Read Peep (Brighten Sisters Book 2) Online

Authors: Heather Stone

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Single Authors

Peep (Brighten Sisters Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Peep (Brighten Sisters Book 2)
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he week flies
by with shopping to refurnish pieces of my apartment and work. The weekend comes out of nowhere, and I find myself sitting here twiddling my thumbs. The weekends are boring without Tiffany. She works at the Cabaret Friday and Saturday, so both nights she isn’t home before 4 AM. I hate it. The thought of another guy’s eyes on her makes me murderous.

I grab my phone and call Jack.


“What are you doing tonight?”

“Nadda, why? Want some beers and cuddles?”

Dumbass. “No, but some burlesque sounds about right.”

“Man, do you really want me eye fucking your girl all night? You know that’s how it’ll go.”

I groan. “I can’t deal with this.” I sound like a fucking pussy.

“I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want my girl doing that. God, can you imagine what Dr. Chaplin and the Mrs. would say? Good thing this is a fling.”

I bristle at his words. This isn’t a fling. I want to be with her, but he’s right. My parents would flip.

“Burlesque is out, but do you want to hit the pub for a few?”


“Nah? Ugh, okay…”

“I just got a text from the new surgical tech. She’s going to swing by for a quickie.”

“Sure that’s a good idea? Isn’t that breaking your no work relationships rule?” I smirk.

“Nope. She’s transferring to Florida. I’m all good.”

“I’ll catch you later then.”

I hear a click on the other end. Typical Jack-ass.

I try my hardest to keep myself busy, but Jack’s words keep playing on a loop. Burlesque, my parents, he’s right. They wouldn’t like it, and to be honest, I don’t either. There is nothing about other guys seeing my girl half-naked that I like.

At 4:45 AM I hear a knock on the door. I know it’s Tiff. After she had found out I was her peeping neighbor, there was no need to always stay at her house. Cats officially out of the bag.

“Hey, babe.” I kiss her on her forehead.

“Hey you. I’m going to quickly shower. Wanna join?” She waggles her eyebrows.

Of course I want to join. My lips turn up, and I flash her a grin.

“Guess that’s a yes.” She giggles.

“Nah, that’s a hell yes!” I drop my shoulder low and throw my arms around her legs. Lifting back up, I place her on my shoulder and give her ass a smack. “Now, let’s get you clean.”

“Or dirty.” She laughs out, and my hand swats at her again.

“I like the way you think.”

Stepping into the bathroom, I drop her down on the toilet lid and make quick work to remove my clothes and turn on the water. As the water steams the air, she steps forward, naked all but the glitter dusting her breasts.

“After you.”

She steps in, and I follow. The hot water rains down over us as my hand reaches out to grab the soap. “Let me clean you off.”

“So selfless of you.”

“That’s me. Completely selfless,” I say as my soapy fingers pinch at her nipples.

“I’m pretty sure pinching them won’t take the glitter off.” She tries to purse her lips at me, but a smile breaks out instead.

“Just being thorough, babe.” My hand trails down, as suds and glitter run over her torso until I cup her mound.

“Definitely no glitter there,” she deadpans.


“Let me guess, just being thorough?”

I pull her close to me. My hands cup her ass as I bring her flush to my body.

“I’m pretty sure I’m clean now,” she breathes out.

“Let me check on more thing.” I drop to my knees in front of her and guide her leg over my shoulder allowing her pussy to open to me. “Any glitter in here?” I lean forward and part her folds. My thumb strums her clit as I lean forward and rim her slit with my tongue. I start to lap at her.

“So good,” she moans, and I pull my finger away from her clit and replace it with my tongue. I suck down hard and give it a little nip.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to come.”

“Come on my tongue,” I order. “And when I lick every last drop from you, I’m going to fuck you. You understand?”

“Yeah.” My mouth tightens around her and then I bite down again. Her whole body starts to spasm, and her sweet nectar floods my tongue.

With slow licks, I bring her down from her high then pull away. I reach my arms under her and lift her, placing her against the wet wall of the shower. Tiffany’s legs wrap around me as I align myself with her core. One powerful thrust and I am seated fully inside of her. I hold myself still inside her, not moving an inch until the need to thrust forward is overwhelming. She’s so tight and wet. My cock thrusts in and out, and I can’t slow down.

