Read Perfect Match Online

Authors: Kelly Arlia

Tags: #modern romance plane wolf champagne cocktails south america commando

Perfect Match (24 page)

BOOK: Perfect Match
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Larry held up his hand signaling her to stop.
“I’m glad you are here, so I can say this to the both of you. Sit
down, Noelle.”

Oh shit, he didn’t call her Lady. Not good.
At least Jackson was already recovering and was in medical care, so
that may spare him some from Pop’s wrath.

“We have a situation here that has me very
disappointed,” Larry started.

She may be twenty-five, but her Pop still had
a way of making her feel like a child. She looked down at her feet,
because she had nowhere else to look. She couldn’t look at her Pop,
because she was ashamed that she didn’t tell him. She couldn’t look
at Jackson, because she felt like a child.

“I may be a tough guy, but when it comes to
your happiness, as a father that is all I want, your happiness.
Here I am worried about if you were ever going to find someone, and
that whole time you are with him. If he is the one that makes you
happy, you should have told me.”

“I was too scared, Pop. The one thing you
always said to us was no wrestlers and look who I fall in love

“He is also an old friend.”

“I didn’t want you to get the wrong

“Noelle, stop. I just gave Jackson my
blessing. Jackson is a good man, and I always knew that there was
something going on with the both of you.”

“Wait…what?” She looked over to Jackson who
was smiling.

“I couldn’t be happier that the two of you
are together. He is a good man, Lady, and I know that he will take
good care of you.”

Noelle was so happy she could barely contain
her excitement. She jumped up off the chair she was sitting in and
leapt into his arms. “Thank you! I’m sorry.”

Her Pop gave her one of his rib crushing hugs
but she didn’t care. She felt so happy that she didn’t have to hide
her relationship anymore. She looked over to Jackson when they
broke the embrace and she went to him and kissed him.

“Now I am going to tell the both of you this.
If, and when, the first of all those grandbabies that you promised
me come, and you tell Howie first, I will not be so forgiving.”
Larry warned.

“Yes sir.” Jackson said and squeezed Noelle.
She couldn’t believe her life could get any better at the

Kayla couldn’t wait to get back to the BRAWL
arena on Tuesday. She could hardly control her excitement. She had
to figure out her best course of action - who would be best to give
her news to. She thought about putting the pictures up on BRAWL’s
Facebook page, but she wanted Jackson and Noelle to know this
information came from her. She would have gone and told someone on
Sunday night, but everything was pushed to the side when Jackson
collapsed in the ring. Of course all of the attention went on him,
and how concerned everyone was for him. “He just has to get
better.” they said, “That boy loves his work so much that he was
willing to risk himself by working sick.” As if they didn’t love
him enough already, so if she would have shared her news with
anyone, she would have come across bad. It wasn’t the right time,
but now it was. Back to work as normal. Kayla grabbed herself a
bottle of water in the lounge and went to sit down. She pulled out
her phone to pull up the pictures she took of Jackson and Noelle
from the hotel.

“Hey, there you are!” Kayla looked up to see
the current Goddess Champion Kristy Cavanaugh come up to her. She
sat down and gave her a sympathetic look. “I need to talk to

“Oh, and do I need to talk to you.” Kayla
couldn’t have imagined a better person to tell. Kristy loved a
juicy story, especially about Jackson. Kristy dated Jackson after
he broke up with Kayla.

“I wanted you to hear this from me before
anyone else. It’s about Jackson.” Kristy said.

“I know. I was there, and he’s been released
from the hospital.”

“No, Kayla, not that. Everyone knows about
that. It’s about who was there with him. Who he is dating.”

“What?” Kayla’s eyes widened in disbelief.
She feared what Kristy was about to tell her

“Apparently when Jackson collapsed over the
weekend, his dad and Ruckus went up to check on him. That is when
they discovered Noelle there and they confessed to this huge
relationship they are in. She was there with Jackson the whole

“How did you hear about this?” Kayla couldn’t
believe it. She was supposed to let the cat out of the bag. She was
supposed to be the one to make their lives miserable.

