People Trafficker (37 page)

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Authors: Keith Hoare

BOOK: People Trafficker
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Karen was smiling to herself, she believed it was working he was getting frustrated with her, soon he’d just become fed up and turn away.

“You believe, no I suspect, you think you’re being very clever by doing your best to make life very difficult for me,” he suddenly said.

Karen didn’t reply, not sure how to answer.

“Ah…silence as well, so I must be right? But you see I’ve met girls like you before…none have won,” he said, at the same time raising his hand high and bringing it down very hard on her bottom. It was a sharp stinging slap that made her gasp involuntary, immediately taking her thoughts back to the time she was held over the side of the dinghy and Assam had taken his strap to her bottom. This was something she didn’t want repeating and she was annoyed. So much so she was considering some sort of retaliation.

He grinned hearing her gasp, before dropping his head to hers whispering into her ear. “Now little girl, like it or not you’re going to be fucked hard tonight. With difficult girls I always give them a taste of the punishment to expect, it’s far better than a threat. However, any punishment will be by three strokes of my leather strap, one to the bottom, the others to the top of the legs,” he began, rubbing his hands gently over her still smarting bottom. “My Sammy and Natasha received this when they first came to my house. Both were strung up in my punishment room where I used the leather strap on their bottoms. Since their, shall we say inauguration, they have been a delight. So how do you want to play it, three slaps of my hand to this tight bottom of yours to show how serious I am in my threats, or would you rather I called for help and have you taken to my punishment room, if you really are still determined not to play ball, and have a desire to feel the leather strap across your legs and bottom? Of course you could avoid all of this now you’re aware just how painful it can get for you, by relaxing and giving everything you’ve got, then we both enjoy the experience.”

He fell silent a moment. “What’s it to be then?” he demanded, at the same time beginning to rub her bottom and preparing to give her the three promised slaps.

Karen knew then she’d no option but to do as he demanded, that was unless she wanted constant punishments? Which with her bottom still smarting from his initial slap, she didn’t relish. Besides, she was also nervous of Halif, who’d demanded she keep him occupied, and less than half an hour on a bed was not keeping someone occupied, so she risked little sympathy from him as well. Karen sighed inwardly, it would seem her sex life was still dominated by people forcing sex onto her rather than wanting her for what she could offer in a loving relationship. So she turned over and put her arms round his neck, pulled him closer to her and gave him a long kiss.

“I’m sorry, Salem, you’re right I’m not playing fair, I was only testing you just to see if you wanted me for a quick shag and it’s over, or as I really expected a night we will both remember,” she lied. “Let’s start again and I’ll show you what I can really do for a man?”

He smiled to himself, the girl was lying of course, but he wanted this girl in his bed, not to punish her with the strap. Because if he did have to go that way she’d be in no fit state to use tonight, or even the rest of the week. However, he had no such worries, Karen did as she promised, throwing herself into it and beginning to enjoy the experience, like she always had with Grant. Although Salem would never be her choice, his attentiveness and the way he was now treating her wasn’t in any way derogatory, like the rapes she’d had to endure. But he was firm and aggressive in his demands, which she liked in a man, constantly making her change position, kissing and caressing her body with each change. He had an ability to bring her to heights she’d never experienced and she was unable to believe how this overweight and small man could carry on like he was. But he’d been at her for over an hour, Karen had had enough, she wasn’t used to such demands on her body so after he’d finally brought himself to climax, she sighed a sigh of relief when he fell back on the bed, settling down at her side. She lay there still shaking, even Grant couldn’t have kept up with this man, but she’d had her fill of him, done her best to please, and hoped he’d leave her alone now. However, within twenty minutes, just as she had drifted off to sleep, he was leaning over kissing her again.

she said to herself awakening with a start,
“he doesn’t want more does he?”

“No, I’ve had enough, Salem. I just want to sleep,” she said pushing him away.

With his face inches from hers, he smiled. “It’s obvious your other lovers have let you get away with too much, Karen. For a very fit eighteen-year-old I think you’re only saying you want to sleep.”

“I’m not just saying it, I really do want to sleep, Salem. I’m not used to this like you; besides, it’s beginning to hurt me.”

“Just words, Karen, just words, I’ll soon have your juices running again. After all, you’re very adventurous, besides being particularly well tutored in pleasing a man, as my good friend Saeed had said you’d be. That is of course after a smack by way of punishment, to remind you who was in charge. Which would you believe, he’d suggested I gave you first, saying you’d always need dominance by the man, you’re that type of girl.”

Karen glared at him. “What are you on about? I don’t need violence in my sexual activities thank you. Besides, what’s Saeed got to do with all this?” she asked, slightly confused and alarmed as to why Saeed’s name was mentioned.

“Oh didn’t I mention it? It must have slipped my mind with all this fucking we’ve been doing.”

“Mention what? I still don’t know what you’re on about,” she said, now even more confused.

“Why, both you and Halif believing you could come to my house and just take my girls. I had a call, before you’d even set off, from Saeed. Plenty of time to prepare shall we say a little welcoming party. Although I delayed it, when Halif said I could have you for the night, I couldn’t resist giving you a good fucking as a going away present. Anyway Saeed sends his best; after all you’re soon to meet him again. But this time he has an even bigger reason to see you. Didn’t you injure his mother and take his money a day or so ago? That, girl, was very foolish; his mother means the world to him, I’m sure he would have told you that when you last stayed at his house? You can believe you’ll be working the debt off in ways you can’t imagine, that’s if he doesn’t get fed up, and skin you alive, before leaving you to die in the desert.”

