Perfect Together (5 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

BOOK: Perfect Together
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Sam stood, grateful for the darkness that had begun to surround them, hiding the obvious evidence of his arousal. “I’ll walk you back,” he said, his voice unsteady.

“Okay.” Her lips twitched in a knowing grin.

He placed his hand on the small of her back and she trembled. Good. At least he wasn’t the only one still being pulled under by the desire they’d unleashed.

couldn’t remember the last time he’d made out with a woman in the middle of town, where anyone could see. Not that it mattered when all he could think about was this woman—and when he could see her again.

Nicole spent the next day getting her new apartment
into shape. It helped once she unpacked some personal photos and knickknacks. She liked knowing she was settled, that she could look around and feel like she was surrounded by her favorite things.

She had a mental to-do list, and with her personal space in order, she could turn her focus to her career. As for what to do about Tyler’s father . . . she still didn’t know. Each option turned her stomach. So she focused on Sam—which wasn’t difficult since she couldn’t concentrate on anything but that kiss. Her lips still tingled with pleasure.

When she’d first met him three months ago, after she’d gotten over the fact that he’d arrested her and dragged her down to the police station, their crazy chemistry had taken her by surprise. Although nothing happened between them, the sizzle she’d experienced was one of the things that had persuaded her to end her engagement. If just looking at Sam Marsden awoke parts of her that had been long dormant, she’d asked herself what the hell was she was doing with Tyler Stanton, a man with whom sex was just . . . nice.

No matter how good and kind Tyler was, intimacy had been pleasant and occasional. It had never been a priority for either one of them. Maybe it was because they’d grown up together, the expectation of marriage always underlying things, and they were comfortable together, but his kisses
were uninspired. And that was what she’d thought before Sam Marsden’s lips touched hers and the earth shifted beneath her feet.

Yep, it had been that cliché. That awesome.

Which explained why she woke up this morning still off-kilter and jittery. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She started by reminding herself that she wasn’t looking to start something new when she was still getting over something old. But she was getting ahead of herself with her worries. It wasn’t like Sam had reached out in the time since she’d seen him at Joe’s.

Pushing that thought aside, she showered and dressed, her plan being to drive over to The Family Restaurant. Macy said late mornings were slow and she could spend some time talking. Since her new friend was in the restaurant business, Nicole wanted to discuss her bakery ideas and get insight.

In desperate need of caffeine, she stopped at Cuppa Café, even before she got in her car and headed across town. She’d yet to fill her kitchen cabinets and refrigerator, but even if she had, Nicole liked to treat herself to a good, fresh cup in the morning.

The shop was nearly empty, with one woman who looked about Nicole’s age, give or take a few years, working behind the counter.

“Hi,” Nicole said.

“Hi, and welcome.” The other woman greeted her with a friendly smile. “Are you new in town?”

Nicole laughed. “That obvious?”

“Only to someone who grew up here. I’m Trisha Lock-hart. I own this place.”

Farnsworth. Are you related to Joe? He’s my landlord.”

“He’s my brother. He pumps the good people in town full of alcohol and I sober them up or help their hangover the next day.” Her words were light and teasing. “What can I get you?”

“Regular coffee with milk and sugar,” Nicole said.

“Coming right up.”

As Trisha poured her drink, Nicole stepped back to study the items behind the counter. There were prewrapped pastries and assorted other things like name-brand granola bars, but nothing that appeared freshly baked. She wrinkled her nose at the choices.

“Something wrong?” Trisha placed her cup on the counter.

“Not at all,” Nicole rushed to assure her, embarrassed that she’d been caught turning her nose up at the other woman’s offerings.

“You looked like you just ate a Sour Patch or something.”

Nicole shook her head, mortified. “I’m sorry. I was just looking at your breakfast offerings—”

“Pitiful, I know.” Trisha lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “It is what it is. I can’t bake and I don’t have the equipment even if I could.”

“Hmm. Well, it just so happens . . .”


