Peace (19 page)

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Peace
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Tears welled in Lam’s eyes at all the possibilities lying ahead for them. He gave Day a quick peck then nodded. “Take me home, Day. This isn’t our lives anymore.”

Day embraced him and Lam buried his face against Day’s chest. Darkness descended along with a bone-deep chill.

Chapter Eighteen




“Oomph!” Air burst from Lam’s lungs when they fell onto the bed.

Day pressed their lower bodies together then braced his hands on each side of Lam’s head. He held his upper body off Lam. He stared down into Lam’s eyes.

Lam cradled Day’s cheek with his hand. “It’s all right. We’re together and nothing will ever be able to break us apart. We have all the time in the universe now.”

Leaning down, Day placed his lips against Lam’s and Lam opened to him. He swept his tongue in, tasting the flavor he’d come to love—a hint of vanilla mixed with cinnamon. Day dueled with Lam for a few minutes until his lungs burned. After pulling back, Day smiled as Lam brushed the tears from his eyes.

“I love you so much, Lam,” he whispered before rocking his hips against Lam.

“I love you too.” Lam tried to arch his back, but Day’s weight kept him still. He whined. “Come on. I want you. Please, Day.”

There was no way Day could deny his lover, not when he begged so sweetly.

“All right.”

He eased down, trailing wet kisses along Lam’s chest to the dip of his belly button. Lam laughed when Day dipped the tip of his tongue into his navel. Wiggling, Lam seemed to try to dislodge him, which wasn’t possible because Day didn’t plan on letting him out from under him.

After slipping further down, he licked the underside of Lam’s cock all the way up to the flared head. He pressed his tongue to the little bundle of nerves just under the crown and Lam jerked.

“Holy cow!” Lam twisted one hand in the sheets beneath him and threaded his fingers in Day’s hair. He held him, but not hard enough that Day couldn’t break his grip if he wanted to.

Day quit playing with Lam. He wrapped his lips around Lam’s shaft before taking it all the way in. Lam hit the back of his throat and Day swallowed. He smiled when Lam swore, though Lam didn’t actually use normal swear words.

“Crap!” Lam grunted, tugging on Day’s curls.

Applying hard suction, Day began to bob up and down. He encircled the base of Lam then pumped in time with his sucking. His spit eased the friction, ensuring it slid easily without pain. He didn’t want to cause any more hurt to the man he loved.

He fondled Lam’s balls, rubbing them together and teasing them with light touches. The pre-cum leaking from Lam coated his tongue. He gagged a little when Lam thrust in and bumped the back of his throat. Day lifted off the length before he looked up to meet Lam’s gaze then he winked.

Day slid his hands under Lam, raising his ass so he could bury his face between his cheeks. He ran his tongue along the crease then rubbed it over Lam’s hole.

“What the heck?” Lam tried to get away, but Day tightened his grip and raised his head.

“Never had this done before?” Day asked.

Lam shot him a rather annoyed look. “What do you think? You’re the only one I’ve been with, jerk.”

He grimaced at the hard tug Lam took on his hair. “Ow! All right. I know I never tried this on you. I guess I was always so caught up in making love with you that I never thought about it.”

“Does it feel good?” There was no fear in his eyes, just curiosity.

“Oh, just let me show you how good.”

Day dove back in, licking and sucking Lam’s opening. He pressed his tongue, getting it good and wet. He worked two fingers in while he rimmed. It was important to stretch Lam as best he could before he took him.

Using his fingers and tongue, he brought Lam to the brink of climax again and again then always soothed him back down. He didn’t want Lam to come until Day was inside him.

When Lam was babbling incoherently, Day decided it was time. He pushed up then rocked back onto his heels. With a wave of his hand, he caused a tube of lube appear. He popped the top before squirting some onto his palm.

Lam watched him as he coated his cock. He positioned it at Lam’s opening then got Lam’s legs situated over his arms. He slowly began to slip in, his own body trembling with the strain as he fought not to slam his length into Lam.

“Oh!” Lam moaned as Day settled as deep inside him as he could get.

