Read Perfecting the Odds Online

Authors: Brenna St. Clare

Perfecting the Odds (26 page)

BOOK: Perfecting the Odds
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Those suit you better.” He smiled shyly. “May I,” she asked. Jeez, where had she gotten that nerve? Without hesitation, he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. She stared at his boxers, readying herself for what lie beneath.
Here goes nothin’.

She slid her fingers inside and traced
the hot skin beneath the hem. She inched them down slowly, her eyes following the dark trail leading toward her prize. She stopped to look up at his gorgeous face. His eyes dark and hooded, he nodded for her to continue. She sucked in a sharp breath, jerking backward a bit as she pulled the boxers to the floor. She stood and stepped backward. He must have seen the look of panic flash across her face.

“I won’t hurt you

laughed nervously before biting her lip.
If you say so
. Staring at the impressive erection jutting upward toward his belly, she said, “Yes, but you’re, uh, overwhelming.”

Thank you. We’ll fit together perfectly,” he said with a smirk.

Says the man with the huge dick to the woman who’s been closed for season for about four years.” He couldn’t but help laugh before closing the space between them.

Relax, sweetheart.”

Yeah, well, are you’re still sticking to that ‘waiting for Karis ‘cause she’s the woman for me’ story? I’m telling you, not many women would walk away from
,” she drawled, nodding toward his shaft.

His eyes softened. “
You’d be surprised. No other woman has made me feel so wanted… secure, so yes, that’s the story I’m sticking with.”

She furrowed her brow
and placed her hands on his chest. Why the hell was this man even a tiny bit insecure? If even possible, this man was notches above perfection, but she hadn’t missed his comments about how masculine, virile, and now secure she made him feel.

“Why would you feel otherwise? You’re magnificent.  And not just because of that, which certainly is exceptional, but because of you. I’m the one that’s messed up, Michael. Don’t you dare feel like my issues have anything to do with how wonderful you are. You’re sexy and kind and intelligent and unbelievably sexy.”

“You said sexy twice.”

“I could have said it a hundred times,” she reassured, brushing her lips across his. Then she traced a scar on his lower abdomen. “Knife fight,” she asked as seriously as possible.

Yeah, something like that,” he answered, trying to go for her mouth again.

She placed her palm on his chest
to stop him. “Well, it seems you do have a flaw. Unfortunately, the whole knife-fight fantasy just makes you hotter,” she purred. “Maybe one day you’ll tell me why you think you’re not as perfect as you are...but for now, I want you,
Professor Finn
.” And she did. More than ever. His lack of confidence pulled at her heart, and even though she didn’t know why, she wanted to do whatever would make him feel secure.

lifted her and placed her on his massive bed. She stole a second to look around his bedroom for the first time. The walls were neutral, decorated with a few brightly-colored framed prints. The bed was clearly the focal point, covered in a pale blue duvet. She turned to the right and spotted one frame on his nightstand. Three beautiful women smiled at her, clearly his mother and two sisters. When she met his gaze again, he was standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes stripping her already nude body, his magnificent erection more intimidating than ever. She blushed under his inspection. He crawled on the bed and slid his hands up her thighs, spreading her wide before kneeling between them. His heat and intoxicating scent enveloped her as she placed her hands on his face and pulled him down.


The lack of confidence either of them felt a fleeting thought as they unleashed themselves on each other. He kissed her lips firmly, traced the crease of her mouth and thrust his tongue in and out, finding every spot he’d already memorized. Little moans and gasps escaped as she ran her hands down his shoulders, over his strong arms, across his chest.

“I love the
sounds you make,” Michael whispered against her mouth. And he did, and loved learning all of them. The little whimpers when he stopped something she wanted, the stuttered pants when he sucked on her nipples, the loud moans when he teased her clit, and the screams when she finally came.

God, a man
could live off the sounds of his woman.

dipped his head and sucked and nipped at the hard peak as he cupped her other breast, rolling her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He knew it was torture, knew she would beg for more.

“Please, Michael. I need

“Tell me what you
need, sweetheart.”

“You know
what I need,” she answered in between breaths. He smiled at her bashfulness.

Karis, tell me
what you want.”

Her head thrashed side to side. “
Jesus, just touch me already!” His mouth continued to torture her breasts as he slid his hand to cover her soft mound.

“Like this,
sweetheart,” he asked before pulling a rosy peak to the back of his throat.

Kind of,” she moaned. He couldn’t help but release her nipple again and laugh. The woman was so goddamn honest.

“Okay, how about this?” He
moved to the other nipple. His palm rolled through her soft pink folds before sliding two fingers so deep inside her. She arched off the bed.

Fucking beautiful.

“Yes,” she hissed.

“And this.” His thumb mad
e circles around her protruding clit, beckoning it further, but not quite touching it.

hhh, God, yes.” He laved her nipple and continued to roll and tug at the other. His mouth made a path downward as she squirmed in anticipation for his tongue. He licked around her belly button and ended with a flick directly over her clit. She gasped and bucked her hips into his mouth.

Michael!” He lifted from heaven for a moment. “Please don’t stop, please.”

Patience, love. We have to get you ready for me.” Michael said it without thinking, not that it was a lie.  But thank god she was so overwhelmed with pleasure she hadn’t heard the ‘L’ word. He could have defined it even further…my love… forever. And even though Karis hadn’t acknowledged it yet, Michael would love her deeply and give her everything she longed to have: friendship, security, compassion, loyalty, but above all, intransient devotion.

Reading her moans and panting breaths,
Michael flicked his tongue over her clit, matching the rhythm of his fingers now racing in and out of her. He rolled his thumb over her nipple once more, and that was enough take her over the crest. She grabbed his hair, grinding against his mouth, riding out each tremor as he licked up and down her sensitive flesh.

