Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) (8 page)

BOOK: Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3)
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Chapter 18 – Pearl


Seeing Abraham’s truck in the parking lot both scares and excites me. I am not sure what the scene Markus has planned for me entails or if he knew that Abraham would be here, but it drives my pulse faster instantly.

As we walk past Shadow we head straight for the locker room and Master hands me a bag. “Go on in the locker room get dressed in this and make sure that your hair is tied up and away from you face. You have exactly ten minutes and then you will meet me on the stage, kneeling in the front corner the way I have taught you.”

“Yes, Master.”

Looking at him I quickly turn towards the dressing room and head over to an empty locker. Putting the bag down I start to open it, first pulling out a leather bra with a matching skirt that flares slightly over the hips, but is short enough that all my wares underneath will be seen if I bend over at all. Opening the bag up again, I hope that I will find a pair of panties in there,but am sadly disappointed. The only other things to be found in the bag are a pair of thigh high stockings, a tube of lube, a butterfly vibe, and a rather large butt plug with a pink gem set in it.

After changing out of my clothing and straining to get both the bra and skirt on, I grab the lube and butt plug and head to the bathroom. I have gotten somewhat better at getting these in, so it doesn’t take me near as long as it has in the past to get the butt plug in and return to the locker. Stepping into the butterfly vibe I search the bag for the remote, which I do not find.

Looking to the clock I see that I only have three minutes left, so I head to the mirror with a few of my bobby pins to get my hair off of my face. Quickly throwing my hair up in a bun I bobby pin it down and glance at the clock as soon as I am done. One-minute left, so I move quickly to the locker shutting my stuff inside and head out the door towards the stage.

As I walk through the crowd my eyes are down, but I can feel the eyes of the other members on me. Walking up onto the stage I notice a spanking bench and a few paddles and floggers laid out on the table I pass. Kneeling as my Master has instructed is only momentarily delayed after seeing Ember kneeling on the other side of the stage.

Getting into position takes a little bit more patience and practice now that I am over seven months along, not as quick or graceful as I am guessing that Ember was. Clearing my mind of those thoughts, I quickly think only of the scene before me and how I can make my Master happy with how I will serve him tonight.

Hearing a hush come over the crowd I feel my Master’s presence before I see his boots next to me. Stroking his hand over the nape of my neck, I quickly feel even more at peace with his hands on me.

“Good Evening, Members. You are in for a real treat tonight. I have decided to let my Pet have a little fun. She will be using one of her new found skills, which she has been working on,to work over the lovely Ember this evening.Now she has never been in a situation like this, so she might have a few hiccups, but we shall be patient with her and give her a short amount of rope that she will hopefully not get hung on. Yes?”

Cheers come from the audience as Master tightens his grip on my neck forcing my head up to look at the crowd. Meeting the green eyes of Abraham as I scan the crowd I am quickly hit with yet another wave of lust and continue to peruse the crowd, until my Master stands in front of me helping me up to my feet.

“You are free to top Ember however you see fit, my Pet.” Grabbing my chin he raises my eyes to his and goes on, “remember to do as you like and take her pleasure and pain however you see fit. You are free to use any of the implements on the table and you may also ask for anything else you might think that you could need. I will be right here watching over you the whole time, the only things that I ask of you are that you talk me through what you are doing with her, just as we have been doing together at home. If you want to orgasm, you only need to tell me that it is coming and make sure to keep eye contact with me through it. Any questions for your Master, Pet?”

“No Master, I don’t have any questions at this time and will ask if they come up.Thank you also Master, for trusting me to top Ember, it is something that, as you well know, I have thought of a time or two.”

“Ok then Pet, what is the first thing that you will need to do to make Ember feel more comfortable in this new situation?”

Turning towards Ember I find my voice and speak, “Ember, please tell me your safe word so that I will know when and if you need to slow down or stop this scene.”

“Yes Ma’am, my safe words are the same as the house safe words. Halt to stop and yield to slow down. Thank you for asking Ma’am, some are not as caring.”

Markus is stepping back from me beaming with pride as he does so.

Looking to my Master I let him know what I have planned, “Master, I will start off by getting Ember on to the spanking bench and turning her ass a nice shade of pink with my hand and possibly a paddle or flogger. Then I would like to feel how tight her cunt is with my fingers first and possibly my tongue after. Does this all please you, Master?”

“You serve your Master well, Pet. Yes, it sounds like you have a good start to the scene worked out. Enjoy yourself.”

“Thank you, Master,” turning to Ember I tell her to get herself up and naked before getting herself situated on the spanking bench. Noticing as she does so that she has an outfit matching to mine on, I wonder instantly if she too has a plug in her tight ass. That might be something that I need to add to the list of things that I would like to find out in short order about this sweet thing. 

