Patrick Henry (41 page)

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Authors: Thomas S. Kidd

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Customs duties/tariffs
East India Company
Edwards, Jonathan
See also
Abolitionists; Manumissions
Episcopal Church
See also
Anglican Church; Anglicans; Church of England
Ethical license
Eve, George
Executive office.
President, office of
Executive vs. legislative power
Farris, Michael
Fauquier, Francis
Favorable trade status, granting
Federal spending, issue of
Federalist Party
opposition to the U.S. Constitution and the
Federalist, The
(Madison, Hamilton and Jay)
Financial bailouts of companies
Financial meltdown (2008)
First Amendment
First Continental Congress
initial plan resulting in the
See also
Second Continental Congress
First Great Awakening.
Great Awakening
Fithian, Philip Vickers
Fleming, William
Fontaine, Patrick Henry
Fort Detroit, Great Lakes region
Fort Duquesne, Pennsylvania
Fort Necessity battle
alliance with
See also
French Revolution; Seven Years' War
Franklin, Ben
of the press
of speech
See also
Freeing slaves.
French and Indian War.
Seven Years' War
French Revolution
Gage, Thomas
Galloway, Joseph
Gardoqui, Don Diego Maria de
(British schooner), burning of the
Gates, Horatio
General Assembly of Virginia.
Virginia legislature/assembly
General assessment plan
General Court of Virginia.
Virginia General Court
George III, King of Great Britain
George II, King of Great Britain
George I, King of Great Britain
Germantown, Philadelphia
Gilmer, George
Glorious Revolution (1688–89)
dependence on
referring to
seeking guidance from
Gooch, William
Goochland County Committee
Gordon, Thomas
Gospel of Mark
big, issue of
colonial, of Virginia
good, Henry's view of
See also specific government institutions
Governmental power, issue of.
National vs. state power
Governor's (royal) council
Grayson, William
Great Awakening
Great Bridge battle
Greek republic
Greene, Nathanael
Grenville, George
Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina
Habeas corpus
Hamilton, Alexander
advocate for the new Constitution
Articles of Confederation and
plans to bolster public credit
Hanover County, Virginia
Hanover Presbytery
Hanovers, the
Harrison, Benjamin
Hastings, Selma
Helper, Hinton Rowan
Henry, Alexander (son)
Henry, Anne (daughter)
Henry, Anne.
Christian, Anne Henry (sister)
Henry County, Virginia
Henry, Dorothea Dandridge (2nd wife)
Henry, Edward “Neddy” (son)
Henry, Elizabeth “Betsey” (daughter).
Aylett, Elizabeth Henry (daughter)
Henry, John (father)
Henry, John (son)
Henry, Martha (daughter)
Henry, Patrick
accusations of treason against
advocating strict interpretation of the Constitution
affiliating with Federalists, Jefferson on
Alien and Sedition Acts and
aligning with the Federalist Party
American memory of
anger over Virginia's perilous state
as an Anglican
animosity between Jefferson and
as anti-federalist
ascension to the House of Burgesses
Barbary states and
as bartender
on the Bill of Rights
birth of
and the Boston Port Bill
brother-in-law on religious beliefs of
call to defend liberty
career of, main themes of the
cheated by his half-brother
childhood of
Christian conservatives' view of
compared to John Adams
Continental army and
as Continental Congress delegate
corruption and
death of
debate over declaring independence and
declining political office/diplomatic positions
in defense of Christianity
denounced by Dunmore
education of
elected to the House of Delegates
endorsing Marshall for Congress
enhanced popularity of, period of
erroneous reports of his death
on executive power
family of
as a father
financial independence regained by
First Continental Congress and
as first-time land owner
following Cornwallis's surrender
and the
general assessment plan and
on God and liberty
as governor of Virginia
Great Awakening and
as greatest orator of the Revolution
historians on
Henry, Patrick
ideas of, using, during Civil War era
image of, appropriating the, by the Left and the Right
importance of religion to
impost proposal and
indebtedness of
Intolerable Acts and
investigation of Jefferson instigated by
Jefferson's attempt at reconciling with
on Jefferson's resignation
journey from anti-federalist to Federalist
as land speculator
law examination of
as law student
as lawyer
Leatherwood home of
legacy of
marriages of
meeting and becoming friends with Jefferson
as military commander
militia expedition by, Virginians' view of
moniker for
moral vision instilled in