But nothing could prepare him for the
euphoria that was making love to Karis.

Chapter 26


Karis gasped for breath as he reared up over her. “You’re going to come again for me, sweet Karis,” he said as she tried to capture her breath. His words finally registered. ‘Patience, love.’ It was so perfect, so fitting for the moment. He was, indeed, making love to her. She just wasn’t sure she was ready for it, or if she could reciprocate.

But right now, she couldn’t debate that shit. The man did m
agically things with his mouth and fingers. A frickin’ Orgasm Wizard. She giggled quietly as images of Michael decked out in wizard garb, complete with a velvet cloak, wielding a wand--a very, very long wand. Mmmm. She chuckled again. The rip of a wrapper distracted her from her mind’s wandering.

Should she tell him
she hadn’t actually ever had sex with a man who wore a condom? ‘Condoms are for sailors, baby’, Robert had said in a really bad Austin Powers impersonation. It seemed hilarious at the time, but it was only two weeks later that she reminded him condoms should have been for prospective soldiers too.

she watched him roll the condom down his length, she then pondered how a teenage girl would feel about ringing up those things for him.

“Something funny, sweet tits?” he asked with a smirk, and she giggled.

Uh, I was just wondering how the cashier must feel ringing up your condoms?” He quirked up his brows. “You don’t go through some poor teenage girl’s line, do you?”

“I go through the shortest line.
I don’t pay attention to the cashier.”

rolled her eyes. “You’re such a guy. One time I went through this poor boy’s line, and I didn’t realize I had a bra in my cart. He picked it up, glanced at the size on the tag, stared straight at my chest, then gawked at me…completely frozen.” Michael chuckled. “I had to clear my throat three times to get his attention. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that shade of red on someone’s face. I can’t imagine what he was thinking.”

“He was thinking what a great rack you have
,” he said and wagged his brows. Karis smacked his shoulder.

Ah, God. Stop saying that shit out loud! I teach kids that age.”

“And I guarantee he was wishing you would have a Girls Gone Wild moment and lifted your shirt for him.” Karis’s jaw just dropped. There were no words.

Shit, I wish for it too, and I get to see you any time I want,” he said and laughed at her still open mouth.

narrowed her eyes. “Any time you want, huh?”  And then the sexy bastard dipped his head to suck on one of her nipples, thumbing the other one that expert way he does. “Okay, yes, Michael…definitely…any time you want.” He lifted his head, chuckling.
I’m so frickin’ easy
, she thought.

“You know what else I know?”
he asked. She lifted her brows as he made finger paths down her torso. “I know that I’m still hard as a fucking rock, despite all this conversation you insist on having because you’re nervous.” She frowned a little. He was onto her. “And you know what that means, sweetheart?” She couldn’t take her eyes off the object of her fear jutting toward her.

That means everything you do, everything you
turns me on…the way you ponder what other people wouldn’t think twice about…the way you think about every little decision …the way you daydream about me and give it away by flushing a pretty shade of pink…the way this sweet fucking body squirms when I touch you…the way you pant and moan and scream my name.” And she was panting now, so off-the-charts turned on by his declaration of how horny she made him. Then his engorged head pressed at her entrance. Her eyes widened, panic halting her desire.

Appraising her reaction
, he whispered, “Relax, sweetheart.”

She jerked her head back and forth.
“I can’t.”

Talk to me, Karis,” he asked as he placed soft kisses on her cheeks. She couldn’t make her mouth move.

I won’t be good enough,” she mumbled before looking away utterly mortified by her admission.

She felt his fingers pull her chin to look at him. His expression was nothing short of
pure shock. “Good enough? Karis, I almost embarrassed myself just looking at your sweet-ass body. In fact, I’m pretty sure this first time will literally last seconds. Three years, Karis. Three very long fucking years,” he whined. She started to laugh before she felt him pulse against her soft folds.

Exactly, Michael. You’ve—although it’s insane—waited three years to have sex with me. You probably have all these…these high expectations for I’m some sexual goddess with a dossier of Cirque du Soleil-type talent!” He bit his lip, clearly trying to stop laughter.

“Look at my dick
, Karis,” he said deadpan.

“How could I miss it, Michael. Jesus.”

“I want very badly to be inside that hot cunt.” She stumbled over her next statement. He leaned down to nibble on her ear with a groan of frustration. “I’ve never wanted to bury so fucking deep inside anyone like I want to be inside you.” She shuddered at his erotic words. “I’ll make it so good,” he whispered. And once he bent to lick her still sensitive nipple, all doubt drew softly into the back of her mind. He would make it damn good. She was again overwhelmed by his lips, tongue, hands, and now his cock as he slid his thick head into her slowly. “Look at me, sweetheart.” She stared into those toffee eyes, now dark chocolate. She arched her entire body to take him inside. She felt invaded, overcome by his girth. She shut her eyes as doubt brought a prickling of tears.

Karis,” he commanded. “Eyes on me.”  She met his eyes again, and he smiled sweetly before he bent down. He whispered praises of her beauty, how good she felt, how happy he was to make love to her, and her lower body slowly melded with his, now shuddering above her. He pulled out and pressed in a little more each time. Soon he was staring into her eyes again, watching her relax with each gaining inch. She felt impossibly full, her inner walls stretching, squeezing around his width. And then it was if everything shifted as smoothly as a sheet of ice from a glacier. The little bites of pain began to mingle with surges of pleasure. Her gasps of discomfort morphed into whimpers and moans. She locked her legs around his waist, and he growled approval. With each stroke, she soaked his cock and began to move in time with him. His width hit nerves never ignited; his length found spots never touched.

BOOK: Perfecting the Odds
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