“Oh, God just like that.”

I slow my pace at her words, dragging my cock slowly in and out of her greedy pussy. I can feel her tightening and clenching every time I push back inside.

“Like that?”

“Faster. Fuck faster!”

I’m happy to oblige and slam back in. She lets out a primal scream, and her cunt tightens in a series of pulses that have me tipping over the edge too.

* * *

e are laying
in my bed quiet and content. Having her wrapped in my arms solidifies my feelings.

“I'm in love with you, Tiffany,” I whisper into her hair. She turns her head to look at me.


“You heard me. I love you,” I say, looking into her beautiful eyes.

She looks back at me without saying a word. I’m starting to sweat, the anxiety building within. Finally, after what feels like a million years, she smiles brightly.

“I love you too, Tommy.”

She kisses me with abandon, searing her love into my bones and rooting herself deeper into my being. We kiss for several minutes when the truth declared earlier hits me like a tidal wave. I love her, but there are things I can’t handle. Burlesque has got to go.

“I love everything about you, but I have some issues,” I say cautiously, and she considers

this for a moment.

“Okay, like what?” she says with a hint of anxiety.

“The dancing. Tiff, I can’t handle it. I would never expect you to change for me, but if I’m going to be with you, I don't want another guy's eyes all over you. It’s a deal breaker for me.” I wait with bated breath for her reply. She stays mute, so I go on. “I want something to be just for you and me. Do you get that?”

Still she says nothing.

“I want you to quit. Tell me that's not a lot to ask,” I beg.

“Tommy, I have a lot of student loans to pay, and I enjoy it. I don't think this is fair. It’s

like me asking you to quit being a doctor.” I look at her bewildered.

would that be the same? You told me that your passion was to be a nurse, and I’m not asking you to give that up. I'm asking you to give up dancing naked.” I throw my hands in the air. “It's the equivalent of dancing on a pole, Tiffany. It's not proper!”

“Excuse me? It's not
? Who the hell are you to talk about proper, Dr. Dumbass?

Huh? We’ve done it in the closet in the hospital where we work. You really wanna talk to me about proper?” she seethes.

I’ve gone and pushed her right over the edge. I step back about two paces to hopefully avoid the tornado of rage coming my way. I can see in her eyes that I’ve more than hit a nerve. “Tiff, just wait. I…umm…I don’t want to fight. I just meant to say I don’t want you dancing anymore. I’ll pay your bills.”

She holds her hand up to stop me. “I do not want you or anyone else paying
way. I can do it
self the way I want to. I don’t need anyone else to judge me, Tommy, so if that’s how you feel you can take your love and stick it up your—”

“Stop! Stop it. You are taking this all out of context. Yes, the way I presented it was not

good, but you need to calm down!” I say equally pissed. “I’m telling you right now Tiffany Brighten. Your. Ass. Is. Mine. No one else will see it. Do you understand?”


I pull her to me slamming my mouth onto hers in a bruising kiss. At first, she fights it, but soon she’s kissing me back just as hard. She wants this as much as I do.

I whip her around so her back is to my chest making sure she is flush against me. I trail my lips down her neck nipping lightly. Making my way back to her ear, I whisper, “No buts. It’s non-negotiable.”

She shudders in my embrace, goosebumps rising all over her arms. “You have me, Tommy. I’m all yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

“I’ll have you forever if you watch that smart mouth of yours.” I chuckle as she flies back around and slaps my chest. “Ouch! You hurt me,” I say incredulously. “I need you to make it better nurse Brighten.”

“Oh do you now?” she plays.


I smile deviously and she lowers her body until her mouth is leveled with my cock.

