Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11 (18 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11
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“Admit it.”
He slid his hand behind her neck and kneaded the muscles.

“Ok, fine.
I admit it.”


“Aaak!” Willow turned, forcing herself to meet his eyes.
“Ok, I admit.
I like your flirting—mostly.”


“And I want to know what you think is attractive about me—today.”

“That you’re clueless just how attractive you are.
Today, that’s the biggie.”

She pointed to the ice cream freezer.
“Get cranking or it won’t be done in time.”

As he settled himself back in the rocking chair, freezer between his knees, Chad cranked.
Willow felt his eyes boring into her back.
She knew it was coming and winced as she heard him say, “Mostly?”






You said that
on Valentine’s Day, and when I had on my ratty old jeans and flannel—

Well, I

m saying it again
Chad teased.


Can we go now?

Willow demanded
reaching for her ruana.

Chad caught her hands.
Wrapping arms around her he whispered,


m surprised Cheri didn

t stick yo
u in a pair of three inch heels.

She tried.
I took
about two
steps and kicked them
Willow disentangled herself from Chad giving him an irritated yet amused look and
her ruana over her shoulders.

With his back leaning against the banister, Chad openly appraised her.

I think it

s a good thing,

he agreed finally.

After all, a guy can only take so much
Before she could respond, Chad linked his arm in hers and opened the front door.


s mind was kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and memories.
From the moment she entered
she absorbed the decorations, the clothes, the music, and the ceremony surrounding Aggie

s wedding.
Some of the formality didn

t make sense to her
but it was beautiful nonetheless.

The minister

s sermonette on the roles of husbands and wives and the admonition for the family and friends present to support them and hold Luke and Aggie to their vows touched Willow deeply.
As she listened, she imagined how those words would play out in her life with Chad and who would help them keep the vows they made.
She would have to be sure she could keep the vows before she stood there ready to make them.

… kiss your bride

Chad watched.
Instead of focusing on
his cousin and the bride
, his eyes traveled to the back of the room where Willow sat slack-jawed at the couple standing before her.
Something flickered in her expression, causing him to glance at Luke.

s deer-in-the-headlight

s look turned to an impish grin as she reached for her bouquet from her maid of honor

s hand

and then grabbed Tina

s bouquet as well.
both to shield them from the guests
, Luke and Aggie

s first kiss managed to be slightly private if a bit more intense and longer than absolutely necessary.


d like
the minister interrupted with partially repressed chuckles.

To introduce Luke and Aggie Sullivan so they can have a moment


Aggie quipped laughing.

I waited a long time for my first kiss!

Chad and a few of the other attendants laughed as they heard Luke murmur,

Well you won

t wait long for
… or third




Children milled everywhere
and though Aggie tried, her mother hat kept slipping off and hiding under her bridal veil.
Libby worked to keep the childish revelry down to a minimum
but with the constant interference by everyone insisting

they need to celebrate too
the youngest Stuart childr
en led a wild side of the party—occasionally
contained by whatever adults happened to be nearby.

After eating, the cake, toasts—Aggie stood and the younger women congregated in the center of the room.

Catch the bouquet


Chad nudged her forward.

The one who catches it marries next

I thought that was just in a book

His laughter rang out
causing several near them to smile knowingly.

Willow, it was in that book because it

s what people do

Cheri grabbed Willow on her way to the group by the door.

Come on.
If I get it, I

ll pass it to you

Willow thought the entire thing was ridiculous
but she tried to get in the spirit of things.
As Aggie

s bouquet of roses flew into the air, Willow glanced back and saw Chad

s hopeful face.
She turned, determined to catch it, and found it falling into her arms as though aimed there.
A glance at Aggie confirmed her suspicions.

A cheer went up from the women around her.
Willow sought Chad

s eyes and smiled as he nodded his approval.
Cheri squealed and hugged her.

I can’t stand it.
This is great!

m so excited!

stood and made his way to the microphone, tapping
it to gather everyone

s attention.

Well, we all know I

m not much of a talker.

m sure you

wondering how I managed to get this many
out without a thirty to three hundred and thirty second pause
A ripple of knowing laughter washed over the room.

Well, for the record, I rehearsed this all week so you

ll be disappointed if you expect any pauses while I try to choose my words.
I have an announcement to make
.” His eyes swept the room as he shook his head.
“I didn’t rehears choking up though.
Ok, so this announcement—

s extra special to me because of why I get to make it instead of someone else.
Back in January
, my mother went to Rockland for us to pick up
something for me
and as she passed a bridal shop

Chad and Willow

s eyes widened.

Do you think

she whispered feeling terrible that her selfishness had given away their secret prematurely.

d in that shop, trying on wedding dresses
, was a young woman that Mom recognized
With her was
my Aunt Marianne
so when mom got home, she called Aunt Marianne about this little event.
Apparently, my cousin Chad has been
engaged since New Year’s,
wanted to give Aggie and me

our day
It sounds like

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