Pay Any Price (43 page)

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Authors: James Risen

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London, J. Phillip,

Loomis, Ed,

Lormel, Dennis,

Lowery, Copeland,


Madison, James,

Mahfouz, Khalid bin,


Malik, Mushtaq (“Black Prince”),

Maliki, Nouri al-,

Mallon, Brian,

marijuana medication, and enhanced interrogation methods,

Maseth, Ryan,

McClatchy Newspapers,

McConnell, Mike,

McKeon, Robert,

McManus, Wade,

Middle East: drones market in,
; intelligence operations in,
; money laundering in,

military, U.S.
United States military

military war-zone services: overview of,
; as “too big to fail,”
; army procurement and auditors and,
; Blackwater and,
; bribery scandals and,
; bureaucrats postretirement employment as,
; burn pits as health hazards and,
; Bush administration and,
; Congress and,
; DOD audits and,
; electrical wiring issues and,
; KBR and,
; negligent homicides and,
; Obama administration and,
; Pentagon audits and,
; VA investigations into health hazards and,
; veterans class action lawsuits and,
; war lung injury and,
; war-zone fraud and,
; whistleblowers and,

Miller, Robert,

Mirza, Said,

Mitchell, James,

MonDesire, Daria,

money: for counterterrorism,
; for cybersecurity,
; for homeland security,
; for psychologists,
; for secret software,
See also
cash, and postwar Iraq

money laundering,

Montgomery, Dennis,

moral injury, to interrogators,

Morgan, Charles “Andy,”

Motley, Ronald,

Motley Rice,

Mueller, Robert,

Mumford, Geoffrey,

Muth, Albrecht,


Nance, Malcolm,

National Institutes of Health (NIH),

National Security Agency (NSA): Al Qaeda data and,
; Bush administration and,
; compartmentalization and,
; Congress and,
; corruption and secrecy in,
; cyberattacks by,
; cybersecurity and,
; data-mining operations and,
; digital communications online and,
; domestic surveillance/spying program and,
; FBI investigation into leaks and,
; foreign intelligence and,
; Internet metadata collection operation and,
; Justice Department and,
; leaks and,
; Mainway and,
; national security policies and,
New York Times
articles on,
; 9/11 terrorist attacks and,
; Obama administration and,
; outside contractors or SAIC and,
; Perfect Citizen and,
; personnel issues and,
; power/abuse of power and,
; press investigations and,
; rights of citizens and,
; SARC or skunk works and,
; Stellar Wind and,
; telecommunications companies and,
; Thin Thread and,
; Trailblazer and,
; warrantless wiretapping operations and,
; whistleblowers as acting inside the system and,
; whistleblowers as acting outside the system and,

national security policies: of Bush administration,
; Democrats and,
; NSA and,
; of Obama administration,
; Republicans and,
See also

negligent homicides,

Németh, Jeremy,

New Generation survey,

Newman, Russ,

New York Times,

Nguyen, Michael,

NIH Community Orchestra,

9/11 terrorist attacks: homeland security-industrial complex and,
; intelligence operations and,
; Iraq and,
; lawsuits and,
; NSA and,
In re Terrorist Attacks
case and,
. See also
Burnett et al.
. Al Baraka et al.;
investigative work, and

Noorzai, Haji Bashir,

NSA (National Security Agency).
National Security Agency (NSA)

Nummy, David,


Obama, Barack: burn pits as health hazards and,
; cash from U.S. in postwar Iraq and,
; counterterrorism policies of,
; drones and,
; Guantánamo Bay and,
; leaks and,
; military war-zone services and,
; national security policies of,
; NSA and,
; secret software and,
; whistleblower crackdowns and,

object/facial recognition software,

Occupy Wall Street movement,

Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD),

oligarchs: overview of,
; drones and,
; interrogator contractors and,
; police training contracts and,
See also
drone program;
and specific oligarchs

Olson, Brad,

Omar, Mullah,

O'Mara, Shane,

One World Trade Center,

Operation Stonegarden,

OSD (Office of Secretary of Defense),

outside contractors (contractors).
contractors (outside contractors)


Page, Larry,

Pakistan: drones and,
; ISI and,


Pelosi, Nancy,

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