Tiffany’s hand grasps around me and starts to move. From my reclined position, I watch her hand stroke up and down. Moisture leaks out the tip and she licks her lips in anticipation of tasting me. A primal groan escapes my mouth as her full lips wrap around my dick. The feeling of her tongue swirling around the head is almost my undoing but then when she takes my length all the way down until I hit the back of her throat, I know I won’t last long. Closing my eyes, I try to concentrate on not coming. My breath comes out in heavy pants from holding back.
This feels too good.
My balls start to tighten. I’m seconds away from exploding into her mouth. I wonder if she will lap up all my cum. Fuck, this can’t be all about me. I pull away from her delectable mouth. As much as I’d love her to suck my cock all night long, tonight I want to make her quake under my control. I want to show her just how much I own her.

Mind. Body. Soul.


ommy kisses
up my neck and caresses my skin, and I know that I will never feel like this for anyone else. He captures my lips, slipping his tongue between my teeth, and I kiss him back with a fervor unmatched. This is pure need intensified by every stroke of his tongue.

He releases my lips, making his way down my abdomen and toward my center. Everything in me tightens up. With one swipe of his tongue, my body convulses, and every place he touches me ignites like an inferno.

He laps at my folds and traces me with his tongue greedily. Not a drip of my juices gets past his lips. He’s a man starved…
for me
. I call out his name as everything in me tightens in anticipation of release. The pleasure is almost too much. When his finger dips inside of me, curling to hit just the right spot, I lose all self-control, bucking like an animal to get closer to his mouth. I ride the waves as they crescendo through my body, my moans and mewls only serving to push him on.

“My God, that was incredible,” I stammer.

He pulls me into him so we are spooning. It isn’t long before I hear his breathing level out.

He’s asleep.

If anything it should be me. I’m bone tired after the delicious havoc he wreaked on my body. I cuddle into him, completely happy to be here. I have never wanted something or someone this much, and it scares the ever-living shit out of me. I'm in love with him. I would give it all up for him just like he asks, but am I making a mistake? I’m just some middle-class wannabe nurse from the middle of New York. His father is a renowned surgeon. I will not be worthy of them.

There lies the root of the problem.

My self-deprecation knows no bounds. I’ve never felt good enough. My sisters are so accomplished. Sam is a high-level executive at an ad agency, and Courtney has worked for the governor and now owns her own spa. I feel positively ridiculous next to them.

Your sister dates a porn star.

True story, but he’s a reformed porn star who now operates his father’s mega business, so everyone looks past his short stint in smut.

“What’s going on in that mind of yours, beautiful?” Tommy says sleepily.

“Nothing, just thinking.”


“Us. Me. Everything.” I shift to look at him. “I get why you want me to quit, but do you understand why I’m hesitant?”

He shakes his head no.

“Burlesque is my escape. I may not tell my family about it, but I enjoy it. It’s my release. When I’m on that stage, nobody else is around. I feel like it’s just me and the lights. I feel bigger than everything. Nobody is comparing me to my older sisters.”

“Who’s comparing you? From what you’ve told me, one sister dates someone who was in porn, and the other lost her job because she was fucking someone
the job. I’m not really seeing what there is to compare. You’re a nursing student making your own way. You’re pretty badass.” He smirks.

“I am pretty badass.” I smile back. “Thanks, Tommy. I know you don’t know my sisters, and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. They are amazing. They’d kick my butt if they knew I felt inferior to them.”

He nods. “Court’s my best friend. You’ll love her. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

He stiffens beside me.

“What? Don’t you want to meet them?” A voice in my head is screaming I told you so.

“Absolutely. I’m just nervous. A dad of three girls…well, those are the type of men you fear.” He looks damn near ill at the thought.

“Nah. He’ll only show you his guns, and I’m not talking his biceps.” He pales further, and I throw my head back in laughter.

“You big baby. He’ll love you. Just like I do.” I lean up on my tippy toes and plant a kiss firmly on his lips.

* * *

he next morning
I’m up bright and early and back at the hospital. The day goes by quickly until Dr. Chow calls me to his office.

“Tiffany, come in please.”

“Hi, Dr. Chow. What’s up?”

“We had a second shifter call in, and two of the nursing students are working over at the lab. It’s leaving us in a tight position. Is there any way that you could stay until after first rounds?”

“Sure. No problem.” I smile, drawing one from Dr. Chow.