Day froze for a moment, staring down at Lam and watching for any sign that Lam was uncomfortable. Finally, Lam flexed his inner muscles, tilting his hips just enough to take Day in a little deeper.

“Day, please. I need more,” Lam pleaded.

“Yes.” Day pulled out most of the way then stroked back in. He did it slowly and gently to begin with. Lam’s channel was tight and gripped his shaft like a glove. It was a feeling he never wanted to go without again. They moved together, bodies entwined as close as lovers could be. Day let Lam’s legs drop down then leaned forward to press his chest to Lam’s.

After putting his arms under Lam’s back, Day grasped his shoulders and started to thrust harder and harder. Lam let his head drop and his eyes close while Day sucked on his neck.

“Day,” he shouted as he came, covering their stomachs with the pearly ropes of cum. His muscles clenched around Day’s length in a strong massage while Lam rode out his climax.

All of the undulating and trembling dragged Day over the edge and he flooded Lam with his spent. “Lam,” he yelled, throwing his head back.

They shuddered together until the pleasure receded and Day’s muscles couldn’t hold him up any longer. He collapsed on top of Lam, who grunted with the added weight. Lam ran his fingers up and down Day’s back, tracing his spine while they waited for their hearts stop pounding.

Day sighed then suggested, “We should go clean up before we end up sticking together.”

Lam’s laugh rumbled under Day’s ear. “I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“Maybe not now, but when it dries and starts itching, you’ll wish we had,” Day joked as he rolled to the side then managed to stand up. He wrinkled his nose at the mess on his stomach before holding out his hand to Lam.

He loved how Lam looked, sprawled out on the bed, hair sweaty and covered in their spunk. So debauched and the very symbol of lust. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. I can’t believe I get to have you in my bed forever now.”

After taking his hand and letting him help him to his feet, Lam kissed him. “I can’t believe it either. Only took losing my wings and getting kidnapped by archangels to get us to this point.”

Day wandered to the bathroom where he turned on the water then he returned to find Lam standing on the balcony overlooking the lakeshore. He embraced Lam from behind, letting him rest against his chest. Lam covered his hands with his then squeezed.

“I want you to know that if you want to move, then we can do it. We’ll go wherever you want. I can build us a house anywhere. My home is wherever you are, Lam.”

“I love watching the waves in the water and the sound of them hitting the rocks,” Lam told him. “No matter where I am, whenever I hear those sounds, I’ll think of home.” He turned to face Day and smiled. “Besides, I feel the same. You’re my home, Day. I’m not leaving you behind.”

Day dragged him into his embrace then crushed their lips together. He kissed him with all the passion he could muster. When they broke apart, he led the way to the bathroom where they washed up before going back to change the sheets. Once all that was done, they settled under the blankets.


* * * *


Three weeks later


Lam walked out onto the verandah and grinned. There were people all over the place. On the verandah, in the back yard, and down by the water. He heard the squeal of little kids’ laughter. After turning, he saw Gatian and Pierre’s children dashing around the lawn, playing tag.

The other former Horsemen and their spouses were scattered throughout the grounds. Paisley and Seth were there as well. Lam saw them chatting with some of Day’s employees. It was hard to keep track which company they worked for, considering Day had what seemed like a million of them. He double-checked with the servants to make sure the food and drinks kept coming. It was a homecoming party after all, and he wanted everyone to have fun.

“Hey there,” Baqir called out to him from his chair at one of the tables. “Where have you been? This is your party. Shouldn’t you be enjoying yourself?”

He joined Baqir, Russ and a few other people Lam didn’t remember meeting. After grabbing a drink from a passing waiter, Lam sat. “I was making sure the servants were taking care of things, and getting their own meals. I’m not a slave driver. I won’t work them to death.”

“Work them to death? You do realize that before you came to live here, Mr. Star never had anyone over. The only other person who ever entered the house, besides the employees, was Miss Paisley. The servants are overjoyed to finally have something to do,” one of the females at the table told him.

“You are?”

She smiled. “There are a lot of people around here and it’s hard to remember all of their names. I’m Lisa Cavanagh. I work at Mr. Star’s New York office as his CFO.”

