PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance) (18 page)

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An earthquake of pleasure rumbled as my thighs began to shake.

A thick finger penetrated me even as his tongue continued to drive me ever closer to a cliff I couldn’t avoid.

Two fingers entered me, followed by a third. Heaven help me, I wanted more.

“Tell me you want me inside you,” he told me but I refused, thrashing my head in answer. “Say it, baby girl. Say it, now.”

Damn you
, I wanted to cry out but all that escaped my lips was more breathy moans as sweat began to bead my body.

“Stubborn little shit,” he said with a hint of enjoyment. “You're going to come for me. Whether you like it or not.”

Fingers buried deep, he thrummed my G-spot, pushing me toward a precipice I couldn't avoid if I wanted to.

I cried out, my hips thrusting against his tongue. “Jameson!”

His name burned on my lips, tasting like heaven. My mind was breaking even as my body was yielding.


“So sweet when you beg,” he said but he didn't relent. If anything my soft mewls pushed him harder, his touch becoming more insistent, more demanding.

I lost myself to the building pressure binding my every thought. Everything seemed centered on one thing — the need to shatter — so I gave in and let it happen.

An explosion of pleasure stiffened my limbs and curled my toes, my fingers clenching the bedding as tightly as my womb was spasming.

I couldn’t think.

Couldn’t speak.

The pleasure so blinding that I lost myself for a brief moment in the black hole of sensation.

Jameson pulled away but not before giving my swollen, pulsing clitoris a small pinch and I cried out as another wave of pleasure rocked me.

What had he done to me?

I opened my eyes to see Jameson watching me with eyes hot with banked hunger.

His erection seemed bigger — if that were even possible — and I wasn’t as fearful any longer.

To my private shame, I wanted him to fill me.

I met his gaze and an unspoken agreement passed between us.

When I came to my senses, I would continue to fight him.

But right now, I wanted to know what else he could make my body do.

Like I said before…curiosity would be the death of me.


to feel a pinch of shame, right?

Something that would remind me that what I was doing was wrong.

But I felt none.

Hell, I was impatient to feel her close around me, to know that my cock was the one breaching those virgin walls.

Her reluctant gaze seared my skin, skipping across my flesh with her covert curiosity and I grinned. “You come so sweetly, baby girl. I could listen to you moan all day.”

Ivy’s cheeks burned prettily. I liked the look on her. She was a refreshing change from the usual women I fucked around with.

“On your knees, beautiful.”

She sank to her knees, the plush carpet cushioning the weight of her body as I watched, my hand going to her hair and threading my fingers through it.

The minute Ivy's sweet, pouty lips wrapped around my fat cock, I lost the grip I’d on my control.

She was sexy incarnate and she didn't even know it.

I wanted to know if she'd ever sucked a cock before but I couldn't form the words.

The exquisite pleasure of having Ivy’s mouth on me was more powerful than I would’ve imagined.

Even though her movements were hesitant and unsure, I was wildly aroused, almost to the point that I worried I might come too soon.

For a wild, almost indescribable moment, I almost sank into the fantasy that Ivy was my girl for real and that I not only had the privilege of fucking her every night but sleeping tucked up beside her as well.

Well, shit, who wants to play house all of a sudden?

Not me.

My grip tightened on her scalp and she whimpered but the sound was like pure sexual adrenaline and I pumped against her mouth, shoving my cock down her beautiful throat.

I could come right there — filling her throat with my cream — but I didn't want to come that way.

With a force of pure will I withdrew from her mouth, groaning as I did because, holy fuck was there anything hotter than watching Ivy suck me off?

At the moment — no but I was almost obsessed with the idea of being her first and I couldn't wait another minute.

“Not so fast,” I said, breathing hard, pulling her to her feet. “I would love to come down your throat but the first time I come with you, will not be in your mouth.”

I kissed her hard, plunging my tongue in her mouth, eager to do the same with her pussy.

“You think this is going to happen more than once,” she said breathlessly, still sassy in spite of the fact that she was clearly in my control and I loved it.

God, this woman.

Everything about her made me wild.

“Damn straight,” I growled, spinning her around and pushing her to the bed. “On your knees, sweetness. I want to see that fine ass in my fucking face.”

When she hesitated, I pulled her hips toward me and pushed her face to the bed roughly.

When she protested, I slapped her hard on that sweet ass to remind her that I was driving the bus, not her.

She yelped and her fingers clutched the bedsheets as she squeezed her eyes shut. My hand left a rosy pink print on her pristine, soft flesh and I swallowed a groan.

Would I ever get her out of my system?

Maybe I was screwing myself right now by giving in to my desire to have Ivy when I knew it was a terrible idea.

But even as logic and reason started to crowd my brain, the fact that I was seconds away from plunging balls deep in that virginal pussy blotted out whatever might've constituted as wisdom.

I slid my finger along her damp seam, loving that my mouth had been there only moments before and that the juices seeping from her sweet cunt were there because of me.

Fuck, when had I turned into such a freak?

Only with her.

