Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Her arm bent under his thigh, and he saw her slender little finger go for her clit and felt the flush of anger to the tips of his ears. That was his cunt, and she didn’t have the right to play with it unless he told her to. That was something they had to come to a firm understanding about right now.

With a growl, he lifted her as he stood, turning to splay her out on the bed. Never once did Lacie pause. Just the opposite, her fingers worked her clit hard and fast, making her knees bend and her whole body flush and tremble with an oncoming climax. Then in the ultimate challenge, she snapped her legs closed, trapping her hand and denying him the show.

As much as her audacity made him want to dominate her, the fire in his balls demanded that he finish watching her pleasure that sweet, little pussy. Intentionally rough, he ripped her thighs back open and dragged her ass right to the edge of the bed, so he could stare right down at that skinny little finger rolling her clit. Her other hand rose to her breast to tease her pebbled tit and wrack her whole body with panted shudders.

It was a test of his endurance and fortitude to stand there still while he watched her roll that pink, puckered nipple beneath the flat of her palm. Faster and faster, until her whole body started to arch and he could see the tight little opening of her sheath gasping in silent need.

Seconds from her climax, Chance snatched both her wrists up in either of his hands and forced her arms to bend as he held them secure over her shoulders. Lacie screamed, bucking hard but not hard enough to break his hold.

“Like I said, if you want something all you have to do is beg.” Chance teased her with the press of his cock right against her pussy’s creaming opening. He’d expected to at least get a halfhearted plea, and then he’d have fed her an inch or two until he coaxed better begs from her. Lacie surprised him with her smile. The small twist had his gaze narrowing in anticipation of her defiant words.

“Maybe you don’t have something worth begging for?” Lacie pointedly tugged on her wrists. “Maybe I think I can give it to myself better?”

Chance snarled at that provocation, forgetting everything but proving he had something she needed. He’d meant to pull her down over the entire length of his dick to hammer in that obnoxious question, but Lacie had rallied more than he realized. He barely lodged his head against the gate to her sweet heaven when her legs kicked up and her feet perched on the edge of the gate. She used her whole body to lever herself in the opposite direction.

For long seconds they competed for control. The very fact that he had to compete drove Chance right over the edge of his temper. Releasing her wrists, he gripped her hips and slammed her down his length. The sweetest, tightest, velvety vise he’d ever felt clamped down in welcome. Each burning inch of his flaming erection found cool comfort as it slid deep into her rippling depths.

“Oh, God,” Lacie moaned as her back arched beneath the force of his invasion.

“That’s it, baby,” Chance growled, rolling his hips and giving her another good, hard stroke. “Thank God for giving me to you, ’cause I got just what you need.”

He emphasized that point with another evenly measured thrust that made her groan and writhe, but still his little mate remained defiant. The fingers that had dug into his shoulders relaxed, sliding freely downward over his chest and bringing his motions to a stop.

Chance knew what she intended to do, but still it amazed him when her hands dropped. Those nimble fingers went right back to teasing her nipple and squirming between their bodies to strum her clit.

Talk about one hardheaded woman…and one hell of a show…and she certainly likes to put it on.
Chance’s scowl relaxed into a grin as his little mate arched under the impact of her own ministrations. Even as her head rolled to the side on a moan, his eyes nearly rolled back into his head as her little pussy sucked on his cock, tightening down as her walls convulsed.

The flood of her desire bathed him in the most tantalizing heated cream, and just when he felt that little pussy tense and quiver, the temptation to give in was almost overwhelming. Chance couldn’t stop his hips sinking forward and tensing in preparation for the hard ride ahead. He’d have caved if it hadn’t been for Lacie’s obnoxious groan ruining the moment.

“Oh, thank you God for giving me fingers.”

” Chance snatched her wrists right back up in his hands. “Damnit, Davis. Get the ropes.”

“Ropes?” Lacie murmured, her smile undented. “Really, Chance? You need help in controlling one little woman?”