Stepping towards Ember I lay my hands on her smooth flesh and can think of nothing but turning it to a dark shade of pink. Running my hands over her back I notice the short pony tail hanging down her back would be nice for tugging on, if the need should so arise. I hope that my Master doesn’t think less of me, making this sweet young thing scream out in both pain and pleasure, which is something that I have been looking forward to. As I run my hands over her ass, I spread her cheeks and see a matching pink gem peeking out at me. Smiling I land a few quick slaps on her ass and watch it jiggle.

Quickly finding a rhythm to the spanking, I am watching her ass pink up nicely.I see a trail of her juices running down her leg. I lean into her ear and whisper, “Sweet thing,you seem to be enjoying this little spanking, yes? I am not sure if you will continue to enjoy it for much longer, seeing as I will be grabbing one of the tools off of the table. If you are a good little thing, I will reward you with my hand or my mouth on your sex until you are screaming out for permission to cum. That is only if you can be a good girl and keep count of the whacks, and thank me for each. Do you understand me, sweet thing?”

“Yes, Ma’am. You are going to tan my ass and would like for me to count and thank you each time you do so. If I am able to do that you will use your mouth on me until I am begging you for my pleasure.”

Stroking over her head I let my hand slide slowly down her body as I slowly make my way to the table near where Markus has situated himself. As I look to him I notice that he is straining to keep himself in control, the lust and want in his eyes is burning bright and his cock is straining in his leathers, as well.

Stopping short in front of him, I speak low, “Master may I kiss you before I continue to work Ember over? Or would you like for me to relieve some of the pressure I see building within you?”

“Yes, you may kiss me Pet, and no, this build up will be well worth the scene that we will be having later this evening. Just remember that you will still have me to satisfy when you are done with her. Yes?”

“Of course, Master,” I say leaning into him as he takes my mouth with his and uses his hands to grab onto my ass squeezing tightly. Pulling away, we are both out of breath and I need to take a moment to compose myself before I step to the table grabbing a cat o’ nine tails and placing it over my shoulder. Then I reach for a wooden paddle that has a heart cut out of it.

As I turn back around I stop myself,catching those green eyes in the crowd again, only this time they are nearer the stage. In fact, he is standing next to the stage with a front row view of the scene playing out.

A smile comes to my lips as I see him reaching to adjust the hard cock in his pants. Licking my lips, I stride back over to the bench and begin to paddle Ember. She counts and thanks her Ma’am well with each, and only whimpers out twice during the ten strikes I land with it.Her ass is now not just pink, but red, with hearts from the paddle embedded on it.

Throwing the paddle off to the side, I grab the flogger off of my shoulder and trace it slowly around her reddened ass. Then using the handled side of the flogger, I run it through her slick folds, bringing out a moan that makes me wetter as soon as I hear it. Keeping up the tormenting with the handle for only a short while, I see her knees starting to shake and stop my assault abruptly.

“Sweet thing, you will do well to remember to beg for your pleasure or it will not come to you. Hmm?”

“Yes, Ma’am, I remember.”

Flicking the flogger onto her thighs with only a little force, I wonder how I will know what pressure I should use. Markus steps up behind me instantly and whispers into my ear “Pet, she can take a lot. She is a pain slut, so do not be worried about applying too much pressure with the flogger as you bring it through the air. She also has her safe words if anything you are doing goes past her boundaries. You are doing fucking amazing and I cannot wait to see you keep up this scene and then bury myself in you afterward.”

He kisses my head before he backs away and returns to the area he has been watching from.

Bringing the flogger back I apply more pressure this time and am rewarded with a small moan coming from Ember’s lips. As I continue the assault on her thighs and ass she continues to count and thank me for each blow landed. As we approach a count of fifteen swipes with the flogger, the reddened skin of her thighs and ass make me want to feel her tight wet cunt around my fingers.

Dropping the flogger to the floor, I leisurely trace my fingers around her lips before slowly pushing one finger knuckle deep into her tight cunt. Feeling the trembling of her legs as I slowly pump that finger in and out until she is on the verge of an orgasm, I swiftly pull that finger out and push another back in along with the first. Slowly pumping those fingers in and out of her, I use the thumb on that same hand to rub her clit.

“Ma’am, please, I am going to cum. Please Ma’am, may I cum, I need to cum so bad and I want to cum for you. Please let me cum?

“Oh my Sweet thing, you beg so well. Just for that you may cum on my hand, now.”

As soon as permission was granted an orgasm took hold of her and her legs were shaking so much I thought she might fall off the bench. Markus must have also been concerned because he quickly stepped up to us and was at the ready to help if it was needed.