That was the thing. It was Ivy.

Something about her.

I couldn't deny.

God, fucking hell, this was total obsession.

I couldn’t begin to make heads or tails of why I felt the way I did about her.

I was no different than those weak sods who carried on about their ex-girlfriends after a restraining order's been slapped on their ass.

But I was the cop in this case.

And she wasn't going to turn me in — even though she should.

I squeezed her ass, loving how the plump flesh filled my palm.

For a tiny thing, she had a nice fat ass and I meant that in the best way possible.

“Just do it,” she begged, though there was an edge to her plea.

Baby girl, still thought she was in charge.

I grinned and reached down to pinch the swollen little clit, causing Ivy to groan.

“You're just asking for a spanking, aren't you?”

“Don't you dare,” she said, moving lightening-fast to get away from me but I was faster.

I pulled her to me, laughing. “A good spanking for a bad girl is always fun.”

“I’m not a bad girl,” she said coolly, though heat flashed in her eyes as if the idea of being put over my knee appealed to her in some shameful corner of her secret mind.

Ahhh, the fucking intrigue with this woman was more than I could stand.

“Another time, sweetheart,” I said gruffly, sealing her mouth with mine before she could shoot back a sassy retort.

Then, because my cock was ready to split in half, I tossed her back to the bed and hauled her to her knees again, only this time I didn't hesitate to admire the view.

I framed her ass with my hands, then plunged my cock inside her wet and ready pussy, cleaving that sweet heat like a warrior on the battlefield.

Ivy sucked in a sharp breath, stiffening as I buried myself inside her.

So incredibly tight!

My eyeballs rolled up into my brain as the soft flesh enveloped me like a pleasure vise and I was unaware of anything aside from the sweet heaven cocooning his cock.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” I gasped, pumping into Ivy with abandon.

I was losing control fast. I tried to slow my thrusts but I was a wild man, losing all sense of myself within her honeyed walls.

“Fuck. Oh, Jesus, feel so fucking good!”

I gripped her hips as I pounded her hard. I wasn't being gentle in the least.

Maybe if I were in my right mind I might've tried to slow down, to ease into her tight, never-broached pussy but I was lost to reason at the moment.

Everything about the moment was fucked and raw — and yet so right. Never in my life had I ever been so consumed with a woman.

“Ivy….” I gasped, gripping her hips like a man on his deathbed. “Fuck. Me.

And then I blew a gasket, flooding her core with my cream, crowing in my head with some sort of victory over a battle I hadn't even known I was waging.

But fuck, I’d won. I felt as if I’d just won the fucking world.

I slowly came to my senses and withdrew my semi-limp cock, as spent as if I’d just run a marathon and collapsed to the bed as she rolled away from me, breathing hard.

I dragged his eyes open as I tried to catch my breath. 

It was then I realized she was crying.

And all the good feels shriveled up and died.


y virginity was gone

I had nothing special left to offer the man I would some day marry.

And it was all his fault.

But the worst part?

Even as I wanted to hate Jameson with my last breath, my body sang with the vibrations of a song I was already coming to crave.

His touch was something of a revelation and I didn't want to feel this way about Jameson Reed.

“A guy will want you for more than your virginity,” he said and I looked at him sharply.

“What did you want me for?”

He couldn't answer.

Or maybe he wouldn't answer.

Either way, he remained silent, choosing instead to roll from the bed and gesture for me to come with him.


“You need to piss.”

I balked. “Excuse me?”

“You should always piss after sex.”

“And why is that?” I asked, embarrassed beyond measure that he was giving me any kind of advice regarding my body.

“To avoid bladder infections later. Come.”

“You are not watching me pee,” I retorted, indignant.

“I’m not going to watch you pee, I'm going to start the shower while you pee.”

“I don't want to shower.”

“Too bad.”

I glared.

He was unbelievably bossy. I grimaced as something dribbled down my thigh, hating that he was right; a shower was needed.

He pulled me from the bed and straight to his mouth. I could smell my own musk on his lips and I hated the thrill that arced through my veins.

There was something inherently sexy about the way they smelled together.

I’d always been an odd duck about those things. I had a thing with smells.

And although it didn’t make any sense, I liked the way Jameson smelled.

Especially now.

Too bad he was the devil.

His hand found my bare flesh and he slowly rubbed the slick moisture from his seed all over my mound. I was both horrified and fascinated at the same time.

Was this normal?

Nothing about our situation could be deemed normal by any means.

“You see this? This is mine and always will be,” he told me, causing a shiver to dance down my spine. “No matter where you go, or who you're with...this will forever be mine because I was first.”

And I knew in that moment, he was right.

It didn't matter who I ended up with in the future, I would always carry the mental mark of Jameson Reed's touch.

I wanted to hate that.

But there was a part of me that went breathless and weak in the knee at the knowledge — and that made me want to scream.

“You're wrong,” I lied. “As soon as I leave this place, I'll forget all about you.”

My taunt did nothing but make him laugh.

“We'll see about that,” he said, finding my clit and slowly caressing the tiny pleasure spot.