“Don’t tempt me, baby.” Chance growled, his nose dropping to bump into hers as he tried to glare her into submission. “You’re not ready for the consequences.”

“You never know, big boy,” Lacie whispered back, lifting to brush her lips over his in a teasing caress. “I might have gotten some practice myself over the years.”

She bit him, took a tiny nip of his lower lip that had every bit of blood in Chance’s body flooding his cock in a sudden tidal wave of need. His cock swelled and pulsed even as his ears flushed with sudden anger at her audacity. Lacie didn’t do the biting. He and Davis did.

They did the biting, the controlling, the fucking, and every other damn thing. That was a lesson their mate had best learn now. Otherwise, she might not walk straight for weeks because there was just so much temptation a man could take. But Lacie thought she could handle it, and maybe it was time to test that theory.

“Fine then, baby,” Chance growled, releasing her hands to latch back on to her hips. “Let’s dance.”

Chance set up a rhythm he knew she wouldn’t be able to keep up with. He was faster, stronger, hard, and capable of fucking his cock deep into her dripping cunt with more force than his little mate could ever mimic with those skinny little fingers of hers. It took him less than thirty seconds to make her scream.

With fingers clawing at the arms he braced on either side of her and her heels digging into the edge of the tailgate, Lacie managed to lever her hips to just the right angle to let him sink that much further. From the way she bowed and screamed, he knew his dick was rubbing the sweet spot buried deep in her pussy.

Not begging, the little woman tried taking. Growling as the sweat gathered between his shoulder blades, Chance unleashed all his frustrated aggression into the pounding swing of his own hips, fucking his little mate right back down into the truck bed.

With each stroke he ground his pelvis into her clit and dragged his chest over the pointed tips of her breasts, driving her cries louder and making her sweet cunt suckle his cock all the harder. The seed in his balls boiled, threatening to erupt, but Chance ground his teeth and held back.

Not yet, not until her pussy clenched down hard and her whole body tensed, that’s when Chance ripped his cock out of the heavenly heat of her pussy and let loose all over her stomach. Gripping his spurting cock in his fist, he pumped the rigid length, milking every bit of tension and cum right out of his body. Lacie’s scream of pure feminine outrage pierced the fog trying to consume him and sweetened the moment.

You son of a bitch!

Chance cracked an eye open to smile down at her. “Something wrong, baby?”

Lacie snarled at that, responding with action. Chance didn’t want to have to move or be quick about it, but he had to do both those things to catch her hands before she buried them in her cunt. “Ah, ah, ah. No playing with my pussy without permission.”

“It’s my pussy,” Lacie snapped, twisting her wrist in a desperate attempt to break free. “And it will be a long time before I let you play with it again, Chance Dillon. Now let me go.”

“Now why you want to do that, baby? Issue challenges you know you can’t win?” Chance glanced over to where Davis lounged against the truck. He had coil of rope in his fist and the kind of strained look that told Chance he’d been enjoying the show. “What do you think, Davis? Time to tie the little darling up and show her who’s really boss?”

Davis’s gaze lifted from its fascinated study of Lacie’s cunt to Chance’s dark glower. “Actually, I’m thinking it’s time I got a taste of

Chapter 9

“It’s my pussy,” Lacie had the audacity to insist.

She looked determined but had conspicuously stopped trying to free her wrists from Chance’s hold. Neither did she bother to try getting away or even close her thighs. Davis’s gaze dipped back to the tempting pink folds, and he had to take himself back in hand.

“And it’s not available for the tasting.”

That was the wrong thing to say to him right then. He’d waited his turn, and she wouldn’t be denying him, leaving him like this. Lifting his eyes back to pin her clear green ones under a hard look, he made sure she knew he wasn’t joking.

“That cunt belongs to us, honey. You belong to us. We swear to protect you and provide for you. In exchange, you submit to our authority.”