“Why are you telling me this, after all I’m Sirec’s girl, and I’ve no intention of going to Saeed?”

“Karen… Karen. Can’t you understand simple English? This is the end of the line. Saeed’s man is already on his way to collect you. In the meantime you’ll be kept in the guardroom till he comes. It’ll be hardly worth you putting your pants on though; my guards get very few girls round here. After I tell them how good a fuck you are, they’ll be queuing out of the door.”

Karen had gone cold, yet again she’d been deceived, but she needed to know if Halif and the men with him were involved. With that knowledge she could make plans as to how to get out of here, fast.

“If what you’re saying’s true, Halif has also conned me into thinking he was on my side, when all along he was part of your plan as well?”

“Ha, he knows nothing, still waiting for my girl to join him I would imagine. He’ll wait forever; both girls are mine and mine alone. I don’t lend either of them out, no matter what alternative is on offer. Soon he will have the choice of freedom or to die. He will choose freedom and go back to Sirec; you’re not worth dying for. Besides the best part of is Sirec will never know Saeed has you. With Halif paid off the keep his mouth shut and claim you’re dead, you’ll rue the time you decided stupidly to take on Saeed.”

Karen knew Salem was right, Halif would not think twice about leaving her to be taken by Saeed’s man. She also knew Saeed would have given instructions that she was to be checked very carefully, maybe even taken naked; to make sure she carried no weapon. That’s if she was in any state to object after being given to Salem’s men?

Both these threats now decided her next action. Karen was close to the edge of the bed, one arm hanging over, the other trapped under this man who was leaning over her enjoying making her, in his view, squirm. Already he’d began to rub gently between her legs, trying she suspected, to arouse her again. She clenched her fist, as she’d been taught in close combat training. Dropped her arm back, and bent her elbow bringing her fist up to her shoulder. Every bone in her body was taut as she waited for him to pull away from her face.

To push him on she smiled. “Well if I’m to go back to Saeed, we may as well continue. After all, Salem, you’re far more preferable to spend the rest of the night with, rather than the hired help.”

He was ecstatic, believing this girl was really going to be submissive from now on, with the threat of being raped by his men; she’d give everything she’d got to stay with him. He kissed her gently, and then pulled away with the intention of getting back on top of her. That was all she was waiting for; he’d exposed his neck, and was clear of her body. Within a second, her clenched fist hit his Adam’s apple with devastating force.

Salem was stunned into silence, his breath taken away from him as he began to choke and gurgle. Karen pushed him to one side, climbed off the bed and looked down, in the dim light, at the man holding his windpipe trying in vain to breathe, close to passing out. She’d been surprised how good the move actually was, before she’d always relied on her knife. Switching on the light she walked over to her clothes folded neatly on the chair, removing her knife from the sheaf. Then after slipping her knickers and t-shirt on, she walked back to him.

“On your face quickly, hands above your head,” she shouted aggressively.

Salem was beginning to come round, still gasping, but could see the knife in her hand glistening in the light, so he turned over as she’d demanded.

“You’re pathetic,” she began, “but Saeed missed out one little point he should have told you about me. You see, everyone seems to believe I’m just a young girl, something to take to bed and worthless beyond that. Except I’m also close combat trained and already a killer, in fact quite a number of men have died by my hand. So why don’t you tell me about the two girls, in particular where they are, otherwise I’ll use my knife to extract the information?”

By now he’d just about got enough breath back to talk. “You’ll get nothing from me. Besides, you’re a dead girl for even touching me, you cannot escape from here.”

“Yes, well I’ve had those threats made to me often enough, so don’t expect me to fall to the floor begging your forgiveness. You should learn to keep your mouth shut and not boast about how clever you are. Especially how you’ve put off sending me directly to Saeed’s because what’s between your legs ruled your brains. Your stupidity also means we’re unlikely to have any unwanted visitors until morning. I can’t see your workers disturbing you somehow with a girl in your bed. So there’s plenty of time to get you to talk.”

He said nothing.

She pulled the bedclothes back, put her hand on his head, pushing his face into the pillow before forcing the knife between his legs directly through his penis into the mattress below. The pain must have been excruciating and he struggled to breathe, let alone be able to scream out as she held him down.

“Now Salem my next move with the knife means you’ll lose that excuse of a dick you think so much of. Then you’d be useless for your women. They’d not be able to find even a stub left to give you a blow job. So I’ll ask again, where are the girls?” she whispered into his ear.

Whether it was the very real threat of losing his manhood, or losing his life, Salem was not prepared to risk either for the sake of young girls, both of whom could be replaced with ease.

“Sammy’s locked up in a room behind the guard house,” he said.

“And the other one, she’s there as well?”

“Yes, they’re always kept together. Now get that fucking knife out of my cock.”

She did that and he turned over, staring down at the blood oozing from the wound. He looked up at her. “Like I said you’re dead, do you hear me, dead? I will hunt you down and you will pay for this.”

She sighed. “You’ve done it again. Told me what your intentions are towards me. Saeed made the same error and he’s now in a wheelchair, although I meant to kill him really. But you see I’ve no intention of being chased all over the world. I also don’t like my bottom smacked or being offered out for sex with some short-arsed, fat pig before. And then, because I’d had enough, being threatened by you to spend the rest of the night with your men.”

He grinned, even with the pain he still wanted to gloat. “Well this short-arsed pig, as you like to call me, certainly fucked you dry, so you’ve nothing to complain about.”

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