I gasped as he pushed his finger inside me, his finger going easily thanks to the fact his seed was still dribbling down my thigh.

“You want to know what I think? I think you know that there's something between us that defies explanation, something that will always pulse with need and want and that scares the shit out of you.”

Maybe he was right but I’d go to my grave before admitting it.

I forced a small smile. “You can think what you want; it's a free country.”

Jameson laughed at my ballsy quip and withdrew his finger with deliberate care then shocked me when he pushed that finger into my own mouth.

I shocked myself when I licked it clean.

“You're more than you seem,” he said, his dark eyes gleaming. “More than the good girl. Deep down beats the heart of a bad girl.”

He laughed at my consternation and kissed me again, this time quickly and without fanfare.

“C’mon, time to rinse off so we can get dirty all over again.”

I hesitated but I didn’t have much choice. Jameson wasn’t the type to take no for an answer and shuttled me off to the bathroom to do as he’d instructed.

The water sluiced over our bodies, raining softly from the surprisingly expensive showerhead, reminding me of the tropical rain I saw in movies and imagined from books.

Truth was, I’d never been to the tropics of any sort.

Between bailing out my brother and trying to keep a roof over my head, there wasn't a lot left over to toss around.

I gasped as Jameson ran the soap over my body, paying particular attention to the hard, jutting peaks of my breasts as he washed away the evidence of his seed from between my legs and beyond.

I felt removed from the situation and yet strangely steeped in sensual awareness.

Ridiculous — I knew I couldn't experience both — but somehow…I was.

“You're body is exquisite,” he murmured, his big hands spanning my waist and dipping between my legs. “How is it that no one has managed to pluck that cherry?”

“I told you, I was waiting for someone special,” I said with a sigh, losing my ability to remain rigid and removed from his touch.

Jameson did wicked things to my resolve and it wasn't fair.

“When did you become a crooked cop?”

Jameson pulled away, his gaze narrowing. “Watch it.”

“Truth hurts?”

He grabbed the showerhead and pulled it free from the clip, rinsing the soap away. "You didn't have to say yes...probably would've been better if you'd told me to go fuck myself."

"You had me over a barrel and you know it."

"Maybe I saw an opportunity to force you to see that your brother is a worthless piece of trash. You know what the sad thing is? You're doing all the sacrificing and yet, your brother is happy to just take and take, giving nothing back. My guess is if he knew what you'd done for him...he'd mumble something about kicking my ass but secretly he'll think he's got something new to leverage with in his low-life circles."

"That's bullshit," I said, stung, but the worst part? I worried Jameson was right and that fear pierced my heart.

"Go ahead lie to yourself, tell yourself he's the kid you used to know. Doesn't change reality." He shrugged and replaced the showerhead. "Fuck it, who cares. You can believe what you want. None of my business."

"That's's not."

Jameson smirked and placed his big body in front of the spray. "You're too fucking hot for your own good, you know that?"

I stifled a shudder of awareness. Why did he affect me like this?

I wanted to dredge up revulsion and hatred for what he'd forced me to do but there was something so primal, so raw about Jameson that I was drawn against my better judgment.

I started to speak but Jameson wasn't in the mood to listen.

Instead, he simply claimed my mouth and filled his hands with my breasts, pushing me against the shower wall, his cock thick and ready, pressing against my belly.

Thank God, I was on the pill.

Even though I’d been saving myself, the pill had helped ease my menstrual cycle when the cramps had become unbearable.

Still, even if pregnancy wasn't a worry…I pushed at him desperately and he stopped with a question in his gaze.

“I’m on the pill because of my periods but what about STDs? Are you clean?”

“I am. Clean bill of health. I get checked every three months.” He hesitated and then admitted, “I’ve always worn condoms. Except with you.”

A tiny thrill tickled my stomach. "Why? What's so special about me?"

Jameson’s hesitation said as much as the hunger in his dark eyes. Maybe he didn’t know the answer but he didn’t want to push for one either.

Neither of us wanted to acknowledge that something pulsed between us.

Something out of our control.

“I like being inside you,” he finally said, jerking me to him as if I belonged in his arms. There was something so possessive about his touch that I couldn’t help but soften against him.

Even as his grip was firm, his tongue darted with slow, languid strokes against mine and I melted.

He was an enigma.

Brutal and unyielding in one breath; giving and generous in the next.

Before long I was clinging to him, hoisted onto his hips.

His cock ground against my feminine core and I wiggled with insistent, greedy thrusts, hungry for that thick rod to split me once again.

He parted my seam and pushed himself inside, grunting with the effort as he sank into my willing heat.

Impaled on that engorged length, I forgot my hatred, forgot my earlier revulsion and simply moaned with abject pleasure as he slammed me against the wall, knocking down shampoo and other toiletries.

"I could fuck you all day," he said with a tight groan as he buried himself deeper, pushing his length into my body as far as he could go.

We were practically one, he was lost so deep.

And oh, God, I loved it.

Heaven help me to my utter shame…I was greedy for more.

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