national vs. state power and
on Native Americans
near capture of
negative view of Congress
notoriety achieved by
obituary of
objection to the Mississippi treaty
opposition to the U.S. Constitution
oratory style of
Paine and
Parsons' Cause and
as a planter
political ambitions of
poor health of
positioning for a political career
posthumous biographical treatment of
pragmatism of
predictions of, descendant writing about
preventing Madison's election to the U.S. Senate
pro-British positions of
pursuing dual careers
quote erroneously attributed to
raising militias
reconciling himself to the new government
Red Hill home of
reelected as governor
religious pluralism and
religious practice of
remarriage of
on repaying British creditors
resignation from military service
resolutions against the Stamp Act
retirement of
rivalry and friendship with R. H. Lee
Roundabout Creek property of
running again for the House of Delegates
Scotchtown home of
Second Continental Congress and
and separation of church and state
separatist intentions of
serving again in the House of Delegates
Seven Years' War and
shortcomings of
as slave owner
on slavery
Stamp Act and
as store owner
suggesting secession as an option
support for Washington
Supreme Court position offered to
thoughts on contemporary issues, speculation over
Townshend Duties and
Virginia Convention and
Virginia Declaration of Rights and
voting for president and vice president
will of
worries of, in the last years of the war
Yazoo land grant and
Henry, Patrick (uncle/pastor)
Henry, Patsey (daughter)
Henry, Richard (son)
Henry, Sarah (mother)
Henry, Sarah Shelton (1st wife)
Henry, William (brother)
Henry, William (son)
Henry, William Wirt (grandson)
Henry, Winston (son)
Hessian troops
Hook, John
House, lower.
British House of Commons; U.S. House of Representatives; Virginia House of Burgesses; Virginia House of Delegates
House, upper.
British House of Lords; U.S. Senate; Virginia Senate
Illinois territory
Impending Crisis of the South
Incorporation bill
debate over, in Virginia
national, Continental Congress declaring
resolution in Virginia declaring
See also
Declaration of Independence
Independence Hall, Philadelphia
Native Americans
Individual rights, respect for, plan for
Infanticide case
Innoculation campaigns
Intercolonial congress.
First Continental Congress; Second Continental Congress
Intercolonial cooperation committee
Interracial sex/marriage
Intolerable Acts (1774)
Iraq war
James II, King of Great Britain
James I, King of Great Britain
James, the disciple
Jamestown, burning of
Jay, James
Jay, John
Jay Treaty
Jefferson, Martha
Jefferson, Thomas
abandoning his office
as ambassador to France
animosity between Henry and
attempting reconciliation with Henry
background on
Boston Port Bill and
Clark's expedition and
corresponding with Henry's biographer
cousin of
and the Declaration of Independence
doubts about the U.S. Constitution
on executive power
family of
commission and
General Court and
as governor of Virginia
on Henry as a lawyer
on Henry's Federalist affiliation
on Henry's impost indecision
Henry's view of
ideological purity of
indebtedness of
as lawyer
legal investigation of
meeting and becoming friends with Henry
Monticello home of
near capture of
negative view by, of Henry posthumously
as planter
posthumous biographical treatment of
as president
as presidential candidate
religious freedom and
religious practice of
Republican Party of
resignation as governor
response to the Alien and Sedition Acts
Second Continental Congress and
and separation of church and state
skepticism of
on slavery
Stamp Act and
as vice president
on Washington's political offers to Henry
Jenyns, Soame
Jeremiah 5:21
Jeremiah 6:14
Jeremiah 18:22
Jeremiah, the prophet
Jesus Christ
John, the disciple
Judicial power
Jumonville, Joseph Coulon de Villiers de
Jury trial, right to a
Kaskaskia, Illinois
Kay, William
King James Bible
King, Rufus
King William County, Virginia
Kings Mountain, South Carolina
Land grants
Laurens, Henry
Law profession
Lear, Tobias
Leatherwood plantation
Lee, Charles
Lee, Henry “Light Horse Harry”
Lee, Richard Henry
on declaring independence
on Mississippi navigation rights
on publicly supported religion
Left, the
Legislative vs. executive power
Letter to the Clergy of Virginia
Letter to the Right Reverend Father in God, the Lord B—p of L—n, A
Lewis and Clark expedition
Lewis, Charles
Lexington, Massachusetts, battle in
asylum for
call to defend

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