“Right. Actually I do remember Day mentioning you once or twice.” Lam shook her hand. “Nice meeting you finally. You’re probably right about the whole thing. I’ve never seen them so happy.”

Russ chuckled. “They are a rather joyful group, which kind of surprised me, considering they work for Day. He can be a bit of a hard-ass.”

“But he’s fair,” Lisa said. “He expects a lot from us because he gives a hundred percent as well.”

Lam settled back in his seat and chatted with them while keeping an eye on the rest of their guests. After a little while, he got up to wander around, greeting the others. He caught glimpses of Day mingling among the crowd, but he didn’t approach him. It was nice to see Day talking to the mortals he usually spent so much time avoiding.

There were only a few people there who knew exactly who Day was and those people seemed quite entertained by Day hosting the party. It had taken Lam quite a few days and a lot of promises to get Day to agree to having a get-together like this. Yet catching a smile on Day’s face told Lam his lover didn’t mind it nearly as much as he had sworn he would.

Standing at the edge of the crowd, Lam stared at Day and remembered the moment he’d realized just how much he loved Lucifer Daystar.

As they wandered down the street in Los Angeles, Lam and Day chatted about silly things. Lam learned about some of the different businesses Day had started over the centuries and how they were all still going strong. Lam was impressed by how seriously Day his work. Day knew everything there was to know about each company and every mortal that worked for him. Lam found it rather touching.

“You aren’t anything like what The Quad has told us,” he murmured after Day finished telling him about giving a woman a raise to help send her son to college.

“They lie, Lam. I know you don’t want to hear it. You think I’m the liar and that I’m just cynical about the whole situation.” Day pressed his finger to Lam’s lips to keep him from saying anything. “At one time, I would’ve told you anything in a fit of sour grapes, but I’ve grown up since being banished. I’ve learned that my situation is never going to change, so why should I live down to what they expect of me?”

Lam smiled. “You don’t think mortals are nearly as useless as you’ve led me to believe. I can tell just by the way you talk about the people who work for you.”

Day shook his head. “Oh no. I do think humans are rather worthless creatures, but why shouldn’t I help them when I can? I have the money and all the time in the world. I can do something for the good ones. I don’t even have to tempt the bad ones into doing evil. They’re more than willing to do whatever they want.”

He was going to say something when a homeless man interrupted them. He was dressed in rags and smelled as though he’d rolled in three-day-old garbage. Lam didn’t want to stand close to him for fear the odor would somehow rub off on him. His mouth dropped open when Day not only touched the man on the shoulder, he gave him a fistful of cash and a card. The man babbled his thanks and Day waved him away.

“What was the card you gave him?” Lam inquired as they continued their walk.

“Just the address of a place where he can get food and shelter for the night. Of course, I gave him enough cash to get a hotel for the next month.” Day didn’t seem concerned about the money.

“He’ll probably just spend it on booze and drugs,” Lam pointed out.

“Maybe, but then again…maybe he’ll go get a hot meal and shower. Maybe what I’ve given him is a chance to start his life over and climb out of the gutter he’s found himself in. Isn’t that what we’d all like? A second chance?” Day shrugged as though he were embarrassed by his generosity.

It had been that moment when Day had seemed most embarrassed because of his concern for a homeless mortal that Lam had felt his heart split open wide to take Day in. His soul accepted the fact they were soul mates in a way no other angel—or mortal—would ever be able to understand. It was about respect and giving someone another chance to pick themselves up after the mistakes they made.

Day wasn’t the awful devil the world had made him out to be. He was an angel who had cared—maybe too much—about others. It had led to the rebellion and to his banishment, but he’d never allowed it to destroy his essence.

“Lam, will you come over here?” Day crooked his finger at Lam, motioning for him to join him.

“Yes, love.” Lam moved to stand beside Day. “Do you need something?”

“I do need something and only you can help me with it. I need an answer to a very simple question.”

Lam’s mouth went dry when Day dropped to one knee in front of him, holding a small velvet box out. Heart pounding in his chest, he shot a glance around at their friends and saw the brilliant smiles on their faces.

He cleared his throat before managing to say, “What question is that?”

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