Kristy shrugged. “Everyone is talking about

“Larry? What does he say? He cannot be happy
about this at all.”

“Gave them his blessing. He’s actually proud
and telling people.”

Kayla was so upset that Jackson landed on his
feet again, that she just got up and walked away in
mid-conversation. She knew Kristy must be thinking that she is
upset because Jackson has moved on. She didn’t have the energy or
the words to explain to anyone the real reason why she was upset,
especially when she didn’t know it herself. She just knew that
Jackson seemed to always get everything he wanted in life, and this
was no exception. She just hated that she wasn’t one of the things
he wanted.

Let people believe what they wanted. Everyone
liked to assume anyway. She headed to the gym. She needed to run
but a text came in. It was group text from Kevin.



The preparations for Holiday in Hell were
here, and there was a different kind of buzz at BRAWL. This was the
biggest event of the year for them and it was such a huge Pay Per
View event that wrestling fans look forward to like football fans
look forward to the Super Bowl. It’s always held the Saturday
before Christmas and this year was going to be big. The biggest
talk was the grudge match between Ruckus Reid and Hungry Howie.
Noelle was getting her schedule in order for the day and actually
chuckled at that thought. Her Pop never lost his popularity with
his fans.

The whole place was prepping, and she was
going to be one busy lady. She had more massages than usual and she
had a few more PT sessions, and hoped that no one got hurt before
the big event. It was a good thing that she was going to be so
busy, because so was Jackson. Being the current American Champion,
he was going to have a fairly big match. His feud with Kevin is
over, and was waiting to see who the next feud was going to be
with. He had a lot of travel coming up and was glad to know that
his doctors gave him a clean bill of health. Noelle was truly
walking on air. She never thought she could be so happy. She was
working her dream job, which was about to get even more exciting
for her and Jackson. Oh, and the love she felt for him is beyond
anything she ever could have imagined. They are going to have a
great life together - with Pop’s blessing!

She was walking on air in the weeks that
followed his emergency appendectomy.

As scary as that moment was, it was such a
turning point for them because that is when her Pop found out about
them and gave them his blessing. No more feeling guilty and being

There was a light knock on her door. She
turned from her paperwork to see Jackson walk in. He was wearing
his traveling clothes - a cozy looking sweat suit. She walked over
to him and wrapped her arms around him. He squeezed her back even
tighter. He leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. “Feels like you
just came home from a long road trip,” Noelle said as she leaned
her head on his rock hard chest. “At least now, you aren’t lying to
everyone about you not being sick.”

He bent down to kiss her again and this time
it was a sizzling kiss that had Noelle reach up and wrap her hands
around his neck to pull him closer to her. He had a way of kissing
her that made her forget everything else except those lips of his
and where she wanted them to be. “Mmm, at least we no longer have
to lie about us,” he murmured, “Damn, I wish we were at home right

She gave him a sexy look and raised her
eyebrow before finding his mouth once more. She found herself
opening up her mouth to let his tongue do naughty, sexy things to
her. He took the hint and guided her to one of her tables. She
hopped up on it while he moved between her legs, while never taking
their lips off of each other.

“I’m all packed and ready to leave,” he said
quietly while trailing light kisses down her ear till he reached
the soft spot on her neck.

She got goose bumps as his tongue traced the
spot he was about to kiss. “How soon before you leave?” She slid
her hand underneath his shirt to caress his back.

“Half an hour.” He reached for the hem of her
shirt and swiftly took it off of her and dropped it to the

“Is the door locked?”

He stepped back to lock the door and when he
stepped toward Noelle removing his shirt in the process. “When is
your next massage?”

“After lunch.” She slid her hands down from
his back to his sexy ass and gave a squeeze.

“Good.” He undid the button of her jeans and
pushed them down her legs. “Do you have any idea how bad I want you
right now?”

