Pay Any Price (41 page)

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Authors: James Risen

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data-mining operations,

Daum, Gary,

deception detection methods,

defendants, in

Defense Department (DOD): burn pits as health hazards and,
; intelligence operations for SOCOM and,
; investigative work for
case and,
; military contractor audits and,
; psychologists in,
; Saddam Hussein's connection with 9/11 attacks and,
; secret software and,

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),

Democratic Party, and national security,

Derby Line Battle in 2010,

Development Fund of Iraq (DFI),

Dick, Mike,

digital communications online,

domestic surveillance/spying program,

Drake, Thomas,

Drath, Viola,

drones: overview of,
; Bush administration and,
; civilian casualties and,
; counterterrorism and,
; ethics of,
; government contracts and,
; illicit international market for,
; Middle East market for,
; Obama administration and,
; oligarchs and,
; secret software and,

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),

drug trafficking,

Dubai, and Rosetta,

Dyncorp International,


East Rutherford Operations Center,

Eban, Katherine,

economic assistance: to Kurds in postwar Iraq,
; for postwar Iraq,


electrical wiring issues, and military contractors,

Elsner, Mike,

embassies, U.S.,

Emerson, Steven,

Emmerson, Ben,

endless war,
See also
counterterrorism (war on terror); enhanced interrogation methods; homeland security-industrial complex; National Security Agency (NSA)

enemy combatant status, of prisoners,

England: illicit international drones market and,
; Rosetta and,

enhanced interrogation methods: Abu Ghraib and,
; American Psychiatric Association and,
; American Psychological Association and,
; Bagram Prison and,
; behavioral scientists and,
; Bush administration and,
; CIA and,
; compartmentalization and,
; Congress and,
; contract interrogators and,
; courts-martial of interrogators and,
; documentary film and,
; DOD psychologists and,
; drugs for interrogators and,
; enemy combatant status and,
; FBI and,
; Guantánamo Bay and,
; Homeland Security and,
; intelligence operations/community and,
; interrogator contractors and,
; interrogators and,
; Justice Department's legal opinions on,
; learned helplessness research and,
; military personnel as interrogators and,
; money for psychologists and,
; moral injury to military interrogators and,
; PENS task force and,
; Pentagon and,
; power/abuse of power and,
; press investigations and,
; psychiatrists and,
; psychologist contractors and,
; psychologists and,
; PTSD diagnosis for interrogators and,
; SEALs and,
; secrecy and,
; SERE program as reverse engineered and,
; spousal abuse by interrogators and,
; status and,
; stress position techniques and,
; torture and,
; training for,
; true/false information and,
; VA assistance for interrogators and,
; videotaping interrogations and,
; waterboarding and,
; whistleblowers and,

See also
secret software

ethics, of drone program,

eTreppid Technologies,

executive branch: power/abuse of power and,
; secret software and,
See also
specific presidents


facial/object recognition software,

Fadl, Jamal -al,

false or true information, and enhanced interrogation methods,

fear, and homeland security,

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): counterterrorism and,
; enhanced interrogation methods and,
; intelligence operations and,
; intelligence operations for SOCOM investigation by,
; investigative work for
case and,
; 9/11 lawsuits and,
; NSA leaks investigation by,
; secret software and,
; TFOS and,
; theft and storage of cash from U.S. and,

Feinstein, Dianne,

Feith, Douglas,

FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court,

Fisher, Ivan,

Flowers, Jodi,

Flynn, Michael,

foreign intelligence,

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court,

Fourth Amendment protections,

France, and secret software,

Fuller, Mark Richard,


Gabriel, Brigitte,

Ganyard, Steve,

Garner, Jay,

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems,

Geneva Conventions,

Germany, and Rosetta,

Gerwehr, Scott,

Ghappour, Ahmed,

Gibbons, Jim,

Gitmo (Guantánamo Bay),


Goss, Porter,

government organizations: architecture of fear and,
; cash from U.S. in postwar Iraq and,
; compartmentalization and,
; cybersecurity and,
; investigative work for
case and,
; money for secret software and,
; secrecy and,
; secret software and,
See also
contractors (outside contractors);
and specific government organizations

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