I have a skip in my step as I walk out of his office. Staying on for second means I get to see Tommy for a little bit. I round the corner going to meet him and the others for roll. When he sees me, his eyes light up, but it’s quickly masked. We can’t out ourselves to anyone. It would be grounds for a relocation for me or possibly even being kicked out of nursing school. It could also mean some serious repercussions for Tommy.

St. Luke’s has a very strict policy, especially for residents and nursing students. We have already crossed the line on a major scale as far as any job is concerned. I can’t image too many jobs that wouldn’t fire us if we were caught in a closet.

The image of Tommy fucking me in the supply closet has me blushing in front of my colleagues. I look around quickly to see that nobody is paying attention to me. In fact, all the other nursing students are watching Dr. Chaplin with rapt attention. The girls in the mix are eyeing him with a little too much appreciation. I’m suddenly annoyed.

“Ms. Brighten, did you hear me?” Tommy says with humor in his voice.

“Um, I’m sorry. What did you say, Dr. Chaplin?”

“I need you to help nurse Amy with B North, and then head to B South’s supply closet and do inventory before you leave us?” He smirks at the reference of the supply closet. He did that on purpose.

I narrow my eyes for only him to catch. “Yes, sir.”

He nods. “All right then. Hop to it,” he says, sending everyone scattering to their posts.

He walks behind me and whispers for my ears only, “You’ll be calling me sir again shortly, Miss Brighten.”

My cheeks redden as I realize that Dr. Hardesty is watching us closely. I walk away briskly to avoid any further close calls.

After finishing up rounds, I head to the closet to start my work. When I get there, I’m surprised to see that Amy is nowhere to be found and in her place is one sexy ass Dr. Chaplin.

“Dr. Chaplin, where is Amy?”

“Amy is busy sorting through a closet twice this big. She won’t be making it down here tonight. I’ll be stepping in for her.” He looks me over. “I think I like you in scrubs.”

“Stop, you’ll get us in trouble,” I mutter.

“You’re in trouble all right,” he says, picking me up and pushing me against the closet wall.

His lips are firm and hungry on mine. I should stop this, but I’m a slave to his touch. I buck my hips, slamming my center into his cock. I’m desperate for friction.

He groans in my ear. “I need to fuck you. Right here right now,” he says roughly.

“Tommy, we can’t. It’s too risky.”

“I don’t give a fuck about the risks. I need you,” he says as he begins to rid me of my scrubs.

I let him. When both of our bottom halves are bare, he slams up into me, cupping my mouth to stifle my moans. The bruising rhythm he’s creating has to be making noise, and I try to get off of him in a panic. He slams me down on his cock stopping any chance of escape. My entire body would fold on me in protest at this point. I need him. I need his cock to bury itself in me.

“Tell me you want this,” he breathes into my ear. I moan softly. “Tell. Me.”

“I want this. God, I want this.”

His hips jab up faster and harder making my pussy contract. “Say you want it harder,” he says through grunts.

“Keep fucking me just like this. Just. Like. This!”

I dig my nails into his back, and that’s all it takes for him to lose all control. I throw my head back and enjoy the pleasure coursing its way through every nerve in my body.

When we’ve both come back down to Earth, Tommy lowers me to the ground and kisses me once more. We quickly clean up using the hospitals supplies. I’m just tying my scrubs when we hear a rap on the closet door. I jump at the sound looking to Tommy in panic. He simply shakes his head and mouths for me to calm down. I nod.

I throw myself into sorting through gauze while Tommy opens the door. “What? Why did you knock on the door?”

“Why was the door shut, Dr. Chaplin?”

I recognize the voice as Dr. Hardesty.


He already seemed to be curious about our interaction earlier. This isn’t good.

Tommy sticks his head back in. “I’m going to go check on Amy over on C with Dr. Hardesty. Please finish up here and you’re free to go.”

His tone surprises me, but then again it’s exactly how he
be talking to a nursing student under his training. I nod, causing him to open his eyes widely, signaling to me that I need to speak. I will my voice not to crack.

“No problem. Thank you, Dr, Chaplin, for the help.”

“You’re welcome. Have a good night,” he says stiffly, walking away from the closet and leaving me to freak out in silence.

BOOK: Peep (Brighten Sisters Book 2)
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