“I submit to no man,” Lacie declared with all the haughtiness of a woman who was actually wearing clothes and didn’t have her legs spread wide for the fucking. Davis smiled, appreciating her spirit. Only she’d forgotten one thing.

“I’m not a man, honey.”

Davis leapt over the edge of the truck with ease, landing a foot on either side of her ribs and effectively caging her in. The motion had knocked Chance back and his hold on her wrist free. Davis caught her hands before she could figure out what to do with them and dropped to his knees. In less than five seconds he had her pinned beneath him, breathing his reminder right across her startled lips.

“I’m a lycan. Maybe it’s time we showed you the difference.”

Lacie didn’t whimper or drop her eyes in submission but stretched up to brush her lips across his. Before she could nip him like she had Chance, Davis took control of the kiss, smashing his lips into hers and forcing her mouth wide open for the penetrating pillage of his tongue. She tasted like peaches and honey.

Drowning in her intoxicating taste, he forgot all about the world around him and lost himself to the pleasure of plundering her velvety depths. His hands slid free of her wrists, shifting to hold her cheeks captive and releasing hers to twine around his neck. With a growl, she pulled him down into the kiss as her tongue fought back, trying to take command of his mouth.

That small bit of defiance jolted Davis back to the issue of who demanded and who obeyed. Lifting up, he broke free of the kiss along with her hold. Davis caught her hands as they slipped down his shoulders. Not bothering to threaten her again, he snatched up the rope he’d dropped and began binding her wrists.

Lacie didn’t bother to pretend to struggle. Not offering any resistance, she let him tie her up, watching as he stretched forward to tie the other end to the storage box handle. Bolted to the bed there would be no way she could move it.

Confident in his victory, Davis glanced down to offer her a smug smile, but the gesture never made it to his lips. As their gazes locked, he realized he might have gotten caught in a trap. Lacie’s eyes twinkled with the kind of mischief that had his balls sweating and his cock straining toward the lips a mere breath away from his weeping head.

Davis swallowed hard, going completely still as she shifted ever so slightly forward and parted the lush, full arches of her mouth over the blind eye of his cock. Soft and gentle, her tongue licked right down the length of his cock, causing Davis’s breath to catch as his dick bobbed in approval, silently searching for another caress.

She gave it to him, all the way down to his balls, and there wasn’t anything inexperienced about how hard she sucked them. Davis cursed and jerked, knowing just what her game was and not in any doubt that she could win if left unattended. Trying to finish the knot he’d been working on, he found his normally adept fingers gone clumsy as her teeth crested around the head of his cock and started nibbling.

The small stings lasted long enough to send bolts of molten need shuddering down his cock. She soothed the sting from his tender head with a lick that had Davis choking on another lost breath. Before he could recapture it, Lacie sucked his full length in, taking him so deep he almost fell over as he rocked under the violent lash of pleasure.

She swallowed nearly his whole damn length, taking him all the way to back of her throat before she started pump him straight up the high rise of ecstasy’s mountain. Davis panted, sweating from the strain of enduring the sweet torture of her mouth while he raced to get her hands tied to bed before she made him come. It was a near thing with him tightening off a knot even as he felt the first scorching wave of his seed shooting out of his balls. Grunting under the intense pleasure when she swallowed that warning blast, Davis barely got his own fingers around his cock in time to stop the main load from firing.

It hurt a little to squeeze, but he managed to hold himself in check even if he didn’t do it with much dignity. Bent over her and braced on one arm, he panted as she worked feverishly to undo him. He couldn’t let that happen, and yet he couldn’t stop his own torment, already addicted to the rapture her mouth delivered with each delicious suck.

The possibility that he could lose the battle kept him so entranced it took him a second to process when she released him with a sudden gasp. Her eyes rounded, her back arched and banged her breast into the undersides of his thighs, and then she dissolved into a frantic mewing as her breath panted out with the rhythmic motions of her body sliding back and forth on the bed.

BOOK: Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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