do say some extraordinary things. I’ve never been drawn toward her black hole.” He broke off laughing. “Forgive me ... you have a way with words. Now listen, what has come up is that I have to go abroad the day after tomorrow. It’s a UNESCO meeting.”

Since she’d first heard of it, she had read up on UNESCO. It was one of those things above the heads of folk like her.

“World heritage, saving the planet, ending poverty. The great and good trying to solve stuff,” she said.

“Well, yes. We do achieve things sometimes.”

“I know. It’s all remote somehow.”

“Yes, you’re right but the meeting is in Venice. It’s high tourist season but my cousin has a palazzo there. Shannon, I was trying to contact you because I want you to come with me. We can have some time together away from everything and everyone here.”

A thrill ran through her body. All day she had been coming to terms with the loss of him. Now he wanted to take her off to Venice. He wanted her. Nothing mattered more than that.

“Yes, I don’t care what or where. So long as you want me and I don’t let myself go completely into you just to find there’s nothing there. This is important Spencer.”

“Yes. It’s important for me too.”

He leaned across and kissed her lips. His strong hand reached out to caress her cheek. A surge swelled in her belly. The pub lights were going out. The landlord was bolting the doors. She’d taken a chance and gotten away with it.

“Come back to the Manor,” he said. “We do need to talk.”

“I’ll be talking in my sleep,” she said.

“I’ll be listening in mine.”


It was 3 a. m. as she laid her head gratefully on the pillows of the fabulous bed. He was gentle with her, massaging her shoulders and softly running his lips across the skin of her back. This was heaven. The presence of this powerful gorgeous male soothed her into a sense of childhood safety. She was dreaming of him somewhere weightless and warm. They were kissing and the kiss spread to her breasts until his lips were an abstract current of joy. She knew she was shamelessly wet and longing to come. The kiss had reached her sex. She was bursting now, spilling out her orgasm into space. She was coming in a dream! She was aware of her breathing as she surfaced a little. He was propped on an elbow watching her and smiling. His hand was touching her. She couldn’t hold back as she looked at his handsome face and his kind loving eyes willing her on. A tide of emotion flooded her consciousness. She was throbbing again as almost sobs spasmed through her belly. For a second she reached out to feel him rock hard in arousal for her. She felt a pulse under her grip and felt his wetness. The thrill pushed her over into helpless orgasm that rolled and rolled like summer thunder. He soothed her stomach as she relaxed into warm bliss. Dawn was pouring in through the heavy embroidered curtains.

“God ! I just had a snoregasm,” she said.

“I bet you’d like a cup of tea.”

“If I can have you with it.”

He slipped out of bed. He was aroused and big above his dark silky root hair.

“Looks like he’s on parade, Major,” she said, impressed by his military posture.

“A salute to beauty,” he replied, kissing her forehead.

He returned with tea. She took a sip.

“Spencer! A proper brew.”

“That’s how much you mean to me. What else could a man do?”

“Make love to me or let me make love to you.”

She caressed his hot cock. It was hard and longing for her. He had made her wet and thrilled to feel her. She had tempted him to burst and she thrilled to feel the steel of his longing. He was lying on his back.

“’You’re so hard for me and I’m so wet for you,” she said. “I can’t stop....”

Quickly she straddled him searching to feel that bliss pain of fullness inside her. Already a cum-surge trembled through her. He groaned as she arched forward pressing her breasts to his lips. He drew in a nipple as she felt him at her entrance. The double jolt fired a flash to her nub as she eased herself down onto him she was screaming out and coming with helpless squeezing in her belly. Now she was filled with his male power. He was opening her and she was flowing out to him. She leaned back to watch his expression. He was in ecstasy. His eyes were closed but he reached out to cup her breasts and tease her nipples. Waves swept down to her hot wet love groove. A small movement made him shudder and sigh. He opened his eyes to watch her. She sat upright as he reached out to caress her button. She let go at once, spasming her insides onto his hard cock as clitoral cum waves zinged into her trembling thighs. She placed her hand on top of his and joined his rhythm to raise her up to release again. His shaft was relentless. It was at the very top of her and spreading her opening.

“I want your hot love cum in my pussy,” she said. “I want you to let go in me.”

She began to slide up and down his length. She was watching him now. She wanted to know what she was doing to him and how she was making him feel.

“You’re in your woman’s pussy. My pussy’s coming on you.”

As she spoke he looked at her. His eyes were animal now, fixed on letting go his seed. She felt the first twitch of his release. His powerful hands were gripping her hips. He was growling.

“You lovely woman, I’m doing it in you. I’m coming in you,” he moaned.

She felt the push of his seed jetting from his cock. She sensed something chemical of male musk. She was shrieking as her own juices squeezed and flowed with his. They were joined in an emotion beyond the boundaries of self. She needed to taste him and see the last outpouring of his man cum. She slipped off and slid down to take him in her hand. With her other she gently fingered his sack. Aftershocks of his lust oozed out of him. She licked a bead of his liquid. The slight saltiness of his hot elixir made her groan. Even in her satisfaction, the taste and knowledge of his release brought her toward a final shudder. As she rode the building wave of pleasure, he pulled her up to him, kissing the mix of their juices from her lips. Her sex pressed hard against his body as she kissed her crashing wave of oblivion back into his soul.

BOOK: Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.
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