Nicole braced her hands on the counter. “I can bake. And I want to bake; I moved here hoping to find a place to do that, or open my own business.” She met Trisha’s interested gaze. “I have the savings for it, but I’m not sure I’m ready to dive in alone.”

eyed her speculatively. “I would be interested in bringing fresh items into the store. I’m certain it would only add business.” She shrugged. “Why don’t you drop off some baked goods for me to try?”

Heartened, Nicole nodded. “I will.” She placed money, enough to include a tip, on the counter and picked up her cup. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Same here. I’d say don’t be a stranger, but in this town, no one really is.” Trisha grinned and turned to refresh the decaffeinated coffee.

Smiling, Nicole spun around and bumped into a hard male body. Her coffee sloshed over the lid, burning her hand. “Oh crap,” she muttered.

Ignoring the sting, she backed up, then glanced up and into the same hazel eyes that had starred in her dreams. Sam stood in front of her, freshly shaved, wearing a dark sport jacket, and looking hotter than any man had a right to.

“Oh God. I’m sorry. Did I get any coffee on you?” she asked, embarrassed.

“No. I’m fine. Are you okay?” He lifted her burned hand in his for inspection.

Shocks that had nothing to do with the hot liquid tingled along her skin. A quick look up told her he’d experienced the sensation too.

“I’m okay,” she murmured. At least her hand was. The rest of her was another story. “Where are you going all dressed up?” she asked.


She narrowed her gaze. “No uniform?”

“I got a promotion since I saw you last,” he explained. “Detectives get to ditch the uniform.”

she said, impressed and happy for him.

“Thanks. So how about you? Where are you headed next?” he asked.

“The Family Restaurant. I was going to brainstorm some things with Macy, but I couldn’t wait to get there to get some caffeine into me,” she explained.

He laughed. “I hear you. If I don’t stop here, I end up starting my day with the sludge at the station.”

“Good to know where I can find you,” she murmured.

They stared at each other for a few moments, the air between them crackling with intensity.

“I’ve been thinking about you,” he admitted.

Her heart skipped a beat at that. “Same here.”

“Are you free Friday night? We could go out to dinner.”

She sighed. “I’m going to the movies with Macy.” She paused before plowing ahead. “But Saturday night, Macy talked me into going to the women’s heart health fund-raiser. Will you be there?” If she couldn’t go on an official date with him this weekend, at least they could spend time together.

His brows drew close and he hesitated, his attitude going from outgoing and inviting to downright uncomfortable. “Never mind. I—”

“Listen, I—” They spoke at the same time.

His cell rang and he immediately glanced at the phone screen.

“Work call,” he explained, shooting her a regretful look. He spoke to the person on the other end and met her gaze as he disconnected. “I have to go now, but I—” He shook his head. “No time,” he muttered.

She nodded, understanding the urgency. She’d see him Saturday night, or not.

a last lingering glance, he headed for the door.

She watched him go, her eyes devouring him from behind. The man was built in a way that spoke of working out to maintain his physique but not in a way that screamed gym god. No, he was a fine specimen all on his own.

She wished he’d had a chance to say whatever was on his mind about the fund-raiser, but she wouldn’t let herself worry about it. He had asked her out first, which indicated interest. And if he really wanted to go out with her, he knew where to find her. It was a small town, after all.

She might not be looking for a serious relationship right now, but she’d be crazy to deny she wanted something with this man.

Just what remained to be seen.


Sam found that work as a detective was feast or
famine in a small town. Now, when he wanted to get in touch with Nicole, a string of burglaries on a residential street kept him busy. He didn’t even have time to return his mother’s call about their Sunday family dinner. She wanted to make sure he was coming. Of course he was. Not one of his siblings said no to Ella Marsden. Now that Mike and Erin were married, it was a bigger gathering than ever before. Add Erin’s baby . . . and the pressure was
for Sam. But he could handle his mother, and he’d be there because he knew what was good for him. Besides, he loved his family no matter what.

He ended up spending that Friday night on a stakeout, watching for the teens who were breaking into parked cars and vandalizing them for the hell of it. Saturday consisted of viewing hours of video of the same street, courtesy of a paranoid homeowner who’d had cameras installed outside
his home. Good thing, since they’d caught a glimpse of a lone car coming into the neighborhood after midnight a week ago when the vandalism had started.

