Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11 (14 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11
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The door closed slowly and softly behind her.
Lynne stared at her reflection in the mirror.
A self-satisfied smile grew on her face.
This was pure luck and a lot of careful manipulation.
If she continued to play her cards right, Steve would continue to find ways to give his pet anything she wanted and right now, Lynne wanted a granddaughter.

Her lips twisted into an ugly smile.
It was
Adore a man, let him think you’re too stupid to see through him, and if he is unprincipled and loves you, you
make him do anything.




May I cut in?

Willow and Chad spoke in unison.
Before Chad could say anything more, Willow added,

I don

t think it

d be a good idea
Mr. Solari

Steve seethed as Chad waltzed away with his granddaughter.
Chad noticed the anger boiling under the surface and sighed.

I think we just made a serious mistake

You think I should have danced?

I think Steve Solari is a dangerous man
angering him puts one or both of us in danger

Willow stood on tiptoe, kissed Chad

s cheek, and left him standing alone on the dance floor.
The kiss surprised him at first
upon reflection,
her insight amazed him.
Leaving him alone with a kiss ensured that no one
would think that
they had quarreled
How had she thought of something like that?

At the Solari

s table, Willow stood behind them as the couple

s talked
waiting for an opening.
Chad was correct; Solari was furious.
Unwilling to open
herself to the charge of eaves
dropping, she laid her hand on his shoulder and said,

Excuse me

Steve jumped to his f
eet, surprised and acting somewhat nervous.

I am surprised to see you so soon.
I thought you and your



s eyes flew to her hand in surprise.
So the bridal shop had been about a wedding.

Fiancée, made it clear that you weren

t interested

I came to apologize.

we were rude and ungracious.
I want to say that I

d love to dance
but it

s not true.
However, if you still want to dance, I accept

The next song caused Willow to wince.
Not only would she have to dance with a man she feared, but to a song that hurt her ears.
seemed to notice. “
How about we wait for the next waltz or even a two-step.

ll come get you
if I may?

a weak smile
and a nod just shy of curt, Willow returned to Chad

s side at their table and sagged against him.

That was awkward

He said no?


s coming back when a dance starts that I can

Moon River

drifted through the room two songs later
and Steve
by her side almost instantly.
Chad wove his way through the dancers to Lynne
and seconds later, they
near Willow and Steve from time to time.

Steve waited until their third trip around the dance floor before he spoke.

Willow, I

d be a fool to pretend I don

t understand your aversion to me.
I represent a connection to the one person your mother truly feared

No, you don


I don


Mother didn

t fear your son
Mr. Solari.
She hated your son; she feared you

Affronted, his eyebrows drew together in a scowl in such a quick movement, she almost doubted that she saw it.

She had no reason to fear me.
I tried to do all I could to ease the pain of what my son caused.
I knew it was inadequate
but I couldn

t take back what was already done

I don

t know what you said to her that day
but Mother feared for my life if you discovered my existence
Suddenly an idea occurred to her.

I have to say, with some of the things that have happened to me recently, I can see why she did

What are you talking about?

Someone, a man named Ben Fischer, killed my dog and chickens, entered my home and meddled with my things
He eventually
attacked me and threatened my life

He what
Solari began
fury nearly oozing from his pores.

How did you get away

do you need a bodyguard?
What can I do to help ensure your safety?

She met his gaze and held it waiting for some glimmer of guilt or innocence.
Willow saw neither.

They caught him
and he died on the way to the Brunswick station


Her stunned expression spoke before she did.

How can you say that?

ll never know why he did what he did.

ll never have a chance to repent

He tried to hurt you.
I can

t feel sorry that he

s gone.
I know in your book that probably makes me a horrible person
but I can

t stand the idea of anything happening to you


Steve spun her gently away from him and then back into his arms.


re not a trained dancer
but you follow a lead very well, Willow

Thank you.

Sorry, I got sidetracked.
The answer isn

t one you want to hear,

he admitted with believable ruefulness.

Tell me anyway

You are my only grandchild.
I know that we don

t know each other and your existence is proof of my son

s worst side, but I want a relationship with my only grandchild.

The look he gave her, clearly meant to be tender, nearly caused her to shudder.

I know it is hard to believe, but I already love you and want to take care of you
He paused and swallowed the emotion in his voice, although
even Willow could see that it was
somewhat for effect.


s part of who I am.
I saw you across the room tonight and saw my wife, thirty years ago.
You look just like her

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