As the orgasm subsided, Markus stepped back and I slowly pulled my fingers from Ember walking around to force them through her lips and into her mouth. “Clean them up, sweet thing. You are such a dirty fucking thing, my Master thought that he might have to catch you from the force of your orgasm. Is that how you always cum, Ember?”

“No, Ma’am,” is what she mumbles around my fingers. As I pull them out of her mouth, she finishes her thought, “That is the first time that I saw stars like that when I came. Thank you so much, Ma’am it was really such a pleasure to be able to scene with you like that and also to be able to come for you like that.”

I help her up and off of the spanking bench, reaching for the blanket that Markus is holding out to me, and I wrap it around her tightly and walk her off the stage to a waiting couch near the front of the great room. Sitting with her, Markus is there quickly handing me a water bottle and a piece of chocolate that I slowly feed to Ember. I am also rewarded with a piece of chocolate pushed passed my lips, and my Master’s hand on my shoulder soothing some of the ache in my heart.

Chapter 19 – Tank


Watching that scene unfold in front of me was one of the hottest things that I have ever seen. It was also one of the hardest things that I have had to witness,as well. Not being the one who was able to be involved in the scene, guide her hand as she was taking it to Ember, and not being the one who finishes her off after is causing me great pain.

I should have just walked out when I saw what was going on, but I could not bring myself to. I found myself, instead, nearing the stage and getting a closer view of everything that was about to play out. I must be a glutton for punishment, because these are not things that any sane man would do.

After Pearl talked to me at the museum last weekend I really thought that Markus and I would sit down and talk, that, however, has not happened yet.His constant calls wanting my help leading to nothing had all but stopped this week. I have only run into him once, and it was at the clubhouse while I was checking the security cameras there.

Looking at Markus now, with questions in my eyes, I am intent on finding out what it is that he has on his mind that needed my presence here tonight. If he was trying to flaunt that fact that he is with Pearl, that seems beneath him, but so did taking something that belongs to me.

Fuck! I have to stop thinking that way.She is not mine anymore, and I need to try and move past the thoughts I constantly find myself having. I still can’t get her off of my mind and anytime any of the club girls try to talk to me, I all but tell them to fuck off.

Trying to clear my head of the thoughts of Pearl, I turn to the bar and order a Jack and Coke. As the bartender places it in front of me and I take a sizeable swig Markus sits down next to me. Ordering himself a beer, he looks to me with a longing that I have not seen in him recently.

“Tank, thanks for coming tonight. I am sorry that we did not have a chance to talk before the scene tonight, I was hoping that we would be able to discuss what Pearl told you last weekend.” Rubbing a hand through his beard, he goes on. “She told me that she was honest with you about her feelings for you, to the thoughts and dreams that she has been having. It is something that we have been discussing frequently and I was unsure how to proceed, until right at this moment, in fact.”

Looking towards the couch where Pearl and Ember are still snuggled together he goes on, “I hope that seeing Pearl come into her own topping Ember was not something unbearable for you. I know that it pushed my limits, but it is something that she needs help to explore and push her boundaries.”

“Yeah, it was fucking rough to see her up there, but she is not mine, so that is something I have to get used to, I guess. I’m just not quite sure why you felt the fucking need to call me to make sure that I was up here to see it.”

“I wanted to see if we would be able to handle seeing Pearl in a situation that we didn’t really have control over. I need to be sure that I can handle her looking at you the way she does and not want to fucking kill you the entire time. I am sure it is similar for you, seeing her with me. I think that is what we need to both be sure of before we try to own her together. I was hoping to give it a try tonight, if you are up to it, that is?”

“You want us to take her together? Tonight? Why would you want to share her with me? And what makes you think that she would even want to have me again? Dreams are just that, and a hell of a lot different than reality. I am not even fucking sure if she has forgiven me for leaving her.”

“You did not listen to her at the museum then, did you Tank? She was more than honest and open with you about how she has forgiven you, as well as her wanting us equally. She knows exactly what she wants and she will have no problem telling, or showing you exactly how much she would like for both of us to own her.”

“Why are you doing this Blaze? You own her and if the situation were reversed, I don’t think that I would be nearly as willing to share her. I mean, fuck, it was one of the hardest things to do letting you take her that night those months ago and I don’t know if I will be able to watch it happen again. She is all I fucking want and I don’t think that I will be able to share her with you. How the fuck are you even considering it?”

“I have seen the hurt in her and know that she will not truly be happy with only me. I didn’t notice it, and I think that she hid it well, until you came back and you were more visible in our lives again. I have thought long and hard about what she needs if she is to still be part of my life, which I will fight until my dying day. I will see to it that she will have everything that she needs and wants.The only solution that I have found that will be beneficial to Pearlis helping her to bloom under the guidance of both of the men that she is in love with.”

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