Noelle answered by giving him a hard kiss
dipping her tongue into his mouth as his hands went to explore the
part of her that was almost screaming for him to touch her. He
lightly stroked her and she gasped. She reached down to his squeeze
his erection before pulling it out of his pants and boxers. Jackson
opened her legs a little more and slid a finger inside, sending
waves of pleasure, making her want to scream. She needed him inside
of her before she fell to pieces.

“You are going to have to be quiet,” he
warned her as he moved his hand up to her bra and pushed it aside
to reveal her breasts. He pinched a nipple before taking it into
his mouth. She knew he was torturing her, and she was loving it.
She didn’t know how much more she could take. She needed him inside
her desperately. “Jackson, please,” she pleaded.

He gave her a knowing smile and reached into
his pocket for a condom. He unwrapped it and slid it on. He
positioned himself in front of her and paused right before entering
her. He kissed her sweetly before sliding in. He slowly began
pumping his hips as she arched her back and let out a sexy moan. He
slid his tongue in her warm mouth in the hopes of muffling the sex
noises that were uncontrollable while he was making love to her.
They vowed not to do this at work, but he was leaving for a few
weeks and to her there was no better way to say goodbye.

She was losing control, and fast. “Shh, babe
you’re making too much noise.” He made no effort to slow down what
he was doing. In fact, he pumped even faster. She wrapped her legs
around him to pull him even closer. She clung to him as he pumped
into her harder. He moaned and she raked her hands through his
hair. She came with a muffled cry as he covered her mouth once
again with his as he groaned in pleasure from his own release.

She hugged him as she tried to regain
herself. She kissed his neck, “I love you, Jackson Smith, so damn

He gently kissed her again letting his tongue
linger in her mouth as he pulled her closer to him, “I never get
tired of hearing you say that.” He broke the embrace and reached
down to gather up her clothes. He took care of himself and clothes
as well. “This is the worst part of going on the road.”

“What? Having sex with me before you leave?”
she teased, pretending to be offended.

He smirked as he disposed of the condom and
tucked a strand of silky gold hair behind her ear. “Having sex you
with you is one of the best things in my life, and you know what I

“I do. Just trying to lighten the mood. Do I
look okay?” She asked as she pulled on her shirt.

“You are absolutely beautiful,” he said
pulling her to him, “I love you so much.” Jackson’s phone went off
signaling that he had a text. “Gotta go,” he said after he read it,
“Walk with me.” They headed towards Tony’s office.

“So we are going to be so busy with the
countdown to Holiday in Hell. I don’t have an opponent, so I’m
going to be very busy as they search for one. There are some
options and I will be testing them out at house shows. Until we
figure out who to best match me up against, I may not have a lot of
time but I will try to call you every chance I get. Don’t worry if
you don’t hear from me.”

“Hey, I’ll be busy too. Just take care of
yourself. I know you’ll have at least one moment a day to send me
sexy text messages.”

He laughed but she hated this part. She
really did but did not want him to see her emotions. They reached
Tony’s office where he was waiting for Jackson and some of the
other guys he was going on the road with. Tony motioned for him to
come in. He turned to Noelle and squeezed her hand. “Behave

“Always. Talk to you soon.” Noelle said as
she watched Jackson go into Tony’s office and close the door behind

Thankfully for Noelle, her job kept her
busier than ever, and that was a good thing. It made the time go
faster. The two-week road trip for Jackson was almost over, and he
was due home the next day. She got by on some naughty text messages
that often resulted in late night, steamy phone calls, which
actually were a lot of fun. They had such fun last night that her
lack of sleep caused her to be distracted throughout the day. She
left some of her paperwork in the lounge so she had to go back and
get it. She needed it because it was her schedule of who she was
going to work on that afternoon. She heard voices coming from the
lounge and was glad she peeked in before she walked in.

Noelle couldn’t believe that her past was
sitting in the room she was about to go into. She double checked to
make sure she saw correctly. Son of a bitch! She felt as if she was
going to be sick. Sitting in the room, talking to some of the guys
on the creative team, some veterans and Tony was Derek Kincaid!

BOOK: Perfect Match
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