Sam was exhausted and needed a good night’s sleep that lasted a solid twelve hours. Unfortunately, he had just enough time to shower, change, and pick up his obligatory date for the fund-raiser. His stomach churned, for more reasons than why he’d argued with Cara about it in the first place. He hadn’t had the chance to explain the situation to Nicole at Cuppa Café, he didn’t have her cell phone number, he hadn’t run into her again, and he had no time to stop by her place to talk before he picked up Margie Stinson.

He wasn’t looking forward to running into Nicole tonight with another woman on his arm. His throat constricted at the thought and he shoved his fingers beneath the collar of his tuxedo shirt and tugged, needing air.

Though he and Nicole barely knew each other, that kiss changed everything for him, and he was sure she wanted to explore things further too. They might not have a commitment between them, but Sam wasn’t a serial dater. Thanks to his mother’s and sister’s influence, he understood and respected women. As a result, he had a gnawing feeling that tonight was going to be memorable, and not in any way he would have wanted.

When Nicole moved to Serendipity, she hadn’t thought
she’d need a formal dress, but having been raised to always be prepared, she’d saved her favorite one and stored it in the back of her closet. She dressed in a sapphire-blue dress with silver shoes, not allowing herself to second-guess or change.

had given her the address for the country club where the event was being held, and as she pulled up to the filled parking lot, nerves assailed her. She didn’t know anyone here, not really. Despite the urge to turn around and go home, she continued on to the valet and gave them her car.

As a man took her small Mercedes and drove off, Nicole had no choice but to gather her courage and head inside. She walked in and the first thing she noticed was a table with beautiful red and white flowers—red for heart disease, she assumed—and picked up the heart-shaped card with her name on it. Table five. Which meant nothing to her, since other than Macy, she had no friends here. Well, there was Sam, but she didn’t know what to think about things between them. She put the place card in her silver clutch and made her way into the lobby area, looking for Macy.

The first familiar face wasn’t Macy but Erin, Sam’s sister, the woman Nicole’s twin had stalked and nearly run down with her car. For someone who’d given birth a few months ago, she looked amazing in an emerald-green sheath dress. The green brought out her eyes, which were so much like her brother’s.

Erin she could handle, but her now-husband Cole? He was another story. Nicole still vividly recalled him bursting into the small interrogation room at the police station, yelling at her and demanding answers. Only Sam’s presence had reassured her, and though Cole had eventually come to believe that Nicole only wanted to help, he was still intimidating enough that she’d like to avoid him if she could.

She turned away from the couple and toward the bar, only to hear Erin call out her name.

Okay then. She’d have to deal with them after all.

her shoulders and tightening her grip on her purse, Nicole turned to find Erin walking up to her.

“I thought it was you,” Erin said, her tone welcoming. “Sam and Macy said you’d moved to town. Somehow I missed seeing you at Joe’s, but I heard you were there.”

Nicole was unable to hold back a smile at Erin’s warm rambling. It didn’t seem like she held a grudge about her sister. “How have you been?” Nicole asked, still wary.

“Great. Motherhood is amazing. You have to meet my baby girl.”

At that, Nicole relaxed her muscles and her guard. Erin had been pregnant last time Nicole had seen her. “Congratulations. What’s your daughter’s name?” she asked.

“Angel. And she is one. Unless she’s crying.” Erin laughed, but the love and maternal devotion in her eyes caused an unexpected lump of emotion to settle in Nicole’s throat.

“I’m glad things are going well for you,” Nicole said, meaning it.

“Thank you. I’m happier than I thought I could be. Marriage is amazing,” she said with a wink.

“That I wouldn’t know,” Nicole murmured. She’d broken her engagement in Manhattan and had every intention of leaving both thoughts and discussion about it there. “But I’m happy for you. After everything you went through, you deserve smooth sailing.”

Erin met her gaze. “So do you. I’m not sure I ever got the chance to thank you for coming here in the first place to warn me about your sister. That was . . . brave, and it couldn’t have been easy.”

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